Zeke and the Space Aliens - Cover

Zeke and the Space Aliens

Copyright© 2004 by xyvos

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Zeke and Walter meet some space aliens, and are invited to save the galaxy from hostile forces.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Science Fiction   Slow  

Zeke awoke, feeling well rested. So Otheshiil's bottle had worked after all. What time was it now? A clock would be handy, and Zeke's quarters was lacking one.

"Computer," said Zeke, "give me a clock visible from everywhere in the room."

"Your clock will arrive shortly," said the computer.

After Zeke got ready for the day, he noticed one of the robots positioning a clock in the center of the ceiling. The clock was a flattened circle with time readouts visible on three sides, and Zeke could see the time from most angles. The clock read 21:07, just about time for breakfast.

But before breakfast, there were some questions Zeke wanted answers to.

"Computer, why is the Earthling sexual profile only estimated?"

"Unable to match query to informational model," said the computer.

"Computer, are the Earthling environmental and food profiles estimated?"

"No," said the computer.

"Computer, how is the Shao experimentation on Earthlings different from the actions of the aliens the Hirthal are protecting Earth from?"

"Please rest assured unwanted experimentation is disallowed here," said the computer. Experimentation on unwilling intelligent species is against the Hirthal code of conduct. Were you subjected to unwanted actions? Do you require assistance for emotional or physical distress?"

"No," said Zeke.

After Walter's question last night, the computer's inability to answer questions of this nature was not surprising. The computer easily handled the "where are my quarters" type questions but was unable to understand the more abstract queries, responding with what seemed to be canned answers. If Zeke were going to get his questions answered, he would have to ask someone or review the computer data manually. His quarters hadn't come with a computer interface like on Mvek's ship, perhaps Zeke should ask the computer for one.

"Computer, give me a computer interface terminal."

A three foot square terminal appeared floating in the air before Zeke. Surprised, Zeke touched it and his hand passed through. Only a hologram, thought Zeke, but it looked solid.

Zeke spent some time looking through the information, but did not immediately find what what he wanted. The information was in Standard and arranged in an unfamiliar heirachy. After a few false leads, Zeke found information about the Shao and Earth, but was interrupted before he had a chance to read much of it.

"Attention Zeke," said the computer, "will you accept a communication from Maeoglaiere?"

Maeoglaiere? Oh, the transparent floating alien from indoctrination. Now what could Maeoglaiere want, Zeke wondered?

"Yes," said Zeke.

"Zeke," said Maeoglaiere's voice from midair, "I hope you are comfortable in your new environment and I would like to meet with you to discuss any concerns you may have. As you have some time before your training starts, and your species sometimes desires company during meals, and communication is more effective when the participants are in physical proximity, would you be agreeable to meet in the dining room near your quarters this morning? I would schedule my arrival for whenever you originally intended traveling to the dining room, so as not to inconveniently adjust your schedule."

"Sure," said Zeke, "I was just about to leave, I'll see you there."

"Excellent," said Maeoglaiere. "I will arrive at the location in five minutes. Computer, close my connection to Zeke."

"Disconnected," said the computer.

Maeoglaiere had not arrived when Zeke entered the dining room. Five other aliens were in the dining room, but no one Zeke had met before. Zeke gestured at a platform and sat down in the newly reconfigured chair.

Behind the counter a five foot tall bipedal alien stood. Thick, but not chubby, the alien was completely covered with coarse, orange hair, except for his head, which was bare with lighter orange skin. The head was elongated and narrow, with solid yellow eyes, pointed teeth, and long pointed ears.

"You are Zeke," said the unfamiliar alien behind the counter. "I am Flezg. I will present you with your meal soon." Flezg turned and walked away, short stubby tail twitching as he walked.

"Sounds good," said Zeke.

Zeke noticed Maeoglaiere float to a stop next to him. The alien hovered silently in his clear container, tentacles swirling in slow patterns.

"Zeke," said Maeoglaiere, "in adjusting to your new surroundings, have you encountered difficulties of any type?"

"No," said Zeke. "Everything has been great, no difficulties at all."

"Excellent," said Maeoglaiere. "New arrivals to the base usually have questions, even questions about seemingly unimportant matters. I am sure you have at least one question; perhaps you have many questions. I would be very pleased if you would do me the favor of asking at least one question, no matter how insignificant the question may seem to you."

