Mother's Dream - Cover

Mother's Dream

Copyright© 2004 by davedax

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - After five years in prison a young man is released and vows to make a new start.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Group Sex   Orgy   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Exhibitionism   Violence  

I slept in between them that night after fucking mum whilst she ate Dolly out again and this time it was Dolly's turn to drink my cum from mum's swamp like pussy and when I awoke in the morning, I was seconds from spurting into Dolly's warm mouth, the pair of them were insatiable, incredibly sexy women who just couldn't get enough of each other, or whatever else was on offer!

Eventually though I escaped and invested the money I'd taken from Granville in a second hand Rover, it took just one phone call to get insured and I rolled up at Tommy's door in grand style.

Sammy came running out, even before I'd pulled up and she ran straight into my arms, this time the kiss was much longer and a lot deeper too, I tasted her tongue as she snaked it between my teeth and it was with the greatest reluctance that I finally let her go to go into the house with her.

Tommy was at home as usual on a Saturday and said he was going to the races at Kempton,

"Why don't you two come along, it'll be a nice day out?"

I felt like royalty in the back of his open top BMW, with a beautiful young girl nestling up to me as her long blonde hair streamed out in the wind, we stole little kisses while her dad wasn't looking and she even took the bandage off my face,

"That's better" she said and kissed the vivid scar tenderly, "You look less fierce now, but just a little roguish, anyway, leave it off at least for the day, the fresh air will do it good"

"Yes ma'am" I laughed and we pulled into the V.I.P. park at the race course,

"V.I.P. Tommy" I caught his eye in the mirror and he laughed with me, but Samantha didn't get the joke.

"It's ok Micky" he grinned, "She knows I was a bit of a lad, tell her"

So I did and she was enthralled as I told her how her dad, along with mine, once relieved the tote office of a few thousand pounds at the point of two sawn offs and she giggled deliciously when Tommy told her how they'd made their getaway only to run out of petrol just two hundred yards from the course!

"We legged it over about sixteen bloody fields" he laughed "And hitched a lift on the main road",

"So it was well planned then daddy" she laughed and kissed him fondly

We went into the member's bar where he ordered lunch and checked that his box was ready, Sammy and I went down to look at the runners for the first race in the parade ring and she picked out her choice without even knowing it's name, I looked at the race card and laughed out loud,

"It's called shotgun surprise Sammy, honestly!"

"I must back it then" she laughed and we went down to the on course bookies where she put a hundred pounds on it to win, just out of loyalty to her, I did the same and we ran back to the rails to watch it run.

With a furlong to go, it was lying in third, but the lead horse was tiring rapidly and they passed it with just yards to go to the winning post,

"A photo finish" announced the commentator and Sammy was bouncing up and down beside me, "What were the odds Micky?"

"Ten to one" I said just as the judge announced that shotgun surprise had won the race by a short head!

She was a delightful bundle of warmth in my arms as we went down to collect our winnings and she galloped back up to tell Tommy, a smile on her face as wide as the course itself!

"Well with a name like that" he said, "I couldn't resist it either, so I put five hundred on it, but you miss" he pointed a finger at his daughter,

"You're not old enough to bet, so be careful"

Not old enough to bet? Oh my God, it had never occurred to me to ask her age!

"Er, Sammy" I said as we went back down for a look at the runners in the next race,

"I'll be seventeen next week Micky" she laughed, "Does that answer your question?"

"Don't look so worried Micky" Tommy laughed, "That trust you mentioned last night goes both ways you know"

I hadn't noticed that he'd joined us.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me"

"Yeah well, so does the fact that I've got rather a lot of your money in that safe" he smiled, "An ex con isn't the first person who springs to mind when you're looking for someone to look after your money"

We all lost a few pounds on the next two races, got a bit back in the fourth, ignored the fifth because we were eating and then in the sixth and final race, Sammy announced that she was going to put everything she had on Micky's girl,

"It's an omen" she laughed, so we each put a thousand pounds on it and watched it wipe the floor with everything else in the race at four to one!

She was delirious, laughing, crying and dancing up and down with glee, the bookie didn't share her joy though and asked who he should make the cheque out to?

I had a quiet word in his ear and he grudgingly paid up, Tommy had scooped us again though by placing his bet with the tote, he got better odds than us too and drove us home in a very jovial mood!

"I'm taking a lady out tonight Micky, why don't you stay over, that way I don't have to come home if I get lucky?"

Same old Tommy, he'd always had an eye for the ladies according to Dad and once famously crashed a getaway car because a young girl's skirt blew up, displaying her white knickers in the wind!

"She's really keen on you son" he said as we strolled in the gardens whilst Sammy made us all a drink in the kitchen,

"I like her a lot too"

"In an ideal world Micky, she'd stay a virgin until she met a man who swept her off her feet, they'd get married, have two point four children and live happily ever after, but this isn't an ideal world, she went off the rails a bit when her mum died, put herself about a bit, if you know what I mean"

I nodded, "Yes, I think so"

"Last night after you left, she didn't shut up about you for bloody hours, Micky this and Micky that, she was driving me bloody nuts" then we stopped and he looked at me,

"All I'm saying is, look after her, she's all I've got Micky"

He gripped my arm and we continued walking in silence,

"I've not known her for twenty four hours yet Tommy" I said and grinned at my foolishness, "But the way I feel right now, I'd marry her tomorrow"

"Oh Jesus" he laughed, "You're just as bloody bad as she is, oh my God, what a bloody idiot"

His laughter was infectious and we were still at it when she came out with a tray laden with tea cups,

"What are you two laughing at?"

"This idiot will tell you later sweetheart" he chuckled and took his tea into the house to get ready for his date.

I phoned mum and told her that I wouldn't be home that night and she was ten times worse than Tommy,

"You treat that girl well son" she said darkly, "Or you'll answer to me"

"Jesus" I laughed as I switched off and turned to look at the cause of everyone's concern, "All of a sudden I'm the big bad wolf"

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