Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom - Cover

Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom

Copyright© 2005 by dotB

Chapter 5

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 5 - When they met, he was almost eight and she was going on seven. After that, no matter what he did, it seemed she was bound to complicate his life and make every day a puzzle that he had to solve.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Still breathing hard, I lifted my weight slightly on my knees and elbows so I wasn't crushing Lisa-Marie quite as much and leaned my mouth down by her ear.

"Is it just me, or is someone watching?" I whispered.

"Unh huh, there is. Turned me on somehow though." She whispered back.

"Oh great," I sighed softly. "Now what do we do?"

She chuckled slightly, then turned her head away from me a bit and said loudly. "Oh, I guess we should tell her to CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR, it's drafty."

"Oh jeez, I'm sorry." I heard Andrea's voice.

Then the door slammed, a few quick footsteps and another door slammed.

"That was a bit mean." I said quietly as I rolled over to Lisa-Marie's side.

"Don't tell me you weren't thinking of something the same." Lisa-Marie almost growled. "Don't get me wrong. I don't mind her looking. I just don't want her to be sneaky about it."

"Keeripes, I don't think I want her looking either. The next thing you know, she might be touching and then who knows what."

"Riding... on top of you." Lisa-Marie giggled and she developed a sudden frown. "No, I don't think that's a good idea either. I want you strictly to myself. Dammit, why did she have to peek? Now we've got another problem."

She rolled over to the side and sat up, then looked at me. "I'm sorry Tom. I know that you'd love to rest, but I think we'd better tackle this one right away and head on."

"Oh jeez." I groaned, but I knew she was right.

I really didn't want to do anything except cuddle and perhaps doze for a while, but she wanted to solve problems. I bent over to reach for my shorts, however she grabbed them out of my hand.

"No, don't even wipe it off. If she wants to see sex, dammit, she can see the aftermath too."

"But like this? My dick is all gooey and..." I glanced down, then up at her face and grinned. "... and you're dribbling."

"So what, dammit? She's the one that's pregnant. Don't you think she's ever dribbled?"

With that, she grabbed my hand and marched to the door throwing it open hard. Two steps and we were across the hall and she lifted her fist to knock on the door.

"Andrea, we need to talk. Now!" Her voice was loud, harsh, and demanding.

After only a few seconds, the door slowly opened and Andrea was staring at us. Her mouth fell open and she let out a tiny squeak, then her hands lifted to cover her face as she stepped back and sat on the bed.

"Omigod. Omigod. I am so, so sorry. I know I shouldn't have looked. I've been screwing up all day and I think this is the worst. I know I need my ass kicked and I couldn't complain if you did. I guess I'd better see if I can phone Willy and maybe get him to take me to town or something."

"Whoa!" I growled loudly and saw her jerk, then lift her head to stare at me.

"Andrea, we are not kicking you out." I growled again, just less loudly. "And while we aren't prudes as you can plainly see, we don't like to have someone sneak around and peek at us. Okay?"

"Yes." She whimpered quietly, then she started to cry.

Lisa-Marie turned at frowned at me. "Go back and lay down, you're too grouchy to be in here and we need to talk girl talk. I'll come join you in a while."

"Fine. I'm too damn tired for this crap anyway."

"Tom, just shut up and go!" Lisa-Marie snapped.

So I stomped out, then decided I needed the bathroom and went there first. And was faced with a sad fact of life, there were now women in the house, the bathroom looked and smelled like women. I snorted, it could be worse, it could smell like a bus-depot men's room and when I thought about that, I decided that I didn't mind the smell at all.

After a quick whiz and a bit of a cleanup, I headed for bed. As I walked back down the hall, I realised that I should really apologise for barking at Andrea and I paused outside the door of the room Andrea was using. I could hear a murmur, but no words, so I tapped on the doorframe.

"Lisa-Marie?" I asked softly.

"What do you want?" Lisa-Marie's voice answered.

I sighed. "I should at least apologize to Andrea for shouting before. I really didn't need to be so loud. I could have done the same thing without raising my voice."

"It's okay." Andrea said softly. "I deserved to be shouted at, maybe I deserved even more than that. What I did was wrong and besides, I've been a bitch to you all evening. By the way, you can come in, I promise, I won't bite."

"Umm." I hesitated. "I'm still nude and..."

"So, I saw you before." She sighed softly. "Lisa-Marie explained that you guys run around nude upstairs all the time and I don't want to make you feel like I'm a prude or anything."

