Visitor of the Night - Cover

Visitor of the Night

by Mandil

Copyright© 2005 by Mandil

Erotica Sex Story: A frustrated, married woman, recall how she first experienced sexual pleasures as a young girl when she was paid a visit by an entity in the middle of the night while she thought she was sleeping.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fiction   First   .

Nancy was stretched on her bed next to her husband but she was crying. She was trying to hide the successive bursts of emotion that shook her body. Her husband was sleeping like a log next to her and she didn't want him to see her in the condition she was in at this moment. If he should see her like that, how could she explain to him what had just happened?

When she married Jack two and a half years earlier, she really believed that the nightmares would stop and for the last two years she had been free from them indeed. But now they were back again. She felt dirty at this moment. She knew that she had cheated on her husband even while he was lying next to her in their bed. How could she be so depraved? She had enjoyed the "nightmare'' as she used to call these erotic dreams that were not dreams at all. She was lying to herself by pretending that they were dreams or nightmares. They were anything but dreams, the proof was right there between her legs at this very moment. She still could feel the wetness oozing out of her body as she tried to cry herself to sleep.

She didn't dare to get out of bed and go clean herself for fear of waking her husband. How would she explain to him the messy condition between her legs if he were to awake to go to the bathroom at the same time that she did, as it often happened?

The guilt and remorse were very strong within her. What disturbed her the most was the fact that she had experienced so much pleasure when it happened. Yes, there was no denying it, she had enjoyed it a great deal. As a matter of fact she had always been taken into the grip of indescribable erotic pleasures whenever she had these nightmares. Was she going crazy? Could it be possible that all this was in her mind? Then how could she explain the sloppy condition between her legs at this very moment? The wetness there was not only her own. She was sure of that. The smell on her fingers when she dipped them between her cunt lips was unmistakable. After all she had often smelled the characteristic scent of the juice of her husband there each time they made love. There was no denying it. Her cunt was at this very moment full of spunk that had come from a male and that male was certainly not her husband. How could it be her husband? He hadn't made love to her for at least two months now?

As she tried to cry herself to sleep without disturbing her sleeping husband, she began to recall how these erotic nightmares all began a very long time ago. She was barely thirteen then.

The very first time that she noticed something strange happening to her was on a cold winter morning when her mother was knocking on her bedroom door to tell her to hurry out of bed so that she wouldn't be late for school. That previous night, while in bed she had imagined a scenario in which Paul - who was the boy sitting behind her in her algebra class - was slowly stroking her hair while she was trying to pay attention to Miss Clark who was explaining to the class how to solve an equation. She had imagined that Paul had even whispered in her ear, telling her how beautiful her blond hair was and how he enjoyed touching it. She had fallen asleep with a smile on her lips then. But later during the night while she slept deeply, she experienced the first of what she later called " her nightmares".

That first experience didn't scare her, on the contrary she had enjoyed it tremendously. After all, she believed then that it had all been a dream. But it had awakened something buried deep within her, something that she couldn't control. She had discovered new pleasures and new emotions that she had never imagined could exist. Never would she have believed before that night that a dream could be so pleasant. The beautiful new feelings that she had experienced were beyond description. They were so intense that the following morning she felt positive that she had peed in bed while dreaming. On closer inspection, she realized that the wetness between her legs was not pee. It smelled different, for one thing, and it was a lot thicker, with a gooey white look much like the liquid soap that her mom used to wash the dishes.

She couldn't remember much about her dream. All she did recall was that it all began when she imagined that Paul was touching her hair. She next imagined him whispering nice words into her ears. After that she had fallen asleep. It was then that the dream had started. For how long she dreamed, she couldn't say for sure but it must have been a rather long time since her legs were now hurting from being in the same position for too long. It felt as if they had been stretched open a long time. Even her back was a little sore.

She knew that she was not going to talk to her mother about her dream. Somehow she felt that she had done something nasty and her mom would be very angry with her if she were to learn about the wonderful pleasure she had experienced while she slept. She and her sister had been taught since their tender age that it was nasty to touch certain parts of their body and it was one of those parts where her pleasure had been focused.

It was the early fifties. There was no sex education in schools in those days and good girls didn't talk about these matters. Even the word 'sex' was taboo and it was never even mentioned in her house.

