Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom - Cover

Lisa-Marie & Unca Tom

Copyright© 2005 by dotB

Chapter 10

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10 - When they met, he was almost eight and she was going on seven. After that, no matter what he did, it seemed she was bound to complicate his life and make every day a puzzle that he had to solve.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

I awakened several times in the next while, usually when the wind was gusting strongly enough that the howling noise it made in the eaves was really loud. Each time, I'd glance over at Lisa-Marie who was laying on my left arm, checking by the light from the little night light on the wall to see if she was still asleep. Each time she was sleeping soundly and breathing deeply with a soft sigh that verged on a snore. So each time, I'd fall asleep again quite easily.

However one time I awakened and although I could feel Lisa-Marie still lying on my arm and still breathing with the same soft sigh, something was different. Almost instantly, I realised that the night light was out and it was pitch black in the room. Then I felt a chilly draft near my feet and up to my waist and to top it off, a soft hand was gently stroking my semi-hard cock. What the hell? Was I dreaming? Then I jerked in surprise as it felt like warm wet lips kissed the tip of my glans, then slid over it and down onto my shaft, all the while sucking gently.

I moaned softly, and the lips paused. At that second I realised that I was really awake.

Someone was giving me a blowjob!

For several seconds I lay there in sheer astonishment. Then my rational mind kicked in, I couldn't let this happen. if Lisa-Marie was still sleeping on my arm, then it had to be either Andy or Fran. It just couldn't be real, I had to be dreaming.

I mean, would either of them really come and give me a blowjob? Oh come on, sure they were both extremely friendly, but a blowjob? Especially while Lisa-Marie was in the same bed with me? My sleep fuzzed mind puzzled away and I didn't know.

Oh! My, but it felt good.

My mind wandered and I wondered was this real? I knew I should say something, do something, but... If it was real, who was it?

If it was either Andy or Fran, which one would it be, and how could I tell in the near total darkness? All I had to do was reach out to touch her hair and I was sure that I could tell who it was. But, in order for her to be giving me a blowjob, she had to be under the blankets. With one arm pinned under Lisa-Marie and the other on top of the covers, would she hold still long enough for me to shift a hand under the blanket? I thought not.

As my mind churned, the seconds passed and the desires of my body grew stronger then took charge. I realised that I didn't want to have whoever it was stop what she was doing. If I spoke up, if I touched her, if I did anything, I was certain she would stop. Yet, didn't I want to know who it was?

No! It felt too good to stop her. No matter who it was, I'd reached the point where I didn't care. I just wanted her to carry on.

Oh what a marvellous sensation. Her tongue was swirling, dancing, and all the time she was stroking gently with that hand. She was good at this, really good, wonderful in fact.

It had to be Fran because she was old enough and experienced enough to give a blowjob in this class, but then I thought about those lips that felt so young and fresh. Perhaps it was Andy, she was old enough to have some experience and she'd had a boyfriend. I wondered if Fred was a huge blowjob fan, if he was Andy might have a lot of experience. However at the same time, Fran was amazingly well preserved for a woman of her age, perhaps her lips were that soft?

I just didn't know. Did I want to stop her and lose the delightful sensations just to find out for sure, or did I?

No! Let her finish, then grab her arm, or turn on a light, or something. I wanted to know who it was, but...

Ohmigod! I was so close, just a little more and...

Oh damn, I'd been almost there and she was slowing down, pausing, pulling her lips away. She'd known I was nearing my climax, which proved she was quite experienced, but that didn't help me to guess who it was. All it did was make me realise that she knew what she was doing and she was teasing me. I was sighing softly, breathing through my mouth. She had to know I was awake. Yet after a several seconds, she was going back for more. Her lips were around me, then her tongue danced and teased again. I moaned softly and she paused as if to warn me to be quiet. I forced my mouth closed and resisted the impulse to shout loudly.

She started to move again. Oh damn, she was good!

I wanted to shout, wanted to thrust, wanted relief and yet once more she took me up and up and I was almost, almost, then...

She paused.

This time I was still in her mouth, waiting, holding my breath in anticipation. I just knew she was going to start again at any instant and yet she didn't. I'm not sure that she even breathed.

