Last Straw - Cover

Last Straw


Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Opposites attract. Love conquers all. Nobody's perfect. People change. Forgive and forget. You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone. Pride goes before a fall. Which cliche will be your salvation, and which will ruin your life? Two families stumble over, crash into, or cling desperately to most of them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   First  

From the few seconds Vince had seen Sylvia before, she was barely recognizable as the same person. Before, her face had initially shown fear, quickly followed by dismay. Now, she wore a little smirk that could only be described as lusty.

Not waiting for a reaction from him, she pushed the door open gently and moved past him into the room. As she passed him, she reached down and gently squeezed the bulge in the front of his robe. "Guy like you shouldn't have to do it himself," she said with a giggle.

'Just goes to show how wrong fleeting first impressions can be', he said to himself. The Sylvia in his room now was certainly no shrinking violet, as he had rated her from their brief encounter before.

"Personally, I liked my first view of you better," she said as she sat down in one of the side chairs. He was starting to get uncomfortable again because he was definitely not in control of the situation. She must have seen him about to react. "Can we talk, Vince?"

That was all it took to defuse any hasty reaction he had been about to make. Still having said nothing, he turned the other side chair to face her and sat.

"I thought I had seen the last of you two," he was finally able to say in a steady voice.

"You may have seen the last of Claire," she admitted, "although she couldn't stop babbling about you after your first time. What the hell did you say to her? I can't remember when she was so pissed off."

He recounted his nasty comment, and she looked at him thoughtfully. "Are you a shrink? You may have come too painfully close to the truth. She really does love the guy, and he treats her like a queen. It's just that they have gotten... oh, out of synch in bed."

"So why did you come back?"

Looking him squarely in the eye, she told him "I really wanted to be with you. I told Claire her idea was all wrong, though, and I guess I was right. I came back to see if we could maybe take a little time to get to know each other. I'd really like to end up there," and she pointed to the bed, "especially after your greeting before."

That almost made him blush, but he caught it in time. Falling back on his instinctive good manners, he asked "Shall we order in from room service?"

"If you're willing," she answered, "I'd like to go out to eat and maybe dance a little. Claire was worried about being seen with you. I'd like nothing better than for my asshole ex to hear about me being out with a stud like you."

He knew she was skillfully pushing his buttons, but he liked it. "Deal!" he told her as he stood to get dressed. He was about to pick up his underwear and trousers and go into the bathroom to put them on when she walked up to him with a grin and pulled the robe off of his shoulders. Tossing it aside, she took the shorts and held them out for him.

It was obvious that she wanted to help him dress, and he was immediately uncomfortable again. But he made the mistake of looking her in the eyes, and her expression showed such eagerness and hope that he could not deny her. Resting a hand on her shoulder, he stepped into his shorts. As she pulled them up, she had to push his penis down and in to bring the waistband up as he had not fully shrunk from earlier.

The way she handled him was not seductive, just intimate, and when his shorts were on, she beamed at him. "Which shirt?" she asked, walking to his suitcase. "Do you wear a T-shirt or an undershirt?"

That's the way it went for the next few minutes as she dressed him completely. Why he let her do it, he had no idea, unable to recall as similar episode with Theresa. When they were finished, she gave him a firm hug and a brief kiss on the lips.

"Thank you, Vince. It is so nice just to be close and intimate like that. I like men. I like seeing them, touching them, being close to them. I lost that kind of relationship with my ex some years ago - his choice, not mine."

"My pleasure," he answered, not sure how to respond to her emotional comment.

"Um, before we go out," she said as she handed him her cell phone, "please call Claire."

"Oh, I doubt she wants to hear from me," he protested.

"Maybe not, I don't know. But please try, will you? I love her, and she was trying to do me a favor. It went bad, but she still needs companionship."

"You mean she needs sex, don't you?"

"That, too," she answered with a giggle. "Will you?" She took back the phone, dialed, and handed it to him again, forcing him to end the call if he was unwilling.

