Takin' it to the Banks - Cover

Takin' it to the Banks

Copyright© 2004 by Thinking Horndog

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Two socially-shortchanged individuals stumble upon one another in a Men's Room and take halting steps toward becoming a couple. Involves some minor characters from the universe of Second Best.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Heterosexual   Oral Sex  

Marion Banks was miserable. She was suffering constantly under an exquisite torture, for which she saw no end in sight. And like all of the best tortures, it was at least partially self-inflicted. All of the best tortures have a component of active choice by the victim, wherein he or she consciously selects the lesser of two evils, many times thoroughly cognizant of the fact that it will be impossible to sustain. Such was Marion's current dilemma...

Marion was thirty seven, with dirty blonde hair, and a narrow five foot six inch frame knitted together with whipcord muscles. Her lean and rangy build was anathema to her; it had denied her the attention of men and boys all her life. Her musculature was smooth and efficient, and she was stronger and more ruggedly capable than most, but the downside was that the flow and attachment points were almost simian in structure. Marion didn't look like an ape, by any means, but she didn't look particularly girlish, either. Conspicuously missing in Marion were the wide hips and softly padded derriere usually found on the female of the species, and - worse - also lacking was the soft cushy protuberances that SHOULD have been on her chest, acting as an attractor for males! What Marion possessed instead were a pair of nipples that, when she was aroused, approached an inch and a half's worth of spiky erection, but usually were just a darker area atop the basically flat, english muffin-sized little fat pads that were anchored solidly on her chest in lieu of a more robust, movable mass of breast tissue. Marion didn't need a bra - three and a half decades into her life, with her only child approaching physical maturity, Marion's breasts sagged not at all - there was too little of them to develop much of a wiggle. All in all, Marion's build was distinctly boyish - not anything particularly appetizing if you WERE a boy!

Marion's facial features, which should have helped, didn't. Her hair, which was a nondescript dark blonde that shaded to brown, tended toward thinness and was thoroughly lank. Given its nature, it wasn't much of a frame for a set of features that was entirely too strong to be considered classically beautiful. Marion's brown eyes were set deep above high cheekbones, the shelves of which made the taut skin of her cheeks where it flowed to her strong, lantern jaw look especially gaunt. A supermodel would have probably killed for those cheeks, but Marion had discovered early that she couldn't wear makeup; techniques designed to make softer, rounder faces with nascent double chins below receding jaw lines look thinner and more defined made her already sharp bone structure look skeletal - and she'd never entered the orbit of anyone who knew how to deal with too much perfection...

Basically, the elements of her physical appearance conspired to make an athletic girl who objectively had NOTHING wrong with her appear low enough on the totem pole to be totally ignored. Fat girls at least had tits - and almost EVERYBODY carried more weight that Marion! Guys instinctively looked for some variant on a rounded hourglass curve in their fantasy girls, something Marion's spare build caused her to totally lack. High school had been one disappointment after another, and by the time she reached college, all of her friends basically assumed she was a lesbian.

Nothing could have been further from the truth! Young Marion spent every waking hour drooling hopelessly over this hunk or that, waiting and hoping for that big moment when one of them would notice her long enough to populate her bed and treat that incredible itch she had between her legs. But college was worse than high school, and there just seemed to be no one...

In desperation, Marion began hanging out in the bars at night, finding herself 'way too sober, waiting on the sidelines for the truly drunk and truly desperate to select her from among the other wallflowers at closing time. In such an environment, it was inevitable that she should collect SOMEONE, and just as inevitable that he be a loser...

Ed Banks' roving eye had proven too much for his prey selected earlier in the evening, and as closing time approached, he realized suddenly that if he was going to bury himself in something warm and wet, he'd better pay less attention to drinking and more to his banter. Looking around somewhat blearily, he discovered that the cream of the crop had already departed the dance club, and as the time closed on two a.m., things weren't going to get any better.

Ed got up and went to the Men's Room to wash his face, comb, and generally get presentable, although the visible talent didn't really rate the effort. Still, if there WERE any miracles to be had, he didn't want to put himself out of the running... Leaving the men's room, he conducted a scan of the playing field. The results weren't anything impressive; given the mass of heavy chicks clustered along the walls, it was a wonder the dance floor didn't bow up in the middle. Grinning sardonically at THAT little gem of a thought, he began a patrol of the leftovers, orbiting clockwise around the floor just out of reach of the remaining denizens. Ed carefully maintained his attention to the front, so that those he had decided to avoid assumed that his date was a bit farther on and weren't tempted to do anything too desperate - and the resulting viewing angle almost caused him to miss the jackpot! There, tucked between two elephants, was a mouse! Well, it wasn't as if she was tiny or anything (except in comparison with her neighbors), but the mousy-looking blonde was pretty scrawny - which made her stand out in THIS crowd! If there had been a REAL woman present, the bony, flat-chested slip wouldn't have had a chance, but it was late, and Ed was drunk - he'd pad her with pillows or something. Better that than only getting the last two inches of his cock into some fat pussy while he tried to muscle his way between her flabby thighs! Ed sidled up and unlimbered a small dab of his considerable greasy charm, "Hi, Darlin'! Can I buy you a drink?"

