Lamb of God - Cover

Lamb of God

Copyright© 2005 by Dandy Don

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - "The congregation's child molesters were in the van with 14 y/o Eve and they had an eight hour night journey ahead of them, and then five long days until Sunday--the earliest she could expect to be released." 18 Chapters of "Phil Phantom Phabulous Philth" under the pen-name of 'Dandy Don'. If you do no know his work, investigate first. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Don't complain to me about the content.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Cuckold   Incest   Bestiality   Water Sports   Caution  

Karen smiled and put away the rod because John was going down on Eve and another bottle rocket scene was forthcoming. She went off in under a minute and took three to return to Earth.

When John came up, Karen was naked and joined him in front of the desk where they met in a close embrace with Karen hanging her straight arms onto his shoulders, getting nose to nose with Eve looking on, now truly shocked by her mother's behavior--games and fantasy were one thing, but this looked like adultery as her mother said, "I want your baby."

Eve cried out, "MOTHER!"

"Shut up, Eve. This is adult business. Well, John?"

"I'm all for that, but I'm all fucked out at the moment."

"I just wanted you to know that my womb is yours, and I have informed Bob."


John said, "Shut up, Eve, this is church business. [looking at Karen] How'd he take it?"

"Like a devout follower should."

"Then, you'll get your wish. You'll get two. Eve gets one, but her womb is up for grabs."

"Mother? Can we discuss this?"

Karen said, "Shut up, Eve, and no, we cannot. [to John] Mine can be up for grabs, too, if that's your wish. I'm serious. We will both serve you as church whores for the remainder of your term, but I want our sexual enslavement to begin on Sunday, right after I suck you off and while I'm still on my knees."

Beaming, he said, "Like I said, I like the way you think."

"In the meantime, I'll act like I hate this shit and confessed to try to win Eve's release or mitigate her stay. I'll bitch to everyone I meet, and curse Bob for not letting us leave the church, or supporting me, or saving our daughter."

"Excellent. That seems like something you'd do."

"You should get with those who know better and see that they keep this to themselves; otherwise, this little passion play we have going won't be as effective."

"Agreed. Would you like to meet them? By chance, they are all here in a meeting at the moment."

Karen broke the embrace and thought about that, then smiled and said, "Sure, why not. I think I'll remain nude for this, unless you want me dressed."

"I never want you dressed. Wait here."

John left. As soon as he was out of the room, Eve started to speak, but Karen silenced her with a finger to pursed lips. That's when Eve remembered the walls have ears, maybe even eyes. Karen laid over Eve to bring their ears opposite lips to say, "I'm sorry, Eve, but it's all or nothing."

"Mom, you never said it would be like this."

"I didn't know. Shit happens."

"Yeah, to me."

"Me too."

"But you love it."

"Yes, and so do you once you get going."

"But I hate that."

"We all do at first, but then we learn to live with it and wallow in it. That's why they call us the weaker sex. The rest of these bitches will come along if we handle this right."

"I hope so, because I don't want to be the only one doing it with dogs and getting screwed by everybody."

"You won't be the only one. I'm joining you. If we are the only ones, we get them all to ourselves. Always look on the bright side, Eve."

Eve giggled, then said, "You would see it that way. You should be getting those hideous tattoos, not me."

"Bite your tongue, bitch. Would you want this gorgeous body of mine marred by hideous tattoos? Honestly, Eve, sometimes you surprise me."

"Yeah, well you surprise me a lot lately."

"Are you ready to try eating pussy, now?"

"I've already done it."

"Really! On who?"

"Sister Ann, who else?"

Eyebrows arched high, Karen said, "She's one of them? Ann Dobbins, our chairperson of the reform committee?"

"Big time. What a hypocrite, huh?"

"Well, she is in on every Sunday session. Her family has three elders on the council. We should have guessed. How is she, sweet?"

Eve smiled wryly, then said, "Not bad, not sweet, but not fishy like I thought she'd be."

Getting up to see in Eve's face, Karen said, "So, how does my little girl like sucking on a cunt?"

Again smiling, Eve said, "You'll have to find out for yourself. Put your nasty cunt over my face and you'll see. I have orders. You said follow all orders no matter what. I did; I do; I dare you."

"Is that right? You dare me? Well, precious, I can think of no better way for them to find us. Stay where you are."

Eve giggled as Karen got down, then came around to mount the desk at John's side. After climbing up, she carefully centered her gaping maw over Eve's head with her knees at Eve's shoulders and held herself up on straight arms placed on each side of Eve's hips--the classic doggie position reversed over her bound child. She then moved her hind end back to lower the maw of Eve's ma.