After Claire answered and he said hello, she was quite calm. Never one for apologies, Vince was finding himself doing things for Sylvia that puzzled him. "Claire, that was a very sexy, very generous idea you had. I... I didn't react well. I'm sorry."

With a slight catch in her voice, Claire told him "I thought you would be really pleased. What happened?"

How could he answer that? With a flash of inspiration, he asked her "How would you have felt if you had come alone and dropped your coat like before, but I had my brother there?"

"But you're a man, and..." she did not know how to finish that statement.

"That's something we can talk about some other time, if there is another time. I would like there to be. Would you?"

"Once I got over wanting to castrate you, I wished I would have stayed around," she answered. "Yes, I enjoyed what we did before, and I want some more."

"I'm taking Sylvia out for dinner and dancing. Would you care to join us?" he asked.

"You know I can't take a chance on being seen with you," she reminded him.

"But you will just be along with your sister and her date. That shouldn't be a problem, should it?"

"No, I guess not. Say, how come you're wasting time eating and dancing?" she asked with the first light tone she had shown.

"Hey, you and I spent a lot of time getting acquainted. Sylvia and I thought it would be good for us to do a little of it. Can we pick you up?"

Throughout the evening, Vince discovered that Sylvia was less intense, more humorous, and more sultry than her sister. As they danced, she could tell he was checking out her extra padding, and told him "Food as comfort. I've needed it the last couple of years. I'm ready to wage war on the bulges, though. I've never been this heavy before. You are helping my willpower a lot."

As they were walking to Sylvia's car, the women were whispering, and she announced "We're spending the night at my place."

"But I don't have anything with me," he protested.

Claire, well-recovered from her upset, reached over to squeeze his crotch and told him "You've got the only thing you really need."

It was Sylvia who explained "This way, we can all spend the night together. Her husband calls every night he is on the road. If he doesn't get her at home, he calls my place. He is used to it, so there will be no suspicion."

Vince felt the rising irritation again at being led rather than leading. However, the opportunity for a first-ever threesome was appealing enough for him to put aside his pride for once, and he agreed.

Once in Sylvia's house, which she had retained after the divorce, he took the opportunity to re-establish some degree of control. Sylvia had asked for drink preferences and was starting to fill the requests when he came up behind her. He undid the button at the waist of her skirt and eased it to the floor, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"Are you that impatient?" Claire asked with a giggle.

"Not at all," he retorted. "I'm just returning a favor. She dressed me, so I'm undressing her.

"Well," Claire exclaimed, "in that case, we'd better make sure your clothes don't get wrinkled or soiled. They're the only ones you have with you." There followed a frolic worthy of three teenagers as they all began removing clothing from each other. They did not get crazy and damage any items, but there was much joking and laughter. Vince was having a good time, even though he kept thinking how unlike him the scene was.

Sylvia did not have a shower big enough for group activity, so they used the main one separately while the other two sat in the master bedroom and chatted. He noticed the total lack of shyness when the women were naked around each other. Without any personal experience in such things, he was still familiar enough with stories and folklore to make the connection. The sisters were probably sexually involved with each other. The idea did not bother him at all.

As he was walking out from his shower, still toweling his hair, he told them "You know Claire, you about wiped me out by yourself. I'm assuming you two can help each other out when I run out of gas." Both of the women looked at him quickly with open mouths, then looked at each other and giggled. It was all the answer he needed.

Sylvia had found a razor, some aftershave, and a tooth brush, so he was finished with grooming after his shower. By unspoken agreement, they all remained naked after their little disrobing frolic. The women, however, seemed to have numerous applications of cremes and such to take care of, so he just sat and watched. Despite the strangeness, he enjoyed himself.

It was impossible for him not to compare the two female bodies with his 'exes', Theresa and Lee, and it was an unfair comparison. Both sisters, however, were appealing in their own ways. Claire was lean and taut from vigorous exercise. She was more like Lee in that she moved with a sense of strength. That she was no teenager was obvious, yet her maturity had its own appeal.