"It is okay if you come in." Lisa-Marie added with a chuckle. "After all, I'm here to protect you."

I sighed and stepped into the doorway, then I stopped in surprise. Both Lisa-Marie and Andrea were standing up and facing me, but now, both of them were nude. I couldn't help comparing them and while Andrea did look nice, she just wasn't as nice as Lisa-Marie. It wasn't that she wasn't very alluring, she just didn't send that spark through me the same way. Which didn't mean that the sight of the two of them didn't affect me. I'd gone from completely soft to full attention in seconds and Lisa-Marie grinned mischievously.

"See. I told you that you'd get a rise out of him." She crowed and then winked at me. "What do you think Tom? Don't you think that for a pregnant broad, she looks really good?"

At the moment I didn't dare to say anything, so I just nodded and did my best to smile. Andrea was blushing and her eyes dropped for a second, then flashed back to my face, if anything, her blush deepened.

"I... I think I'd better let you guys go to bed." She stammered.

"Sounds good to me." I turned and walked out, heading for the bedroom, but I heard Lisa-Marie's voice behind me.

"Honey, if you're chasing us to bed because he got an erection, then you need an education." She laughed. "Guys get those all the time. They can't help it."

"Yeah, especially when there are gorgeous women around and both of them are teasing wenches." I muttered to myself as I rolled into bed.

I lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to get to sleep. Perhaps it was the low murmur of voices across the hall, perhaps it was the question in my mind about what was going to happen because Lisa-Marie had adopted a live-in friend, perhaps it was something else, but sleep was eluding me.

Finally I couldn't take it any more. Rolling out of bed, I walked quietly over to the other doorway and peeked inside. The two of them were laying on the bed facing each other, whispering quietly.

I tapped on the doorframe again, making both of them jump.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you, but I couldn't sleep." I grinned sheepishly. "I was just wondering if I'd lost my bed partner for tonight?"

"Oh don't be silly." Lisa-Marie sighed, then sat up and turned to Andrea. "Hugs please."

After they hugged and wished each other pleasant dreams, Lisa-Marie came over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on lonesome, let me tuck you into bed."

In our bedroom, we snuggled and she kissed me lightly, then pulled back.

"Are you upset or something?" She whispered softly.

"Not really, it's just that I can't understand what you want." I sighed softly. "I know that we couldn't just let things go, but I can see how having Andrea here would upset her folks and maybe even Fred's folks. Then too, there's the thing you did with the nudity business. How long is she going to be here? Am I going to have to be around a sexy nude woman for long, knowing that I can't touch her? How is she going to react to being around a nude guy? I don't want to screw us up, but we don't really know her very well and we have invited her into our house. Now we're complicating things. It worries me."

"Umm, I see. Well, I admit I might be wrong, but she shouldn't have peeked in at us like she did and I guess I went of on a weird tangent." She murmured. "First, although I don't know them well, I think her folks are going to reconsider and take her back. Then from what I understand after talking to her, Fred's folks are pissed off at him for what he did to her, so I'm not worried about that. As for Fred, he can go fuck himself for all I care, you should hear the crap he's told her. I think we're going to have to give up our nudity around the house, but now that you've seen her and she's seen you, the shock value is gone. This way if you happen to see her in the nude, or if she sees you in the nude, it will be easier to handle. Okay?"

"That's fine as long as one thing doesn't go wrong." I sighed. "It also means that as long as she's staying here, I'm going to want you to come out on the weekends, just so I'll feel safe. We have to think of what impression we could make on others, if you aren't here it will look bad to them. It isn't that either Andrea or I would do anything, it's just that the neighbours might think we did and you and I are going to have to live here for years. We don't want anyone suspecting that there's any hanky panky going on. After what you and I had to go through to get over your just calling me 'Unca Tom' and the repercussions of that years later, you should realise that we're walking on shaky ground here. People's impressions of what we do now, can make a big difference to the way our life will go in the future."

"Oh, I never thought of that." She said slowly. "I was just thinking of helping out a friend and..."

"Yeah, I know. I wasn't thinking about all this before either." I sighed and wrapped her in my arms, hugging her gently. "One of the reasons I love you is that you act quickly and you're usually right. The problem is that sometimes, something happens to screw up what you plan on doing."

"Mmm, I love you to." She sighed as she pressed against me. "I'll tell you what, you hop into bed, I'll run to the bathroom, and then I'll join you and we can snuggle. Maybe we can even think of a couple of options, okay?"