The head below came shooting up and a face became plastered to her cunt, the mouth working a mile a minute over everything, startling Karen who cried out, "Woah Nellie! Oh shit, Eve! Oh yes, baby, eat that nasty mommy pussy, girl!"

The door opened and nine wise men and one wise woman filed in wearing wicked grins. John led the group to the desk and presented mother and daughter, saying, "Seeing is believing, folks. Is this a mother/daughter combo or what? Karen, say hello to our fellow perverts."

Karen smiled at all the familiar faces. Ann's being the only one she didn't expect. Her husband, Gary, was beside her, but was expected. There was brother Aaron and Elder Swenson. The rest were elders, six in all, mostly men over fifty, grandfathers, one great grandfather, all smiling like naughty boys.

The eldest elder, Gary Dobbins' grandfather, said, "We'd like to see a sixty-nine. Since you're in position... ?"

"My pleasure, Elder Dobbins." With that, Karen slid her arms out and let her head fall on pussy. There, she gobbled and was gobbled in turn. Tired old dicks came out one by one with three too spent to play.

One fairly long one went up Karen's pussy, so Eve had to do her pussy eating around a dick with wet balls dragging along on her face. That didn't slow her down one bit. At times, Eve tried wedging her tongue in alongside the dick, impressing Karen who had never imagined such a scene and wondered why; after all, a girl eating her mother while her mother was getting fucked was the height of perversion. A true pervert would have thought of it.

Karen did imagine what Eve would do after the man came and pulled out--the height of perversion and then some. Others were wondering as well, making Karen wonder if that had been tried. Their keen interest in what was going on at Eve's end gave Karen the impression that they weren't sure what Eve would do.

To make things easier to see, and since no one paid much attention to what she was doing between Eve's legs, Karen assumed her low butt-fuck position by lying fully on Eve, then reached back with both hands to pull her cheeks wide.

Now, all could see quite well, though Eve had a harder time reaching everything. Karen received high praise all around for her foresight. Eve had to strain up to reach the action, but the action she gave was plain for all to see. She, too, received high praise, and the praise spurred her on to apply more effort to the point of genital connection.

Karen slid her knees out to lower the connection, making things easier on Eve. Now, she could curl her pink tongue almost to the top side of the man's cock and then get a good long draw of mommy pussy before lapping at the clit or pausing to suck it, thrilling onlookers.

The fucker stepped up his pace. Karen responded with gyrations. Eve lapped harder and sucked more often. The tempo built and the two fuckers came together. The man pumped several squirts inside before pulling out to deposit the rest on the asshole above the slit, then he got out of the way to watch along with the others.

Eve's moment of truth flowed down the messy slit that she only stared at... and then... and then, at the very last moment, she raised her head and lapped the drooling slit to cheers. Karen was both surprised and thrilled. She repositioned herself to place both feet out at the corner edges of the desk with both stiff arms together at Eve's crotch, looking like a gymnast after she settled in.

Eve now had a mommy doing the splits over her face, and she didn't need to raise up to reach it. She lapped and lapped, then dug inside the hole to lap some more until Karen pushed up to a more upright position by bringing both hands into Eve's arm pits to let the stuff inside drain down into her daughter's sucking mouth, saying, "Didn't think I could still do the splits, did you?"

"Ump numf maf moff ummm."

"It's not polite to talk with your mouth full, Eve. Your father and I taught you better than that."

Karen had them in stitches. Those who weren't feeling up Karen's boobs were patting her on the back. Karen basked in the depravity and wallowed in the perversion, delighted by the sensations from below.

Karen said, "Eat all that fuck out of Mommy's cunt, sweetheart. That's a good girl, eat it all up and swallow it all down. Show them what a good bitch whore you're going to be. Show them what you'll do after the doggie fucks Mommy's nasty cunt."

Three men shot their wad on hearing this, and Ann, who had tried to maintain, lost it, tore into her cunt, and frigged off like a slut at a frat beer bash. Evidently, no one ever saw her get down and dirty. They acted like they had never seen her pussy. Most were trying to get a good look, and their insensitive efforts threatened to send her back into private hiding.

Ann seemed to reach a point of no return and surrendered. She fell back on the desk with her head resting on Eve's abdomen, head turned to watch the split being dined on, legs up in the air and laid open, presenting a gynecological spread to finish masturbating. Men filled the spread and gazed in awe. Ann's husband stood back shaking his head.

Karen, still feeding fuck to Eve, found this all rather odd. From her vantage point, she looked at the same sight they did. Sure, it was a naked pussy, but nothing special, not even shaved. Ann, in fact, was nothing special, rather plain and in her early forties, the mother of eight with excellent breasts, full and firm with little sag. Her pussy, however, looked old and worn out, like eight human beings squeezed through it, one recently. She had no trouble getting all four fingers of her left hand inside the hole.

