Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom - Cover

Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom

Copyright© 2005 by dotB

Chapter 18

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 18 - When they met, he was almost eight and she was going on seven. After that, no matter what he did, it seemed she was bound to complicate his life and make every day a puzzle that he had to solve.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

I stepped inside to find that I'd stepped into a madhouse. Jean and Willy were loudly arguing with Andy about whether Andy should go to town. Ted Orr, the Mountie, was trying to calm them down. For once Lisa-Marie was quiet, she looked at me, then just shrugged her shoulders as if she gave up. I took the babble for about ten seconds then I bellowed.

"HEY! Everyone shut up for a minute."

To my surprise, everyone did, even the Mountie.

"Now that we have quiet, let's all realise that Andy is a grown woman and has a mind of her own. Andy just what do you want to do?"

"I don't know." She said quietly, wringing her hands. "I just made the offer to go in to the hospital with Jean to help her look after Aunt Mattie and they both went nuts on me."

I looked at Jean and raised my eyebrows, asking her opinion.

"There isn't anything Andy can do." Jean said shortly. "Besides, we should get going. Constable Orr needs to go back to town and I should go with him."

I turned my eyes to Willy.

"Andy has just come home from the hospital herself and Jean can do anything that needs to be done." He said emphatically.

"Okay." Andy sighed. "I'm outvoted."

"Andrea, I've been trying to break into this conversation to tell you that I radioed the snow plow and he's going to clear the road to the Granger's farm next so they can get into town." The Mountie said quietly. "In case the phones short out again, he's going to stop at their house and offer to give either your Mom or your Dad a ride to town himself. He can't waste time though, he has to get back to plowing the main roads as soon as he can."

I understood instantly. The plow was simply going around the roads in a square, out on our road, north the two miles to the road past the Granger's and then back to the main road.

"Ted, it's only six miles, can't you go that far extra?" I asked the Mountie. "Jean could try the phone from here and..."

"Well, I'm not supposed to be a taxi service." He sounded reluctant.

"Oh come on, Ted! This is an emergency."

"I'm already short of gas in the car."

"You and I know the answer to that problem." I smiled. "I'll tell you what, I've got a five-gallon plastic jerry can in the implement shed. I'll fill it with gas, then you can put it in the trunk, just in case you need it. Next week, when I'm in town, I'll drop by the police station and pick up the can."

"Well, I could do that, I guess." He said unenthusiastically.

"Fine." I was feeling slightly exasperated. "Willy, could you get that for me please? Oh, and while you're in the equipment shed, could you check to see if I plugged in the tractor when we put it away? I don't want the fuel to jell from the cold."

"Sure, I can help the constable deal with the gas and check the tractor too. Then I should get home. Dad could sure use my help right now with those stupid sheep." Willy looked at Jean.

"Don't you dare go without a hug." She said sharply.

He just grinned and held out his arms.

The rest of us tried to be polite and talk about something else as she kissed him goodbye. It wasn't long before Willy did up his coat to go outside, wishing us all good afternoon as he left. The Mountie went out along with him.

"Jean, why don't you call your folks and find out if they do want to go to town right now? Perhaps your Dad will want to take the pickup to town himself, then the cop doesn't even need to go there and he could take you straight to town."

She just nodded and moved to the phone. I could tell she got through, but by then I was trying to wrap both Lisa-Marie and Andy in a three-way hug. I didn't pay much attention to Jean until I heard her slam the phone down and swear loudly.


Both of the girls and I could only stare at her in surprise.

"That fucking man!" She spoke so loudly that she was almost shouting. "Some day I'm going to kick him where it really hurts."

"What's wrong, Jean?" Andy asked quietly.

"It's Daddy. His own mother is on her way to the hospital, but he refuses to go to town in a blizzard. On top of that, because he might need Mom to help him pull a damn early calf, he won't let her go either." She was almost screaming. "Of all the chicken shit little pricks, he takes the cake. I think he'd like Grandma to die, then he could sell out so he could go sit on his ass and drink beer whenever he wanted, which would probably be all damn day."

I'd never heard anyone say anything about her father before and I didn't know him, so I was totally surprised. Andy moved to try to calm her down and I decided I needed to be somewhere else so they could talk freely. However as I began to move toward the stairs, Lisa-Marie caught my eye and gestured toward the back porch with a nod of her head.

