She Always Wanted To Be A Movie Star - Cover

She Always Wanted To Be A Movie Star

by Caesar

Copyright© 2004 by Caesar

Incest Sex Story: Tony is hired by a lesbian porn star's father to help convince his daughter to return home, thinking it a lost case before it even started, the detective accepts and discovers just why Leslie always wanted to be a movie star.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Mind Control   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Cousins   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Voyeurism   .


There was a young chap in Arabia
Who courted a widow named Fabia.
"Yes, my tongue is as long
As the average man's dong,"
He said, licking the lips of her labia.

Her mother had repeatedly cried, "She always wanted to be a movie star", over and over. So it is what I'm naming this short story - the legacy and circumstances that surrounded the 'move star'. And from what I have already seen, she was certainly in many movies.

Porn movies!

Leslie Ann Duncan, Leslie Ann to her father and just Leslie to everyone else, smiled through my monitor before closing her eyes and throwing her head back in what came across as ecstasy. The skinny brunette between her spread legs increased the tempo as her big toe shoved in and out of Leslie's asshole.

You see, Leslie, loving daughter to Carol and Bill Duncan, is a premier actress in the adult entertainment industry within North America. In fact, her speciality was 'anal lesbian' movies. The man at the adult store smiled proudly when he related some of the scenes that Leslie has won awards for. I also learned that she never, and I mean religiously ever, fucks or sucks a man - on screen.

With the Duncan's expense money I had purchased a dozen of their daughters top selling videos, on DVD. This was the third one that I've seen so far. It seemed sacrilegious that I endorsed Leslie's porn career by using their money - though I only increased my spending so it couldn't have bothered me too much. I also purchased over thirty magazines, of various types, with pictorials of their daughter. I've purchased memberships to five online adult sites that had a section with Leslie's photos upon it. I padded my expense sheet with notes about 'research'.

Leslie's body began to vibrate as the toe worked within her anus, bringing her to a very believable orgasm. 'Believable' because many adult movies that I've seen, in my earlier years of course, the ladies often looked bored or they could not even act out a moan of ecstasy - they were often there simply to be a pretty thing for the screen.

Over a week ago, Bill had called me with a request to hire my services. I'm a private investigator, in the truest sense. I worked contract out of an office from my home - an apartment actually. Bill's voice mail had immediately caught my attention, he offered me more money per day on that first call than I get in a week of work. I'm such a bastard, I negotiated a few dollars more out of him. I think he can afford it though - after meeting him and the Misses the next day.

After listening to them, I took the case immediately. Dumping the divorce case I was working on at the time. It was a no win situation, for the Duncan's I mean, and a very profitable win for me. There was no way that I could conceive to get what they wanted, and I'm sure to be able to string them out for several weeks.

I've a trip to Costa Rica planned after they pull my contract - and the longer I can hold onto their purse strings the longer I can work on my tan later!

Leslie was attractive, doesn't she have to be to become popular in porn, but not in the same league as some of her counterparts. She stood out in a crowd of attractive women that wanted fame and fortune by spreading their legs for the camera by being 'real'. I'm serious. Even after talking to her grieving mother, disillusioned father and then sitting in her teenage room - I was addicted to those erotic scenes that she performed for the camera.

She was wonderful, Leslie Ann, wore very little makeup, wore sexy but conservative clothing, was just on the other side of thirty years old. I think it was perhaps because she could be your friend from school or a neighbour or even your sister. She was 'real'.

Then again, maybe it was her loud and wonderful orgasms. The first I saw made me speechless, it couldn't have been fake I told myself over and over. No one could control that many muscles while sweating... and the animal noises of bliss from her... !

In some of the articles her co-actresses that mentioned her, spoke very highly. 'Polite', 'courteous', 'genuine' and 'wonderful' kept on popping up. I originally wondered if it was because she was unattainable for men, being 'religiously a cunt-slut', as one of her promo claimed, but didn't believe it - as there other lesbians in the industry that were not near as popular. Others mentioned that her ass hole was like a sucking mouth, and seemed to be the primary erogenous zone of the actress. Her co-stars claimed that the way to Leslie's orgasms were through her asshole.