And then Ann did the unexpected. She stopped to pull her flabby cunt lips wide open and there was a unique pussy with pink the size of a tea saucer, large flappy inner lips, a huge fleshy clit, and a gaping hole any man could get his fist in--PUSSY!

She said without looking at anyone, "There, are you men happy now? This is what my naked pussy looks like. Go ahead, get a good look. Let me know when you've all seen enough so that I can go back to masturbating."

Now, everything made sense. She'd been a player, but holding out, creating a mystique, an air of mystery. John stepped up and fingered her display, saying, "See, now isn't this better? You have nothing to be ashamed of and you have a very appreciative audience. From now on, you can join us and enjoy yourself freely and fully."

"I'm a cow, John."

"Then you'll need udders. Grant you, this is no tight, young pussy, but we appreciate all pussy, big and small, virgin and well-used cows like you, Ann."

Everyone laughed and Ann smiled as he went on, "Shave this cow pussy of yours and get it out on display this Sunday. I want you to inspire those other pussies that will be in that room. Those who don't look to Karen, look to you, Ann. I think they'll follow your lead. You can at least inspire Joann Hardwick. Do that, and all the rest will follow."

"Make Karen masturbate all through the session and I'll think about it."

Karen offered, "You could strip me naked right at the start and have me sit in an armchair with my legs draped over the arms and bound in place, wide. Place a dildoe up my twat. Put my hand on the end, and order me to keep it in motion. When I don't cooperate, give Eve's twat a good swat. After ten or fifteen good swats, I'll cooperate, and after ten or fifteen minutes, I'll be masturbating of my own free will and using both hands, getting off on all the nasty shit you're doing to my poor Eve."

John looked to Ann who was straining up to look into her own cunt. He said, "Would that work for you, Ann?"

"Not right away, but that would sure set the mood. Have her chair face us with Eve between and off to the side. Give me one hour under those conditions, and I'll give you a good show. I'll bring my own dildoe, a humdinger I call black beauty--fourteen-inches long as thick as your wrist with balls and all. If that doesn't inspire Joann, nothing will. Knowing Karen's bunch that will be present, they'll already be going to town, so we should have no trouble joining in."

Karen said, "Which ones are my bunch?"

Ann looked back and said, "Melody for one. Gail Freeman, Kay Smith, Judy Conroy, Stephanie Blackwell, Joan Wilson, Abbey Wilson. Those are just the ones we decided to invite. [looking to John] Did we decide on Susan Hobbs?"

"Yes, she'll be invited along with her daughter, Jackie."

Karen said, "So, these are my bunch, huh? The Wilsons barely give me the time of day. Kay Smith is a Hardwick, cordial, but hardly friendly. Susan and I have never spoken two words to each other. As for her daughter, she's only twelve. The others might. Gail is your best candidate--maybe Melody, but she won't be the first to follow my lead, nor the second."

Ann said, "They're all fans of yours whether you know it or not. For appearances sake, Susan and the Wilsons keep their distance, but they greatly admire you and wish they could be like you, dress like you, and stand up to the priesthood the way you do."

Addressing everyone, John said, "For your information and for no other ears, Susan called me shortly before Karen arrived and wanted to arrange for Jackie's abduction. Her main concern was that it look real. That pushed her and Jackie into the invite column. She jumped at the offer and was thrilled to be bringing Jackie along after I assured her that Brother Steve wasn't on the guest list."

From under Karen, "Does Jackie know what's in store for her?"

"Shut up and eat--and yes, she does. Evidently, the two of them are in this together, though I can't say who is leading whom."

Eve said, "Jackie would never lead, but she'll follow her mother's lead. She's exactly like me in that way. If Sister Susan masturbates, Jackie will, too, I'm pretty sure. I know... I know... shut up and eat."

Everyone laughed. Ann said, "Haven't you perverts seen enough of this shaggy old cunt? I'd like to get on with my business. I'm drying up down there."

Elder Black said, "Karen, why don't you keep her wet and give her a thrill. Let's see you wolf down a little cow pie. There can't be much more fuck to feed that child."

Getting down, Karen said, "There isn't. I was just enjoying myself. Sure, I'd be honored to dine on such a fine pussy as Sister Ann has between her legs. Move over, boys. Let a true gash gobbler in."

Laughing, the men made room. Karen knelt and examined the vaginal feast laid before her as Ann strained up to watch, then got up on stiff arms to make things easier. Ann's father and grandfather-in-law aided by pressing down on each leg at the knee until both legs were flat on the desk.

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