Spicing Up Their Marriage - Cover

Spicing Up Their Marriage

by Caesar

Copyright© 2004 by Caesar

Erotica Sex Story: When Mr. Harrison invites the young man from next door to fuck his wife while he watches - he is unprepared when she needs more.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Cheating   MaleDom   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   .

Copyright© 2003

I have a funny daddy
Who goes in and out with me
And everything that baby does
Daddy's sure to see,
And everything that baby says,
My daddy's sure to tell.
You must have read my daddy's verse.
I hope he fries in Hell.
-- Ogden Nash

The Harrison's have been our neighbours since I had lived in this house - since I was twelve years old. In that time I can claim that they are friends of my parents and friendly acquaintances to me and my sisters.

In the last years though, Mrs. Harrison had been spending a lot of time looking at me. Making a point to give me odd jobs about her home, cleaning the pool, cutting the grass, helping with painting the inside or outside of their home. All the while her eyes would follow me with a unknown spark within.

When I first realized the attention she was giving me - I was embarrassed and a little questioning at what she could possibly be looking at? I never considered that the mature woman was interested in me physically. At least not initially. It was not like she looked at me in the same way that I looked at girls my own age that caught me eye. She looked at me intensely, obsessively and rather brazenly. It was a shock to my virginal ways.

Only a couple of years later, just graduated from High School and no longer that innocent teenager that first cut the neighbours grass, that I only chuckled and ignored her. I knew I was good looking, tapered muscles and smooth hard tanned skin, tall with broad shoulders and a ruggedly handsome face. I knew this because it was what kept me in pussy nearly every weekend and a willing mouth if only I should pick up the phone.

Let the forty-two year-old woman look - nothing wrong with looking!

That would be the end of this story, me going off to college to get old and fat, except something happened that summer before I left home. Something that would forever change how I perceived woman and how I would travel the paths of my immediate future.

My parents practically bragged to everyone who had a ear, in our small town, that I had been accepted at a prestigious college and would be leaving at the end of summer. That is my guess that brought Mr. Harrison to the edge of his fence that sunny summer day - that and possibly, yet, another menial chore.


I stood up and whipped my brow, I had been bagging the newly cut grass and beneath the hot sun it was stifling. "Hi Mr. Harrison."

He looked a little nervous, "Todd are you busy this afternoon?"

Uh oh, he wanted to hire me to do another messy job around his home! Well, I only had to do it another few weeks and then I could take the money and head off to college. "After I finish the grass I'm free. Do you have something for me to do Mr. Harrison?"

The forty-five year-old man could not meet my eye, but nodded, "Can you come around at three?"

"No problem sir." I'm surprised he had not told me what the job would be - most probably something rather labour intensive and he was worried I would turn him down.

He turned about and mumbled as he disappeared into his home.

I took it easy for most of the day when I realized that it was a couple of minutes past three and my agreement to help out the Harrison's. I jump up from before the television and ran over to my neighbours home and knocked.

The door opened immediately and Mr. Harrison was standing there looking very sheepish. He must have been waiting by the door for me to knock. "Please come in Todd." He closed the door behind me and asked me to follow him into the living room.

There, seated on the couch was his wife, Mrs. Harrison, Julia. She was wearing an expensive-looking pearl-coloured blouse and tan skirt that showed plenty of cleavage and lots of leg. Julia watched me come into the room intently and patted the place next to her, on the couch.

I sat down dutiful.

There was a feeling that I was about to be lectured or interrogated, as the married couple were staring at me in a undecipherable sort of way.

Mr. Harrison sat across from us, in a large comfortable chair.

There was a moments awkward silence before Mr. Harrison cleared his throat and started, "Thank you for coming Todd." He sounded stiff, formal, as if this was the beginning of one of his companies meetings. Mrs. Harrison was watching me intently, like a hawk staring at a field mouse. "Over the last years, my wife and I have noticed how you have matured into a man."

