Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom - Cover

Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom

Copyright© 2005 by dotB

Chapter 31

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 31 - When they met, he was almost eight and she was going on seven. After that, no matter what he did, it seemed she was bound to complicate his life and make every day a puzzle that he had to solve.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

I was thoroughly enjoying the cuddle with Lisa-Marie and thought she had fallen asleep, but then she wriggled her hips and snuggled closer. A few seconds later her eyes opened and she gazed into mine.

"So tell me everything that you did since I last saw you." She grinned and winked. "I need to catch up. I want to hear what you said to the hospital administrator, Mr. Pip-Squeak, before you left the hospital. Then I really want to know more about this partnership deal that Fran was rambling on about. Oh, and I especially want to know how Mai-Lin and Fran have been treating you and what they've done while I was away."

So I spent a while talking about the last few days. She was listening closely, only interrupting me when she wanted more details. In fact she wouldn't allow me to gloss over anything, so it took me well over an hour to go over what had happened to me. Then I went on to talk about details of what had happened on the farm, but I'd just started to mention Triple Dub and Willy's ideas when she interrupted me.

"So from what you're saying, Willy and Jean will have pretty well enough equipment to run that farm, even without our help, won't they?"

"Well, it's all old equipment, even older than ours, so it would take them longer than most farmers, but I think they could do it. That depends on them being able to fix it all though, because I don't know what shape it's in. After all, it's been stored for years. Then too, some of Willy's ideas are rather old fashioned. On top of that though, I think they might be worried about funding. I'm not sure just what's happening on that score."

"I think we should find out before much longer, don't you?"

"Oh, absolutely, but remember, I haven't actually committed us to anything yet." I smiled at her. "As far as financing their farm goes, I can't see how we can help out. After all, we need funds too and while we're not hurting, we aren't exactly well off. From what I have figured out, we have the money to last until next year at this time, IF we don't have any major problems, and that's a huge if too. Although if there was a lack of rain, a big hailstorm, or an early frost during the growing season, we could be slightly in debt by this time next year. Who knows?"

"So, don't you feel that you've been sort of stringing them along?"

"Nope, I've been listening to them, but I haven't said I was happy with the idea yet. After talking to you the other day, I didn't tell them that you left it up to me, so since you're home, I imagine that they'll be back today to see what you think. Since you and I are just starting out, I think this farm should be our first consideration anyway. I consider you to be my partner in the farm and I wasn't about to commit us to anything without you hearing their ideas. After that, I think you should ask your own questions and make your own comments."

"Thank you." She smiled, then leaned forward and kissed me quickly. "I'll be honest. I agree with you. I don't think we should jump into this too fast either. I think both of us should ask our folks what they think and maybe Fran as well."


"Yes, Fran, she's one smart cookie and I think she and her sons might be better at backing them than we would be."

"You know. That's not a bad idea. I'd like to help out, but I'm a bit worried about getting overextended. That could easily happen if we become full partners in the enterprise."

"I agree. Let's tell them that, flat out, and see what they say."

"Okay, Fran and the boys should be in for lunch soon and since Triple Dub was here when you came in, he might be bringing Willy and Jean back too. Mai-Lin would know, I think. Since I need to get up anyway, lets go ask her."

"Why do you need to get up? I'm comfy here." She complained slightly.

"Plumbing problem." I grinned. "Too much coffee earlier and I don't want to make anyone change the bedding because I was too lazy to walk to the bathroom."

"Oh you!" She broke into a giggle, rolled off of the bed and got to her feet. "Do you need a hand to get up?"

"Nope. I do fine. I just take it slow and easy. Why don't you go see if Mai-Lin needs help in the kitchen? I'll join the two of you in a few minutes."

"Okay. Hey, talking about the kitchen, who ripped out the old lino and put in tiles?"

"Mom and Dad bought them, but Mai-Lin, David, and Samson installed them. Fran probably helped too. They even did the new bathroom."

"Oh, I knew about the bathroom. The guys did that the same day they put in the plumbing, then the next day they put in the toilet and other fixtures. I'll tell you right now, that bathroom on the main floor is darn handy."

"It sure has been for me. Now move, Woman! Nature is calling me, quite loudly." I grumbled as I stood slowly and carefully so as not to strain my incision.

"I see you're still being darn careful. That's good. I don't want you back in that damn hospital."

"Me either." I said, then turned and shuffled off quickly. "Sorry to run, but I gotta go."

She just giggled, then followed me out of the office, but turned and headed for the kitchen. By the time I was done in the bathroom and got out to the kitchen, Fran and the boys were in the back porch, taking off their outdoor clothes. After they'd cleaned up, and Lisa-Marie had hugged them all for all the work they'd done in the kitchen and bathroom, we all sat down at the kitchen table. That's when things got interesting.