On that day, she had gotten out of bed as soon as her mom closed the door of her room. When she had pulled the bed sheet off her body, she had been shocked by what she saw. Her nightgown was high around her hips and when she looked at her white cotton panties, they were so wet over the crotch that they seemed transparent there. She immediately rushed to the bathroom and removed them. When she looked at her cunt she was in for a surprise. Even as she carefully examined herself she could see a thick white liquid oozing out from between her lips. Her little mat of blond hair that had begun to grow during the last year was mattered to her body and the insides of her cunt lips were extremely red. When she opened them further with her fingers, she felt pain and she had to stop pulling them apart.

What had happen to her? Now she was a little scared. She knew that if her mom should happen to see her in this condition she would be very angry with her. Why? She couldn't tell what had happened exactly but for some reason she knew that it all had to do with the dream. She made up her mind that she would keep all of this a secret. No one should know about her dream or else it would become a nightmare for her.

Nancy washed herself very carefully because the tender-red flesh inside of her cunt was irritated. She even rinsed her cotton panties to remove the nasty looking mess there. After washing herself and putting on clean panties, she got dressed and hurried downstairs to the kitchen where her sister and dad were already sitting at the table.

For the next couple of days she couldn't concentrate in her classes. Her mind was always preoccupied by thoughts about what had happened to her that night in her bed. Very often in class, she would drift into the world of daydreaming. In her mind she would find herself trying to re-experience the forbidden pleasures of her "nightmare". No one had explained to her that what she had experienced was sinful, but somehow she knew that anything involving so much pleasure, and especially originating in that part of her body, had to be nasty and sinful.

Gradually, as the days went by, her thoughts became less and less preoccupied with her "nightmare" and she was able to concentrate again in her classes. As the days changed into weeks she began to think less of what had happened to her as a nightmare and more of it as a dream. Then in the back of her mind she began to hope that it would happen again. Of course she wouldn't admit this to herself, but often while in bed at night she would try to think about this remarkable event in her life and the pleasure involved with it.

Then it did happen again. The chain of events leading to this began one day in school while she was eating lunch with her friend Betty. Her friend was a few months older than Nancy. Being tall for her age she looked more like fifteen. Betty had two brothers and she was telling Nancy that while going to the washroom in the middle of the night the previous night she saw her older brother Samuel leaving the washroom. He was wearing his underwear only and as they met in the hall she actually saw his cock that was half sticking out through the slit in front of his underpants. Betty also said that he probably wasn't aware of this, but still she was not sure if he had done it on purpose or not. She went on to describe his cock to Nancy and this got both girls excited.

Later that night while Nancy was in her bed and everyone was sleeping in the house she had trouble falling asleep because she kept imagining what Betty had described to her. When she finally felt asleep, it happened again. She had another "nightmare".

If possible this one was even more intense. Besides the great deal of pleasure involved, she was actually aware of some of the things that happened while she was supposedly sleeping. Before it all began, she definitely felt someone pulling the blankets off her body, then hands lifting her gown around her hips. At the time, she didn't even try to prevent any of this from happening. Either she couldn't or else she was hoping to experience the wonderful feelings once again - whichever it was she couldn't tell. One thing was sure, she was not afraid at all. Next, two hands began to pull down her panties. Still, she didn't try to stop this from happening. On the contrary, without actually being able to control herself she lifted her butt from the bed to assist whoever was doing this.

She recalled that her heart was beating very fast then while she was excited to the extreme. Among the many emotions she was experiencing there was a completely new one. It was a new feeling that she couldn't name but it was so intense that it made her other emotions appear small compared with this one. Once her lower body was naked, she felt two hands touching her inner thighs. She did try to look in the darkness but even though she could see the outline of her half parted legs, she couldn't see the hands there exploring her body.

What was happening to her was wrong. She knew that her mother would have a fit if she knew that she was allowing all of this to happen to her, but she had no control. Her body was responding to the two hands and there was nothing she could do about it. Then she heard it. She actually heard a male voice whispering to her.

"Move your legs apart."

She should have been scared to death. She should have gotten out of her room and run to her mom's room. She should have screamed. But she did none of these. Instead she opened her legs and, worst still, she was eager to do it.

This new emotion she felt - which she later discovered was lust - was getting stronger by the minute now and her fast breathing was proof enough of that.

As soon as her legs were wide open, she even raised her knees in a not so lady-like manner while one of the invisible hands began to touch her most private part. By now she had her eyes closed and she was no longer trying to see what was going on in the darkness of the room. First she felt one hand stroking her hair down there, then the hand move lower until it was between her lips touching her where not even her own hand should be. Her body began to jerk and while her knees were opening and closing, her thighs were opening even more so as to accommodate the invisible hand.

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