Kelli and the Fugitives - Cover

Kelli and the Fugitives

Copyright© 2005 by Clvfan

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Young recently married Kelli Prichard watched her husband leave for three days on business. Four fugitives from justice invade her home and other things.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   Gang Bang   Interracial   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

"Ummm... Yeah... Oh... Keep it up" Nineteen year old Kelli Prichard was gasping into her new husband's ear. Their sweat slick bodies were moving together in that ageless rhythm of sexual bliss.

Alan Prichard was doing his best to comply, His muscular hips were almost a blur of motion as he fucked into his wife's slick palpating channel. Kelli's legs were spread wide while his flashing hips made them jerk with each inward thrust.

Kelli had her arms tight around his neck holding him close as the climactic tension built in her heated loins. She loved the feel of his hard cock slicing into her cunt. Every time the bell shaped head opened her with his inward thrust it was like a wave of sexual pleasure radiating throughout her body.

Alan's balls were drawn up close to the base of his cock and he knew he was about to cum, he could tell Kelli was also. Her tight sleeve was beginning to throb around his working pole. It would be hard to say which climaxed first, when he could stand no more he ground his hips into the saddle of her legs and shot his first wad of hot slick sperm. At almost the same time he felt her tighten around him and bathe him with her clear liquid.

They lay together not saying anything just enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking.

It was early Friday morning and Alan was getting ready to go away for three days.

Kelli and Alan lived in Manistique Michigan; it was on the Upper Peninsula on the shore of Lake Michigan. It is a pretty little town of around 4000 people where it seems like everybody knows everybody else. Alan's father ran a charter fishing and hunting business, a good size business at that. After all expenses were taken out he usually brought in a six figure profit. He only had two competitors in town, Uncle Ducky's Charters and UP Pro Charters. While both made good money they weren't near as big an operation.

With numerous small fishing boats and several larger cruisers along with camps on both Lake Michigan and nearby Indian Lake it was a thriving business especially in the summer like it was now.

Alan and Kelli had known each other almost from birth; Kelli's dad has worked for Mr. Prichard for almost twenty years as a fishing guide. While they didn't live close, in a small town like that they went through school together graduating from Manistique Middle/High last year. They had started dating in their junior year and gotten married just one month ago.

Upon graduation Alan's dad had made him a partner in the business and as a wedding gift purchased a nice little house several miles out of town on Tannery Rd, highway 439. It was five acres and the house set back off the road behind a forest of pine trees.

Alan was going to take some customers out in one of the larger cruiser's for a three day trip. This was the first time they would be away from each other since they were married. Reluctantly Alan left the warmth of his wife and bed and went to shower. He was just getting soaped up when Kelli joined him. They washed each other, playing, kissing and caressing. Alan's cock was hard again but they both knew they didn't have time for anything but the play they were indulging in. Alan took in his wife's nude body with a smile.

Kelli was a slim figured girl of 5' 7", not skinny, just slender. She wasn't model beautiful but was as cute as a button with shoulder length dark brown hair, eyes that were green tinted brown, cute little nose and wide dimpled smile. Her breasts were small a 32A size but were like hard little apples sitting on her chest. While her breasts were small her aureole was a light brown circle that covered almost half of each breast with a perky nipple standing out in the middle. She had a tiny waist and long slim legs that seemed to go on forever. Her slim thighs left an open space at their juncture. Her mons was covered with a thin strip of brown hair that started at the top of her tight little slit and ran up about three inches. All in all Alan thought a very desirable package of womanhood. With another sigh he got dressed and ready to leave.

He and Kelli walked outside on the front porch hand in hand.

Alan turned before starting down the steps." Okay babe I won't see you till late Sunday night, I'll call when everything is settled down tonight probably around nine or so. I love ya hon, see you later." With that he kissed her soundly and got in his four year old Chevy Blazer and headed out.

Kelli watched him until he turned on the highway then went back in the house. She went into the bedroom to get her list, she had things she wanted to do while he was away. They were still really getting settled in, her parents had furnished their house as a wedding present and she had some rearranging she wanted to do.

When Kelli stepped back into the den she stopped, her eyes widened in surprise and a little fear. There were three people standing in the middle of the room. A big man, about 6' but thick in the body with thinning brown hair streaked with gray, a woman, maybe 5'5" with short platinum hair and, Kelli's eyes widened even more. A dwarf or midget she didn't know which. He was ebony black, maybe 4' tall. His head was covered with a tightly curled short nap of hair; his nose was wide and flat with thin lips and dark beady eyes. Her first thought was he looked like a gorilla.

