Snuggling On The Couch With Mom - Cover

Snuggling On The Couch With Mom

by Caesar

Copyright© 2004 by Caesar

Incest Sex Story: Son recalls a night when mother snuggles with him on the couch.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   .

Copyright© 2003

A princess who lived near a bog
Met a prince in the form of a frog.
Now she and her prince
Are the parents of quints,
Four boys and one fine polliwog.

The room was dark with the only light coming from the late movie on the television a few meters before the couch where I lay. It was an old 'monster movie' from the 50's - and was rather good for the genre, if you can get over the ridicules effects and comical monster. I could care less how great it was - watching it like the drone effect that only eighteen year olds can do. I was in the basement in the family room.

The family was all upstairs sleeping. Dad having to work tomorrow. Mom has some meeting in the morning and had asked me to be available for the gardener tomorrow afternoon. My older sister would be at her morning classes. None would be very happy to be woken up at this late hour, well past midnight, by the near-comical sounds of the monsters on the television. So the volume was low enough not to carry through the house and I would be left in peace to stay up as late as I wished.

I had graduated nearly four months before and as many of my peers that did not go to University, I sat around my parents home - staying up too late, eating their food and generally being a bum. Trying to ignore adulthood and responsibility until, probably by my parents, forced too. My normal time for heading to bed was nearly four o'clock each morning - regardless if there was a bad movie on the television or not.

I am not sure if it was the sound or the movement of a shadow out the corner of my eye but I jumped when I realized mother was standing just beside the couch - right above where I was laying sideways with my head on a pillow. She saw that I noticed her and gave me a tired smile before coming over and sitting by my hip while her eyes facing the television.

"Couldn't sleep mom?"

"A little nervous about that meeting tomorrow honey. Its nothing really." My parents lives, you know the kind - responsible and often hectic - was peripheral to my own, and did not really matter to me.

One of my mom's hands reached over and lay upon the top edge of my torso absentmindedly. It was only a moment before she asked, "Mind if I lay down with you honey?"

The request was a little odd in that there was two very comfortable easy chairs to either side if the couch - but at the same time, it was dark, a little chilly and generally a lonely night. It was also strange in that I could not remember the last time mom and I had lain together watching television.

Of course I mumbled, "Sure mom." What son that mooches off his parents would not deny his mother this small request. What the fuck do I care if she wanted to snuggle while watching the last half of this old movie with me. It was not like she could ruin the plot - as it was hard to mess up a simple plot the likes of the genre this movie was classified as. Normal animal or thing is changed through experiments - gets loose - eats and destroys everything in its path - hero meets girl, must save her and the planet from the monster. There was plenty of ladies screaming, shadowed violence when the monster ripped apart or ate a person and genuinely as unimaginative plot that the director could get away with.

The couch was more than large enough of the both of us - me being of average height and a little on the chubby side, mother being a petite woman with a little padding behind her... if you get my meaning. Mom lay down facing the television directly before me on the couch, wiggling backward so that her back, buttocks and rear of her thighs was spooned into my own front. Her head lay upon the same pillow that I was using, but my lower arm was beneath her neck and she lay lower down so that I looked over the top of her head of messy short hair.

I heard her mumble, "This is nice honey. We haven't done this since you were a kid." She made a content sigh and seemed to sink further into the well-worn couch and against me.

My upper arm, having no comfortable place to lay, came about her waist with my fist against the couch before her. Mother immediately pulled my fist into her upper gut, my hand opening so that my palm was against the softness of her stomach.

The next commercial mother asked over her shoulder, "Do you want me to make you a sandwich honey?"

"No mom - I had some leftover pie when the movie started." The dirty plate and fork still lay on the low table between the television and couch.

She wiggled her hips backward into my own - then waited for the show to return.

This gave me a brief few seconds to notice my mother - almost as if for the first time that evening. She was wearing a long over-sized cotton tee-shirt that hung just above her knees when standing and white ankle high cotton socks. Her messy short brown hair smelled clean, probably from her before-bed-shower that she had every night and I thought I could even smell some feminine-scented lotion upon the skin of her neck beneath me. Her body beneath the garment was noticeably warm against me, and it was also comfortably soft. Perfect for snuggling right?

The movie returned from the commercials and we lay silent and watched.

Mom jerked suddenly at one of those scripted moments when the audience is supposed to react. She turned her head mildly embarrassed and mumbled afterwards, "Sorry honey!"

