Kelli and the Fugitives - Cover

Kelli and the Fugitives

Copyright© 2005 by Clvfan

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Young recently married Kelli Prichard watched her husband leave for three days on business. Four fugitives from justice invade her home and other things.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

Dora put Kelli under the shower and turned on the warm water, they had a removable shower head on a flexible pipe and she ran it all over Kelli's body, she could see that Kelli was in shock about what had happened to her.

Dora started talking to her in a clam voice. "Kelli listen to me, nobody knows we are here and we will be out of here tomorrow night. I know this isn't anything you want to do but the fact is that all three of those guys are going to fuck you". With a grin she continued "and I don't blame them, if I was inclined to go that way I would too, you are a sexy looking woman". Kelli just shook her head trying to clear her thoughts. Dora pressed on "I can see you haven't had much experience with men, were you a virgin when you got married"?

Kelli gave a slight nod.

"And I would guess in this small town you didn't learn about the shall we say finer things of sex like sucking cock and getting your pussy eaten huh". Dora questioned.

Kelli shook her head no.

"Well I would say you are going to get educated in the next couple of days so you might as well take it as a learning experience, believe me Kelli you can make your husband feel oh so much better if you know how to please him and it makes it better for you too". Dora cocked her head "I take it he has never eaten your pussy either"?

Kelli again shook her head, the message Dora was trying to get across was slowly sinking in. Dora had given her the shower head and let her do her own washing while she sat on the commode and continued to talk.

"It's so good Kelli you will love it, and as you saw two men at the same time can drive you crazy". Dora told her. "So what I am trying to make sure you understand is you can get something out of this experience or you can make it hard on yourself, none of these guys are cruel, as a matter of fact they are very sweet but they can be mean if you cross them and none of us has anything to lose, if we get caught I doubt any of us will get out of prison".

Kelli was holding her vulva open with one hand and trying to rinse out Carl's sperm with the shower head, her thoughts were churning madly in her confused head. She believed what Dora said, that they had nothing to lose and while she knew society expected her to fight to the death instead of giving up her body she surely didn't want to die. The confusion came from the fact that her body had felt so good when Carl was fucking her, she didn't want to enjoy it but she did. Did that make her a bad person, a slut, an easy lay? She couldn't figure out how she felt or what she should feel. She certainly wouldn't have picked any of the three to betray her husband but in her mind she knew that all three would have her body before they left.

While Kelli was drying off Dora took her shower and Kelli sat on the commode to wait for her, she didn't want to go back out there with the men. When Dora finished she dried off and ushered Kelli back to the den.

Kelli was once again embarrassed about being nude in front of strange men and went quickly to sit in the corner chair.

All three men watched her sleek body move across the room, her little tight butt flexing with her walk and there was a twitch in three cocks. Dora they hardly glanced at, while she still stirred their blood they could see her anytime but this was new good looking stuff and they wanted their fill. Dora was a woman well experienced with men and she knew what they were thinking, it didn't bother her at all. When they were away from here they would come back to her and when they all got to the country they were headed for the four would probably split up anyway. She might stick with Carl a while but she knew one or the other of them would find a new toy eventually.

Carl wanted to feel that tight cunt around his thick pecker again but they had been on the run for a couple of days and he was older than the rest of them, 48 to be exact and he was tired. Besides he knew the other two wanted a turn at the young lady. "Okay Jimmy, you and Andre stay with our new friend here while Dora and I get some sleep. We will catch a two or three hours nap and by then it should be about dinner, after that you two can catch some zzzs. If she gives you any trouble do what you have to". Carl looked from one to the other and got a nod of agreement from both men. He and Dora went into the master bedroom and lay down. Dora snuggled up to Carl's solid body, his thick chest hair tickling her breasts.

"Carl baby don't hurt her she's just a kid and a sweet one at that" Dora softly cajoled Carl.

He gave a little chuckle "I know Dora; I talked to the guys while you all were in the shower. We won't really hurt her but she doesn't know that and we intend to keep her thinking there is nothing we wouldn't do". Dora grinned back at him and they drifted off into an exhausted sleep quickly.

