Right Old Bastard - Cover

Right Old Bastard

by Caesar

Copyright© 2005 by Caesar

Incest Sex Story: Discovering his late grandfather had some kind of control over his mother, he must decide what to do with this power.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Mind Control   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   MaleDom   .

Copyright© 2005

There was a young lady from Spain
Whose face was exceedingly plain,
But her cunt had a pucker
That made the men fuck her,
Again, and again, and again.

Grandfather was a right old bastard!

There isn't a person alive, or dead for that matter, that would argue that statement. Especially in my own family! Grandmother and mom seemed down right scared of him - even shivering when his name came up... unwilling to discuss even the most innocent of things about the old man... and this years after his death.

It was all a mystery of course - no one wanting to discuss the evils that the old man had probably forced upon his family, friends and innocent bystanders. What these evils where I would not venture to guess. That's right, no one will talk about it - especially mom and grandma. Whatever it had been, I did not doubt that they endured the brunt of his warped actions.

And he had to have been evil right?

The old army locker used to be painted green but had seen too many years being tossed around so the grey metal beneath was showing. Grandma had finally sold the home she had lived in for decades and was planning on moving in with mom, dad, and I - and in so doing, needed to be rid of 'stuff'. As the only male grandchild, I received grandpa's 'stuff'. This included this army locker, hunting and fishing equipment and boxes of old smelly wool clothing.

This box had caught my eye because it was locked and grandma had no idea where the key was and said it had probably not been opened since before grandpa died. Neither mother nor grandma had the resolve to force this box open was my guess, still terrified of the old bastard. Neither did they seem to show the least bit of interest in it.

The lock took only an hour and two saw blades, as it was old and rusted, to cut through. The lid opened reluctantly to review a messy pile of old yellowed papers, pictures and small books.

My first reaction was disappointment - I had hoped for something like old German Nazi war 'stuff' or something valuable that I could sell. Grandpa had fought in Italy during the Second World War.

I shifted through the pile and found some sheer silk balled up fabric which when pulled from beneath a stack of papers and books opened to reveal a single woman's stocking.

That peaked my interest.

I dug into the papers with more interest, finding at least a dozen panties of varying sizes and colours and three more single stockings.

I could not keep the smirk from my face - grandpa was a horny old bugger it seemed. It hit me then that I knew so little about him - my only memory was of a cranky old man who held no patience for me.

Exhausting my search for ladies underwear, I settled down to read a few sheets of the loose papers. Many were unintelligible - the ink having run and the paper yellow and practically disintegrating. A few were readable and from what I could tell, most fell into one of two categories: 1) steamy love letters or 2) sexy diary entries. All were from numerous ladies.

As interesting as those writings were, I dug out the final items within the metal box - old photographs. Dozens of pictures of girls, young and old, thin and fat - all smiling at the photo, dressed in what had to have been their Sunday best back then. The photos were obviously from as early as the fifties to eighties. One was even of grandma from decades before, standing in a field holding her purse in both hands before her. Only one other photo caught my eye, and I had to look carefully before I could be sure - but it was mother when she was in her early or middle teens standing before a whitewashed outdoor wall, her hair large and her clothing obviously from before my time - early eighties most probably.

"Darren you in there?" Mom stuck her head into the door of the garage, where I was dissecting the 'stuff' I got from grandma. Having seen me, "Its nearly supper honey, why don't you go wash up?"

I nodded absentmindedly and held up her photo, "Look at this mom."

Stepping further into the room mom takes the picture and looks at it a second before she obviously realizes who is on it. Her face melts into a distant smile as she stares at the young girl she once was - the girl that she barely resembles any longer.

Then she hands it back to me and the moment is gone.

Just as mom started for the door back into the house I noticed the yellowed back side of the photo was facing side up and a short phrase was written in ink upon it, 'jack falls up the mountain'. "What's this?"

It was not a question that I intended to say out loud, more a verbal stream of thought. Mom heard it though and returned to stand before me again. "What is it honey?"

"This mom, 'jack falls up the mountain'." I held it out to her to see.

She stared right at it without blinking. The first seconds was nothing - but when she still had not moved nearly fifteen more seconds after showing her the back of the photo I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, something was wrong.


Still she did not move.

Tentatively I reached out and gently touched her upper arm, "Answer me mom?"

Almost robotically she replied immediately, "I am at your command?"

'Command'? "Are you feeling okay mom? You're acting weird."

Still not moving. "I feel well."

I could smell supper through the open door.

"Is dad home mom?" I had thought to shout for his help.

"He will return after eight o'clock this evening." So it was just the two of us for supper again.

Still she had not moved so I stared at the back and front of the photograph without a clue of what was going on. I changed strategies and went fishing, "Are you in some kind of trance or coma mom?"

"I am awaiting your command."

"My 'command'?"


I stepped to the side and still mother had not moved, her eyes staring at where the photo had been a moment before. Carefully I stepped around her. "What kind of 'command' are you waiting for mom?"

"Your command."

This had to be some kind of big joke right? "Like crawl on your hands and knees mom?" It was not a serious question.