After the initial shock she stammered "Whoooo are you"?

The woman answered "Well honey we just need a place to crash for awhile and this looked like a good place."

Kelli was looking at the end table where she had placed her cell phone; the big man caught the look and took a step over to pick it up. "I'll just keep this for you" he gave her a smile.

Now Kelli was scared she turned to run into the kitchen and out the back door but another man was standing in the doorway. He was about 5'9 and skinny as a rail, he had on sunglasses and a cap but the rest of his face and his hands were the whitest skin Kelli had ever seen. She stopped dead still then ran on and tried to get past him. They grappled in the doorway until the big man came over and pinned her arms to her sides and picked her up. Kelli was struggling and kicking trying to get away. She wasn't screaming, she knew there was nobody that was close enough to hear her.

The man sat her on the couch and pinned her arms to her sides with his hands, his face close to hers he said in a low tone. "If you quit fighting I'll let you go, now just sit here and I will tell you what's going to happen, you understand".

Kelli did understand, she wasn't strong enough to fight this guy much less all four of them. With a fearful feeling in her heart she nodded. All four were gathered around her now and she looked from one to the other with wide eyes. "My... My husband will be back in just a few minutes." She tried to bluff them hoping they would leave.

The one with the sunglasses gave a high pitch laugh. "We heard him when he left, we were just around the corner, and he won't be back for three days." Kelli's heart sank, she was at their mercy. Once again her eyes darted from one to the other this time studying them more closely. The woman looked like she was in her thirty's, would have been pretty but she had a hard look about her. She was dressed in a tight tank top with big breasts. The top came just below those tits and revealed a slightly rounded belly. Her jeans were designer jeans and fit her like a second skin.

Next to her was the skinny guy, he had taken off his cap. His hair was pure white and his skin almost matched it, Kelli realized he was an albino. He looked like he was almost skin and bones, He also had on very nice clothes, long sleeved white shirt and kaki cargo pants. He grinned at her but it seemed only one side of his mouth curved up.

The big guy was next, he looked to be in his forties maybe, rugged face, not handsome but not unpleasant either. He had light blue eyes and a scar on his chin. Her eyes traveled down a thick neck and big chest. His body didn't taper in to his waist he was thick all the way down. He too had expensive clothes with a blue short sleeve polo shirt and tan casual pants.

Next to him was the dwarf, she still didn't know which he was but she thought of him as a dwarf. His midnight face was split with a wide white smile; it did soften his ugly face some. She could see that his head seemed a little big for his body but otherwise he seemed pretty well proportioned for his height. He also seemed to have his clothes tailored especially for him. His brown t-shirt was not an off the rack item and his kaki pants were also tailored to fit his frame.

Her eyes were jerked back to the big man when he said "What's your name girl"?

She looked from one to the other before answering, they really didn't look mean except for the dwarf and she figured he just always looked that way. "Kelli' she answered.

"Well Kelli we need a place to stay for a day or so, now if you do what we say you will be fine but I will tell you right now we are on the run from the law and we won't hesitate to do what it takes to get your cooperation, do you understand me." The big man said. Kelli nodded.

"Okay since we are going to be together for awhile I'll introduce our little troupe," he pointed to the woman on the end, " that's Dora next to her is Jimmy, my name is Carl and this is Andre on the end here." Kelli looked to each one as they were introduced and each smiled back at her.

"Now we have been on the run for a couple of days and we are tired and hungry, need a bath and some sleep. Jimmy go out and get our bags, Dora you take Kelli here into the kitchen and see if you can find us something to eat". Carl issued instructions to everyone, "Andre you go through the house and make sure there aren't any weapons". He looked at Kelli "are there any"? She shook her head. "Okay but you check anyway Andre." The little man went off to do as he asked.

Carl went into the kitchen with the two ladies and made sure he was between Kelli and the doors. Dora went to the refrigerator and started getting out bacon and eggs. "Where's your skillets Kelli'? She asked in a pleasant tone. Kelli was like in a trance, she really didn't know how to react. She got a couple of skillets from the cabinet and put them on the stove. "Why don't you do the bacon and I'll do the eggs". Dora instructed.