Then I was sucked inward, hard, deep. I was in her throat. She paused. Her head slowly lifted and her lips traced a path upward. All the while she was sucking lustily. It felt like she was drawing me inside out, drawing against my whole being, even my brain felt light headed. She paused, still sucking. Then her mouth opened and she lifted away.

I heard a sound. Someone was whimpering. Ohmigod, it was me!

I was going crazy!

I needed relief now!

I had to come!

I wanted to beg, but if I spoke, would she simply stop and leave? My body was quivering in anticipation. This was almost past the point of a simple tease. It was verging on torment. I could feel her breath as it flowed over my wet shaft, cooling it, yet that too was a tease.

Then her mouth touched me again, her tongue, her hand. Once more she took possession of my hard shaft. Once more she teased and kissed my tender glans. Then once more, I was sucked inward.

Suddenly I felt her tempo change and it seemed that somehow she was raising my desire even higher, drawing it upward, driving my body to the point of release.

And it was happening fast.

I was surprised to find myself ready so quickly and I exploded. She swallowed. Again. Then again. Then another time. Then one final time and I was empty, so empty that I ached. It felt like I'd emptied my whole body into her mouth.

All of my energy was simply gone and I felt like a rag doll. I'd been tense and now I sagged, worn out, exhausted.

Her mouth lifted, then her hand, the bed shifted as her weight moved, then the blankets settled back down against my flesh. She was leaving and I didn't know who it was. I tried to hear, hoping to judge who it was by her footsteps, but there was no sound of movement.

I groaned again. Now I really was frustrated. I'd just had the best blowjob ever and I didn't even know who to thank.

Then there was a tiny sound, right near my head. A hand was pressed down on my arm, pining it where it was and I felt someone breathe on my cheek. Lips touched my forehead in a gentle kiss, then my arm was free. Without a sound, whoever it was gone, a phantom of the night.

Although I listened closely, I heard nothing. Just the sound of the wind outside and Lisa-Marie still breathing softly and deeply as she slept at my side.

My body was satiated, replete, utterly exhausted. Even though I had done almost nothing, I was so tired that I was unable to hold my eyes open or even think coherently.

I slept.

I awakened to Lisa-Marie's bright blue eyes staring deep into mine.

"Hi Tom. Wow, were you ever sound asleep." She smiled at me. "And look at me, no pills and although I still hurt, it's nowhere near what I usually feel. Actually I don't hurt that much at all, I'm only a little uncomfortable and all I did was drink some of Fran's tea. I think she's a genius. We have to treat her awfully nice."

Looking at her glowing face I was happy for her and yet... in that same instant I remembered the blowjob and I knew I had to tell her about it. I was even certain that I had to tell her as soon as possible, but what would she do? What would she say?

"What's wrong Tom?" She caught some essence of my inner turmoil, some look that passed over my face, something that made her realise that I was worried or upset.

"Unh, we had a ghost in bed with us last night." I managed to mutter.

"A ghost? What do you mean?" She smiled broadly. "What kind of a ghost?"

"I guess it was a succubus." I sighed softly. "You know, a sexual ghost. A predator of sorts. Someone who took what she wanted, then disappeared."

"Oh come on! Pull my other leg." She snorted, on the verge of laughter. "Are you trying to tell me that you got screwed? With me sleeping right here, right next to you?"

"No, but I got a blow job that was damn near out of this world." I said shortly.

"Oh come on, you're kidding, right?" She looked astonished now

"No, I'm not. Someone was here last night and gave me a blowjob, a real humdinger that caught me completely by surprise." I sighed deeply, knowing that I might as well go all the way. "By the time my head realized what was going on, my body was telling my mouth to shut up. So I lay here and let it happen. In fact, I may as well admit it. I lay here and enjoyed it."

There, I'd admitted everything, well everything that counted. Now I waited on tenterhooks to see what she'd do. She sat there and stared at me for long seconds, her eyes literally not blinking for several seconds. Then she astonished me by giggling and lifting the covers.

"Want me to check it out for lip prints?" She snorted, again on the verge of laughter. "Maybe we should wipe it down for DNA?"

"Oh be serious." I growled, suddenly annoyed at her frivolous attitude after I'd been so worried.