Marion, who at this point was barely nineteen and drinking on bogus ID, was caught flat-footed! The only reason she was still here was that it was Friday and it was too damned late to try anywhere else! She'd given up over an hour before, concentrating on getting a snoot full so that when she and Big Felicia shared their cab home, she'd be too blitzed to get all weepy until she woke up tomorrow in her dorm room, alone again. "Ummm, 'kay!" Who was this guy? Hadn't he been chatting up that foxy redhead over by the bar? (Actually, Ed had, but he'd been visibly distracted one time too many by the muscular thighs of a little brunette who HAD a date, and Red had sent him on his way... )

Ed smiled engagingly and asked, "What'cha want? Rum and Coke?" eyeing Marion's glass. At her surprised nod, he remonstrated, "Don't run off, now! I'll be right back!" and surged somewhat unsteadily toward the bar.

Huh! THAT was unlikely! Marion was finally waving her bait in front of a live one! If this guy passed out on the way to the bar, she'd go over and lay down on the floor next to him, hoping for confusion when he awakened! Ed's brash good looks had taken Marion in instantly; okay, so, he was a little lit - if it meant she could sneak in behind the prime stuff, so be it! These thoughts were writ large on her face when Big Felicia smirked and announced, "Well, I guess YOU get the lightning bolt tonight!" Marion blushed, but she was too muzzy for sharp repartee.

"LAST CALL FOR ALCOHOL!!" blasted from the PA as Ed turned from the bar, and he grinned like a shark. There'd be no pussyfooting around now! There was no time to be coy; if the little cunt wanted her snatch filled, she'd have to prove pliant, right away! Otherwise, he could always settle for one of the big bitches flanking her...

Ed needn't have worried. His mildly perplexed, "Gee, time sure flies..." had Marion falling all over herself in agreement and suffering his immediate casual pawing without the slightest defensive reaction. When it became apparent that there would be no complaints forthcoming, Ed grinned to himself and proceeded to give Marion an outrageously thorough feeling-up, his attacks getting braver and braver until he was literally cupping Marion's pudenda while mentally lamenting her lack of an effective bust. Ah, well, it was only a one-nighter, after all...

Big Felicia was scandalized, but Marion was in Heaven! Nobody had ever bothered to go looking for her tits, never mind put his hands in her crotch! Marion was soaking wet - Ed could have laid her on the floor and taken her right there!

Ed was deeply surprised! He couldn't ever remember getting pussy THIS easily! The scrawny little bitch actually spread her legs so he could feel her up! Okay, so she didn't have any tits - there was definitely one soaking wet pussy there, and it wouldn't be hard to hit! Ed was too drunk and excited to be subtle, "Uh, hey, Sweet Thang, can we go to your place?"

Big Felicia rolled her eyes, but Marion nodded, hers wide, and forced out, "Uh huh!"

Ten minutes later, the three of them were squeezed into the back of a cab headed for Marion's dorm, Big Felicia providing Marion with an excuse to perch on Ed's lap. Both Ed and Marion were drifting in and out from alcohol poisoning, but when Marion was lucid, she was intensely happy, feeling the hard bulge of Ed's cock outlined in his pants under her spare butt.

The jounce and sway of the cab got the better of Marion, and the first thing she did on arrival at the dorm was to lean out of the cab door and empty out all of that excess alcohol into the gutter. But that was okay, anyway; the episode left her feeling better - once she had unloaded, the nausea went away and stayed gone. Ed managed to keep his gorge through a combination of experience and heightened tolerance, and Big Felicia managed to use the episode as an excuse to mother-hen Marion. Once sequestered in the bathroom the pair shared, Big Felicia handed Marion a glass of water to rinse her mouth out with while remonstrating, "Honey, you can't just throw yourself at a boy like that! You'll NEVER keep him!" But Marion figured that it was too late to start pretending to be ambivalent - Ed had been sliding sticky fingers along the gusset of her pantyhose for a half hour already! In fact... Marion bent and began divesting herself of her nylons - they were just too obdurate! Marion didn't want Ed getting sleepy and giving up because he couldn't get through them! Was that right? Yeah - his name was Ed; Felicia had asked him while they were in the cab riding home. He'd been all over Marion like a coat of paint, and she hadn't even asked his name! Marion shook off recriminations; she'd be a thorough slut if that's what it took to feel that cock...

