The Second Step - Cover

The Second Step

by HedbangerSA

Copyright© 2005 by HedbangerSA

Erotica Sex Story: Beth is content with the life she's rebuilding, it's not exciting but she feels secure. A visit by an old lover is wildly satisfying, but you can't build your world around passion and impulse -- or can you?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   .

Author's note: This is a continuation of the story told in The First Step. This time it's from Beth's point of view, because I thought she was more interesting.

The message light on the answering machine was blinking again. I checked the little LED screen even though I was pretty sure who had called.

It was a 312 area code... Chicago. I pushed the 'play' button, steeling myself.

"Beth? If you're there, pick up. Please talk to me." Andy's voice came from the speaker, the recording tinny but recognizable. After a pause, he spoke again.

"You promised that you'd give me another chance, Beth. And I've waited like I said I would, for too long." Another pause. "Look, I know I'm right for you, even if you don't believe it. I'm coming to Sharpsburg. I got your address from Emma... Don't be mad at her."

Why would I be mad at her? She'd given him the phone number too, because she thought she was doing me a favor. Bitch. I sat on the edge of the bed, blinking back hot tears, and listened to the end of the recording.

"I'm not a stalker, Beth. You know that. When I get there and you see me, if you really want me to go I will. I'll leave and won't bother you again. But you have to at least see me... you promised me. Remember?"

Of course I remembered. The promenade deck of the ship just before we disembarked from the cruise that changed my life. Andy changed my life, he showed me what an idiot I'd been to settle for Ronnie and his verbal abuse and disinterest. I told Andy I'd give him a chance after I had time to get through the divorce and settled.

But that was almost a year ago. And now I was a different person. I was stronger, and for the first time in my life I was taking care of myself and in control. My life wasn't great, but it was real. The time with Andy on the boat wasn't. It was a fling, a fantasy.

He was supposed to have forgotten about me. Instead he kept emailing me and sending flowers until I moved and dropped my AOL account. That worked for a while until Andy tracked Emma down. I told her not to interfere, that I knew what I was doing. But Emma thought Andy was perfect for me. She said she never saw me so happy. Sure, it was fantastic on the boat with Andy... well, better than fantastic. But that was because of the sex, and the ways he made me feel good about myself again.

The sex... Jesus. It had been a year and I was all hot from just listening to his voice on the machine. Moisture was seeping through the thin cotton of my panties, I was tingling like crazy and I wanted to rub myself.

Well, maybe I would. But that didn't change anything. It still wouldn't work with him, and I had my life on track and I wouldn't give that up for anything.

I picked at my salad, not finding anything interesting. It was my favorite restaurant but I wasn't very hungry.

Wilson frowned at me across the table. "You should get a box and take that home. It cost thirteen dollars."

"I'm sorry." I replied, forcing a smile. "I guess I'm just not in the mood today."

"It's that guy. You've been mooning around for a week. I can't believe you're going to see him, Beth. For Christ's sake, we're dating. What will people think?"

"We're not dating, Wilson. We've just been going out for a while. And I met Andy before I knew you. He's a friend and I owe him a lot."

"A friend? Right!" Wilson rolled his eyes and lowered his voice. "What kind of friend sleeps with a married woman?"

He leaned across the table. "This guy only wants one thing, Beth. If you can't see that... well, I'm disappointed in you. But in my position I can't have a scandal. Think about that."

He stared at me for a moment, then picked up the check and stomped off to pay.

His position. J. Wilson Rollins was a vice president at the local bank. I'd known him in high school, though not well. I was a cheerleader and Wilson was kind of a nerd. I went to the bank to open an account when I moved back and he started asking me out right away. He was an okay-looking guy, and would even be cute if he didn't act so much older than he was. He had thinning brown hair that he brushed back from a broad face. In ten or fifteen years people would call him "dignified."

Wilson wasn't exciting but he was solid and convenient and safe. He was a big help at first, with getting settled in and finding my new place.

Like an idiot I told him the story about the breakup with Ronnie, and about the cruise. Well, not everything... but enough. He'd seemed understanding at first but Wilson had been really jealous ever since Andy started calling, saying stuff like that "scandal" comment and trying to make me feel like a slut because I had an affair. Wilson was nice, but jeez... he hadn't even tried to get me in the rack yet. He says he "respects" me and wants the divorce to be final for six months first.

