Sequel - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by maryjane

Chapter 7: Virginia And Ernie

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 7: Virginia And Ernie - Characters from "Preacher's Wife", "Ryan" and "Lace Curtains" interact lustfully. Some codes will appear in later chapters.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   mt/mt   Consensual   Gay   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Squirting   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Size  

Kid brothers are OK most of the time, but sometimes they're just pests. Ernie was like that too. He was just a teenager whose hormones had taken possession of his brain. I never told him that I knew he and Ryan next door had been jerking off with the stuff in my underwear drawer. Of course, when I had told Ryan that I knew, that was what finally got him, Ryan, inside my pants.

Boy, can that kid fuck!

Ernie, though, he's not like Ryan. Oh, he's pretty good looking, but he doesn't have that savoir faire that Ryan has, that talent with the ladies that will allow him all the pussy he wants, that will one day take him away from me to hook up with a girl his own age.

So one day just the two of us were in the house; I had gone back to pick up my laundry. Ernie was being his usual pain in the ass. I lost it; it was out of my mouth before my brain was finished processing it.

"Damn it, Ernie, what you need is a good piece of ass."

He answered too quickly for my psyche. "Too bad I can't see any in this room."

I was surprised; I had expected a blush rather than a snappy retort. I looked at him in a new light.

"Are you a virgin, Ernie?"

He took a long time to reply; I knew he was deciding whether to lie or to tell me the truth, but I had no real idea what the truth was.

"No I'm not, Ginny."

"You're lying, Ernie."

"No I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"Why should I lie to you?"

"Because you're embarrassed."

"How can I prove to you that I'm not a virgin?"

"Tell me her name?"

This time he turned beet red, and shook his head. "I can't."

"Why not?"

"If I told you why not, I'd be telling you who she is."

I stared at Ernie. He was telling the truth, of that I no longer had any doubts. Her identity was the question. Could it have been one of the girls in my school? Not likely. Then who? Slowly a thought formed in my mind. I could feel the color creeping into my face.

"Why are you blushing, Ginny."

"Don't go away, Ernie." I went outside to my car to get my cell phone, to make a call in private.

"Hi, Mom."

"Hi, Ginny, how are you?"

"I'm fine. Mom, I've got a question. It's about Ernie."

"What about Ernie?"

"That's what I'm asking?"

"Are you asking..." She paused, then continued after a sigh. "Yes. I'll tell you all about it later."

"May I?"

She laughed. "Of course, dear, as long as he's willing."

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I would have, one day. I'll want a full report later, blow by blow."

"And do you have any doubt that I'll be able to make him willing?"

"Be careful, Ginny; he's pretty large down there." She laughed and hung up. I went back into the house and flopped down on the couch.

"Where were you?"

"I had to make a call in private. Now come sit next to me."

He sat, and we faced each other at an angle. I began to curl his hair on my finger.

"Tell me about this girl."

"I can't; I told you that."

"Can you tell me anything at all?"

"Well, she's very good looking."

"Is she your age?"

"Just a little older." Like maybe thirty five years older, I thought. I continued to twirl his hair.

"Does she have a nice figure?"

"Oh, very nice."

"As nice as mine?" I stuck my chest out.

"About the same."

"Does she kiss nice?"

He nodded.

"As nice as I do?" He looked at me and I bent to kiss him; I could see his eyes close. It was a soft lip kiss, without tongue, without pressure. I could hear his breathing change.

"What do you do with her, Ernie?"


"I mean, do you touch her breasts?"

"Yes." He was whispering.



"Show me how you touch them." I took his hand and brought it to my breast, while at the same time I pushed him down and lay atop him. His hands fondled up at me. Our faces were inches apart. By then, I knew, Ernie had figured out that he was about to get laid, but he was probably still wondering what he had done to deserve this treat.

"Does she suck your cock, Ernie?"

He nodded.

"Do you want me to do that for you?"

"Yes," he whispered.

"Do you ever eat her pussy?"


"Does it taste good?"

He grinned and nodded.

"Are you going to eat my pussy today?"


"One last question, Ernie." He looked up expectantly. I turned my head toward the stairs.

"Whose bedroom do you use?"

I felt his body jump in shock. I turned back to him and saw fear in his eyes.


"Don't worry, little brother; today we'll use mine."

I was nervous as I led him upstairs. I couldn't figure out why, for I knew he had sexual experience, and I knew that he was no stranger to the evil - and the pleasure - of incest. And after all, my preference was younger boys. Still...

In my room, Ernie was shy. He knew that his pipes were about to be cleaned, that he was going to get laid, he had already given his cherry to Mom, yet I was a new conquest, if that's the right word, and everyone, male or female, feels a little nervous before bedding a new person. My immediate task was to relax him, all of him except one fascinating and at the same time dangerous thing hanging down between his legs, and that one thing was supposed to get very, very hard. And stay that way until his cum came shooting out into whatever opening we chose to use. But if he wasn't nice to me, that opening would be his open hand.

Ernie's a big boy, almost my height. It required just the slightest bend to reach his lips with mine. Mom had taught him well, for his tongue slid easily into my mouth, searching for my own, as his hands searched for their place under my sweater. My hands went to his ass, pulling him in toward my body, as he fumbled at the catch behind my back. I stepped out of my shoes to lessen the height differential; for some illogical reason, that helped him open my bra and his warm hands were quickly at my nipples.

Moisture flowed from my pussy; I could feel the wetness on my panties though I couldn't yet see the dark spot. My little brother and I exchanged gropes at the crotch, his hand rubbing the front of my jeans while mine squeezed the bulge between his legs, trying to feel if it was as large as Mom had warned. Oh, yes, it was, oh yes, oh yes, oh yes.

I stepped back to view his eyes, to absorb the lust in them, trying to decide whether to start on my belt or his. He decided it for me, his fingers busy on my belt and buttons. I let him pull down my zipper and then I stepped out of the jeans, leaving them where they fell. The front of my panties was indeed darkened by my fluids; if he noticed, he said nothing.

I dropped to one knee to work his belt, to press his cock back against him as I unzippered him, making sure not to injure that lovely piece of meat in the process. I reached in and took out his lance, my eyes crossing as they focused on the single eye which would deliver his seed into me. I kissed that slit and then lifted the cock, to kiss my way down the under-side, all the way to his balls, which I gummed as a package.

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