In the single article I could find, I found it online actually, that interviewed Leslie directly and was very interesting. It was one statement in particular - after she acknowledged that she had many boyfriends in and after high school, that she revealed that, "There is only one cock that I am willing to enjoy now." She wouldn't reveal who that cock belonged too, or if she was actively using it.

I'm Tony by the way - don't let your name fool you, I'm third generation Japanese. Though, much to my grandfathers disgust, I don't have any of the honourable practises that he and my father live by. Nope, there is only one person protecting me and that is me!

Being beat up in school because my skin was a different colour than the other boys - or not being able to go to college, even with great marks, because my parents did not have the move... it all contributed to I am.

I saw Leslie close her mailbox and sort through the mail that she had just received and so I approached her. "Leslie Ann?" I had slipped into her 'high security', very exclusive, downtown condo with ease to await her.

She looked up surprised, "No one calls me by that anymore... except my father and my cousin." Damn she was smiling - and I had to admit, she was more beautiful in person than on the screen. I would never have guessed it.

"In fact, your father hired me..."

"... to convince me to give up my career." It wasn't a question. "Mr?"

"Just call me Tony."

"Tony. My father is very persistent and you are not the first that daddy has hired."

I've spent nearly three weeks viewing porn with this woman as the prime actress in each. I've read stories of her lesbian escapades and even the gory details of her anatomy and how its used. I've seen more objects that I cared to count enter in any and all three of her holes. I've seen her bound up and spanked, before being lead around on a lease by a leather-clad slut. I've seen her look up into the screen and into my soul.

Standing there before the live woman, is it any wonder that I got a hard-on?

"Well is there anything I can say to at least get you to sit down and talk with your parents?"

"I see mother frequently", that surprised me, "and every time I used to see daddy it just turns into a fight - so I don't even bother any more." She sighed gently and looked down and I saw the look in her eye change when she saw the bulge in my slacks. "See Tony, even you understand?" Leslie's smile widened and she nodded before turning calmly about and retreating to her elevator.

I watched her every step and I had to agree, her ass was magnificent.

I had been under the indication that she hasn't seen her parents for a very long time, years even. But she had said that she saw her mother 'frequently'. The woman I saw seemed to be beside herself with grief and humiliation at the knowledge about what her daughter did. But of course her husband had been sitting next to her when I met them - and in my line of work you come to learn that many people had double, sometimes triple, lives that their spouses did not even know about.

So I did what any investigator would do, I tailed the mother till I could approach her in a public place without the old man around.

"Carol Duncan?" She was loading a pot with a tall plant into the back of her SUV when she looked up at me in surprise - it quickly turned into a frown.

I was standing very close to her. "I saw Leslie", I saw that she was about to talk so I continued quickly, "and she told me that you and her saw each other frequently?"

"That's not possible Mr. Ishido, my husband would never allow it." She closed the rear hatch to her expensive vehicle.

I read that statement to mean that she did see her daughter but she couldn't let anyone know - else her husband Bill would be irate.

"Allow it or not, I don't think Leslie has any reason to lie."

"No Mr. Ishido, I'm sure my daughter never lies." Strange statement and I saw that she was completely truthful. She stared at me as if she knew I was going to ask another question.

Well I was, "Can you at least tell me if you are as upset about your daughters lifestyle as your husband is?"

Carol seemed a little put out about that, "I am most definitely upset at the 'lifestyle' that Leslie leads!" She looked as if she was going to leave, but paused long enough to add, "Perhaps, Mr. Ishido, that I don't believe, as does my husband, that Leslie can be influenced to change her mind."

To me she looked angry at me and not not very upset at her daughters porn career in the least.

It cost me a thousand bucks but I stood in the shadows, or at least behind the large mirrors and lights, at the filming of a scene for the next one of Leslie's movies. No worries, I'll just add it to my expense report for Bill Duncan - you don't think I'd flip the bill myself do you?

The place was busy, probably a dozen people in the large atrium of this exclusive home north of the city. All but me, had jobs to do.

