The Parkers - Cover

The Parkers

Copyright© 2005 by Otto

Chapter 13: Something lesbian

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 13: Something lesbian - The bisexual adventures of the members of one family.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Ma/Ma   Ma/mt   mt/mt   Consensual   BiSexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Orgy  

Julie Parker smoked several cigarettes that afternoon, alone in her room. What she had just done with Amy was horrible. Funny thing is that, while she was doing it, she thought it was wonderful.

It wasn't just the incest. Amy was just fifteen. A child. Sure, Amy had teased her as much as possible, but Julie, as a responsible adult (crap, when had she become that?) should say no. She should have gone to her room. That's what she wanted to do. Why didn't she?

Sure, she was horny. Sure, she liked girls. And Amy was beautiful. A fantastic body. But Amy was fifteen. And her sister.

It was crazy. Julie didn't really mind the incest. She was worried, however, about what she had done to her sister. Would Amy be unhappy for the rest of her life? More than the incest, what bothered Julie was that she loved Amy. Amy wasn't just a fifteen year-old girl she had met and fucked. She was her sister.

And she might have ruined Amy's life!

And the crazy thing was that, somewhere in her mind, somehow, she really wanted everything to be simple. And that she could do it to Amy again. That she could actually do more with Amy.

She hoped she could suck those big growing tits. And that sweet young pussy. And that Amy could do the same for her. And that they could spend hours together, sucking each other until they're both too tired to breathe. Yes, Julie had a lot to think about.

And that was just what she was doing, locked in her bedroom, when she heard someone knocking. And the voice:

"Julie? Come here!"

It was Lucy. They were back. Julie said she would be downstairs in a minute, looked at the mirror, saw nothing wrong with her face (she hadn't cried or anything) and went downstairs.

Yes, they were back. And they seemed to be happy. Laurie was talking about the outfit they had just bought. Linda and Sally were taking the food to the kitchen. Amy was also there, talking to her mother. Lucy and Roger wouldn't be home during the party, but that didn't mean Amy wasn't supposed to behave. She shouldn't drink beer, she shouldn't try to act like an adult, etc.

Julie was a little embarrassed with Amy's presence. And she told Laurie:

"Carl stopped by. He left you a tape or something."

Laurie knew what this was about. And she asked:

"You haven't seen it, have you?"


"Where is it?"

"Upstairs. I guess I left it in my room."

"Okay, Julie, I wanted to talk to you, so... Let's do it."

Then she told Lucy:

"Lucy! Julie and I will be upstairs, and we don't want to be bothered. If anyone calls, I'm not home. We'll probably be done when Martin arrives, but... We don't want to be bothered. You hear me, Linda? Sally? Amy?"

"Okay, okay, okay..."

Julie was a little upset. What would they talk about? Oh, no, probably Laurie had some problems with Brad, and... Julie really wasn't in the mood to solve anyone's problems. Laurie and Julie were really close, they were best friends, they were completely honest with each other, they talked about everything, but that Saturday wasn't a good day for Julie.

Anyway, they entered Julie's room. And Laurie locked the door.

"Okay, Julie, I really need to talk to you. I was thinking about it the whole day. I know we don't have much time, but... I have to talk to someone. You."

Julie gave Laurie the envelope, lightened another cigarette and said:

"Okay. Go on."

"It's a long story. You haven't seen this tape, have you?"

"No. Should I?"

"No. I wouldn't be able to look you in the eye if you had done it."

Ha! If only she knew what Julie had done a few hours before!

"Come on, Laurie. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on. Is it Brad?"

"Yes. Well... Brad and everybody. Julie... I've never told this to anyone. Not alone, at least. A few people know about it, but... I've never really told anyone. And I hope you don't judge me or something. You should just... respect, okay?"

Julie was a little tired of her sisters treating her like she was Sally!

"Hell, Laurie, I'm Julie! Hello! I don't judge anyone! Now, come on, what's the problem? Another guy?"

"Well, in a way, yes."

Laurie laughed and said:

"Many other guys!"


"You see, my group and I... The people in my group... We're very close together. You don't know exactly what I mean, but that's what happens in a small group. In theater. We're very close."

"And you fell in love with another guy. I hope it's not Carl, cause this one is hopeless."

"No. And there is no love. It's just... We started to... Play around. We like small orgies."


"Please, Julie, don't think I'm sick or something. We just like to have sex together, everybody. And we change partners. So, for instance, you mentioned Carl, but Carl is the only guy in that group who had not fucked me."

"Oh. I see."

"You don't think I'm weird, or anything?"

"No. It's okay. I mean... I have my friends. I don't love Mandy or Ann, but I certainly enjoy having sex with them. It's okay. It's natural. Sex can be fun without real love. Just friendship. And... Everybody?"


"That's what? Ten, twelve people?"