I put the Styrofoam box of salad in the refrigerator and fed Mocha. He's a six-month old terrier pup I got at the pound. I'm crazy about dogs and getting him was the first thing I did when I got the house. Wilson got upset about that, too. Says he's allergic and that Mocha gets hair on his suits.

"Hey, boy. Have a good day?" The dog looked up from his kibble with a doggie grin, wagging his tail so hard his body shook.

"You eat your dinner while I change, and I'll take you for a long walk. Deal?"

I walked toward my bedroom, picking up as I went. The place was kind of a mess. Between my job and night classes at the junior college, there didn't seem to be enough time for housework.

I was still wearing my uniform from work. I'm an assistant manager at Target and the red shirt and black slacks made me look kind of frumpy. I shrugged out of the shirt and let the baggy slacks drop to the floor and checked myself out in the mirror. That was better. Not bad for twenty-eight. Being tall helped - that and squeezing in some time at the Y whenever I could.

None of the bras they had at the store fit me right, because I'm pretty big up top. The wires in this one were cutting into me so it felt great when I popped the catch, dropped the darn thing on the floor then rubbed my boobs a little. I turned sideways, lifted one and let it bounce. Still pretty firm. Andy loved my boobs... and they loved him. That man could do things with his tongue that... I stopped that train of thought, knowing where it would lead.

Instead I pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of shorts, grabbed some comfortable sneakers and went looking for Mocha.

As I picked up the leash, the phone rang. I froze for a moment, then went to check the caller ID. 'Andrew Benson 312-555-2367' I took a deep breath and picked up. I needed to face this sooner or later.


"Beth? Jesus... Beth? It's so good to hear your voice. I thought... well, it doesn't matter. How are you?" Andy asked. Even with the faltering, he sounded strong, confident. Same old Andy. Same tingle starting between my legs.

"I'm fine, Andy. It's... good to hear you too." I paused. "Look, this isn't a good idea. For either of us. We're too different and you're there and I'm here and that's where we belong. On the boat, well... that was on the boat."

"Beth. Just listen to me. I'm not asking for a commitment, just a chance. See me one time. It's been a year, if the spark isn't still there I'll give up. What's the worst that could happen?"

Andy asked me that on the boat, too, at the beginning. And I ended up balling his brains out for two days straight, starting like twenty-four hours after I met him. God, he was cute. Tall and strong with that thick, dark hair. The tingle was now a deep, wonderful ache and my nipples were hard under my tee shirt.

"I don't know, Andy. I've got a lot going on, and... so much has changed."

"That's great. I knew it would work for you. Are you going to school?" he asked, sounding sincere.

"Yeah. Marketing classes at the junior college mainly. Thanks for asking," I said, pleased that he remembered.

"Look. I've got a flight into Baltimore on Friday, and I'm renting a car. I'll be there by six. See me, Beth. Just for dinner, nothing more. I can't wait to hear about all those changes. Okay?"

Friday. Three days away.

"I... okay, Andy. I'll see you," I said quietly, almost a whisper.

I took Friday afternoon off from work so I could clean up the house a little and get ready. I mean, it wasn't that I cared that much but I didn't want Andy to think I was a slob or something. And I asked a neighbor to watch Mocha for me because he liked to jump up and we might be gone most of the evening. It was really hot for June and my air conditioner didn't seem to be working right, so I ended up taking a couple of showers by the time five o'clock rolled around.

Then I put on a nice pair of slacks and my newest top, which hugged my upper body like a glove and had a deep-cut neckline. It was a pale aqua blue - I knew that Andy liked that color on me. And I wore my best underwear, too. Not for Andy's benefit you understand. You never know when you might be in an accident or something.

I went down to my front room to read a magazine and wait. Then I switched to a novel, thinking that would look better. I was going to college after all. After fifteen minutes that seemed like hours I decided to go back up and work on my hair some more. I was wearing it shorter than when I was on the cruise and it didn't want to lay right. I should never have gotten it cut... or highlighted. It looked stupid.