I stole a look at Julia and saw that her cheeks had flushed slightly, and since I still had no idea what was going in, I turned back to her husband and listened.

"My wife, Mrs. Harrison..."

She interrupted and firmly stated, "Julia."

"... Julia, in particular has noticed you."

I nodded affirmatively. I have known for years how she watches me.

He cleared his throat yet again nervously, "When couples get older Todd, they change, things change. What was important when they were newly married does not seem so interesting as they age."

"Please George!"

Mr. Harrison turned to look at his wife angrily and hissed, "Shut up Julia! If we are going to go through with this, I told you that it has to be my way!"

The harsh sound of his words hit me like a physical blow and I wondered what the hell was going on here.

He continued in the normal serene voice he had before his outburst, "What I am talking about Todd, are sexual things." He paused for effect and I felt the married couples eyes upon me intently and I forced myself to sit silently and without moving a muscle. "Nearly a year ago I asked my wife to pick up a man at a bar and, while I watched, have sex with him. Does that shock you Todd?"

I had to clear my throat before replying, "Yes sir, a little." I immediately wondered if Julia went through with it?

"My wife agreed, after months of my nagging. Yet when the night of that planned encounter came, we could not go through with it and we never tried again." I wondered which of the them backed out of the planned encounter?

I felt so awkward and out of sorts sitting politely in their living room listening to the private things that were going on between my neighbours marriage.

"You see Todd, that I am no longer the man that I was when Julia and I first married. We rarely ever make love and I am mostly at fault for this." They did not have sex because he did not want too - crazy old coot! "My wife though, had only found her desires increasing with age, while my own decreased." We could have been talking about the stock market - by the calm voice Mr. Harrison was using.

"A few weeks ago I suggested we try to add another man to our bedroom, again. Mrs. Harrison... Julia, only agreed if she chose the man." I knew at that moment that had been she that turned down the earlier encounter, using it as leverage to demand the choice of her future companion.

It felt like a hand had taken my heart and squeezed - as I could guess where this was going. "My wife, Todd, chose you. Would you like to have sex with Julia Todd?" It was spoken soft soberly that it was almost surreal.

My mouth hung open and I looked between the two older persons. They had two kids, for fucks sake - both away to College. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were even older than my parents!

Both of the Harrison's were starring at me intently and I wanted to jump up and leave at that moment. I felt a wave of pity for this older couple, especially Mrs. Harrison, one that was accompanied by the loss of my respect for Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. They were just like everyone else - fucked up.

I've seen the lust in Mrs. Harrison's eyes all these years and only felt pride that I could attract an older woman. I never thought it would come to this. She had not even been in my abundant fantasies - usually enjoyed girls my own age. Oh sure there had been the early, near-innocent, thoughts of her, but they did not last long.

Something caught my eye, two things actually, that reversed my thinking and actually made me consider the possibility of having sex with this woman. Hell, I'm eighteen fucking years old - and as such, found that I could get it up and fuck nearly anything that spread its legs.

There, pointing directly at me, were two very hard pointy nipples - pressing aggressively at the pearl coloured silk blouse. Julia really wanted this - my eyes trailed back to hers and I saw that she was a little scared, excited and... something... silently pleading which was aimed in my direction. Here was a married woman that has barely had sex in who knows how long.

I allowed my eyes to drift back down to her abundant chest and Julia thrust out her bosom proudly for my inspection. She was on display and available for my use. It was like buying a used car - I thought with evil humour.

Mr. Harrison finally spoke up, "I think we have an agreement right Todd?" There was amusement in his voice, that was not there earlier.

I held up my open hand to stop him, "Just one minute Mr. Harrison."

"Yes Todd?"

Julia was breathing heavily and I saw that her red-painted nails were nervously scratching the top of her skirt-covered thighs.

"I will do this if we can agree on a few things?" I have been rather sexually active since I lost my virginity and though I had never had a girlfriend - I have had numerous sexual relationships.