"Triple Dub and Willy approached me about financing this morning." Fran stated bluntly, looking right at me. "Was that your suggestion?"

"No." I grinned. "But, I'll admit it was something I was going to talk to you and your boys about. From the way Triple Dub described the property, I was thinking that you might want to check out his grazing land for natural herbs. Heck, you might even be able to lease, part of it for your own use."

"Smart." David grinned and Samson nodded.

"Well, I haven't seen it, so I don't know much about it, but I thought I'd suggest it anyway. I'd like to work with them, but I just can't see how we could dig up enough funding to be able to help them out much. As it, we have a bit of a cushion, but not enough to be able to double our expenses and backing them would do that, quite easily. After all, we're running an established farm and they'd be starting literally from scratch."

"Well, actually it might be somewhat less than double." Fran said quietly. "From what Willy said, I think there's a lawsuit brewing and Fred may be losing his farm, if what Triple Dub said is right. He may be bankrupt."

"Oh shit!" I stared at her in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"Well, from what Willy said while Triple Dub was in talking to you, Fred owes several others besides Triple Dub's mom, Arietta." Samson spoke quietly. "Luckily Emily Jean, that's Jean's mom, has kept her finances completely separate from Fred's for years. Heck, he even owes Emily Jean money since she owns the half section of land that their home and farm buildings are on. Arietta is willing to pay off all of Fred's debts, even his tax bill, but only if he walks away from the farm. She said otherwise she's going to burn him badly in court."

"So no matter what Fred does, he'll lose everything?"

"That's about the size of it. The man has drunk and lazed his way into debt until he's over his head." David growled. "Sammy and I are gonna back the kids when Arietta slaps him with the lawsuit."

"And I plan to back Arietta, if she needs help." Fran smiled like a shark. "If you haven't guessed yet, all three of us have a bit of an attitude toward drunken bullies and Fred is a perfect example if there ever was one. He's a drunk, a scum-bag, a sleaze, and quite possibly, a thief."

"Come on, Mom, tell him how you really feel about the slimy SOB." David grinned and winked at me.

"That's enough out of you." Fran snapped, then she grinned for a second to show that she really wasn't angry with him. "But, I do admit Fred has pissed me off. Of course nowhere near as much as he's pissed off his wife, his daughter and his cousin. He drinks like a fish and wastes money on stupid things, but doesn't pay his debts first. When you owe money to family, while they watch you blow money on booze and toys, they have a tendency to be unforgiving."

"Yep, that would do it." I nodded.

"Well, Fred's a perfect example of that type of scum-bag. He bought a new pickup truck last year, but there was nothing wrong with the old one he had been driving. He has two or three snowmobiles and a dozen or so rifles, but he hardly uses any of the snowmobiles and never goes hunting. And that's just a few of the things he buys, and hardly uses. He's a fool though and has to own the very best that he can get. I think that's just so he can brag to his drinking buddies."

Fran was steamed and she literally ranted for half an hour or so as we sat around the lunch table. I was actually relieved when she and the boys went back outside. After lunch, Mai-Lin wanted to go to town and see her folks for a while, so Lisa-Marie and I went back to the office. As we lay on the bed for a short time I had a chance to ask her about her trip to Edmonton and why she was so upset about Andy not coming home.

"The trip was okay, but I am a bit pissed off with Andy. She screwed up."

"Oh, what did she do wrong?"

"Well, you know she's taking that EMR course and she got the information from the office at OSA?"

"Yeah, I drove her there, remember?"

"Okay, so you know she said that she only had a few sessions to go to, right?"

"Unh huh."

"Wrong, she has a couple of study sessions or courses every week for eight weeks, but in between those days she has to work with EMTs and ambulance attendants. Somehow she didn't hear about that part of the training, or else she conveniently forgot to mention it." Lisa-Marie sniffed. "She's going to be gone for eight weeks."

"Ahh, I thought the course sounded like it was extremely simple. I don't know why you're so upset though. It's only a couple of months, so she'll be back by the end of May."

"But I miss her already." Lisa-Marie snuggled tightly against me.

"Well, you'll just have to snuggle with me and get closer to Mai-Lin."

"Are you suggesting that I seduce your little China Doll?"

"Not really, but if you want someone else to snuggle, besides me, you could snuggle up to her."

"Maybe later, but right now I've got you." She mumbled as she wriggled next to me. "Darn those old witches at the hospital, I'm in the mood for sex and you're not available."

