Sex School - Cover

Sex School

Copyright© 2004 by skibum

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A newlywed couple visit "the Institute for Lifelong Loving", a sexual training school in Aruba.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism  

Sara and Jim were just as surprised as Mike to see Janet run away from the group in tears. She had seemed so sexually well adjusted that the coaches had not expected any problems from her. They had been more concerned that Mike would be unprepared for the open sexuality of the Institute.

"Sara, keep Mike occupied. I'll find her and bring her back to the bungalow." Jim hurried off in the direction that Janet had taken. She had headed towards the beach, so she would not be hard to find.

"Wait, I want to..." Mike started to follow Jim, but Sara took his arm and guided him away from the area where Stuart and Elizabeth were acting out their fantasy, before any of the other students noticed. Carolyn Lewis had seen Janet run out, followed by Jim, so she joined Sara to help keep Mike calm.

Stuart kept fucking Elizabeth. No one else even noticed the departure of one triad.

Seeing nothing of Janet, Mike stopped. The darkness, as well as his worry about Janet, had him slightly confused. He turned to Sara. "You must think I'm some kind of heel for getting Janet so upset. I've ruined the most important night in our lives, our wedding night. She'll probably never speak to me again."

"Don't you worry. Jim went after her. As soon as she calms down she'll realize that you did nothing wrong, and Jim will bring her back to the bungalow. We should be there when they get back." Sara reassured Mike that his flirting with Tonya was nothing that he should be ashamed of. She didn't want him to be too upset. Privately, she was certain that there had to be another explanation for Janet's sudden flight.

Carolyn could see that Sara had Mike under control, and Jim was after Janet. She nodded her approval to Sara and returned to her own triad.

When Jim got to the beach he had no trouble finding Janet. She was sitting in the sand, staring morosely out over the Caribbean. Sitting down next to the distraught young woman, he placed a brotherly arm across her shoulders.

"Want to talk about it?"

"No, not really."

As she stared out at the restless sea, Janet's mind was in turmoil. She was afraid that Mike would find out how she had deceived him. She had let him think that she was a virgin, but she was not really sure herself. Was what she had done all those years ago enough to disqualify her for the virgin title? She didn't think she had been fully penetrated, but she wasn't sure. Oh, God, how was Mike going to take this?

Jim thought that she might be upset over Mike's flirtation with Tonya. "It's all right. Nothing happened between Mike and Tonya. He loves you. He married you." Jim wrapped his arms around the young bride and hugged her close to him.

Janet was desperate to keep Jim from learning why she ran off. She needed to deflect Jim's questions, otherwise he might learn her secret and tell Mike. Maybe she could convince him that she was mad about Mike's flirting. "Didn't you see how hard his cock got when he was talking to her? He just wants to stick it into any woman that he meets. He probably only married me so he could come here and be surrounded by all these other women. You'd never act like that around Sara, would you? I mean, you two are professional sex teachers so you must know how important it is to be faithful to your spouse."

Jim smiled in the darkness. Janet's jealousy was so out of character for her that it had to be feigned. He knew now that Mike's little flirtation was not the problem. If he could just find out what was troubling the young woman he was sure he could ease her mind and get her back to her husband. He just had to play along for a minute to prove to her that he knew she wasn't really angry with Mike. "What makes you think I'd never notice another woman around Sara?"

"Well, she is the prettiest woman I've ever seen, and if you are married to her..."

"Just slow down there. You're jumping to conclusions before they're hatched. Sara and I are both married, but not to each other."

"But we saw you... You work like this together, and..." Janet was more confused than ever. Sara and Jim had acted as though they were a married couple from the start. Seeing them demonstrate the sex acts that they taught to her and Mike had convinced Janet that they were married. She had never considered otherwise.

"Janet, listen to me. My wife and Sara's husband are both coaches for the Institute as well. And yes, we do usually work with our own spouses, but sometimes we have to make schedule adjustments. We all know exactly what kind of intimacy is required to do the kind of work we do. It's okay. We are all good friends who trust and respect each other. Sara's husband is my best friend in the world, and if I make love to Sara it doesn't hurt her marriage or mine."

"Do your wife and Sara's husband... ?"

"Sometimes. I don't think they have ever worked together like Sara and I, but on purely social occasions they have enjoyed each other. Janet, we aren't here just to teach you and Mike how to fuck. We want to teach you to love. Sex and love are not the same thing, and are not strictly the province of traditional marriage. I remember your description of your parents and their friends, so you do understand what I'm talking about.

"Now you acted like you were angry with Mike because he paid attention to another woman, but it didn't bother you that he paid even more attention to Sara all day today. That tells me that jealousy is not what's bothering you. So stop pretending or you might just drive your husband away."

As Jim talked, Janet relaxed in his arms, the fear and stress draining from her body. Her fear left her and she became aware that a handsome, nearly naked man was holding her in his arms. She was also aware that he was sporting a rather large, stiff cock.

She had a sudden inspiration. If she could get Jim to fuck her it would solve her problem. Mike would never learn her secret. She was sure she could convince her husband that fucking Jim was part of the training. The more she thought about it, the more convinced and excited she became. Jim's a pretty cool guy, she thought. And so what if he is married, he's already admitted that he fucks other women.

Janet's hand began to slowly creep down Jim's chest, towards the rigid spike of his manhood, all thoughts of her husband forgotten. Throwing caution to the wind, she clasped Jim's cock in her hand, and brought her lips to his. She gripped him with her warm hand as she kissed him with an open mouth and probing tongue.

Sara took Mike back to the bungalow. He was very worried about Janet. He had never seen her so upset about anything. Guilt and uncertainty raged within him. He was not quite sure what he had done wrong, but he knew that Janet was hurting because of something he had done. The fact that he had merely been trying to be the kind of guy Sara and Jim wanted him to be. That this was not what Janet wanted only confused him.

Mike was pretty much an innocent when it came to women. He had never dated much before meeting Janet, and he still wasn't really sure what she saw in him. If he had blown the chance for a life with the woman he adored...

It was obvious to Sara that Mike was allowing his insecurities to control him. She did not want to see the progress he had made in his first day at the Institute to be lost. Neither did see want to see Mike to allow what should be a minor spat to turn into something really damaging. In the short time that she had known them she had become rather fond of the younger couple. She knew it was unprofessional to become attached to the clients, but this was a very personal business.

Sara had no doubt that Jim would be able to bring the Janet back. He was well trained in counseling and conflict resolution. Her challenge now was to keep Mike from obsessing about what had happened. She decided that the best thing she could do with Mike until Jim found Janet and brought her back was to get Mike to think of something other than sex and his wife.

"Why don't you grab a quick shower, then meet me in the living room. Take off your brief. You shouldn't wear it to sleep in anyway. There are robes in the closet in your bedroom. Put one on and we can sit and talk for a while."

As Mike went to shower and change she went into the room she shared with Jim to do the same.

Jim was acutely aware of the nearly naked, desirable woman in his arms with her hand grasping and rubbing his cock. He also knew just what to do in this situation. Rising to his feet, he swept Janet up in his arms like a child. Carrying her easily, he strode down the beach, and walked into the warm water of the Caribbean. Janet thought it was so romantic that he was taking her into the water to make love to her for the first time. She thought it was considerably less romantic when he unceremoniously dumped her into the waist deep water.

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