"What's up?" I asked when we were alone, keeping my voice low.

"I'm worried about Jean." She looked at me almost pleadingly.

"Well, all we can do is offer support." I frowned, not certain what she was meaning.

"No, I mean when she's going to town with that cop. Andy really doesn't trust him to be alone with her."

"Oh, come on, he's a cop." I protested. "I think he's just young and probably made a mistake at that dance Andy was talking about."

"Well, he is fascinated with Andy. His eyes follow her all over." She sighed.

"Do you suppose it's a case of infatuation?"

"I don't know, but she's really worried that he might bother Jean."

"You mean today, on the way to town?"

Lisa-Marie nodded her head, then she moved closer to me and hugged me gently, her eyes looking up at me pleadingly. "I think I know a way to make her feel better about the idea, but I don't think you'll like it."

"What's your idea?" I sighed, knowing that I probably wouldn't like it, but at the same time, knowing that Lisa-Marie could talk me into anything if she wanted it badly enough.

"Well, I really like the old lady myself and I like Jean a lot. I don't think Jean should have to be alone at the hospital though." Her eyes took on the 'helpless puppy' look that I'd always found irresistible. "Since Andy needs to rest more and since you'll be here in case she needs anything, I was thinking that..." She hesitated. "Well maybe, I could go and help Jean for a day or so?"

"Oh." I just stared at her in surprise, then I realised something that we needed to consider. "Wait a minute, then Andy and I would be here all alone."

"So what?" She smiled. "Andy trusts you and I trust you."

"Yeah, but do I trust Andy and for that matter, do I trust myself?"

"Oh, you silly ass. You're worried about the two of you getting physical if I'm not here, aren't you?" She actually laughed. "Ain't gonna happen. Even if she was helping me tease you about having kids, all she really wants is a bit of attention. Right now the last thing on Andy's mind is screwing anyone. I think she's still pretty sore, even if she makes light of it, and I know you'd never force yourself on anyone."

"Oh, Woman, you just don't understand." I sighed. "Andy needs to be comforted right now. After today, she needs hugs and cuddles more than ever. She certainly can't sleep alone and we've managed to get her to accept that we sleep nude, so she does too. Even if nothing happens, I'm a man. If I'm in bed with a naked woman, my body is going to react. I can't help it. If I'm cuddling her and I get an erection, what's she going to think?"

"Oh, Tom, I know all that and she does too. She isn't going to get upset if you get a hard-on. Actually, she'll take it as a compliment." Lisa-Marie sighed. "You worry too much."

I just threw my hands in the air and shook my head at her as I sighed deeply. "Are you trying to drive me nuts?"

She stepped closer and wrapped me in her arms, then looked up at me."Do you really feel that uncomfortable about being alone with her?"

"I have to admit that I like Andy a lot. But, I love you!" I growled and hugged her tightly. "I admire her because she's had it tough, but she just doesn't give up. On top of that, she's cute as a button and damn near as sexy as you are."

"You've got a woody." She grinned and ground her body against me, letting me know I couldn't argue.

"Of course I've got a woody." I growled again. "We're discussing two very sexy women, you and Andy. Like I told you, I'm a man, I react. It's a purely physical thing."

"Not all that pure." She sighed. "Now I think I've got another reason to leave you two alone for a couple of days."


"I know I'm not going to lose you." She looked serious. "I think you need to know it too."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"What I'm saying is the fact that I've known you for so long that I know how you think. I know you love me now and no matter how you grow to feel about someone else, I know that you'll still love me." She stood on her tiptoes and kissed me lightly. "Even if you did anything with her, I know you'd still be mine first and foremost."

"Well, yeah, but..."

"Whoa." She interrupted me by pressing a finger to my lips. "As you're always saying, 'No buts.' I just know what I believe, okay?"

"So you think that you and I will still be okay, even though you won't be here and I'll be sleeping in the same bed with a pretty woman like Andy?"

"Unh huh." She grinned.

"Even if we're nude?"

"Oh, you ass." She broke into a short laugh, then kissed me again. "Yes, Tom, even if you sleep with her in the same bed and you're both nude."

"I hope you're right." I sighed, then I know I frowned. "Well, aside from that, what about the neighbours? What will they think if you leave Andy and me here while you go to town for two or three days?"