Jimmy and Andre had a plan, sort of. They wanted to fuck this young beauty badly but it would be so much better if she cooperated at least partially. They had decided to go slowly and see if the could persuade her to their way of thinking. Looking at her sitting there in the chair with her slender arms inadequately covering her pert little breasts Jimmy knew he was going to have a hard time going slow but he would.

He started off conversationally, "Kelli we are going to be together for a while we might as well get to know a little more about each other, something to pass the time more or less. I'll start" he said in his high pitched voice. He told her of growing up in the Midwest although he didn't say exactly where and how the kids always picked on him because he was different. How since he was a loner not by choice he developed an interest in reading and art so in high school he took all the art courses and found he had a natural ability to draw almost anything he saw exactly. His story spun out over the years of jobs in printing businesses till he met Carl one day and was recruited in the little gang.

Kelli started out listening just because she had to but she soon became engrossed in Jimmy's story, his accounts of some of the adventures they had while doing their counterfeiting were exciting in a perverse sort of way.

Jimmy was closely watching Kelli as he talked and he saw her relaxing a little as time went on, her arms easing their position until her perky tits were showing that big aureole and soft nipples. "Now ole Andre here has a pretty good story himself, why don't you tell her your story Andre".

Kelli's eyes flicked over to the ugly little man sitting in the other chair. He looked directly back at her; she was surprised to see a deep sadness showing in his dark eyes.

"You are a much better storyteller than I my friend, you can tell her my story" Andre said in a deep soft voice with some kind of accent.

Kelli wasn't sure what the accent was, sounded European maybe but she couldn't place it.

Jimmy laughed "Okay but don't complain if I get some of the facts wrong". He proceeded to tell Kelli how Andre was born in Eastern Europe, again he didn't specify where. Andre's parents were Dwarves with the circus and until Andre was 10 they worked the same circus, alas hard economic times were the downfall of the circus and Andre and his parents came to America where they worked various circuses and Carnival's. Andre found early that his little hands were skilled in making things, just about anything you could imagine he could make if he had the tools. He also didn't want to be a sideshow in the circus or carnivals all his life.

Kelli was caught up in the story being unfolded before her, it was particularly interesting how Andre had met Carl and was absorbed in his little gang, Andre was the one that made the counterfeit plates for the money.

When Jimmy finished he asked Andre "Well did I get it right"?

Andre's thin lips lifted in a white toothed smile "Close enough my friend".

Jimmy turned back to Kelli "Okay now for your story".

Kelli stammered "But... I... Uh...".

"Oh come on Kelli tell us about you and life in this pretty place". Jimmy prodded.

Kelli sighed and told them of growing up in the little community and about her and Alan being friends before they moved on to being in love, what her father did, what Alan's father did, just life in general in this small town.

When she finished she just sat quietly looking from the pale white face to the midnight face. She had relaxed a lot while listening and talking but now as the two sets of eyes moved over her body she started tensing up again.

"Kelli I'm sorry you had to get caught up in this mess but that's the way life goes sometimes, you know that Andre and I can't pass up an opportunity to have your lovely body don't you". Jimmy told her.

"No please, I can't". She pleaded

"Now Kelli you heard what Carl said, I don't want to be rough but it's your call". Jimmy spoke in a stern tone. "Just think of it as a bad dream and when you wake up after we are gone that's all it will be. Tell me Kelli have you had that delicious looking pussy eaten"?

Kelli felt the heat rise over her body while she flushed with embarrassment. There was no since lying she knew Jimmy would find out soon enough. "No, I've read about it and heard about it but we haven't done that yet" she whispered.

Jimmy moved from the couch to kneel before her chair, Kelli shrank back as far as she could. He put a hand on each knee and exerted pressure to move them apart. Kelli did her best to keep her legs closed until Jimmy slapped her sharply on her outer thigh. "Do what I tell you girl" he ordered.

As she allowed her legs to be opened her gaze was drawn to his hands on her knees, she didn't have a much of a tan but it looked dark under his white skin. She could see the blue veins clearly under his skin. He pulled her forward with his hands behind her knees till she was sitting on the edge of the chair. He had her legs spread and her lightly haired pussy exposed to his gaze.

