Kelli and the Fugitives - Cover

Kelli and the Fugitives

Copyright© 2005 by Clvfan

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Young recently married Kelli Prichard watched her husband leave for three days on business. Four fugitives from justice invade her home and other things.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

Kelli just lay there her body coming down from it's climax when she felt the bed shift with another's weight.

She opened one eye to see a naked Carl his thick stalk swaying before him as he crawled toward her wide spread legs. She didn't know if she had the energy for anymore but it didn't matter to anyone but her.

Carl's lust was high from watching her get pounded twice and he wasted no time, taking her slim ankles in each hand and spread her legs as wide as he could pushing them back towards her head. This brought that firm little ass up to meet his down thrusting cock. He lodged the tapered head in her still open and seeping vulva and slid easily in lubricated by the load of cum still inside.

Kelli's gave a groan when that wide tube of cock invaded her very sensitive flesh; she had never been in this position before with her toes bouncing off the bed on either side of her head. Carl's heavy hips were driving her into the mattress her upturned cunt taking every millimeter of his fucking cock. She felt his hairy loins and chest tickling along the back of her thighs.

As sensitive as she now was his pounding body was driving her up that wall of lustful desire again but he made sure it was a slow steady process by keeping up a regular steady stroke, the weight of his big body driving the breath from her a little on each downward plunge.

Carl was savoring this, her well lubed tightness allowing him to plunder her hot channel easily; he wanted to enjoy her lithe body to the fullest. He fucked for at least ten minutes watching her while he pounded, his body was glistening with sweat, his big body working hard at bringing the pleasure he desired.

Kelli's head was turning from side to side as the heat being generated in her pounded pussy was spread over her body, "Uh, Huh, uh" sounds were coming from her every time his thick base opened her up. Her body tensed and then with a ragged "Ahhhummmm" she experienced her second orgasm of the night.

Carl's cock was bathed in warm cum and pleasure while she clamped and rippled around him but he never slowed down, he fucked her right through her climax. He took her legs and placed her slim calves along side his neck, he reached down to grab a tight little cheek in each big hand and started fucking harder pulling her into his downward plunges.

Kelli hadn't finished cumming when he started fucking harder and she felt her super sensitive cunt begin to reach for another orgasm. The nerve endings in her cunt were being overly stimulated, the pounding cock giving pleasure and pain at the same time.

Carl's cock was jerking and twitching, his face a grimace of concentration as he tried to hold back that explosion of cum his balls wanted to start.

The exquisite agony burst in Kelli's stuffed cunt as she once again clamped and squeezed Carl's monster, her warm juices overflowing her upturned cunt to run down her ass crease. The high pitched "HUHHHHHHHH" involuntarily drawn from her heaving lungs.

That hot clamping muscle was too much for Carl's pleasure filled cock he couldn't hold back the load of cum any longer and bathed her already cum filled channel with several hot spurts of his own. His face red and wet from the exertion of his body he soaked his cock in her hot wetness until his balls were empty.

Kelli was vaguely aware of his heavy weight leaving her body and the cool air washing her soaked pussy when he withdrew his thick member. She never opened her eyes just lowered her legs some and rolled over on her side. She felt drained of energy and emotion. She heard Carl tell Dora to stay with her as she let an exhausted sleep overtake her.

Kelli woke sometime later, letting her eyes just open a little she could see no one in her line of vision, she lay there quietly listening. She heard no sounds of anybody talking, rising up she found she was alone in the room, glancing at the clock she saw it was 1:16 in the morning. She didn't want them to know she was awake but after lying there for a few minutes and not hearing anyone she quietly got out of bed suppressing a low moan at the soreness of her hard fucked body.

She eased out of the bedroom and quietly made her way to the den, there was no one there. Still afraid they might be somewhere else she checked the whole house, they were gone. She found her cell phone lying on the table by the couch. The only evidence anybody had been there were some extra towels and sheets that needed washing along with her sore body.

She quickly locked all the doors and started to get dressed and get in her Chevy Caviler, she wanted to go to her parents house, anywhere there were people. She quickly dismissed that idea, she didn't want anybody to know what she had done, even though it wasn't her fault if people found out they wouldn't think of her the same way and she was afraid she would lose Alan if he knew.

She came to the conclusion that Dora was right, it was over, they were gone and nobody knew about it but her. She wasn't going to let these last two days destroy the rest of her life. Making that decision she gathered up all the soiled towels and bedclothes and washed them, she ran a full tub of hot water and soaked her aches away while they were drying. She was glad that Alan and she had decided to wait a few years before having a baby. She had been on birth control for two months before they were married, at least she didn't have to worry about having one of their babies. After putting the towels and sheets away and fresh sheets on the bed it was about 4:00 in the morning. She crawled between the clean covers and fell into a tired sleep.

She didn't wake up until late. She fixed some breakfast and thought about the things she had been through; she knew that Dora was right again. They had opened her eyes to a greater realm of sexual pleasure that she wanted to share with Alan. She was still thinking about this when her friend Linda called to see if she felt better and wanted to go shopping. Kelli was eager to get out of the house and readily agreed. Linda came by to pick her up and they were on their way.