"Yes?" He sounded disappointed and I saw Julia's head spin toward her husband and saw, from the side, her threatening glare at him.

"Everything I say goes... I get to do what I want." Julia was again looking at me intently, wide eyed, and her head was nodding her avid acceptance. George only looked at me with displeasure. "Though you can stay and watch - you don't get to join in. I am not gay and I don't want to share." He shrugged his indifference.

I starred back and forth, between husband and wife. Waiting for our negotiating to be accepted.

Julia was starring at her husband while he starred at me, considering his response. Perhaps he had thought to direct our scene and wondered just what I had planned if I got to do anything I wanted with his wife.

Finally, Mr. Harrison nodded his acceptance and followed that up with, "No pain Todd."

I shrugged and looked at Julia whom could not meet my eyes and had started to blush ferociously. "I will not agree to that - your wife has a nice ass and I may want to spank it!"

Mrs. Harrison hissed and I saw a violent shiver run through her body but she did not say anything. She only starred at her clawing hands in her lap.

"I am not sure... ?"

Julia turned toward her husband and spoke very coldly, "Agree George!"

Finally, his fat jowls swayed as he bobbed his head in agreement.

I turned back to his wife and asked gently, "Is this what you want Mrs. Harrison?" A part of me hopped that she would stand up and shriek that her husband and I were sex fiends, perverts - that she would restore my respect and confidence in her. Though I could go for a piece of her, if she turned me down I could call a girl tonight and could get my rocks off easy enough.

"Please call me 'Julia' Todd. Yes, I want this more than you can imagine."

I nodded, the deal was struck and it looked like I was going to bed this woman whom had been my parents friend and like an aunt to me all these years. Standing, I confidently strode toward the exit of the room.

"Todd?" It was Mr. Harrison wondering where I was going.

I ignored him and called over my shoulder to his wife, "Meet me in your bedroom Julia - I am going to have a quick shower." I was still hot and sweaty from the earlier work on the lawn.

With only a large towel about my waist and my torso and head wet from the hot shower, I strode into my neighbours darkened bedroom like I owned it.

There, in a kitchen chair, sat the short fat clothed body of George Harrison. The chair was against the wall, facing the foot of the bed. George was sitting erect in the hardwood chair and followed me intently.

Julia was sitting on the edge of the bed, almost proper, with her knees together, her hands on her lap and her back straight. She was facing the doorway that I entered from and her eyes did not blink as she looked upon my near-naked frame.

I did not waste any time, "Stand up Julia." She quickly stood up from the bed and stood at attention facing me. Her nipples were as hard and pointing through her blouse as before. I stopped just before her, my breath blowing some loose hairs upon her forehead. "You want me don't you Julia?"

She started to quiver and quickly nodded her chin in the affirmative, once. Her eyes were staring up into my eye, wide and doe-like.

"Is there anything you do not want me to do with you Julia? Any part of you that you would not want me to use?" I had no idea what I was going to do - as this was not scripted out, but I did not want to turn her off by doing something that she did not enjoy. I was resolved to have sex here and now but I also wanted Julia to enjoy it as well. Even at eighteen I had learnt that an aroused woman was an eager and willing woman.

Again, her head nodded, this time negatively, only once. She swallowed thickly and then said in a very raspy, dry voice, "Anything".

My hand came up and tenderly touched the side of her face. Julia closed her eyes and mewed at the touch. In a softer voice, not caring if her old man heard me or not, I stated, "You look incredibly attractive today Julia." Her eyes again opened and were almost... innocent. As if this was a sixteen year old girl that had her adolescent fantasies about me and now stood ready for my desires. It had happened before and its a look that I've seen several times.

Julia's eyes though, told me that compliments of this sort had been extremely rare in her life and she devoured my simple words as if starving.