He looked up into her wide frightened eyes, "That's a pretty pussy you have there girl, that's really eating stuff, I am going to show you what a talented tongue can do with a pretty thing like that" he smiled.

Kelli was watching him like a bird caught in the gaze of a snake, knowing she should flee but unable to do so. His face wasn't handsome or even good looking but it wasn't unpleasant either. His pale eyes were smiling. "Close your eyes Kelli and pretend this is your husband between your legs".

Kelli did close her eyes but she was too nervous to pretend anything. First she felt the feathery touch of Jimmy's pale lips against the inside of her knee and the soft slide of his hands along the inside of her legs, despite her nervousness a little tingle was generated at his touch.

Jimmy worked his way down her slim leg just brushing her with his lips and letting the tip of his tongue wet her smooth skin. He let his hands run back up along the underside of those firm thighs then back down the outside to gently cup the outer swell of those tight little ass cheeks. He went down one leg and then down the other with little butterfly kisses and soft caresses. He took his time, her skin tasted clean and sweet, he was going to enjoy every second he could of this young body. While his 37 year old body had enjoyed quite a few women in his time they were mostly prostitutes he paid for or mature women who just wanted to try out a freak of nature. This was the first fresh young thing he would have the pleasure of enjoying and he was going to make the most of it.

Andre was watching the proceedings closely, none of the others knew his real age, he was 35 and he had a lot of experience with women. Once he reached 15 there was always money to be made in the circus from curious women who just wanted to see what sex with a dwarf was like. He could be patient; he would know when it was time to join Jimmy at this fresh young things side.

Kelli's body enjoyed the soft caress of Jimmy's lips and hands and a little tremble went through her despite the resistance in her mind. She kept her eyes closed but was acutely aware of Jimmy spreading her legs even wider and her embarrassment grew knowing her most intimate place was fully exposed to Jimmy's lustful gaze. She could feel his hot breath on her inner thigh moving down closer and closer to her exposed slit.

Jimmy took in the sight of this pretty pussy nestled between her slim legs, the tight clam shell lips marking a vertical line with a sparse layer of brown hair starting at the top and extending about three inches toward that cute little belly button. He continued to lick and kiss her skin right where the leg meets the torso, that sensitive area between leg and pussy. Bringing one hand around he gently slid his forefinger down her slit watching it fold around his finger, when he felt the pad of his finger touch her opening he slowly eased it in till it was fully buried. There was only a little dampness there but it was a start.

Jimmy grinned inwardly, she was inexperienced in this type love and he was going to enjoy being her teacher. He rolled his finger around till the pad was against the top of her snug channel. His first thought was how in the world did Carl get his thick cock in this tight little hole but the next thought was how good it was going to feel gripping his hard cock. He slowly pulled his finger out gathering what moisture he could; He knew when he hit her G-spot by the way her legs twitched. He would come back to that in a minute. He pulled his finger from her tight sleeve and ran it back up her slit, the pad of his finger now a little wet he used it to rub that barely perceptible bump sitting right at the top. All the while he was doing this he continued to kiss and lick the area right beside those pretty lips and use his other hand to caress her thigh and up over her mound to run through the brown bush sitting there.

Kelli's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, she didn't want to and shouldn't enjoy this, it was wrong but her body was gradually becoming turned on by the feel of the soft caresses and wet kisses. When his finger rubbed over a spot on the top of her vaginal muscle it was like live electric wire had touched her. She could feel her pussy start to get wetter, getting itself prepared for what it knew was inevitable.

Jimmy felt her clit growing under his ministrations until it was a hard fleshy nub opening the top of her slit and sticking out about a quarter of an inch. He moved back to take a quick peek at her luscious cunt before continuing his assault on her senses. He saw those pretty clam like lips opened slightly in the middle just giving a peek of the pink labia waiting inside, that hard knob seeming to throb at the top of her slit. He could see the vulva lips were becoming flushed with blood. Grinning he moved to insert his middle finger palm up in that now wet fleshy opening just visible between her lips, at the same time he lowered his head to flick her clitoris with his agile oral muscle.