To my astonishment, "As you wish." Mother dropped to the cold cement floor, to her knees and hands and began to slowly circle around me. Her face was now staring at some invisible point before her as she moved.

This was getting really fucking weird!

"Stand up mom!" Just her movement shocked me, but it also caused me to become very afraid for her.

She stood quickly, the bottoms of her hands and her nylon covered knees soiled from the dirty floor.

"You will do anything I tell you?"

"As you command."

The shock was wearing off and again my eyes drifted to that photo in my hand, at the words on the back. "Will you return to normal soon mom?"

"As you wish." Fuck, I was hoping for an easier answer.

Since she was in this state, I figured the only way to get her out of it was to ask questions so that I may better understand what was going on. "What is your name mom?"

"Cheryl Lynn Baker." 'Baker' was her maiden name - did that mean anything?

"How old are you?"

"Forty two years old."

That picture again caught my eye. "Did grandpa control you mom?"


"How old were you when it started?"


A cold fist clenched my heart. "Did you have sex with grandpa mom?"

"Yes." It was the answer I feared - after seeing all those steamy love letters, the photos and even the underwear. Mom had to have been scared of the old bastard for a reason right?

"Is that why he controlled you mom, so he could have sex with you?"

Silence - which surprised me.

"Did he ever command you to do other things besides sexual?"


This line of questioning had gone on a weird tangent. The old bastard had sex with his own daughter! Not only that, but somehow he had figured out how to control her - probably with this phrase on the back of the photo.

"When you are told to do something, will it only work while you are in this 'command mode'?"


"It will work forever?"

"As long as you command."

Wow, this was fucking weird. "What was the last command grandpa gave you?"

"That I would not enjoy sex with any man unless it was with him."

Shit, what a fucking mean thing to do. This probably explains why my parents were married, lived in the same home but rarely said two words to the other or ever showed affection.

"He died five years ago mom."

Silence. I guess the commands do last forever.

"Had anyone else commanded you besides grandpa?"


"Do you know if he commanded others?"


"Were there many?" I looked over at the strewn open army foot locker and the piled up photos next to it.


Grandma's photo was in that pile. I rushed over and quickly found it - there on the back was another odd phrase. Grandma was also under the influence of whatever power grandpa had discovered.

Before me stood my frozen mother, her eyes staring off onto a dot on the unfinished garage wall. She was wearing her normal teacher attire after getting home from work, skirt and hose, blouse and those ugly slippers she wore around the house.

"No one else knows about this ability mom?"


"And you can't tell anyone else can you?"

"Only at your command."

Here was something that was given to me that gave command over a host of women - many probably dead or never to be found. What would I do with a couple dozen women that did every request I asked?

Well, as a fifteen year old teenager I will let you take a guess what my first thought was about.

Yet I was feeling silly, almost giddy at the possibilities, "Stand on one foot mom."

She brought up one of her small slipper covered feet and placed it behind the knee of the other leg. Though a little unsteady, she was only-just able to stand balanced as commanded.

"Can I reverse a command that grandpa gave you mom?"

"As you command."

"I want you to again enjoy sex again, okay mom?" I did this out of generosity, not because I wanted to interfere into my mom and dad's sex life.


"You and dad will start having fun in bed again." That was the closest I could come to telling my mom to fuck my dad and to enjoy it. I could not fathom living with a wife that never seemed to enjoy sex - hell, 'sex' seemed to the most important thing in my young virginal life this last year.

"What was something else that grandpa commanded before he died?"

"That mother and I must mourn his passing at the anniversary of his death each year."

I did not understand, "Mourn him how mom?"

"We must have sex from sunrise to sunset."

That shocked me. "You and grandma have had sex?" Lesbian sex?


Mother's calf was starting to quiver so I order her to switch legs. "And you enjoyed it mom?"

"As I was commanded." Grandpa had only commanded her not to enjoy sex with another man after all.

I shook my head like a dog but it did not help to make sense of this crazy situation. "You did not like sex with dad, but you liked to do it with grandma?"

"Yes." As commanded evidently.

"Tonight you will have sex with dad and enjoy it right mom?"

"As you command."

I looked down at that phrase and reluctantly mumbled, 'jack falls up the mountain'.

Mom blinked several times, lowered her raised foot, and then turned to me with an odd expression on her face. "You found it." It wasn't a question and it was obvious what 'it' was. Not having thought of it, a part of me had imagined that mother would not remember what had happened while in her trance.

A nod from me was the only response.

Mom lowered her eyes and asked softly, "Please keep it safe honey? I had thought it lost and feared who may have found it." She probably had hoped it was long destroyed years ago, I should think!

The desire to make amends to my parent, if only for delving into her secrets - things that no child should be party of with his parent - caused me to consider ripping the photo into pieces.

"I will do as you commanded honey, but please understand that your father and I...", she did not finish.

"What is it mom, what about dad and you?"

"Things may not be able to be 'fixed' in my marriage honey and I don't want you to get your hopes up."

Mother and I strode together back into our home, two photos now in my hand. "You remember everything when your are zoned out mom?"

"Only if I am not told to forget it."