I stood as the two youthful ladies spent nearly an hour kissing licking and fondling each other while the director gave small queues when it was time for them to change positions in any manner. The amount of verbal direction surprised me - I had thought they would follow some type of script and the director would not say a word till he yelled out 'cut'. Goes to show you what I know about the work behind the movies - especially porn movies. Hell the two ladies could have been mannequins, as they didn't make a move without the director.

The cameraman nodded to me that Leslie, or also known as "Dane Childs" to the porn community, was about to make her entrance.

Leslie, aka Dane, entered from a twelve foot door beyond the fountain, dressed immaculately in a skirt suit and black hose. She looked very fine.

"Girls!" She bellowed, looking angry. Dane stalked in and stood over the pair of bleached, fake big boobs, and tan-from-a-bottle sluts that were in the classic '69', hands on hips looking even angrier. "I did not hire you so you can pleasure each other!" In the movie, they had been hired to pleasure Dane!

The one girl rolled off her counterpart and stood up, several inches taller than Leslie I may add, "I am... I'm sorry mistress." With the director giving whispered orders and lines of course.

I had no idea of the plot for this drama, but did it ever matter with porn movies?

The other girl rolled onto her knees and began to run her hands over Leslie's nylon clad legs. The first moved forwards and whispered, "I'm sorry mistress", just before her lips contacted 'Danes'.

While the kiss heated up, the kneeling slut was pushing up the taunt skirt to reveal the tops of the black stockings. Lovely, I thought as I squinted to see every detail.

Soon Leslie was down to only her black four inch heels and her stockings as one girl licked between her legs and the other sucked and fondled Leslie's 'B' cup breasts. I noticed that the director had stopped giving verbal commands - and let Leslie, the experienced 'movie star' direct the two sluts, and she did it with small gentle touches of her body and theirs. It reminded me of riding a tame horse, all you do is touch it on the side of the neck and it will begin moving in that direction - those two sluts were essentially the same.

The set was silent and all eyes, male and female, were watching the scene with full attention. Mine included.

Dane was definitely the centre of all attention, as the two sluts paid full attention to her. Twenty minutes later, I watched amazed as the two fake blondes lay cheek to cheek on the marble floor and with hardened tongues pressed together, they fucked into the older woman's relaxed asshole. It was an incredible sight. Dane was holding her her own legs just behind her knees and was making sounds of delight.

Within minutes of this, Dane began her famous orgasm. It was even more incredible in person, watching this incredible creature growl and loose all control of her body. I was even more certain that it was not acting but genuine pleasure that wracked Leslie's body. The sounds alone could never be converted to a digital or analog format - they reverberated about the walls of the atrium and dulled my hearing.

Perhaps I was stunned as I was startled when the director bellowed, "cut!" Everyone, including myself, began to clap heartily.

The lesbian trio broke up, and the two sluts disappeared after Leslie gave each a tiny kiss upon their soiled lips. A tiny homely woman ran forwards and gave Leslie a big cuddly robe that has seen lots of use.

A bustle of activity was happening and it seemed that everyone was moving their equipment to another part of the large house - the bedroom evidently.

Then she came up to me.

"Enjoy it Tony?" She looked up from the bulge in my pants with a smile.

I never even bothered answering.

"Please come with me if you wish?" She spun about and went through an alcove and like a good puppy, I followed.

I found her seated in a hard chair as the same homely woman began to brush out her hair. Leslie winced as the knots, from her lesbian coupling, were yanked out.

"I hate this part." She saw my blank face. "Having to recover from the last... scene, and jump to the next one." I had read that many adult movie were made in a matter of days. How often did she have to have sex, how many orgasms would she have in a normal day of shooting?

She looked up at me puzzled, "You are more persistent than the other detectives that my father has hired in the past Tony?"

I shrugged pretending that I knew not what she was talking about, when in fact I understood why I didn't just submit my bill. Greed of course, but it was something else. I was in lust with this woman that I've been able to approach. She was like some kind of fertility goddess of an ancient civilization. Though something else... ?

"Have you talked with my mom yet?"

"As a matter of fact I have."