I kissed her lightly, then got into bed again while Lisa-Marie ran down the hall. Now that I'd said my piece to her, I found I was a lot more relaxed and I was feeling quite drowsy when she slipped back into bed at my side and she snuggled close.

"Maybe I should insist Andrea stick around so I can have an excuse to come home every weekend." She teased.

"And what about when my course ends and I'm here all week?" I mumbled. "By then she'll be in her second trimester and I understand most pregnant women get really horny then. I could get raped."

"In your dreams." She snorted, then chuckled softly. "To change the subject, I think I'd better call Mom in the morning, so she doesn't bug my roommates with her usual Sunday morning call to me."

"It might be an idea to ask her for advice on this other thing too." I sighed.

"You're almost asleep, aren't you?"

"Unh huh. Busy day, so I'm tired. I'll tell you about it tomorrow."

"Okay. Sleep then." She sighed. "Love ya."

"Mmm, you too."

I woke up in the morning and found myself alone in bed. I got up, dressed, visited the bathroom and went downstairs to find Lisa-Marie siting at the kitchen table with her books spread out in front of her.

"Good Morning. I wondered where you were." I bent and kissed her.

"I woke early and came down to study, only to find a little elf had left a lot of things we needed for the kitchen." She smiled as she stood and flowed into my arms.

"Not an elf, just me." I grinned. "Is there coffee ready?"

"Of course, but I need a real kiss before I'll let you go get a cup."

After paying the toll, I was pouring myself a cup of coffee when someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." Lisa-Marie announced and went to the door.

"Is my daughter here? I want to see her right now!" A loud voice demanded.

"She might be." Lisa-Marie answered, her voice just as loud. "Are you a man who would kick his daughter out into the snow and cold in the middle of the winter?"

My jaw dropped and I turned toward the door to see Andrea and Willy's father standing there. He was simply staring at Lisa-Marie in astonishment.

"We did take in a homeless, pregnant waif last night so she wouldn't freeze. Could that poor child be your daughter?" She continued haranguing him mercilessly.

"It's not like it looks." He said, his voice almost a whisper. "She was going to go against the proclamations of the church and the..."

"Oh, yeah! Sure!" Lisa-Marie barked. "And because she was taken advantage of by a smooth talking bastard who got her pregnant, that gives you the right to tell her how to live her life does it? Just because that's how you happen to interpret the words of a book that was written more than two thousand years ago and dealt with a completely different society? Just who made you and your pope the judge and jury of how a young woman lives her life and what she does? That young woman is of legal age to make her own decisions mister, and you should take that into account."

She paused and I'd swear she stood taller as she drew a deep breath.

"One other thing you should consider, this is not your property and you have no right to waken people at six o'clock in the morning, making any sort of demand that they kowtow to your wants and desires. Just for your information, that poor young woman was a total mess when she arrived on our doorstep. Since she is resting now, I plan to let her sleep as long as she needs. I will pass on the fact that you want to talk to her when she awakens, but what she does about it, is up to her. I'll abide by her decision."

"But..." He protested.

"Please come back later if you wish to apologise to her, or perhaps you should send someone else, especially since you seem to be somewhat less than diplomatic in your manner of approach." Then Lisa-Marie astounded me by closing the door in his face.

I hadn't moved. I was still standing at the kitchen counter, simply staring at her in amazement. As soon as the door was closed, she seemed to shrink and she slowly turned toward me with a lost look on her face. I was finally able to come out of my astonished paralysis and I walked over to wrap her in my arms, hugging her tightly.

"Oh Tom, what have I done?" She whispered.

"Probably about the same thing I'd have done." I grinned as I thought about it. "I might not have used quite as big a whip though."

"You aren't angry with me?" She sighed, turning her face up toward mine.

"Oh hell no!" I swore softly, hugging her tightly. "Proud is more like it. I didn't know I was going to marry a wildcat."

"Oh jeez, I just hope I didn't screw up the way people will treat us. Everyone has been so nice, then I went and lost my cool."

"Well, I doubt if your losing your temper is going to get out to many people and if it does, they're probably going to see things your way. I'd be willing to bet that he's going to ask Willy to talk to us later, probably after doing the chores."

"Do you think so? Really?"

She looked so sweet, so vulnerable, it was hard to believe this was the raging termagant who had torn a strip off of Andrea's father only moments before.

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