The next time she jerked from another scary point in the movie - I could not help but become aware at how round her backside was and how great it felt against me. It was firm and soft at the same time - and appeared perfect rather than over-sized for her petite frame while we lay joined together. My eyes were looking down at her raised hip, her white shirt practically glowing with the flickering lights from the television as if she was on display.

At that point I told myself that I needed to get laid - it had been weeks since my girlfriend had left me for university and thus the last time that I had gotten some. Of course I took the matter to hand, often more than once per day, but it was just not the same. I was so horny that I was actually noticing my own mother I realized with dark comedy.

Mom yawned extravagantly and mumbled, "I think I'll head back to bed at the next commercial."

That is probably a good thing, as I was feeling a little weirded out from this closeness with my own mom.

The inevitable happened, of course. The minutes passed and I did not notice it until it became uncomfortable in its forced position facing downward into the top of the couch, trapped as it was.

You see, my dick was getting hard - growing slowly but steadily in my pyjamas bottoms. I closed my eyes and prayed for it to go down - knowing mom had to notice it against her round soft bottom. The thought that mom would catch me with a hard-on pressing against her horrified and humiliated me. Talk about being weirded out!

My own ass was pressed right against the back of the couch and mom's rear against my front - there was no way I could retreat from this situation gracefully.

Just when I thought things could not get any worse - mom moved her hips forward and I sighed with relief. She had to be as embarrassed as I was feeling right? And like a good mother, she only had to move her bottom so that the situation could be dutifully ignored.

In fact, I began to wonder when the next commercial was coming - as it could not come fast enough for mom to return back to bed and for this growing awkwardness to end.

My dick, no longer pressing against mom's covered bottom, popped upward from its downward angle so that it thrust along the length of my body. This allowed it to further harden, as the earlier position had hindered its growth.

There was a slow part in the movie, a heroine asking a scientist where the monster had come from, when mother gently pressed her hips backward against me. It stunned me - and took me a few seconds to realize that my hard dick was now pressed directly between the crack of mother's covered ass. My penis had to be pushing her covering between the cheeks of her fleshy bottom.

The commercial finally arrived - a bit too late for my taste, but its never too late I suppose. It would be difficult facing mom the next few days, knowing what had happened - but I was sure it was no a situation that harmed our relationship to much.

Mom sat still, facing the television. When the minutes ticked past and I thought my embarrassment could not get worse or the tension thicker - I could not help but ask, "I thought you were going to bed mom?"

Mother did not move for some seconds before she again looked over her shoulder, "I am enjoying the movie honey." Even in the flickering light I could see that mom's cheeks were flushed and her gray eyes sparkled.

So for the next ten minutes I sat frozen, no longer even seeing what was upon the television as my hard cock throbbed between the cheeks of my mothers covered ass and I was feeling nothing less than horrified. What must mom think of me? It may be natural to get erections - but not to have it pressing against her own mother!

The next commercial came on and I realized with desperate relief that the movie must be nearly over. The monster could not destroy anything else, the hero had kissed the girl while dragging her to a hiding spot that had no exit even as the monster followed. It was not ending fast enough for me though and asked mom, "Excuse me mom?" I had slipped the hand that was upon her stomach up to her hip - awaiting for her to move forward to allow me to escape.

She turned her head toward me, cheeks still flushed, "Where are you going honey?"

"I am falling asleep and I think I better head to bed." I was far from sleepy - but I had to have some excuse even though we both knew why I wanted to run away.

"Oh honey - the movie is almost over and I am really enjoying this. Could you wait until its over?" There was a strange, almost desperate, undertone to her request that puzzled me. I sat mute and without comment.

At the same second as when the move restarted I felt it for the first time and thought it had to be my imagination. Five seconds later she did it again.

Mother had pushed her hips back in a relaxed sort of way, squeezed the fleshy cheeks of her ass effectively locking my dick between them, before pulling her hips forward on the couch until my dick was pulled almost out of its clasp, she then relaxed her ass and started the movement again. I could feel the movement in my hand that lay upon her raised hip and, of course, against my pelvis and around my hard throbbing member.

What she was doing was no accident - and there was no reason that I could understand for it either. No rational reason I mean. If my ex-girlfriend was doing it - I would have had an easier time comprehending what was going on. With my own mother the answers to the obvious questions were hindered by the same morals that this woman had taught me as a child.

Her ass continued its delicious movement - effectively yanking on my dick in a very rhythmic way. And delicious it was - my mind may be confused while my body was simply enjoying. My eyes watched her ass undulate before me, and it was hypnotic.

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