"Sorry, but it's impossible right now." I managed a sardonic chuckle. "Just talking about it makes me tighten my gut muscles, and that hurts."

"Okay, let's talk about something else then. Mai-Lin asked me about a cold frame and I suggested a hot bed instead, using some of the manure from the barn. You don't mind, do you?"

"Nope." I chuckled, for real this time.

Talking about her plans for a cold frame or hotbed lead to further talk about what we each wanted to do before spring, then to talk about our long term plans and schemes. We went out to the kitchen in the midafternoon and threw on the coffee pot, then Lisa-Marie called Fran and the boys to come in for a break. When they came in, Fran told us that she was going to go home with her boys that night since she felt that Lisa-Marie was quite capable of looking after my needs. After they were finished their coffee and had left, I found that I was feeling sleepy, so I lay down for another snooze and didn't get up until Lisa-Marie came in to get me to eat that evening. That's when I found out that Mai-Lin was spending the night with her folks as well, so Lisa-Marie and I would be alone for the evening. Willy popped in to drop off the fresh milk when he'd finished the chores, but he was only there for a minute or so and left just before we sat down to a quiet meal.

After we had eaten, then we'd each relaxed and chatted while drinking a cup of Fran's tea. Lisa-Marie washed up the dishes and the bits and pieces from the milk separator, but afterward we went back to the office and she lit a fire in the fireplace.

That night I fell asleep quickly and slept solidly all night long, perhaps because I had Lisa-Marie snuggled at my side. I even slept in the next morning. Well, I slept in compared to my normal habit, not waking until eight, but when I did awaken I really had to rush to the bathroom before I had an accident.

Once I was dressed and went out to the kitchen, I found that Lisa-Marie had breakfast cooking. Afterward we had another chat, but we didn't see anyone else until almost coffee time when Mai-Lin came in with another suitcase of clothes. As well she brought in a basket of fresh vegetables, telling us that she was going to cook us a real Chinese supper that night.

Once she'd put the vegetables in the fridge, she and Lisa-Marie went upstairs, so I went to the office and cracked my school books again. I was there until I was called for lunch. Not more than a moment or two after I got seated, Fran and her boys came in and Fran was grinning like a Cheshire cat. She'd hardly gotten seated before she began to talk.

"Well, the Fred situation came to a head yesterday afternoon." She crowed with a big grin. "Arietta, Triple Dub's mom, saw him going into the hotel bar, so she called Emily Jean and talked to her about the mortgage and about the other debts Fred has run up around town. As a result of that talk, Emily Jean is suing for divorce and has kicked him out of the house. Jean won't talk to him or let him talk to her, and, Arietta is going to sue his ass off. The lying bastard has been telling Emily Jean that he was making payments of those loans he got from Matilda, but instead he was blowing the money, probably on booze, or drugs, or something. Arietta has copies of sixteen separate letters that her mother wrote over the last four years, trying to get money out of him. When she found out about it, Emily Jean went hunting through the house and found the originals of almost all of them, stuffed in a shoe box in the bedroom closet. Not only that, but she found the deposit slips, cheques and withdrawal stubs from his bank, so she has him by the short and curlies."

"Holy shit." I stared at her. "All this happened yesterday?"

"Not just yesterday, but most of it's been in the last couple of days. All of it happened after Triple Dub went ballistic over the fact that Fred wanted you to pay him five thousand bucks for a worn out manure spreader that he didn't even own. Yesterday Arietta and her lawyer went before a magistrate, then to the bank, and she had his bank accounts frozen. He can't even write a check." She grinned like a shark.

"Of course Emily Jean was originally pissed off with him about not wanting her to go into the hospital to see Nettie after her accident. Then he made it worse because he was drunk when he went to his own mother's funeral. The final straw was yesterday morning though, when she talked to Arietta, and she found out what the hell was going on with Nettie's farm. Of course after Arietta told her about those three mortgages, the shit really hit the fan. The two of them went down to the lawyer's office and before they left, Emily Jean had filed for divorce and Arietta had registered her claim for overdue debts. The lawyer moved fast then, because he was afraid Fred would clean out his bank accounts and run off. He got hold of the magistrate, who called the bank and the sheriff's office. The county sheriff went along with Emily Jean when she went back out to the farm to get enough clothes for a few weeks. He posted all of the buildings, then put all of them, but the barn, under lock and key. He was short one lock, so Triple Dub lent him that lock he'd borrowed from you. That was slapped onto Emily Jean's house. After that the sheriff went to the bar and notified Fred that all of his assets were under seizure for nonpayment of debt. Emily Jean was along with the sheriff and told Fred she didn't want to see him until they went to court over the divorce, then she and Jean spent the night with Arietta. All of them came out with Triple Dub this morning and they're looking over the furniture in Nettie's house to see what they want to keep."