Jimmy came in from outside and placed two duffel bags on the floor; Andre came in and shook his head indicating he didn't find anything. "Okay why don't you and Jimmy go ahead and get cleaned up". Carl told the two men. They nodded picked up the duffel bags and headed for the bathroom.

Carl sat down at the table and watched the two women getting breakfast ready. Dora talked a mile a minute

"Sorry honey we have to put you through this, just worked out that way. We won't be in your hair long probably tomorrow night we will be out of here. I don't mind telling you cause it don't make any difference anyway, the cops know who we are and what we look like so don't worry we aren't going to kill you or anything but now if you don't do as Carl says he will hurt you. They are after us for counterfeiting, almost got us in Detroit. We had just enough warning to throw a few things in a bag and get out the back. I sure did hate to leave all my pretty clothes". Dora laughed and went on "That isn't unusual though we worked most of the big cities in the past 10 years". Once again she chuckled "Thank goodness we had Carl to lead us, we have been squirreling away money in out-of-country banks all this time and now we can retire in relative luxury, not filthy rich but very comfortable. That's why we were in Detroit because it's close to Canada so when we either decided to retire or the cops got wise we didn't have to far to go, couldn't cross in Detroit though like I said they know what we look like. We got some people that are going to pick us up on the lake and take us into Canada".

While she was talking Jimmy and Andre came back in, both just had on clean pants. When she finally wound down Carl told them after they ate the men could watch Kelli and he and Dora would clean up.

Actually while Carl took a shower Dora helped Kelli get the dishes done then and went to take her shower. Like the other two Carl just wore a pair of pants when he came back. They motioned Kelli to a chair in the corner and all sat down. Andre turned on the TV and they three men started watching one of the Detroit news channels. Kelli just sat quietly she was hoping to just get through this without making them notice her to much. Carl was sitting on the couch with Andre and Jimmy was in another chair.

Kelli couldn't help but look the men over. Jimmy was very skinny, his ribs were clearly visible and his arms were stick thin, he wasn't wearing the sunglasses and she could see his pupils were almost clear with a pinkish tint. Andre's upper body was well defined and his ebony skin seemed to shine in the sunlight. Carl's upper body was thick all the way down like she had noticed before. His waist and stomach were fleshy but not fatty looking. His chest and belly were covered with salt and pepper hair.

Carl noticed her looking them all over and he gave an inward smile. He liked her slim good looks and he figured he was going to get some before they left, he hoped to work it so she didn't fight too much but if she did he was going to have her anyway. If they got caught he was going away for such a long time he, probably wouldn't live through the sentence anyway so he figured he didn't have anything to lose.

When Dora came in she was only wearing a designer bra and pink lacy panties, she was drying her short hair with a towel. All four sets of eyes were on her as she walked over and sat down beside Carl.

Kelli was brought up in this small community with high moral standards, she would have never thought of parading around in her underwear. As much as Alan and she were in love they only played around a little before their marriage. He fondling her breasts and rubbing her cunt through her panties and she had taken him out of his pants and jerked his hard cock till he shot his hot white cream over her hand. But both were strong enough to stop there and both were virgins on their wedding night.

She had seen all three men lean forward slightly and how their eyes followed Dora's swaying hips and bouncing breasts as she walked across the room. Kelli was a little jealous of Dora's big tits. They filled her bra to the bursting point, had to be 36Ds' or even bigger. Kelli was instantly aware of her small orbs, while they pushed out her shirts enough to know she was definitely a woman, Dora's big juggs made hers look miniscule. She could see a dark bush shadowed in those lacy panties; she sure wasn't a natural blonde.

"Ah I feel much better now" Dora sighed as she dropped the towel on the floor; she leaned back thrusting those big fleshy orbs out in front of her.

Jimmy sat forward in his chair "Yum, Yum Dora you look good enough to eat" he said in a high voice.

Dora smiled "sounds like a good idea to me". She got up and moved over to stand in front of Jimmy.

Carl looked over at Kelli and motioned her over to sit beside him, Kelli was scared she didn't want to make them mad but she didn't want to be any closer to any of them then she had to. When she didn't move Carl closed one fist and pointed to a spot beside him. With an inward whimper she moved over to sit beside Carl.

Jimmy started running his bony white hands up Dora's side and down over her fleshy hips, she wasn't fat, as a matter of fact she would be what you called Voluptuous. She had that extra padding on hips and breasts and thighs but just enough to be sexy.