"I am being serious Tom." She suddenly sounded different, much more serious. "I know it had to have been either Andy or Fran, and I wouldn't put it past either one of them to do it, they both like you that much. But you know what, I can't see that they've done any damage, and if you hadn't told me, I'd never have known about it. Besides, I like them both and as long as they aren't interfering with my sex life, why should I worry? So just tell me, if I'm not worried, why should you be worried?"

"I don't know? I suppose because it might happen again?"

"I doubt that somehow." She sighed. "I think it was probably a spur of the moment thing that just happened. You aren't going to try to find out who it was are you?"

"Well why not?"

"Because if you do, you'll embarrass the one who did it and make the other one jealous." She grinned. "Trust me, Buddy, both of them would do that, and a lot more, if they thought they could do it without hurting our relationship or their friendship with us."

"Oh come on now. You mean I'm supposed to just let it go?" I stared at her in astonishment.

"Unh huh." She nodded her head vigorously, then she giggled. "If you're real lucky, it might even happen again. If it does, I promise that I'll try not to wake up and if I do, I'll try to be quiet."

"Dammit woman, you're making it sound like you want me to screw around."

"No Honey, not really, but I do love you an awful lot and I know you love me just as much." Her face had a tiny frown as she looked at me seriously. "The thing is, you care deeply for people and your care for others spills over onto those who are close to you and simply inundates them. You love them all, just not in the same way that you and I love each other."

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled slightly. "You seem to have a knack of helping others and making them feel better about themselves. So if one of my friends wants to say thank you so badly that she sneaks in a blowjob, how can I be jealous?"

"I don't understand you." I sighed. "I thought you'd be mad. Mad at me and mad at whoever did it."

"No, I'm a bit disappointed, but not in you. As far as you're concerned, I know how you get when my lips touch 'Big Johnny, ' so I can discount you not waking me as being natural for a man." She sighed. "I'm disappointed that someone thought they had to sneak around instead of letting me know beforehand, so I could be sure not to disturb things."

"Just like that? You'd have gone along with the idea?"

"Well, maybe? Who knows?" She rolled her eyes. "You know how I get. It would probably depend on how I was approached."

"Yeah." I sighed. "I guess I do know you."

I reached out and wrapped her in my arms, hugging her tightly.

"Just do me a favour would you?" I whispered.

"What's that?" She turned her face until her lips were inches from mine.

"Let me know and leave me a way out if it ever happens?" I murmured softly.

"Spoilsport." She giggled, then her lips met mine.

I quietly wondered exactly why Lisa-Marie acted like this. Whatever it was, she was certainly acting strangely compared to how I was used to her being. I made up my mind to talk to Fran about it later.

Not long later I stared out the bedroom window at the dismal day and hoped the snowplow would soon pass. Lisa-Marie and I went downstairs not long afterward to join Andy and Fran in the kitchen. As we all said 'Good Morning, ' I watched both of their faces to see if I could see any clue of who'd been my midnight visitor, but both of them seemed completely normal.

"How are you two this morning?" Fran asked.

"I'm doing okay, better than yesterday. How are you?" Lisa-Marie asked.

"Fine. I like visiting this house again. I've got some great memories of Silas and me. So last night I let them play over in my head until I fell asleep, then had great dreams to go along with them." Fran smiled. " How did you sleep Tom?""

"Not as good as you." I sighed. " The wind was so strong last night that I was woken several times. One time I woke up wide awake, and for a while I thought I was going to get blown away."

"Oh Tom." Lisa-Marie elbowed me in the ribs, then shook her head slowly as if in disgust.

"Well, the wind didn't keep me awake last night, I just snuggled down under the covers and let great memories take over." Fran smiled, seeming to miss the double entendre - or ignoring it - or did she?

"I slept okay, I guess. I did hear the wind howling, but I just pulled the covers over my head and hoped it would blow itself out." Andy shrugged her shoulders with a small smile. "Now what would everyone like for breakfast besides a cup of coffee?"