"Wow! I mean... I really don't see any problem with that, I just haven't ever done it, but... The most I did was four people! So... Every guy in that group, uh? That's probably fun."

"And Brad is bi, like you. Like most everybody there, actually. So he had fucked Carl. And everybody else in that group."

"And you're having problems dealing with his bisexuality?"

"No. I'm having a little problem dealing with my bisexuality."

"So you're..."

"I wasn't. Most girls in our group are, but Elaine and I were straight. 100%. Well, in my case I guess I should say 60%. Cause last night, they did a special birthday party for me, Carl and his boyfriend taped it, and... I did it."

"So that's what's on this tape? An orgy?"

"Yes. It was just for fun, this is the only copy, it's not like I became a pornstar or something, it's just... For fun."

"And you did it. With girls?"

"Yes. I had kissed Kay, another time, but yesterday, for the first time, we did the whole thing. You know."



"You sucked and was sucked?"


Julie said nothing for the next seconds. Her mouth was busy with her cigarette. Then she said:

"Okay, I have to see this tape!"

"No way!"

"Come on, Laurie! Just see. It's nothing. I love porn, you all know it."

"No. I'm your sister! And I do some real nasty stuff in it!"

"Is that an argument to make me change my mind? Come on, Laurie, please! I'll do anything for you! I have to see it!"

"No! I came here asking for help, and then your pervert side decides to appear!"

"Okay, what do you want me to do for you? Are you happy? Did you enjoy the attention of other women?"

"I loved it."

"Do you want to do it again?"

"Yes. Certainly. And I want to come out. Like you."

"Okay. First, you wait till Monday. Today and tomorrow are your days. It's always a shock, believe me, when they know. Keep it quiet for a couple of days, enjoy the attention, and on Monday, after the birthday, you can come out and everybody will have to deal with it. Lucky for us, our family is very understanding. Sally is the one who's a little weird about it, but that won't mean she doesn't love you. And Martin is arriving today with his girlfriend, you don't even know the girl, so... Wait a couple of days. It will be better for everybody."

"I don't know. I don't want to hide, Julie. I mean, I won't say anything about the orgies, I don't think dad must know about that, but... I'm not ashamed of my bisexuality."

"I know, but it's better for you to wait. Tomorrow it's your birthday, Laurie. After that, you can say whatever you want, but... I want you to enjoy your birthday without being nervous about the whole family. Bisexuality is nothing to be ashamed of, but it is a big deal."

"Okay. I knew you could help with me that."

"Now come here and let's hug, sister. Welcome to my world."

They hugged. Tight. They caressed each other's hair. And Julie said:

"Tell me the truth, it's wonderful, isn't it?"

"Fantastic. I was so surprised. I had no idea. And I didn't really thought about women until I started to see them together."

"So now... Have you fucked everybody in your group? I mean, except for Carl, of course."

"And Elaine."

"And Elaine. You've fucked them all."


"It's great."

"Believe me. It was."

"I always thought you were this faithful girl, who would fuck only Brad... You should have told me about this before."

"Yes. But you always knew how much I love sex."

"Oh, sure, but I thought that, after you met Brad..."

"You were wrong."

"I was. Now... I did you a favor, I want a favor."



"You won't see this tape, Julie."

"Laurie. Look at me. Look at me!"

Laurie looked. Deep into Julie's eyes. And Julie said, and she meant it:

"I will see it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon. I will see it. You may watch it with me. Or I'll wait. When you're in the shower, or out, I will go into your room and will look for it. Okay? I know it exists. If we watch it together, now, you will make sure I won't masturbate. If you're not around, dear, maybe... You know, fourteen people fucking and sucking..."

"You wouldn't."

"If you don't put this tape in this VCR, Laurie, you'll never know. But, if we watch it together..."

"I'm embarrassed. I'm not one of those pornstars you watch!"

"I know. So far, it's only my curiosity. I'm not horny about it. I just want to see it. If I watch later, however, since it's forbidden, maybe I... You know... Play with myself a little bit."

At that point, Julie's head was a mess. She wasn't thinking about Amy, anymore. She was thinking about that tape. But her prior experiences with Amy had opened the doors to incest. She knew it wasn't impossible. She knew a sister could turn the other on.

"I'm embarrassed. What if I suck?"

"I guess you do, Laurie! That's why I want to watch it!"

"You know what I mean. What if I stink?"

Julie laughed:

"Then you won't be sucked."

"I'm serious. This tape is not porn. It's just something for... You know, to remember the good old days, in the future."

"Aren't you curious about it?"

"I'm dying to watch it! But alone!"

"Yes, and when that will be? With Sally and Martin coming home! When will you be alone?"

"Okay, Julie. But the remote is mine, okay? If I decide to fast-forward it, it's my choice."

"Okay. I guess."