Just as I got to the top of the stairs the doorbell rang. Andy was early. Shit! I thought about pretending I wasn't home but then he might wait and how would I explain that? Damn, it was hot in the house, no matter what the thermostat said. I took a couple of deep breaths and checked my reflection in a window, then went to the door and opened it, trying to look poised.

"Mom... Dad! What are you guys doing here?" I wailed. My dad gave my mom a look that said 'I can't believe we're missing Wheel of Fortune.' They were wearing church clothes, and my mom was gripping her good purse tightly.

"Well, we thought we'd come over and meet this young man of yours." she said. "If he minds meeting your parents maybe he's not worth the trouble."

I stared at her for a moment as she took in my outfit.

"He's not my young man, Mom. He's just a friend. You can come in, but as soon as you meet him you have to leave," I said, sighing as I stepped aside to let them pass. They perched on the couch while I took the chair closest to the door.

"I haven't seen that blouse before," Mom said, raising an eyebrow. "It certainly doesn't leave much to the imagination."

"Don't start, Mom. What about my hair, does it look okay?"

She studied me. "Well, I like it better long, but it might be fine if you comb it back a little and use some spray. Let me," she said, looking pleased to be involved as she scuttled over, digging in her purse.

Just as she finished the doorbell rang again. I jumped up.

"Remember," I hissed. "As soon as I introduce you you're leaving."

I opened the door and my face dropped.

"Wilson! You can't... You have to leave!"

"Why? You said this guy is just a friend, right? I'd like to meet him," Wilson said, looking smug. I felt tears welling up as I stepped closer to him, blocking my parent's view with my body.

"You can't just barge in here, Wilson. You don't own me."

"No, but I'm working on it, and..." Wilson stopped when he saw the expression on my face, then turned to look.

Wilson's bright red Corvette was parked at the curb. Another car was pulling up behind it, and stopping. The door opened, and Andy Benson got out. He was wearing a navy blazer over a pinstriped dress shirt with an open collar, and khaki slacks. He was tanned and despite the heat looked... collected and wonderful as he strolled purposefully up the walk.

I wiped at my eyes quickly and smiled.

"Andy. Good to see you again."

"You too, Beth. You look terrific," he said, glancing at Wilson, then at my parents. "Having a party?"

"This is my... friend, Wilson Rollins. And my Mom and Dad. They were all just leaving," I said in a tone that I hoped sounded like a threat.

Wilson moved closer and stretched to his full height, still three inches shorter than Andy. "I can stay for a while, Beth. We can all get acquainted." Then he followed Andy into my house and everyone sat down, except Mom who offered to help me serve drinks. One quick one and then maybe the interlopers would leave.

"Well, he's certainly attractive, in a big-city sort of way," Mom said when we got to the kitchen. "Is he a salesman?"

"I don't think so. I'm not sure what he does, something about buying and selling businesses that are having problems," I replied, searching in my refrigerator for a bottle of wine.

"Doesn't sound very stable," Mom said, frowning.

When we got back to the front room Wilson was questioning Andy. I shot a look at my dad, who could have intervened. Dad shrugged, and smiled.

"Beth says you're some kind of a broker?" Wilson asked, pronouncing the last word like it was a congenital defect.

"Actually, it's venture capital. My firm specializes in distressed business opportunities..." Andy began, then stopped when he saw us arrive. He stood as I passed out glasses of white zinfandel, which was all I had. Someone gave it to me as a housewarming gift.

Wilson barged ahead, not waiting for Andy to finish. "That's very interesting. I'm sure there's a call for it, but I prefer being part of a successful business. Perhaps Beth mentioned that I'm senior vice president at Citizen's National Bank?" He paused as Andy shook his head. "Citizen's has been a part of Sharpsburg for over 70 years. Security and commitment, that's what we're about." As he finished, he looked at me and nodded, then smiled.

The evening went downhill from there. An hour later everyone was still in my front room, and I was out of wine. Andy was really good about it, talking to my mom and dad, and even charming Wilson a bit. It turned out that Andy knew a lot about banking and there was nothing that interested Wilson as much as his job. They talked about assets and delinquency ratios and a lot of other stuff that probably wouldn't have made sense to me even if I'd been paying attention.