Okay, so my broad hint hadn't gained me any clues. I had to admit it, I was frustrated, either the woman was better at double entendre than I was or simply bluffed exceptionally well. I had hoped that even without trying hard I'd find out who it was, but I didn't. Almost an hour later, when Lisa-Marie had gone back to lie down in bed and Andy had gone back upstairs for some reason as well, I talked to Fran about Lisa-Marie.

"What was it you said the other doctor was giving her medication for? Was it called bipolar disorder, or something like that?" I asked quietly. "Just what was it you said about mood swings?"

"I don't think that's Lisa-Marie's problem." Fran frowned. "Bipolar disorder involves massive and rapid mood swings, from extreme happiness and energy to extreme depression and lethargy. I haven't seen her really in either phase as far as I can tell, but I'm going to be spending all week with her. I might be able to tell you more by the weekend, but I can't now."

"Okay." I sighed. "I've just been remembering things and I think she's changing. Like, she used to be extremely jealous and now she's anything but. I find that sort of weird."

"Did you ever think that perhaps she's simply realised that you love her as much as she loves you and she knows that she can trust you to be there for her?"

"I suppose that could be it." I shrugged. "It's just that at times she seems to go overboard with her trust, like the other day when she told Andy that she could come stay here. Andy was wound up and frustrated, and I just wasn't prepared for it."

"I don't understand, you seem to have handled it well enough." She looked concerned.

"Maybe, I don't know." I sighed heavily. "It's just that Lisa-Marie seems different somehow. Maybe it's because she has a place of her own and everything now, but she's changing."

She smiled at me and reached out her hand to rest it on my arm.

"Did you stop to think that you're probably changing too? Now you have a farm and responsibilities that you didn't have before." Her arm lifted and she gestured around in a brief arc. "All of this is yours now, but it still carries the feeling to you of your Uncle Silas. You're being reminded of him every hour of every day that you're here, but gradually I think you're going to get comfortable with that. For now though, I'll bet every decision you make, you ask yourself what Silas would have done, don't you?"

"I guess." I nodded. "I don't often listen too hard to the answer though. I am making my own decisions - after I consult with Lisa-Marie. What's worrying me is that I'm wondering about her answers at times."

"Ah. Which decisions are you worried about? Decisions about the house, the farm, money, what?"

"None of those really. It's more the personal decisions. Between us and between friends. I really don't want to say too much." I admitted.

"So, since you're telling me anything at all, I imagine this concerns Andy?"

"Mostly, but it might concern you too." I shrugged. "I have to say that it's darn personal in some ways and I really don't want to go into it at the moment."

"Alright, I'll respect that." She sighed in resignation. "But you do realise that now I'm curious and I'm bound to be looking for things that might give me answers."

I shrugged my shoulders, then jumped as the telephone rang. It was Willy's dad, calling me to let me know that one of his neighbours had called to say that the snowplow was on our road and would be coming past soon. I thanked him before I hung up then I hurried to get ready to head for school for the week. I didn't want to wait too long after the plow had passed to leave because I wanted to drive the road before the wind had a chance to drift it over again.

It didn't take me long to get ready, in fact it took longer to say goodbye to Lisa-Marie, Andy and Fran than it did for me to pack. Then all I had to do was get the pickup out of the shed and get it ready to go and for that, I only had to move a few things from my car to the pickup. While I was at it, I decided to park the car in the old shed, then it would be out of the weather. In the long run, it was almost a half hour before I was able to drive out of the yard and follow the snowplow down the road.

I didn't enjoy that trip. There was too much on my mind and the weather really wasn't all that good so I was on edge the whole distance. On top of that, I was driving a vehicle that I'd never driven before. Before I'd driven far, I had to admit it was a darn good truck and I liked the way it handled, even in the snow.

Once I got near the college, I remembered that I hadn't called that salesman about the car and about deciding not to trade it off. I looked at my watch and decided that I had time to do that and still make it to the college lunchroom in time to eat lunch and then get to my first afternoon class. Instead of stopping at the college, I headed straight for the car lot.

As I drove up and parked, I saw the same salesman pulling on his coat through the showroom window. I got out of the truck and hurried inside to save him from having to go out into the cold.

"Well, hello." He said, recognising me. "With the weather like this, I didn't expect to see you this afternoon, but it looks like you found a truck already."

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