Sylvia was carrying at least fifteen extra pounds, and not all of it found places to hide. Like Theresa, she was rounded and voluptuous and her movements had a natural seductiveness to them. The way she held herself indicated that she was used to feeling desirable. That meant the extra pounds were fairly recent, as she had claimed, and probably temporary.

As he sat and watched, he caught Sylvia's eye as she walked by and motioned her toward himself. When she was close, he ran his hand up over her hip and gently squeezed a roll of extra flesh. "How many?" he asked. It was a mean thing to do, but he felt he owed them a few.

After a quick blush and a momentary look of anger, she composed herself and answered without rancor "Eighteen more than my driver's license says." She quickly added "Sis and I always worked out together until... I'll be starting with her again tomorrow." To try to soften the sting of his question, he stroked her hip and ass cheek, planted a kiss right above her mound, and smiled up at her. Her eyes locked right at his relaxed penis and she saw it move on its own, bringing a big grin to her face.

The evening was a total contrast to his first time with Claire. That had been frantic, almost desperate. Now, there was definite anticipation, but they all seemed to be enjoying the build-up. It was... comfortable. Not at all what Vince was used to with sex, but he was enjoying every minute.

When the women were done primping, Sylvia pulled back the covers on the bed and turned off all but a couple of small mood lights. While she did that, Claire knelt between his knees and began fondling his penis. "Sylvia stayed on the pill, and she has been tested since her last time. Is that enough assurance for you?" He nodded. "Good. Don't want to mess with raincoats. Let's not do any handjobs or blowjobs on you, OK? You've only get so many shots, and we'd both prefer them where they belong."

"It kills me to say this," Claire went on, "but do Syl first. It's been longer for her. But you'd better have another for me, Buster!" She got to her feet and held out her hand to him. When he stood, she pulled him gently by his now-hard cock until Sylvia could take it in her hand. Sylvia in turn led him to the bed. When they laid down face to face and began kissing, Claire pressed her front to his back and began leisurely caresses.

It was no surprise when Sylvia's breath quickened immediately and she told him "Let's leave the lovey stuff for later. What I need is a good, hard, fucking. I'm told you're just the man to deliver." When she encircled him with her arms and her legs once he was embedded, it was a different feeling than with either Theresa or Lee. He was alert enough to chide himself for always thinking about his 'exes' and comparing, but it was impossible to stop.

Sylvia was passionate and energetic, just as Vince was used to. The cushiony feeling of her soft tummy against his was different, but not at all a turn off. Her breasts were at least as large as Theresa's but not quite as firm. The real difference he could feel was a sort of a hunger - the hunger of a starving person. As the intensity increased, the hunger gave way to surprise, a little awe, then unbridled joy. It became clear that the pounding he was giving her was what she had always yearned for, but had seldom, if ever, experienced.

Her passion and his level of anticipation did not make for a long buildup for him. He came much sooner than he would have liked, but remained firm enough to stay within her. To compensate for his relatively short fuse, he ignored the tenderness and kept moving until he hardened again. That had not happened to him for many years, but he felt like he was in a challenge situation.

"I hope you're not thinking about giving her a second load," Claire hissed as she hugged herself to his plunging, sweating body. "The next one's mine." He did not consider her challenge worth an answer, and just kept on going. Claire validated his earlier assumptions by sliding her hand between them to work her sister's clit as he rammed in and out. Their motion was so strenuous it was hard for her to keep contact, but she hung in there and Sylvia peaked with a screech.

When Sylvia came, he was not yet restored enough to join her. His ego was assuaged because he had serviced her properly, and Claire was mollified because she would get his next injection.

Within another twenty minutes, he was reduced to watching through half-open eyes as the sisters pleasured each other. The two sexual dynamos had exhausted him already, even causing momentary dimming of his vision during his second climax. The proud, controlling part of him was not happy with the ego hit. The horny male part of him, however, was willing to take a little humiliation for the pleasure of the threesome.

To his complete surprise, watching the pair had him serviceably hard before too long. Sylvia happened to be on top of Claire with her ass in the air, and he did not bother with permission. Her reaction as he grabbed her generously cushioned hips and slid in proved that none was needed. For another half hour, he was able to fuck both of them without ejaculating again.