Reaching behind her she unsnapped her bra and let it slide down her arms. Her big breasts settled down on her chest some, just a little sag. She leaned over Jimmy and taking her hands lifted them to rub on his cheeks. "Here baby you can start nibbling on these".

Kelli was astonished, were Dora and Jimmy going to make love right here in front of everybody, she tried to look away but Carl put his arm around her and with his hand turned her head back toward the couple. "Watch" was all he said with quiet authority. He then let his arm rest on her shoulder. Kelli was scared to do anything else and she was well aware of his arm lying on her shoulder, it felt like it weighed a ton.

Jimmy was only to happy to oblige Dora, he lifted a full breast in each hand and brought first one then the other to his mouth to suck on her dark brown nipples. Kelli could see that as big as her breasts were she had just a little aureole surrounding a thick brown nipple. The thought flashed through her mind that she should have that size aureole and Dora have hers. As she watched Jimmy sucking Dora's quick rising nipples she could almost feel Alan's lips on her own tits.

Jimmy had Dora's tits shining with his saliva now and Dora was softly moaning while she held his head lightly to her. Andre got up from the couch and walked up behind Dora, He started working her panties down over her hips, Dora stepped out of them and Andre started massaging her soft ass, his black hands kneading and rubbing from where it started curving out from her back to under where it met her legs.

To Kelli watching, Andre's little hands looked like a kid playing adult games. Dora reached one hand behind her searching the front of Andre's pants for his cock. She started rubbing it through his pants when she found it. Kelli felt Carl's hand move down to lay just above her breasts, she could feel the heat of it through her t-shirt. He started whispering to her "Watch Dora's face while Jimmy sucks her tits, see how much she likes it. See how she is pressing back into Andre's hands because they feel so good on her ass".

Kelli's eyes were drawn to where he pointed out and she could see the flushed face and pleased smile Dora was exhibiting. She could almost feel lips on her nipples and much to her chagrin she could feel her nipples begin to harden.

Andre was dropping his pants now and Jimmy was wriggling out of his. Jimmy sat back down and Dora leaned over to take the arrow shaped head of a thin white dick in her mouth. Dora's ass was sticking back against Andre. His head was just barley above those big globes and he bent slightly to start kissing and sucking on her soft skin, His dark hands were running over the back of her thighs and when she opened her legs one little black hand started working on her moist cunt.

Kelli's breath sucked in when she saw the two cocks revealed. Jimmy's was long and slender with a noticeable upward curve to it. It was milky white and crisscrossed with blue veins. It certainly looked different than Alan's she couldn't help thinking that Alan's was just as long and thicker. But when she got a look at Andre's her eye's widened more. It looked gigantic, a thick ebony tube that looked like half a baseball glued on the end. She could see huge ridges running all over it and knew they must be blood vessels but the whole thing was midnight black. After she got over the initial shock and looking from one to the other she realized it really wasn't any longer then Jimmy's but because he was so small it looked a lot larger.

Carl was watching Kelli closely out of the corner of his eye. He watched her eyes as she took in the sight before her and he was aware when her nipples started poking a tent in her shirt. His hand slid down slightly and gently started stroking with his fingertips where her small breasts started their outward swell.

Kelli was scared and nervous and she was well aware of every movement of Carl's body. When he started his rubbing she tried to move away but he just tightened his arm and held her close to him. He was whispering in her ear again. "Just look at the difference in those cocks, imagine the difference in the feel as they slide in and out of you, Dora loves the change from one to the other. Watch her ass begin to squirm as Andre fingers her hot cunt". Kelli's mind was trying to think of anything but what was going on but the sight of both men pleasing Dora and Carl's gentle stroking was making her body respond whether she wanted it to or not. She didn't know why but the sight of that oh so white body and oh so black body working over Dora was very erotic.

Now she was focused on Dora sucking on Jimmy's cock. She and Alan had never even thought of that, they had so much pleasure from the natural act of fucking they hadn't even considered any other way. Carl could see what she was concentrating on and he helped it along.

"See how she takes it in her mouth, tightening her lips and moving up and down, Ohhh that feels so good to the man. Watch her tongue come out to lick and tickle his shaft. See her hand cupping and kneading his balls, all that makes it so exciting for the man and it excites Dora also to know she is causing such pleasure in her partner". The whole time he was talking his fingers were stroking a little lower on her breast.

Kelli was mesmerized by his soft whispering and her eyes were glued to every movement he was pointing out.

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