Ed, drifting around the room bereft of inputs, was getting sleepy. When Marion emerged from the bathroom, she took one look at him, divined his flagging state, and immediately started finding ways to put him in contact with bare skin. "Can you help me with my top?" she asked, in a thoroughly transparent attempt to be demure. She turned her back to him and Ed stepped up and began lifting her top by sliding his hands up her sides, snagging the draped fabric on his forearms as he continued to slide his hands upward along her upraised arms. It was enough to re-engage him; when she turned and offered her lips, he was ready, if a bit leery. "It's okay," Marion husked, "I rinsed out..." and the pair moved on to French kissing, new territory for Marion.

Ed was back and forth about his catch. 'Geez, ' he thought, 'No fuckin' tits at all!' But she had nice, stiff nips, though, so what the Hell? His inventory of her ribcage had him grimacing at how bony she was, but she was flexible, and she had a three-finger gap between her thighs with nothing but gash in it - that had to count for SOMETHING! That gash was fully exposed to his hand, too - he had a palm full of curly muff and two wet fingers playing with her inner lips.

Marion's jean skirt hit the floor during this exercise, and Ed stepped back to examine his prize. Christ! If it weren't for the fur on her snatch, she could be twelve! "How old ARE you, Sweet Thang?" Ed had no idea what her name was - Hell, maybe he could get out the door in the morning without finding out!

Marion looked nervous. "I'm over eighteen..."

"Whew! Hard to tell!" Momentary worries handled, Ed dove back in. He was in a hurry; he was pretty drunk, so athletics were out. So was romance. The sooner he got his cock in and drained, the sooner he could get a nap... He backed the little slip toward her bed (a place that Marion was all too willing to go), and when contact with her knees caused her to sit on it, he reached for his belt. "Gimme a hand, here. You ever suck cock?" Of course she had! No piece THIS anxious to get pronged wouldn't have...

Marion, working at Ed's zipper, maintained her silence. Frankly, she HADN'T - she'd only seen it done in a couple of pornos that some of the wilder senior girls had put up in the lounge one Saturday. She'd rubbed her clit for hours after that - until Big Felicia had taken pity on her and shown her her vibrator...

Between them, they managed to get Ed's jeans to his ankles. He'd kicked off his loafers early on; Marion sat transfixed by the bulge in his boxers while he kicked his feet clear. "C'mon Sweet Thang, don't stop now!" Ed pressed, and laid his hands on her shoulders while Marion nerved herself, reached out, and exposed her first real cock.

To be fair, Ed wasn't exactly gifted. Like so many with the gift of gab, his bark was bigger than his bite. His penis wasn't embarrassing or anything, merely decidedly average, if not a bit less. Not quite fully erect due to the booze, his uncircumcised length floated in at just under five inches, the still mostly-covered head weeping pre-cum from his excitement. It was moving - slowly growing, the head slowly uncovering itself like a turtle, even as she watched. It didn't seem to be as big as the ones in the pornos - but then they always did photography tricks in those things, Marion mused, as she gazed at it, rapt.

Ed started to get concerned - she was just lookin' at it! "Somethin' wrong?" he asked, reaching down to grasp it at the base and turn it this way and that. If that little latina bitch gave him a bruise or something last night...

"Oh! Sorry! I was just taking it in..." Marion glanced up anxiously.

"Well, take it in!" Ed erupted, exasperated, wrapping a hand behind Marion's head.

Marion wasn't reluctant, so much as hesitant. Long, cool fingers replaced Ed's at the base of his shaft, and a tentative tongue reached out... 'Hmmm. Musky, ' Marion thought, as she absorbed her first taste of pre-cum. Meanwhile, her left hand came up to get a feel of the unusually textured skin at Ed's scrotum. Marion moved in and engaged the tip with her ovalled lips, whipping her tongue around the ring where the expose area of the tip disappeared under the foreskin.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Ed let go - obviously Scrawny Thang didn't need any more encouragement. Marion didn't, either. She rolled her lips over the head of Ed's cock and began taking in the shaft while gently fingering the soft pouch covering his balls. Ed's knees weakened while his cock sized up a half inch and got rigid, the glans nearly clearing the foreskin. Heavenly! Scrawny Thang appeared to know her business!