I leaned my head forward and down and brought my lips to her own, her eyes closed as we kissed softly, with promise. "If you do everything I tell you today Julia, and trust me totally, I promise you that you will enjoy every minute." She did not say anything but her eyes again opened and stared at me. It was like I was the forty-two year-old and she the late-teenager.

Letting go of her cheek I stood back and openly looked down at her clothed body. "Very nice. Turn slowly Julia." Upon her white high heels, she slowly spun before my eyes. "Stop." Her back was to me and I considered the full ass as if I had never seen it before.

I should explain, at this point, what Julia Harrison looked like. As you already know, she is a forty-two year-old mother of two. What you do not know is that she is a head shorter than I, a bit heavy in the hips and thighs, large round meaty breasts, a cute circular face, short curly brown hair. It was her face that was the most attractive - almost youthful and nearly always with a wide happy smile.

In the years leading up to this moment, I had seen her in various hair cuts, clothing styles and had watched as her age was reflected in her hips and thighs, about her eyes and at the corners of her mouth. As I became older and started to question why Mrs. Harrison looked at me so intently, I had noticed that she seemed to take my opinion about anything. It could have been something as innocent as her husband wanting something else done to the lawn - but noticing my disagreeing-eyes, she would side with me. As well - Julia often spoke softly and could barely hold my gaze, when our eyes met, while I have heard her chew out her husband and her kids on more occasions that I could count. The woman had fire - but toward me, she was nothing but a little girl. Why she was here, acting this way intrigued and excited me.

"Lift the back of your skirt to your waist Julia."

Very slowly the tan skirt rose until I saw that her thighs were encased in white thigh-high stockings... and higher I saw this middle-aged woman wore a white thong and so much of her pale round ass was visible, now, to my gaze.

The ass was abundant, like her thighs and hips. Yet do not mistake that to mean she was fat - Julia was shaped like those nude women in those paintings in my art classes, soft certainly, but all woman.

"Very nice!" I meant it and could feel my excitement level rising - a good sign as I had wondered, more than once since Mr. Harrison has offered me the use of his wife, if I could perform. "Loose the skirt Julia."

Still facing away from me, with head hung low as if she were humiliated, Mrs. Harrison unhooked her tan skirt on the side and then let it drop to her white high-heeled feet. She stood still, except for the random tremors that rushed through her person, with her skirt about her feet - knowing that I was appraising her. Had she fantasied about this moment all those years when she started to stare at me? Was she anxious for my approval?

How could a middle-aged woman not desire the desirable attention from a teenage boy? What better gift would a mature woman need?

I came up directly behind her and grasped one of her pale rear cheeks in my large strong hand. Julia gasped as I squeezed firmly and leaned in to whisper, "Do you want to know something Julia? I have fantasied about you since I started to jerk off. But it was this ass that I thought about often!" It was not a completely true statement - but I knew it would have the desired effect that I was looking for. Julia suddenly trembled and did not stop until I let go of her soft shapely ass and stood back.

"Turn around."

She did, though her feet almost stumbled and it looked like her knees were about to give up. When she was again facing me, Julia could not meet my eye, but rather looked at the floor between us.

"Remove your blouse please." I saw that her fingers were trembling violently and it took considerable effort to undo each button. All too soon, the pearl-coloured blouse joined the skirt about her white high heeled shoes.

The white brassier was a large and cumbersome affair - but it had enough lace and sheer fabric to see the darkness of her wide aureole. Her nipples, of course, were rock hard, and aggressively pushing against the fabric.

"Now the bra." Since I accepted this task, I had looked forward to this rather anxiously. Those big meaty globes of flesh upon Julia's chest were one of the first things that I had ever thought about - tits that had fuelled my early fantasies. Now, as their covering dropped to the floor and I saw the huge breasts for the first time - I was enraptured. They were certainly large, huge, with very wide brown nipple - they hung and thrust upon her chest delightfully. They were a teenagers dream.

