Texas Dildo Massacre - Cover

Texas Dildo Massacre

Copyright© 2005 by Finc

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Four Highschool babes and their sexy teacher take the wrong turn and get caught up in a hillibilly sex frenzy. Kidnap, rape, sexual torture and the rest. (Score how you feel but be warned you get what it says on the tin)

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Horror   InLaws   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Sadistic   Torture   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Harem   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Lactation   Water Sports   Enema   Pregnancy   Size   Caution   School  

The dense wooded track was like driving in a cave the poor beams struggling to illuminate her way. The windscreen was awash with rain water and at the breakneck speed that she drove every second remaining level and upright was a miracle.

Sandy crunched the gear shift the battered pick up groaning and screeching as its engine and gearbox struggled to work in harmony. The steering was heavy and she grunted with effort to make the sudden turn. The vehicle almost bounced onto the firmer route of the shortcut their mini bus has made earlier. The crashed bus was nowhere to be seen and Sandy didn't waste time in slowing instead revving the engine to a screaming pitch she sped off down the road intent on raising the alarm to the first car she saw.

A mile ahead of her the young truck driver shook his head in frustration. It had been a long day and now with his rig unloaded he just wanted to get home. The rain was almost hypnotic his long hours at the wheel starting to tell. The headlights ahead grew larger and he realised he was not the only fool to be on this road in this weather. The lights were moving erratically and as his big truck thundered towards it horn blarring the vehicle veered off the road and into a ditch.

Sandy felt dizzy the impact momentarily dazing her. She heard the air brakes of a large wheeled machine slam on and only moments later a young mans voice and reassuring hand as her door was prised open.

"Miss are you oh!" The truck driver stopped seeing the girl was almost naked in a sack cloth top bare feet on pedals. But he also remembered her from a previous fully clothed meeting.

"OH please help!" Sandy said seeing the face of the young man she had flirted with that very morning in the heat swollen traffic jam.

He hurriedly helped her from the smoking pick up and lifted up into his warm cab the engine humming on idle his country and western tunes still playing.

She was babbling about the police. Her friends and teacher needed help.

The trucker tried to make sense.

A cop

A house


A monster?

He nodded his eyes getting wider and wider. She was sure he didn't believe her. He just looked so dumbfounded trying to get her to explain what she meant in more detail.

"Please just drive." She gasped as his questioning continued.

He nodded and sat back down in his seat

"Don't you worry miss." He said the rig picking up speed its beams scanning the road like two huge searchlights.

As the truck battled headlong against the rain, ahead the two occupants could see flashing lights, those of a cop patrol car. It was coming directly towards them blocking the road. The rig cab was dark and Sandy shrunk into her seat her eyes looking in desperation at the young man.

"Oh God, it's one of them I'm sure of it."

The man couldn't be sure it might be another cop. He decided not to risk it

"Quick," he shouted looking over his shoulder. "In the back let's not take any chances."

Sandy slid out of her chair pulling herself into the rear of the cab. It was cramped with an overhead bed and big padded seat below.

"The seat" he shouted, "it lifts back there's a latch."

The cop car had slowed and come to a stop directly in front of the massive grill of the big wheeler.

The seat did indeed open showing a hidden empty chest space. No doubt ideal for hiding items from unwanted inspection

"Get in hurry."

The chest was cramped and Sandy had to knell inside pressing her head down onto the cold wooden base. The lid clicked shut on top of her the chest now a padded seat to all but the most suspicious eye. She heard the young man open the door and climb down. It made sense keep him far away as possible.

She could hear voices over the engine hum. She was sure it was the lazy drawl of the evil cop.

The voices got closer and she heard the driver direct the cop down the road.

"About a mile and a half back that way, its pointing in a ditch."

She began to shake knowing her would be captor was so close the young man no doubt telling him how he'd passed the abandoned truck with no sign of a girl.


The door closed as the man sat back in his seat and she could hear the patrol car pulling away heading further down the rain washed track. Sandy breathed a sigh of relief and tried to raise her body. The dam lid had a catch and she was stuck inside.

"Hey..." she realised she didn't know his name, "hey mister I'm stuck."