We ended up in the kitchen, left over roast beef set on the table. I sat down and mom brought over the gravy and then sat across from me - all done after washing her hands and knees with a washcloth from the sink. For the first time since initially coming out of her trance she looked at me openly. Obviously, we were going to have a frank discussion.

"Grandpa forced you to do terrible things didn't he mom?"

She nodded, "Sometimes yes." That was a shiver I saw roll across her shoulders - did I not say that mom was still scared of her father, dead these last five years?

"Did he hurt you mom?"

"He often liked to spank me." Her face was turning red in probable shame.

"Grandpa ordered you to never like sex?"

She nodded negatively at that question, "Oh, he liked for me to enjoy sex most of the time. It was only just before he died that he gave me that last command." And he did it only to be mean, I should think. What a fucking bastard!

A cavalier thought came to me at that moment, "I could undo the damage mom?"

She frowned slightly, "What do you mean Darren?"

"I could order you to forget all your bad memories and I could even order you to like sex again."

She stood suddenly, taking her barely touched plate to the counter. "Not all the memories were bad Darren."

And the order to like sex again? After a few moments of awkward silence I apologized, "I'm sorry mom - I never intended to say that phrase."

She just stole an odd look at me before starting to make a plate of food for dad for when he got home late tonight.

With her back facing me, it gave me the chance to notice how my middle aged mother looked. Here was a woman that had lived a life that I had not even considered, one that was done involuntarily by her own father. He was a bastard to do this to his own daughter. In that picture she looked so young, so tiny, so innocent. Now, she was a rather plain softly padded woman. Of course she was my mother and I loved her terribly and it mattered not how she looked. Yet she was much more than I had ever considered - her life much different that I would have guessed. Standing there before me was a woman and not just my parent - and to me she is nothing less than beautiful.

"'Jack falls up the mountain'". Mother froze with the fridge door open. "Close the door mom and come sit back down at the table." I realized I was getting used to her robotic movements when under the influence.

She did as I had instructed, staring into the middle of my chest.

"Will you have sex with dad tonight mom?"

"If he is willing, yes."

"Will you enjoy it?"

"I do as commanded."

A sigh escaped my lips. "And if I had not commanded you to enjoy it - would you?"

"No." Too quick an answer.

"Why not?"

"Sex scares me."

That surprised me. Still being a virgin, I was knowledgeable enough to realize that there was not much to be scared about during sex. I was not sure how to continue that line of questioning so changed the subject. "What was your first thought when you awoke and realized I had found grandpa's command phrase mom?"

"That you will be my new master."

"Your 'master'?"


"Do you mean you thought I would use this power", for a lack of a better word, "to have sex with you?"


I sat back in my chair and took a deep breath - it was the conclusion that I had not allowed myself to consider, at least with mom. "I could command you to do things with me couldn't I mom?"

"As you command."

"But you would not enjoy them unless I order you too?"

"Yes." Strangely enough, her answer held not a small amount of disappointment. I tried not delve too deeply into why that was.

This whole line of questioning was making me feel rather warm and nervous. Here we sat at the kitchen table talking about having sex together. This was my mom for shits sake!

"Do you want me to order you to enjoy sex with me mom?" The question just sort of blurted out and I immediately told myself to scrub mother's memory of this one.



"Do you want me to order you to enjoy sex with dad mom?"


"Are you saying you want to have sex with me?" My voice cracked from the strain of the moment.

"As you command." I was hating that fucking statement already.

"'Jack falls up the mountain'".

Mother immediately stood up from the chair and went to the counter and faced the sink, her arms crossed over her chest and as she began to sob.

Her anguish broke my heart and I rushed to her to wrap my arms about her shoulders in an innocent hug. Mom tensed and I realized that she may have thought this was some kind of pass at her. I could do that now, I realized yet again, she had even admitted that she wanted me too... in an odd sort of way.

"I'm a little confused mom, can you tell me outside your trance what this all means."

Mom took a deep breath as one hand came up to grasp the outside of one of mine own. "I... I hardly know myself Darren." I should guess not, grandpa had control of most of her adult life!

"Try mom! I'm starting to think you want me to turn you into some kind of sex slave or something?" Truth be told I had more questions than answers right at that moment.

I felt a definite shudder run through mother's body at that statement.

Mother slowly turned around within my arms so that we were facing each other. Being only fifteen, we are also the same height when she wore no heels. Her eyes were red and blurry with tears and her lower lip looked red where she bite it too hard. "Since your grandfather died I have been able to do a lot of thinking." She paused but I was not about to interrupt. Mother wrapped her arms around my waist. "When I was a teenager, I hated how your grandfather treated me - used me. But I knew no other life - was not allowed to date or meet anyone not approved by dad first. Then I married a man your grandfather chose, I was ordered to have a single child but father continued to use me without your father knowing. I was ordered to enjoy his touches while denying my husband." She took another deep breath. "Sex to me is being ordered to do something, perhaps something I don't even like or want, and even being ordered to enjoy. Your father can never be that person because he lacks something that you have in your possession." Her eye likes blinked and her pupils sparkled suggestively.

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