At a quarter of seven Wilson suggested that we all go to dinner at his country club. My mom and dad were thrilled and accepted immediately, which left Andy and me sort of trapped. I couldn't really blame my parents. They were both school teachers and they didn't get many chances to rub elbows with the upper crust of our little town. If Andy was upset about it he didn't let it show.

We couldn't even talk on the way to dinner or back, because my folks rode with us in Andy's rental car. Wilson's car didn't have a back seat and I think my mom thought we needed chaperones.

When we got back to my place Andy thanked Wilson for dinner and there was this awkward moment with everyone standing in my front yard. Finally Andy came over and gave me a little hug, thanked me and left. Then I told Wilson that he was most definitely not coming inside, stormed up my walk, and slammed the front door behind me.

I don't know what I expected or wanted out of the evening, or why I was so upset. I guess I was looking forward to talking to Andy and being alone with him. The days I'd spent with him on the boat had been the best of my life and at least a part of me wanted to know if that closeness was still there - as silly as that might be. Anyway, it was over. Andy would go back to Chicago in the morning and I would have my life back. Both of us would be where we belonged.

So why was I so depressed? There I was taking my makeup off, stuff I hadn't used since I got it from the health spa on the cruise, and I was crying. I couldn't help it. Damn my parents and damn Wilson for interfering. Like I was some little kid who couldn't make her own decisions. I mean, I knew that things with Andy couldn't work and it wasn't like he was going to sweep me off my feet just because he showed up after a year looking... well, like he did.

Which is why I got so mad when the doorbell rang as I was brushing my teeth. I threw my robe over the tee shirt and panties I was wearing and stomped down the steps to throw open the door.

"Listen, Wilson. You better get the hell off my..."

"Hi, Beth."

"Andy! What..."

There he was, looking as good as he had that afternoon. Shirt still pressed, slacks still creased perfectly, that same half smile on his gorgeous face.

"I thought maybe we could try this again, without the crowd," he said.

I looked down at my ratty old robe. I hadn't even gotten all my makeup off - it was kind of smeared. And my hair was a hideous, auburn mess.

"But Andy, I'm..."

"Beautiful." He finished my sentence. "The most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

The tears started again. A gusher, hot streaks down my face through what was left of my makeup.

And all of a sudden I was in Andy's arms, my legs wrapped around his hips and he was kissing me like he did on the cruise and no one had before, or since. My tears glistened on both our cheeks as our mouths jostled for position, our tongues deep in a wild dance that felt familiar, and right. His hand was in my hair, stroking, and his cock was hard, straining against the fabric of his slacks and my panties. And then we were moving, Andy walking me off my porch and through the still open front door.

"Up the stairs, to the left," I mumbled, then rammed my tongue back into his mouth. He pulled back.


"Up the fucking stairs. My bedroom, quick!"

I weigh like 115 pounds but you wouldn't have known it from the way Andy went bounding up the stairs, both hands cupping my almost naked ass. He kicked off his shoes and then skidded a little on the hardwood floor before unceremoniously dumping my horny as hell ass on my bed. He scrambled out of his clothes as I whipped off the robe and tee shirt, then shucked my damp panties onto the floor.

So much for self-restraint. He showed up and in like five minutes there I was, naked on the bed panting like a greyhound, tits heaving and legs spread wide, waiting frantically for Andy to finish getting undressed. And I didn't care. I wanted him. Get those boxers off and fill me up, big guy.

Finally Andy dove on top of me, his skin warm and firm against mine, my fingers raking his back. God, he had muscles. We writhed together, enjoying the sensation of so much skin touching, and then Andy's mouth and tongue began their migration down my neck toward my left boob.

"You're going to keep going, right? And eat me like on the boat?" I gasped, pulling his head up so I could see his eyes. Andy nodded enthusiastically and I released him as my nipple disappeared into his mouth. I closed my eyes and tugged and twisted at the other nipple while his fingers found my pussy and started stroking and probing the slick, hot flesh.

"Oh, fuck!" I blurted, and shoved his head between my legs with both hands. I stoked his back with my heels as Andy dove in, slurping and sucking and fucking me with his tongue. Meanwhile he was spreading my ass cheeks with his hands, squeezing and stretching me until it ached, a finger teasing the taut flesh around my anus.

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