Little did Ed know - Marion was working purely on instinct and limited exposure to porn flicks! Still, there were some obvious things to do... Ed's unconscious reactions told her that the area where the head met the shaft was sensitive, especially at the bottom, so she ensured that it got tongue action. Ed didn't seem to be long enough for 'Deep Throat' - she could bury her nose in his pubes without it becoming an issue. Maybe that was just another fairy tale? Ed reached down and took a stiff nipple between his fingers, rolling it, and Marion added a little whining "Umph" around his cock to each in- stroke. Marion decided that she was enjoying the whole thing; the flavor wasn't bad, especially after she'd absorbed the initial sweaty musk. The dribbles leaking from the tip made kind of a savory sauce; she didn't think they were semen. Lubricant, maybe? Like the stuff leaking down her legs?

Just as she began to wonder if he was going to cum in her mouth (or squirt on her face - that's what they did in the movies), Ed pushed her back onto the bed. "Time for the main course!" he announced, driving her back onto the mattress by knee-walking up between her knees as she slid back. Marion flopped down. Was Ed going to eat her pussy now?

The answer was 'No'. Ed was intent upon getting his. Her pussy was wet, and she was more than willing - he didn't see any reason for any draining preliminaries. Birth control didn't come up as an issue, either; Ed just knelt up, rubbed the head of his erect five and a half incher between Marion's wet inner lips and drove it home!

"Uuuuhhhh!" Marion had a hymen in there! Ed, however, didn't notice - he just figured she was unusually tight. He went straight to stroking, blissfully unaware that the wash of wetness he felt was blood, not Marion's lubricating secretions. Marion's eyes watered - damn, that hurt! He could have taken it a little easy! But Marion's indignation fetched up short against the realization that virginity hadn't been discussed; Ed undoubtedly figured she was experienced. Certainly, she'd been acting like an easy lay... Even in extremis, Marion had done nothing to slow or stop Ed's progress, so his matter-of-fact "You'll loosen up, I ain't THAT big!" found her already doing so.

Ed didn't give a shit, anyway. He was giving the empty-headed little twat what she wanted, after all - and HE wanted her to feel tight! She was, too! Scrawny little bitch was SERIOUSLY tight! He forced his way in and out, reveling in the velvet grip.

Every stroke got easier - for both of them. For Ed, it was merely less effort to drive himself into Marion's clasping tunnel, but for Marion, each stroke was more comfortable and less painful, until pleasure eclipsed pain. This was a LOT better than Big Felicia's vibrator! Different, too! Unnoticed, Marion started making a little "Ummm" every time Ed banged her pelvis and her hips started to move. Ed grinned to himself; the little bitch was getting into it, finally! Damn good thing, too! Ed didn't know how long he was gonna last! In fact...

Ed's orgasm and Marion's were totally unrelated, despite the fact that they arrived there simultaneously. Just as Marion's senses whited out in a wash of stars, Ed went "Ooomph!" and drove himself deep into her cavity, blasting away.

Marion slowly surfaced after an immersion in joy that certainly beat vibrators, to hear Ed mutter thickly, "Okay if I crash here tonight?" Post- coital lassitude and alcohol had combined to incapacitate him, and the utterance was all he got out before unconsciousness claimed him. Before Marion could formulate a reply, he was snoring, boneless, atop her. Marion decided that the situation wasn't so bad, anyway - she could use a dose of the kind of notoriety that letting a man out of her room in broad daylight would generate - and composed herself for sleep.

Morning found Ed's hangover well along. He struggled up in bed, head pounding, a wash of red sweeping over his eyes - some of which didn't go away! There were bloodstains all around Scrawny Thang's pussy, and, upon examination, the base of his cock! Nudging her (she was already stretching, awakened as he surged up), he grunted, "Damn, Sweet Thang! You on the rag or something?"

"Um, no," Marion replied, "I am - was - a virgin..."

"Uhhh," Ed tried to cudgel his brain to work. God, his head hurt! Too much booze. Had she said what he THOUGHT she'd said? "You were cherry?"

"Yes..." The answer was diffident; Marion's first take on his mood said he wasn't happy. He probably thought she was up to something.

Ed's mind was elsewhere, however. He'd never taken a cherry before, but he knew it wasn't always pleasant for the girl. And since he couldn't actually remember fucking her, undoubtedly, he'd screwed it up... "Shit, I'm sorry, Sweet Thang, I didn't realize. How bad did I fuck it up?" Sober, he knew a heel when he saw one in the mirror.

"Well, it hurt, but it got better... I got a cum..." Marion related, still diffident.

'Yeah, right!' Ed thought. 'Sweet of her to say that to make me feel better... ' "Well, I'm sure I could have done better - and you deserve it. Let me go to the bathroom and put my head back on straight, and I'll see if I can't make it up to you. Got any aspirin?"

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