Sylvia got Claire off with her mouth as as pounded her. It was quite a feat for her to keep enough contact for stimulation and still avoid bruising her sister's sensitive areas. It was the best part of the evening for Vince in some ways because he felt very much in control. He had the rare feeling that he could keep going forever, and let loose his load whenever he chose.

Claire let Sylvia taper off from her climax, which was a truly magnificent one. Then, she squirmed out from under her sister and got on her hands and knees, ready for the same treatment. Sylvia made it easy as she collapsed forward off of his rod, then rolled to her side, barely able to look up at the other two.

In the rear-entry position, Claire was able to demonstrate the true intensity of her sexual hunger. He and Sylvia had been energetic, the slapping of his thighs against her ass loud in the room. Claire just took it to a whole new level, her constant vocalizations drowning out the even louder slapping sounds. She must not have come down completely from the orgasm induced by her sister's mouth, because she came again after six or seven minutes of his thrusting. He had not touched her with his hands except to hang onto her hips and Sylvia was not yet recovered enough to assist in getting her off. When she came, he had to quickly circle his arms around her middle and hang on for dear life to keep from getting bucked off - it was the only analogy that came to mind.

There was definitely a different feeling to the sisters. When Sylvia came, it was like a cloud of warmth and pleasure engulfing both of them. With Claire, an orgasm was more like a combined lightning bolt and thunderclap. The power involved had a definite hint of danger. Once again chiding himself for comparing, he had to admit that neither of his exes ever matched Claire's incredible energy output.

Her explosion was good for Vince. It got him back to his old competitive sex mode and he gave her no chance to rest and recover after her come. She started to collapse forward and he just went with her, arms still around her and in and out motion never stopping. Sylvia, though limp, had been watching closely and grabbed a pillow to push under her sister's crotch. That gave Vince a little better angle. He had to prop himself up more than if Claire had been on her knees, but he was able to keep up the rhythm.

It was many minutes later when Claire came again. Still, he did not slack off, now ready for one more ejaculation of his own. However, that part of the plan did not go quite as he expected. After a few more minutes, he could not seem to get any closer, and a little frustration began to set in. Failure to produce another load would not leave the image he intended.

There was certainly plenty of stimulation. Stretched out as she was with her legs together, she was plenty tight around him. In fact, he felt a bit of panic over whether the friction would become too painful before he could unload. His concentration was such that he did not notice Sylvia leaving the bed.

Sylvia's whereabouts became very clear when he felt a cold, slippery sensation around his anus, then uncomfortable pressure as Sylvia wormed a finger into him. Her action very nearly brought everything to a halt as this was more upsetting than stimulating to him - at least at first. Fortunately for her, she was able to gain entry rather quickly and begin some in and out motions. That brought the pleasure and pain into balance and stopped the threatened wilting of his shaft.

Once her finger was safely in place, Sylvia leaned on his back and began egging him on. "Come on, Stud! I know you've got another load just waiting to stuff that old bitch's cunt. You aren't gonna let that scrawny old hag get the best of a stallion like you, are you. Only two shots for the whole night? Awwww, I know you can do better than that. In fact..."

Whether from some kind of training or from kinky prior encounters, Sylvia had perfect knowledge of his internal plumbing. Her digit, which had been just moving in and out, curled a bit and began rubbing on his prostate. After less than ten seconds of that, he howled like an animal and blasted three surprisingly heavy jets into Claire. Sylvia had to withdraw quickly, as he literally collapsed to his side, his penis already shrinking as it slid out of Claire.

If he had not been so near to unconsciousness, he might have felt shamed by the next several minutes. Instead, he just went with the flow. The sisters helped him to his feet and into the shower, where they somehow got him washed off. While Claire sat him on the stool and dried him, Sylvia quickly stripped the bed and put on clean sheets, then together they got him into bed. Each of them showered and he was aware in that dreamy half-state.

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