It was about 4:30 in the afternoon when she got home. Alan's boat was due back about 5:00 and he should be home by 6:30, she had developed a plan while she was out, she hoped it worked.

When Alan arrived she was waiting, standing on the porch as he got out of the Blazer. She saw his eyes light up with love and admiration. She was wearing what he called her sexiest outfit. A tight green tube top that hugged her like a second skin fully outlining her small but shapely breasts and a white full mini skirt that showed off her long slim legs.

Alan's eyes took in her loveliness, that outfit always turned him on; he gave a low whistle "looking mighty good babe" he grinned.

Kelli flew off the steps and into his hard muscular arms kissing him with a fierce passion that caught him by surprise. Her soft full lips slipping over his made his surprise give way to a rising desire and he hugged her tight against him.

Oh it felt so good to her to have him in her arms again with his wrapped around her, her heart was filled with love, she never wanted to let him go.

They stood there kissing passionately for what seemed like an hour but really wasn't, tongues lovingly fighting each other for control in the others mouth. Kelli finally withdrew and looked up into his blue eyes "I have missed you terribly darling" she sighed.

"I can see that" he smiled brushing back her soft hair with a loving hand.

"Come on I have dinner about ready, tell me about your trip." She took his hand and skipped along in front of him her skirt swaying and flipping up to give him a view of a naked hard little ass. His eyebrows rose in surprise, this wasn't like the shy conservative girl he married, but he liked it.

She sat him down at the table and finished preparing their dinner while he told her about the fishing and funny things that happened. All the while his eyes followed her supple body moving around the kitchen. "Damn" he thought, he loved this pretty girl so much, every time he saw her his heart swelled and her natural sexiness as she moved was making something else swell also.

"So pretty lady what did you do today" he asked.

This was where Kelli's plan started to come into play, she hoped.

"Linda and I went shopping, while she was trying on some skirts and things I sat by the dressing rooms, there was a magazine there, it was called Young Married's Today I believe, anyway I started reading between Linda's choices. I found some very interesting articles that maybe we should discuss" she innocently told him.

He was curious now "Okay, what things?"

"After dinner dear, you take a nice shower and then we can talk about it" she told him as she placed the food on the table.

As curious as he was he was also hungry and he certainly did need a shower to get the fish and lake smell off of him.

When he came out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist he found his wife sitting on their bed, her long legs crossed and white skirt showing a lot of smooth thigh. He grinned and moved to sit beside her. "Okay now what things should we discuss?"

Kelli felt a little shot of fear; she hoped this turned out the way she wanted. "Well there was this article on the sex life of newly married couples and how to fully enjoy each other, It said they should experiment with different things." She was watching his face to see how he would react.

"Like what type things" he smiled.

They were both sitting on the bed with their back against the headboard and she moved over to sit in his lap her legs sticking out over the side of the bed. "Oh lots of things, lets see I will try to remember them in the order I read them. Uhhh, one was that you should take your time, make it last, Umm another was to tell each other when they were doing something that felt good or bad for that matter. They talked about oral sex and how good that could be, oh just things like that."

Alan was watching her full lipped mouth moving as she talked, he thought it was so sexy looking and when she mentioned oral sex the vision of those luscious lips wrapped around his cock made said object start to fill with blood.

Kelli was watching his eyes and when she mentioned oral sex she saw the spark of interest, maybe this would work out nicely. "So what do you think?" She let one hand rove over his hard muscled chest "want to talk about it?"

Now he let one hand move over her back, stroking the smooth skin "sure, you seem to be the one that is leading this jaunt so you start."

His hand felt so good on her she gave a pleased "ummmm... Okay how about this, we just let this little session progress and I will try and give tips I learned today at the appropriate time."

In answer Alan drew her to him and kissed her tenderly on the lips, then with more passion when her arms encircled his neck. They savored each other's taste and tongues lovingly caressed.

Alan's heated kiss made Kelli's heart begin to race and his hard masculine hands roamed her back and stomach with a tenderness that showed his love for her. Normally by this time one or the other would be moving to get into position so he could get his hard cock in her. And oh it was hard she could feel it throb and try to rise beneath her ass. This time they were going to savor every delicious moment and draw the pleasure out.

For the last two nights Alan had thought about coming home and making love to his pretty wife, his body was ready, his cock was ready, but if she wanted to make it last then he could do that. Usually it really didn't matter which one climaxed first, he never gave it much thought but his competitive nature made him decide that she was going to cum first this time. And the thought of her pleasing him with her luscious mouth made him want to wait also, he grinned inwardly, He thought she had the prettiest pussy he had ever seen, of course it was the only one he had ever seen in the flesh, there were those books Tommy Haskins had in high school and Kelli's was far more attractive then the ones he saw there. If she was going to use her mouth on him then he was looking forward to using his mouth on her.

He moved to lay her on her back across the bed; he quickly stripped the towel from his body and lay on his side beside her, propped up on one arm.