"Learn anything?" She was smiling sweetly.

"That you and your mom do see each other and that your father wouldn't approve if he knew." She nodded affirmatively.

"Father has never accepted my career."

"Has your mom?"

Her smile disappeared for a second, "I'm not sure what point you have in talking with her Tony - but whatever it is, you won't get what father hired you for." To get her to turn her back on this life, to return to the family that raised her.

I had to justify myself to this woman, for whatever reason. "If I understood a little about you, I may be able to give your father what he is paying for."

She nodded, as if she understood. I had read and searched her room back at the Duncan household, I knew that she had only been an average student in high school and had later failed out of college. I had learned so much more - it all accounted to a normal not-too-bright upper middle-class young woman.

Her eyebrow arched, "The next scene I will get fucked by another actress, in the ass with a ten inch strap-on - will you stay Tony?" I wanted to say 'yes', but felt weak in letting my desires show so obviously - I nodded 'no'.

"Pity." She smiled sweetly as I backed up, my 'audience' at an end.

I followed her for ten more days, though I didn't get any more close viewing of one of her tapings, and in the end felt like I was climbing up the wrong tree.

Leslie Ann Duncan lived a plan and unexciting life, much to my surprise and disappointed. The only thing that she did was go to work, at one of the various locations. I watched as she shopped for her fresh organic vegetables down her street. I watched through the window as she went to a chic hair stylist. Studied the styles that she preferred when she went shopping for new clothes. And saw that she liked sappy 'chick' movies when she rented a video. She knew I was following and other than a glance now and then, didn't seem to care.

All in all - nothing. No friends coming over to her home, no strange hours, nothing untoward.

What was I looking for? How would I convince her to return to dear old daddy if I found out she had a host of lesbian lovers or used truck-loads of whipping cream with her orgies?

Perhaps Leslie was just what she appeared to be, a thirty two year old porn star. Was it all as simple as that? My predecessors thought so.

I gave up tailing Leslie and sat in my office and viewed her movies and her pictures - over and over.

Then I remembered something Leslie had said to me nearly two weeks before - that only her cousin and her father had used her real full name, rather than her stage name. If the cousin used her real name, it meant that they saw each other.

I know - desperate straws is what I was searching for. But my reports to her old man were becoming sparse and I knew my flow of cash was about to dry up if I didn't produce something very soon.

I found some pictures of her and a cousin in a family photo album, that I had borrowed from the Duncan's. A couple of years younger, long hair, but a handsome boy.

So he was a guy huh? Didn't she say something about there being only 'one cock' that she would enjoy? I haven't found evidence of any other man in her life. Hell I think I have more of a life than she did!

Thomas was a strange young man. Late twenties, intelligent eyes but looked rather bored. He had an incredibly attractive middle-teenage brunette on one arm, and another serving us a late lunch - they were twins. I doubt they were of legal age - but it was none of my business.

If the Duncan's had a large home, Thomas Duncan had a mansion. I felt a bit relieved that I had gained entrance so easily.

"My cousin Leslie Ann has her life, I have my own."

"Yes of course, but how often do you see her Thomas?" We were on first named basis, he exuded comfort and informality.

He shrugged, "When was the last time darling?"

The twin on his arm looked pleased to be in his attention, her eyes looked up with adoration and lust, "Nearly a month my darling."

"Ah yes, we had a little party." Thomas smiled knowingly, and his gaze became distant for just one brief moment that I knew he was reminiscing about something.

The other sister came in with the last platter of food and sat on the other arm of Thomas, and with her sister, began to feed the man. I watched amazed while he ignored my open jaw look - thankfully I recovered quickly.

"Why don't you ask what you really came here for Tony?" He spoke with grape juice running down his chin, a very pretty face moved forwards to lick it off. Lord, this guy must live the life that I always dreamed of when I was a teenager.

"And what's that Thomas?"

"You are wondering if Leslie and I fuck." He ignored the next morsel offered by one of his twins and his grin told me he understood me better than I did him.

I simply nodded - surprised that my intentions were so obvious.