"Who gives a damn?" She frowned back at me. "Since when do you care so much about what others think of you?"

"Since we'll be living here for the rest of our lives." I sighed, then couldn't help smiling at her frown. "Before we say much more, let's go find out what Jean and Andy think about the idea of you going to town, okay?"

"But..." She began to protest, but I held up my hand as if to silence her.

"No, I won't say what I think until you find out what they say." I said stubbornly.

As we walked into the kitchen, Jean was berating Andy. "You're being silly." She said loudly. "He's a cop, for cripes sake."

"Jean, I'm telling you, Freddy was right there and the cop was still hitting on me. I don't trust him." Andy argued.

"Excuse me." Lisa-Marie interrupted. "Andy, we all think you need to take it easy. You can't take the risk of getting worn down by this sort of thing after what you've been through, but I agree that someone should be with Jean. Would you feel better if I went along with her? Tom would still be here with you, so you wouldn't be alone. He hasn't indicated one way or the other exactly what he thinks, but I think he wants both of your opinions so he can make up his mind."

Both Andy and Jean simply stared at her for a second, then they turned toward me and both of them started to speak at once. Andy was all for the idea, but Jean was putting up some argument about it. Lisa-Marie put up both hands to stop the flow of words, then she turned toward me.

"Well, Tom? Did you want to ask them anything special?" She asked and she winked.

"Well, I was wondering why Jean didn't like the idea?"

"I just don't think I need help is all." Jean sighed. "If you think it's a good idea, I know I'd like the company, but gosh, I don't think I need it."

"Have you ever sat in the hospital with someone?" Lisa-Marie asked.

"Umm, no. Why?"

"It's very tiring, yet at the same time, it's very boring." I answered, then I sighed. "If you have company, even for a little while, it really helps."

"You mean you think I should agree to have Lisa-Marie come along with me?"

"No, I'm leaving it up to the three of you. However, is that what you're planning on wearing?" She was still dressed for church and it really didn't look like the sort of thing to sit in for a long time and still be comfortable. "I'm sure that between Lisa-Marie and Andy, they could find you something more suitable to wear while you sit around for hours."

"Then I'm going with you." Lisa-Marie said emphatically. "If that's okay with you?"

When Jean nodded slowly, Lisa-Marie grabbed her by the hand and ran upstairs. Then I was left alone with Andy. She crossed her arms just under her breasts and looked me in the eye.

"So, this was Lisa-Marie's idea, wasn't it?"

"Unh huh." I nodded

"You argued against the idea of course?"


"But, it's going to be just you and me here tonight then?"


"This could be interesting."


She sighed. "You aren't helping a bit."

"Nope, I don't suppose I am." I held out my arms and she seemed to flow into them. "I know you still need to be hugged though."

"Even tonight?" She whispered.

"Especially tonight, but I'm not promising anything more than hugs." I said quietly so no one else could hear even if anyone had been listening.

"I guess we shouldn't be hugging as tight as this when Jean comes downstairs, huh?" She leaned back slightly in my arms.

"I don't think it matters." I sighed. "I think this is going to shoot your reputation all to hell, just because someone is bound to start a rumour of some sort about it."

"My reputation is already shot, but what about your reputation?" She asked. "You and Lisa-Marie are the new people around here; don't you think you'll be on the short end of the gossip column?"

Just then there was a knock on the door and as I moved to answer it, Andy quickly moved away to run upstairs. It was the RCMP constable at the door and I invited him inside to warm up again because he looked cold.

"Thanks, I am a bit chilled, but I've got the car warming up now." He looked a bit sheepish as he grinned at me. "We couldn't find that gas can you were talking about, so Willy talked me into just filling up with your gas. I'm not sure how I'll go about paying you back for it, but I'll find a way."

"Forget it, Ted." I laughed at his discomfort. "The RCMP has always treated me fairly, just call this a repayment of favours done in the past by others in the force. However, since you went outside, there have been a couple of changes."

"Oh, what's happened?" He frowned.

"Well, for one thing, you don't have to go around by Jean's parents. Her father simply refuses to leave the farm right now."

He frowned and muttered something under his breath, but I didn't catch what it was.

"He probably has a reason, Ted. I'm not about to condemn him until I actually find out for myself why he's acting this way."