Kelli didn't keep her eyes slitted this time she took in the hard muscled body of her husband, his clean lines and handsome face making her heart sing, His cock was beautiful, a round smooth shaft of flesh rising from a forest of brown hair, the light purple spongy bell shaped head proudly flaring out over the stalk. She reached a slender hand down to caress the head.

Alan started kissing along her jaw line then down her neck, a quick thought and he nipped her gently with his teeth. Her sharp intake of breath and the tightening of her hand on his cock let him know she liked it. As he kissed and nipped his way down his hand and slid up under her top and had a hard apple breast cupped in his palm, he squeezed gently and then a little harder and harder till her heard her little grunt of pleasure/pain. She didn't say it hurt so he figured he was doing it about right. Now he was kissing the hollow of her throat and moving down in the wide valley between her small breasts, he pushed her tube top down below her waiting fruit.

Kelli's mind was reeling, Alan was instinctively doing things that made her body soar, His slightly rough handling of her breasts were unusual for him and she responded to it, the little nipping of his teeth also sent a pleasure/pain bolt of feeling racing through her body. Now he was sucking on her already hard nipples, chewing and licking like he never had before. "Oh darling that's so good... um yes use your teeth, Ohh not to hard,... Yeah like that. Oh sugar that's good." she moaned.

He worked on first one breast then the other far longer than he ever had before and she was squirming deliciously beneath his feasting mouth. He ran a hand down her sleek belly, over the skirt and then back up her inner thigh to cup her already moist hair covered mound.

Kelli was in a fog of delight, her wonderful man already had her on a level of pure pleasure that she hadn't known existed and he was just starting.

For Alan this was new and exciting pastures, he found once he made up his mind to savor his delicious wife he was in no hurry, she was right the longer the buildup the better the climax was going to be. She tasted so good he decided that he was going to pleasure her hot pussy with his mouth first. He didn't want to lose that hot little hand making his cock feel so good so he quickly turned around on the bed on his hands and knees. His legs were beside her head and although she lost her grip when he moved she quickly encircled his hard shaft again. He started kissing down over her flat belly pausing to nip the skin around her cute belly button.

Kelli was shocked when he pulled away from her hand but saw what he was doing, heck she may not have to teach him anything, he seemed to learn quickly. She just jacked him slowly she didn't want to make him want to cum yet. His mouth on her sent waves of desire throughout her body and his nipping teeth made her gasp with pleasure. She felt his lips close over a patch of brown hair and pull before releasing and doing it again. "Oh darling that's good" she murmured. Now that he had reached his goal, her seething core, he seemed to hesitate and she knew she had to guide him now.

Alan's finger was running up and down between her puffed vulva tantalizing her swollen clit as it rubbed back and forth. In a breathless voice Kelli guided him "Darling why don't you just continue that delicious kissing along the inside of my legs, around my pussy, I bet that would feel good."

Alan was only to happy to oblige he started down right by her lips licking and kissing that area between those tight lips and her leg then along the tender inside of her thigh all the while continuing his finger action. Now he slipped a finger into her steamy slick channel and moved to the other leg.

"Oh baby that feels good, ummm work your finger a little, ummm curl it up and drag it along the top... Oh yeah" she moaned and her legs jerked when he brushed over her G-spot.

Alan could tell he was pleasing her and that made him feel good, The heated scent of her core was intoxicating to his nose and he thought he was ready to try something else, easing his wet slick finger out he placed his lips to her tight little slit and started kissing just like he would her mouth. Her legs opened wider and she seemed to hunch into his face with a little groan, yep she liked that. His tongue slipped out and parted those puffy lips tasting her essence for the first time. It was just slightly tangy and sweet at the same time; he moved it farther in gathering her juice and savoring the feel of her wet flesh surrounding his tongue.

"Oh darling that's good... ummmm lick all around, oh yeah... Ummm now in and out... Ummmmm." Kelli loved his tongue inside her it felt so good and right.

Alan could feel her hard nub rubbing his chin as he moved and he moved to lick it and flick his tongue against it. He knew immediately Kelli liked that from the way her legs flew up to gently clamp his head. It was like one of her hard nipples under his tongue and he took it in his lips and sucked like he would one of her nipples. Her ass hunched up off the bed and she quivered all over with a breathless "Ohhhhh babe that's it, ummmm yeah, oh suck on it."

Alan knew he had found the right place and he remembered how she had reacted when he ran his finger along the top of her hot little cunt so he wrapped an arm around one raised thigh and inserted his middle finger deep in her seething depths to caress along the top of her now freely lubricating muscle.

Kelli's body was a quiver with desire, her husband's loving tongue and fingers giving her more pleasure then she had ever had. His sucking and working finger driving her quickly to the brink and over. "Oh damn baby that's good, ummm don't stop, yeah suck a little harder, faster with your finger Ohhh babe that's it I can't take any more... Ohhhhhh yeah I'mmmmm cumming" she wailed her thighs tightening around his head. Her clear cum gushed out around his moving finger while she tried to squeeze it in two with her hard throbbing muscle.

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