He took the small piece of bread and chewed slowly, his eyes never coming off mine. After he swallowed he finally answered, "Of course we do - she gives me a private viewing of each of her new movies."

"'Private viewing'... ?"

He seemed put out that he had to spell it so blatantly, "I fuck her brains out as I watch her lesbian movies." The two sisters giggled quietly.

I had to gulp down half my water as my mouth became suddenly dry. "I thought she was a hard-core lesbian?"

Thomas laughed heartily, while his twins waited patiently to serve him. "She didn't start out that way - except for my dick she hadn't been with another man since her pre-porn days."

I just had to ask but Thomas again surprised me, "Your wondering what makes my cock so special right?" At the word 'cock' both twins cooed and pressed their bodies against him - Thomas didn't even seem to notice the two beauties. I certainly did.

"Lets just say we have an understanding." One twin had her tongue in his ear - the other was making movements with her hands in his lap that was hard to ignore, for me. "I gave her what she wanted."

"What was that Thomas?" I hadn't touched my lunch.

"She had always wanted to be a movie star." He laughed till be became hoarse.

Contrary to the discovery of incest within the Duncan family, I hadn't gotten any closer to my contracted obligations than when I started.

Carol and Bill sat across from me in their home, Carol again crying and hiding her face in her handkerchief. I didn't believe a tear that came from that woman was truthfully shed.

I had come here to tell them that I was finished with the case, that I couldn't give them what they had hired me for. What I was here for, was to collect my final check and to get on with the cheap whores in Costa Rica - it would take months to work out the pressure in my balls!

I was going over what little I had, "... and I talked with Thomas Duncan...", that's when I noticed something.

Carol Duncan stopped her incessant sniffling and froze, I saw her eyes dart to her husband and then to me. She saw my gaze and stared down at her knees, almost waiting. I've seen it a hundred times - guilt! So she knew - that her daughter and her nephew were poking each other! Or was it something else?

I didn't intend on revealing the incestuous relationship - none of my business, though I considered selling it to some smut magazines for the gossip money when I was again getting low on cash. Was that what Carol was worried about?

Finally my report was over, Bill sighed hugely and asked that fateful question, "Do you see any sense in continuing?"

I remembered Carol's impatient gaze, "Yes I do." Bill looked surprised and pleased. And I felt a surprise of my own - there goes my plans of banging a new whore every week on my holiday. Well, maybe not, it'll just have to wait a little longer.

Bill volunteered, "You are going on avenues that your predecessors never ventured - I'm hoping you will be successful... in fact I'm counting on it Mr. Ishido."

"Thank you sir." I stood and shook the mans hand - Carol, still with dry eyes, watched me leave.

I called Carol Duncan, I had lain the night before thinking about that gaze and how she had reacted to my comment. Was there something else in her eyes - fear maybe? She didn't sound surprised to hear from me.

"Yes Mr. Ishido?" Cold - she expected the call but she certainly did not want it.

"Can we meet, I would like to interview you about some items I thought of."

"I don't think that is a good idea." No surprise.

"Mrs. Duncan, your husband assured me that you will both do anything possible to get your daughter back... ?" The silence was thick.

"Are you blackmailing me Mr. Ishido?" She sounded angry.

Her question surprised me - why would I blackmail her, what did she think I have to blackmail her with? There was still many things I didn't know anything about!

My silence must have given her an answer, and she continued, "If that is what it takes Mr. Ishido - your office in an hour?" My office was the second room to my cluttered apartment - but it seemed as good an area as any other. I gave her my address.

"In an hour Carol." I hung up, not wanting to invite more questions that I had no idea how to answer.

Carol Duncan was a woman accustomed to better environments than what she was about to come into - my apartment was a mess. I ran about cleaning up, enough so the living room was presentable - at the expense of filling my bedroom - when the front door to the building buzzer rang.

I let her up without asking who it was. Unlike Leslie's building, security in mine was non-existent.

I opened the door to find a surprise waiting for me. It was Carol Duncan but a woman that I didn't know - she was wearing a short leather skirt, black nylons, a black silk blouse, piles of makeup and a strange smile.