"If this has been going on for days, why didn't you tell me all about this stuff before?" I asked, in astonishment.

"Well, we knew how much like Silas you were and knew how riled up you'd be, so we thought it best not to say much, considering the condition that you're in." David grinned. "Right now the RCMP is looking for Fred, because he broke into the house last night, then took off in his pickup. That had to have happened after six last night last night when Triple Dub and Willy checked the animals, but before eight this morning when Willy and I went over there. The stupid ass trashed the kitchen and master bedroom of the house, then tried to burn the place down, but he even screwed that up. He piled paper and stuff on the floor with a can of gas beside it, then lit a candle and put it on the paper on the floor. The problem is that he'd busted the window on the door when he was forcing it open. We think a gust of wind blew the candle flame out. We went over there to check the animals this morning, so I was the one who called the cops about the house. I didn't go inside though, I called them on the CB."

Samson grinned at that, then lifted a hand and looked at me. "Oh, and Mom didn't tell you, Fred had a separate personal bank account that Emily Jean didn't know about, The banker did though, so it was frozen as well. Which means that if he tries to cash any cheques on any of his accounts, the bank can trace his whereabouts and tell the cops where to look for him. Of course since he's been warned that his assets are frozen, that will give the police another charge to lay against him."

"Another charge?"

"Well, yeah. He broke into the house when it was locked and posted by a sheriff, so that's breaking and entry. I think smashing up the kitchen and bedroom would be classed as willful damage. Then he tried to set fire to the house, so that's attempted arson. When he took the pickup, since that's an asset, driving it off the property could be classed as theft. If he tries to cash a cheque on any of his accounts, that means he's passing a bad cheque and knows it. That one I don't know the name of, but it doesn't matter, but I do know it's another illegal action and the cops can charge him for it. As far as I can see, he's digging a huge hole for himself."

"Yeah, I'd say so, but where does that leave Willy and Jean? Over and above that, what are Triple Dub and his Mom gonna do?" Lisa-Marie asked quietly. "In other words, where does that leave us in all of this shamozel?"

"Shamozel? Are you Jewish?" Fran asked quietly.

"No. Does the name Carruthers sound Jewish to you?" Lisa-Marie grinned and shook her head. "Actually, my mother had grandparents who came to Canada from Scotland and my father's great grandparents came from both England and France. I was born in Nova Scotia. No matter how you look at it, since I'm one of the third or fourth generation to be born here, I consider myself to be a Canadian through and through. But, you haven't answered my question about Triple Dub and his mom's farm?"

"Dogged and strong willed ain't she?" Samson muttered as he winked at me.

"Not quite as much as I am." I frowned, wondering if they were putting us off for a reason. "Both of us are wondering where we stand in relation to this mess."

"Actually, I'd say you two are sitting in the catbird seat." Fran said quietly. "I know Willy, Jean and even Triple Dub respect both of you for your knowledge and training, so I know they're going to want to have you involved in some way. On top of that, you have an established farm, one that they know is doing well, while they're going to have to haul a farm out of the hole that Fred dug for himself. I really wouldn't hazzard a guess as to what extent they'll want you to be involved right now though. Actually, we don't have a clue what debt that prick has forced them to assume, so that's going to be the first problem. On top of that, there's practical knowledge to consider, and while Willy and Jean are a bit short on modern farming methods, Triple Dub is quite skimpy. He knows a lot about horses, but I'll wager you know more. And as far as the three of us are concerned, we can hold our own about herbs, dogs, cats and goats, but not much else. I'm not familiar with wheat or barley and I'm lost about any other crops. For instance, all I know about alfalfa and clover is how to make tea out of the leaves."

"Why would Willy and Jean be short on modern methods of doing things? They've lived on farms all their lives, so they've had lots of experience." Lisa-Marie frowned at Fran's words.

"Hey, you've taken a small business course and Tom is finishing what would pass for a degree in agriculture." David answered instantly. "Willy and Jean are just out of high school and their parents learned to farm from their folks, so their methods are extremely old fashioned. Neither Bill nor Fred even finished grade nine and I don't think either Emily Jean or Janet finished grade twelve. You two are probably the best educated farmers around here, so you're going to have a lot of folks asking you questions, not just the three of them. You're going to have several of your neighbours trying to pick your brain about various things, especially once they all know about your education. I can't see it as a problem either. Heck, I've seen Tom astound Will and Triple Dub a dozen times in the last few days. Ask Mom about what an advantage education is for people."

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