The young man crunched through a gear change and cussed an excuse for his poor driving.

Damn winding roads," hearing Sandy he answered, "just a little further, be patient."

The truck slowed and turned then she felt the gradient of the hill.

"Hey I'm getting a little hot in here," she said in a polite friendly tone.

The young man nodded in agreement yeah she was hot; fucking amazingly hot. He thanked his luck that he had come across her first. His fucking family never failed to amaze him with their stupidity. His lazy fucking grand pa, the freakish twins, that cock sucking arrogant cop cousin and don't even get him started on junior.

He smiled remembering the narrowed eyed cop cousin explain his predicament in a little desperation

"I caught us some hot pussy today, but one of them high tailed it. We've got to find her."

The trucker remembered how it had been himself who had casually directed the girls into the clutches of his family but he said nothing to take the glory. Instead he mentioned to his older cousin with a smug smile that the perfect figure teen was now safely curled up in his trunk.

He'd deal with her; the dumb cop could sort out the pick up.

"Hey is it time to let me out yet?" Came a sweet voice from the trunk.

The trucker smiled as his rigs lights illuminated the farm stead the big wheeler pulling up along side the barn. "Best place to take a little captured cow," he surmised.

He reached into his glove compartment for a coil of rope calling over his shoulder in his friendly manner. "Sure miss lets get you out of that uncomfortable position."

It was a half hour later when the cop arrived back at the farm. He was tired and angry. The barn was illuminated with light. Someone was inside; he could hear machinery and the moans of exertion. It was no doubt his cocky cousin dealing with their run away.

"That fucking little miss pig tail." He hissed," all those bitches are in for one hell of a night I'll see to that."

The rain had stopped and the black evening sky closed in on the farmstead the oppressive sticky heat clinging to the cop's shirt as he headed for the barn. They'd had their problems and almost a couple of escapes but now all was under control. From over at the dilapidated old colonial farmstead he could hear shouting; his family no doubt bitching with pointless argument. He stroked his chin thinking about their hot captives. He guessed their new life might take a little getting use to; but they would in time.

He heard moans from the barn. Sandy, one of the students had escaped and only by sheer good luck she'd been caught again. He'd join the party in the cellar soon, first he would see how the run away was doing.

The lamp lit barn was filled with recognisable sounds of hog grunts and the smells of animal's lairs. But over this sensory mixture the cop could hear the mechanical chug of machinery and the miserable pants of the pig tailed babe.

Sandy was standing arms tied behind her back. She was bent at the waist over a high wooden pig sty gate; her ankles tied to sturdy posts. The trucker, her would be savour (who turned out to be another of this in bred family) had explained his intentions on first reaching the barn.

He'd had a picture of his buck toothed wife in his breast pocket

"She's nothing to look at is she?" He had said uncharitably as he'd tied up his captured prize.

He had wrestled with the diminutive blonde stunner as he fastened her ankles wide apart spreading her legs; then pulled her hands behind her back making her breasts bounce to attention before binding her wrists. She'd teased him with those innocent eyes back at the traffic jam all the while knowing how her ass and boobs pleaded for attention through her college uniform. Now she was naked her curvaceous young body at his mercy.

He pushed the picture of his wife up to Sandy's snout adding.

"She's barren too, not going to be having kids."

He placed it back in his shirt pocket then pulled the girl forward over the wooden fence wrapping a big rope around her waist binding her tightly into the bowing position.

"I reckon you could fix that for her," he had then added as his hand roamed on her breast, cupping unopposed, feeling the weight like two big fruits at a market.

"I've got myself another barn at my home," the trucker told her as he pulled the equipment into view. Sandy had shaken her head seeing the big suction tubes; then looking at the vacuum sealed jars above them.

The young man admired the large cup ends of his device then Sandy's pink teats.

"When your bellies full with our baby," he drooled his eyes going wide in anticipation," I reckon we'll get half a pint a day out of you."

He'd flicked the switch and the machine had sprung into life the monotonous sucking sound resonating from the hollow ends of the tubes.

"Let's try them on for size shall we?" He'd asked; Sandy trying to break way her tits swaying as she struggled. Then he'd knelt under her the black suction rims pointing towards nipples.

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