"Aren't you going to ask me in Mr. Ishido?"

I moved out of the way and she strolled in, my eyes lowering to watch the generous movement in her walk.

When I looked up I saw that her hands were already undoing the buttons of her silk blouse even as she saw the piles of mess down the hall in my bedroom. She then turned her head to see the tidy living room and moved in that direction.

The blouse slipped off her shoulder just before she turned about, and I was surprised at her unencombured breasts - no bra. When she turned, she still wore that strange smile but I saw that her breasts were round firm and high upon her chest - a bit odd for a fifty year-old woman. Had to be fake, I thought.

She saw my gaze and looked down at her chest, her hands coming up to grasp each 'D' cup in a hand. "Like them Mr. Ishido - my nephew paid for them." The nipples were getting large and tight - the reaction to her ministrations or maybe from my hungry gaze.

I'm not sure what stunned me more - her actions or what I took as an admission that she also was fucking Thomas Duncan.

Carol dropped her hands and within seconds her leather skirt fell to the floor which she kicked away. Beneath it, she wore black stockings and nothing else. I saw the naked glory of an attractive fifty year-old slut, her full brown pussy well trimmed and most probably well used.

Now, Carol isn't a raving beauty - can any woman old enough to be a grandmother? Well maybe - but she wasn't. In fact she looked her age - big round ass, short but shapely legs, attractive but wrinkled face. It was her big fake tits and her trimmed pussy that seemed ill-fitting - the smile, the look of experience. This was a slut if I had ever seen one - I had little doubt her husband was not privy to his wife's extravagances.

Was this what she had thought I was blackmailing her for - that I had known about her and her nephew? If I had known, what would I have done?

Most probably not this - I never even had looked at her in a sexual light till this visit. I doubt it would have changed my report - I didn't mention her daughter and Thomas had I?

In fact did Carol even know about her daughter and her nephew?

Thomas, that scoundrel... that, lucky bastard!

Carol slipped to her knees and spun about, her hands coming down to spread her generous ass. I could see that she had trimmed all the hair from about her brown wrinkled asshole. "I find that men like to fuck my ass Mr. Ishido, maybe thinking I'm like my daughter and I'm an anal slut like she is." She slipped one hand between her cheeks and I saw a finger slip into the ring of her asshole, to the second knuckle. "I assure you Mr. Ishido, that I'm much tighter than my daughter - I get less use back there. Don't worry though, I prepared it before coming over." There seemed to be a thin film of lubricant covering it, now that she said something.

How the hell did she know that her daughter was looser 'back there'?

I unzipped my slacks and knelt behind the elder slut. My cock throbbed as I leaned forwards and sunk into her tight asshole!

Would you believe this was the first ass I've ever shagged? And I hadn't done a thing to acquire it - only unzip and thrust. Leslie Ann Duncan's mother as well!

Now don't get high and holy on me - would you turn down a free ass fuck if it was offered to you? Old or not?

Carol's hands came forwards to grasp my cheap well trod carpet as I began to drive back and forth into her.

It was less than a minute before I coated her rectal cavity with my sperm - while she never even made a noise. He may be a slut but I had yet seen any eroticism from her.

In fact, as I sat back against my cheap couch upon the floor with my soft wet cock comically hanging out of my pants she stood up and dressed. With but a statement, she was gone.

She had said, "Same time next week Mr. Ishido?"

I hadn't the energy to stop her.

So let me get this straight, Leslie fucks her cousin and Carol was also fucking Thomas. The young man lived a life that most could only fantasies about. I imagined him poking his aunt one night and a few days later poking his cousin. Did he fuck their assholes - or use them judiciously?

It had taken me nearly thirty minutes to recover from my exertions and surprise. Alone I had sat upon my floor, my dick still soiled and exhausted while hanging from my trousers. Carol's expensive perfume still lingered in the air.

Did Thomas tell his aunt that her ass was tighter than her daughters - how else would she have known? That meant, regardless of how she found out, that she knew of Thomas and Leslie. Did she approve? Maybe she was jealous? Did Bill know what a slut his wife was?

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