Julie's big bed was perfect for them watching it together. They sat side by side and Laurie pressed play.

And it started.

Everybody was naked, and everybody was saying good things about and for Laurie. Happy birthday, I love you, you're the best, you know how these things are.

Then the credits. A film by Gus Elfman. Laurie's pre-birthday party.

Laurie arrived, saw everything naked, and it started.

Laurie knew what would happen. It had all happened less than 24 hours before but she was more than a little fascinated by the idea of seeing herself doing all those things. Julie was the only person with whom she could do watch this. And Julie seemed so interested.

Especially in the naked, sexy and beautiful Joan Greene. Like Julie, Joan had dark hair and big breasts. And a wonderful sexy smile.

But, when Gerry started to kiss Laurie, Julie said:

"Good choice. He seems nice. And he has a nice cock."


"Come on, sis! It's not me in this tape, looking hot!"

"I know. It feels even better than it looks."

Laurie wasn't on camera all the time. Gus used two cameras, so he could cut to other interesting couples.

Julie felt a little weird. In an excited way. She had seen all those people naked, in a play, before, and in the play they pretended to have sex. But this was the real thing. Which was, of course, much more interesting.

Somehow, Julie felt a little jealous. Maggie was kissing Joan, and those girls were so into it! Nothing in that play had prepared her for that.

Of course, now that she knew Joan Greene was into girls, she would certainly try some things. They had never actually met. Julie had just seen her once, and Joan was on stage. After the play was over, Julie went out for a smoke, and she had not seen Joan since. But this tape was certainly interesting.

Of course, Laurie was also interesting. Julie was seeing her sister naked, being sucked by a guy, and enjoying it. The sound was bad, but Julie could hear those people moaning. It was hot.

And then they kissed. Laurie and the other girl, Kay. They kissed. And Julie said:

"That's how it starts."

"It is."

"So, sis? Are you proud? You should be. It's a very good performance."

"It's not as bad as I thought it would be."

Of course, Laurie had seen people having sex. She was used to it. And she was relieved that she didn't look bad. No, like everybody else, Laurie Parker was wonderful to be seen being fucked.

Laurie didn't press the fast-forward button, she didn't want it go faster. Both Laurie and Julie were fascinated by that TV screen. By those bodies.

When Kay started to suck Laurie, Julie smiled, held Laurie and said:

"Oh, I'm so glad!"

"I am glad."

Laurie and Julie looked at each other. And there was something. Definitely. Something lesbian.

But both of them looked at the screen. Which wasn't the best escape, of course. Laurie was certainly hot. She felt she was such a slut. She went to orgies, she allowed people to film her, and she watched the tape, with her sister. That was slutty. And nice.

Julie was actually a little scared. A few hours before, she had done all those things with Amy. And, now, she was already starting to wonder about Laurie. It was weird.

But how couldn't she? Laurie had a sexy figure. A very nice body, hard, thanks to years of dancing. A fantastic butt. And a beautiful face. And she was the star of the best amateur porn ever shot! It would be impossible to anyone not have sex thoughts about her. Julie would have to be straight or something horrible like that!

And Laurie was also starting to see Julie's through a new, fun, light. Sure, she would never do anything about it. Nothing. Ever. Laurie wasn't strange to incest, she had done it with Keith, her cousin, when she was a teenager, but... Julie was her sister, she couldn't. However, it was nice to think that, if they weren't sisters, they would be naked. Together.

Julie was having the same thoughts.

"Sis, what can I tell you? You are hot."

"Thank you. From what I see of you, you're hot too!"

"Hey! You've been bi for a day and you already want to see me naked?"

"I didn't say that."

"No. But almost."

"No, I didn't!"

"Yes, you did! You're already having lesbian thoughts about your young sister, what a shame!"

"Why 'already'? Should I wait? It would be normal if I had lesbian thoughts about my sister a week from now?"

"Make it a month."

They laughed.

"Well, sis, you are watching me naked!"

"And being sucked. And sucking a guy!"

"Yes. You must make a movie with your friends and show it to me!"

"Hey, I'm no actress. That's the career you chose for yourself!"

"Yeah, say that again and tomorrow, during lunch, I'll ask you, in front of mom: 'Hey, Julie, have you decided your major?' And you and mom will have a wonderful talk."

"Then I'll ask you: 'Hey, Laurie, what about sucking my cunt, since you love cunts so much?' And she'll forget all about me!"

"Yeah, right."

They couldn't say anything. The words had been spoken. "What about sucking my cunt?" Not a bad idea. Not at all. Unfortunately, they were sisters.

This is crazy, you know? If they were just best friends, since they were both bi, they would try it. Without any problem. Both of them could see how hard their nipples were, through their shirts. And they were best friends! They were bi! And they hadn't even come from the same vagina. It was just the same penis, and penis was the last thing in their minds.

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