He looked at me and shook his head slowly from side to side. "You are just too much. Do you always give everyone the benefit of the doubt?"

"Most of the time." I nodded, then shrugged. "Of course, when I'm wrong, that can really screw things up and then I get annoyed. However, to get back to what we were discussing, I hope you won't mind taking two passengers with you to the hospital."

"That's fine." He shrugged his shoulders. "One more passenger won't make any difference. Did Andy talk you into letting her go along with Jean?"

"Oh no. Andy shouldn't be under too much stress right now." I shook my head. "No, it's Lisa-Marie who talked me into the idea that Jean could use company, so in a way you can just write the cost of the gasoline off as taxi charges."

"Look, it's not really my business, but does Andy have a problem?" He asked quietly.

I glanced around to make sure no one could hear me, then nodded. "You knew that Fred got her pregnant, didn't you?"

"I heard about it, yes, but I wasn't sure if the rumour was true."

"Yeah, it was." I sighed. "Unfortunately she lost the baby and that's not easy for any woman."

"Oh shit." He shook his head. "I like that young woman."

"Yeah, we all know."

He lifted his head and stared at me.

"Well, you don't exactly hide it." I sighed. "In fact if anything, you might be coming on a bit too strong and making her uncomfortable."

He was looking at me in surprise when our conversation was broken up by Lisa-Marie and Jean coming down from upstairs. Lisa-Marie was carrying an overnight bag and Jean had changed into different clothes more suited to the weather.

"Hey, Officer Ted, can I catch a ride with you too?" Lisa-Marie said instantly, then dropped the bag and wrapped me in her arms.

"Um, sure." He glanced past them at the stairs, but I managed to catch his eye and shake my head slightly.

Lisa-Marie must have caught on.

"Thanks Ted."She pulled back from me slightly so she could talk to him. "Oh, Andy asked me to say goodbye to you. She isn't feeling too perky and she's resting."

"I'm sorry to hear that. We should get going soon so we can get to town before the roads drift too badly. I'll take this out to the squad car while you ladies say goodbye." He frowned, then picked up the overnight bag and looked at me. "I'll see you, Tom. Please tell Andy so long would you?"

"Sure." I answered as he went out the door.

"Did you say something to him about Andy?" Lisa-Marie demanded.

"Unh huh." I nodded. "I told him he was coming on to her too strong."

"Oh, you sweetheart."

She smiled up at me, then suddenly I was being kissed and hugged as if she wasn't going to see her ever again. I didn't mind at all, in fact I was probably kissing her just as heartily.

"Unnch uh." Jean cleared her throat. "Jeez, Lisa-Marie, he isn't going to disappear and we should get going."

"Spoil sport." Lisa-Marie broke the kiss and grinned at her. "You just want a hug from him too."

"No, but I do want to get to town." Jean snapped as she jammed on her boots and reached for the door handle.

"Okay, Jean. I'll be right with you." Lisa-Marie was stilling holding me, but as soon as Jean had gone through the door, she hugged me lightly, then pulled back. "Andy is upset with me, so do me a favour? Please don't get her pissed off with you too."

"What did you do?" I asked as she headed for the door herself.

"Ask Andy, after she's had time to cool down a bit." She said as she opened the door, then blew me a kiss before closing it behind her.

By the time I'd pulled on a coat and my boots, then hurried outside, the cop car was already driving out of the yard. I was left wondering just what she'd done. I turned back and closed the door with a deep sigh.

"Dang! What's that stupid little bitch done now?" I muttered to myself as I kicked off my boots and hung up my coat again.

"She pissed me off, that's what." Andy grouched from behind me, then she started to chuckle when I jumped from the surprise of hearing her so close.

"Jeez, woman. You might as well shoot a man as scare him to death." I growled, then couldn't help grinning at the look on her face. "Sorry, I'm not really angry."

She sighed, then nodded. "Neither am I. Well, not now, but I sure was until I thought about it. Only when I came hurrying down to talk to Lisa-Marie, she was already gone."

"I take it she said something that set you off?"

"Yeah, and did something too, but I'm not sure I want to talk about that right now." Then she sighed.

I didn't know what to say, so I was going to have a cup of coffee just to have something to do, then I glanced at the clock.

"Oh wow, where did the day go?" I said in surprise "I didn't realise how late it was. I need to do the chores and check the animals before it gets dark."

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