Kelli had never felt anything like that wet flexible muscle running over her clit, she couldn't help the soft little moan of pleasure that escaped. And the thin bony finger running over what she would learn later was her G-spot was sending the heat suffusing throughout her lower regions. She wasn't aware that her legs were beginning a slight trembling. Her traitorous pussy was generously lubricating the invading digit and when Jimmy took her pulsing clit in those pale lips and started sucking her hips lifted involuntarily off the chair to give him better access. A red fog of lust began to rise in her body that she couldn't control.

Jimmy was working her now with tongue, lips and hand using first his fingers then his tongue like flexible cocks to run in and out of her palpating channel, both now being freely coated with her sweet juice. He could feel the tension creep over her body as she built toward that wanted climax. Andre figured it was time he got in on the act. He rose from the chair and dropped his pants walking over to the couple engrossed in their pleasure.

Kelli still had her eyes closed as the waves of delight washed over her from Jimmy's oral and digital ministrations on her cunt. She heard the chair move and the rustling of clothes; her eyes opened just enough to see Andre striding toward her. His cock was hanging down swinging with his steps, it looked as long as it did when it was hard, and it seemed to reach his knees with the half ball shaped head like a pendulum swinging back and forth. She had never seen skin as black as his and her heart beat even faster when she realized he was going to join in on ravaging her body. She closed her eyes tightly again her attention brought back to what Jimmy was doing between her legs when he inserted two fingers in her, twisting and flexing them as the drove them in and out.

Andre using Jimmy's shoulder as a brace hopped up on the chair putting his feet on the outside of Kelli's waist.

Jimmy felt him jump up on the chair and smiled inwardly, he wondered how long it would take Andre to join in the action. He slowed up his pace a little to let Andre get into the game before Kelli had her orgasm.

Kelli could feel the nearness of Andre's body and the heat radiating off him, she kept her eyes tightly closed.

Andre reached down and pulled one of her arms from crossing her breasts and forced her hand to his slowly rising cock. He held it there squeezing a little harder until he felt her fingers encircle the veiny shaft.

Kelli's fingers seemed to be encircling a knobby hard bar within a soft covering. It sure wasn't as big as Carl's but it seemed as thick as her husband's. She opened her eyes only a little and looked at the midnight blackness in front of her face. It was in intriguing sight, so different than the few white cocks she had seen. This close the big round head indeed looked like a half of a baseball with just a little split right in the center, the ridge of the head was very pronounced all the way around. While Andre guided her hand up and down the shaft she could feel every big vein that stood out and the blue black skin rolled up to bunch right behind the head when her hand came forward. Her white fingers wrapped around it were a stark contrast to the round pole.

Glancing up under slitted eyelids her breath became even more ragged. The black face above her had the look of a primal beast with the lust and desire reflected there. He did look like a gorilla right out of the jungle and a perverse thrill tickled the back of her mind that she was going to be ravaged by this beast.

Her attention was now divided between the pleasure being brought to her by Jimmy's talented mouth and fingers and the hard cock that was staring her in the face. She closed her eyes again and let Andre guide her hand over his rising cock. She felt him lean forward and felt the soft sponginess of his cockhead brush over her cheek. The heat was rising steadily in her groin and she was gasping and her legs were jerking every time his finger or tongue ran over her G-spot.

The feel and sight of those slender white fingers pleasing his cock had Andre's lips drawn back in a grimace of pleasure; he had his hand on her wrist guiding her movements. He directed his cock to rub her cheek and then he had her rub the big head over her lips, lips that she kept tightly closed. He watched her face as the lust grew in it from Jimmy's efforts on her pussy, his cock was beginning to leak those little drops of precum and he smeared it over her lips.

Kelli felt the wetness on her lips and at first she didn't realize what it was but as he continued to guide her hand up and down his shaft and move it back and forth over her lips she remembered all the times she had jacked off her husband and felt that pre-lubrication before he actually came. Without thought her tongue slipped between her lips to lick at the slick wetness gathered there. It wasn't unpleasant, a slick almost tasteless liquid. Then she heard Andre's low voice.

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