I had to have them. I strode forward and took a handful of each, though they overflowed my large hands, and stood before my middle-aged neighbour. I leaned over so that my words were for her only, "I want you!" It was true after all. I have learnt that women also respond better if they know they turn their partner on - that they are attractive and sexy to the one that they want. At times in my past I had used this knowledge to bed the girls that had interested me - and I wondered, at that moment, if I was only using Julia.

Mrs. Harrison was trembling again, while pressing her chest into my hands - enjoying. I leaned my head forward and brought my lips to her own - our kiss was more passionate than before, our moist lips opening and tasting the other as if we were starving.

Then, from over my shoulder I heard the grunt, "Hurry up and fuck her!"

I pulled my face from her, feeling her tense up at the gruff words and whispered, "Forget him - he is nothing." She stared at me in surprise, but with a pleased look. Then turned my head and growled, "Shut up Mr. Harrison!" He looked offended at my words and his mouth opened to defend himself, but he saw the look in my eye and thought it prudent to stay silent.

Turning back to his wife I softly said, "Take off my towel Julia."

Her eyes were wide, and though we were too close together to see anything, she looked down at my hairy chest as her two hands fumbled with the thick knot. I felt the cool air kiss my ass and legs as I stood naked before this woman.

It was my turn, and let go of those wonderful tits and slide my hands down her smooth skin to those wide soft hips. I hooked a thumb into the thin fabric on each side of Julia's body and pushed down gently. Her thong slide down past her hips where I let it go to bundle about her feet. She wore only her thigh-high white stockings and her white high heels.

From past experience I knew heels can be dangerous in a vigorous fuck - and told her to remove only one more piece of her clothing. "Kick those heels off Julia." She did, and suddenly she was even shorter than before.

I stood back and told her, "Climb into the middle of your bed." There was a small discrete smile coming to her lips now as she crawled into the king-sized bed and lay down upon her back. Julia thought she was about to get the fuck of her fantasies.

Not yet.

"Very nice!" She was. "Spread those sexy legs Julia and show me what you have to offer!" I was being playful but her eyes went down to my hand, where I slowly stroked my large half-hard cock. Of course, she immediately did as instructed, her breathing coming faster and deeper.

What appeared between her legs was a manicured brown bush, with short curly hairs.

Julia's eyes widened in amazement as I climbed upon the bed and knelt before her alter. Her head started to nod negatively until I leaned in and kissed the pink hooded clitoris that was poking itself from the thick hairy lips surrounding it. She suddenly arched her back and gasped loudly in response. There will be no further denials to me now.

Using my hands, I pressed her thighs wider and so she had to bend and lift her knees to allow me full access to that part of her.

I would never have guessed, nor had I ever encountered a vagina as wet as the one before me. With the opening of her thighs, it gently spread those meaty lips ever so slightly and to me, looking at that part of her so closely, it appeared as if a well had ruptured and the water was boiling to the surface.

It caused a great hunger within me - seeing that excitement - and I pressed my tongue to the base of her vagina and slowly drew it up to just before her clitoris. I ignored her responses, as long as they were positive - which I assure you, they were. I began, like a feather at first, to gently lick and taste Julia in such a familiar way that I knew she would never be able to look at me again without remembering what I did to her. The light touches slowly got harder, pressing into her folds to suck and tease the pink inner lips and even past to slip into her deep cavity itself. All this time I ignored her clitoris - red and throbbing at the top of her cleft, almost begging for attention. And when Julia started to appear to loose control - I brought my mouth off her sex and blew my warm breath upon her flowered open person. I did this again and again until Julia was mad with lust. I pressed her knees back, almost to her chest, and tightened my tongue as it pressed rhythmically in and out of her vagina and just before I knew her climax was approaching stopped, slipped lower and started to tease and violate her rectum. She was praying to god, begging, rolling her torso about on the bed while humping up into my face as I alternated fucking her vagina and ass hole with my tongue.

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