Flezg presented Zeke with a glass of purple liquid, toast with jam, and a bowl of oatmeal with banana slices and raisins -- at least Zeke hoped they were raisins. Zeke took a bite. Well, they tasted like raisins.

"I did have a few things I was curious about," said Zeke. "The computer gave the Earthling sexual profile as estimated, but another species' sexual profile was not estimated. Does that mean anything?"

"Before I fully answer your question," said Maeoglaiere, "allow me to briefly discuss the reason behind the estimation of the Earthling sexual profile. A sexual profile is a four digit representation of most physical and emotional factors utilized in sexual interactions. The physical factors are relatively simple to determine and are used to avoid physical injury from incompatible biologies. The emotional factors are difficult to determine, but are determinable to an extent with sufficient study.

"For Earthlings and other species with divergent and isolated or semi-isolated subgroups, both in a geographical and cultural sense, an absolute sexual profile is impossible. While an average could be determined with sufficient study, the deviations from that average would be too great for the average to be useful in classifying a single individual.

"For some few species, usually more advanced species, the possibility of rapid travel and a single culture on a planetary or multi-planetary scale allow a single sexual profile to apply to all members of the species. However, a non-estimated sexual profile is rare; only a small percentage of species have a non-estimated sexual profile.

"If you choose, you could have your individual sexual profile determined. Simply ask the computer to make an appointment with the medical facility on this base. The emotional determination usually takes several sessions of three hours each. Only a few of the sessions should prove unpleasant.

Three hours? Unpleasant? "I'll just stay with the estimated profile," said Zeke. There was no issue with the sexual profile after all, thought Zeke, relieved for some reason.

"Now I am curious," said Maeoglaiere, "if you have any experiences related to your sexual profile that are troubling you, even if in only the most insignificant way. Or perhaps experiences not troubling you at all, but only engaging your curiosity, even if in only the most insignificant manner."

"So," considered Zeke, "how do the sexual profiles work? How can I tell if two profiles are compatible?"

"For Earthlings," said Maeoglaiere, "if the first three numbers differ by less than 50, the 50 being your variation number, you are in no physical danger. However, the other individual or individuals participating would have their own variation numbers. My variation number is 30, for example. So if you compared our profiles and found mine to differ from yours at most by 40, we would not be compatible. Sexual contact between us would leave you unharmed, but could possibly be physically damaging to me.

"However, the sexual profiles represent the worst case contact. Even with incompatible sexual profiles, two individuals may still have a sexual encounter if they understand the biological incompatibilities and act accordingly. The incompatibility could be due to harmful bodily fluids or harmful physical actions. Some species might penetrate their sexual partner with a stinger for example. Other species might flail their limbs uncontrollably, injuring their partner.

"If you are considering a sexual encounter with an individual having an incompatible sexual profile, have the computer list the incompatibilities. The computer will be very clear and you should be able, in most cases, to avoid the incompatible behavior. If anything is unclear to either of the participants, call a medical facility for clarification.

"Now, the last number in the sexual profile is related to possible emotional conflicts due to sexual interactions. A lower number means an individual will not be unduly distressed, a higher number means an individual could be unduly distressed. If the number is greater than 500, you should proceed with caution, and take every opportunity not to distress the individual. Usually, this means asking before initiating a new behavior or changing the current behavior. If the number is greater than 700, please consult with a medical facility before initiating sexual activity.

Zeke finished his oatmeal and took a sip of the purple liquid. It tasted a bit tart, but Zeke didn't recognize the flavor.

"What is your opinion of the sexual profiles?" asked Maeoglaiere. "Does the usage of sexual profiles seem reasonable? Have you experienced any problems with the sexual profiles?"

"No problems at all," said Zeke, "now that I know how they work."

Maeoglaiere's lower tentacles stopped for a moment, then resumed their movement. "You were not informed of the details of the sexual profile before." said Maeoglaiere. "How does this make you feel?"

"I guess..." pondered Zeke, "I guess it makes me feel a bit... disappointed. But everything seems to have worked out OK, so I'm not worried about it."

"However," said Maeoglaiere, "you would have preferred to be informed, and you may be wondering why you were not informed. Standard procedure is to not inform any individuals of the existence of the sexual profile if the fourth digit of their sexual profiles is 300 or above, as the information might cause distress or discomfort."

None of this was worth worrying about; it was just the standard procedure. Why was Maeoglaiere asking these questions anyway? What reason could... Of course! Maeoglaiere was probably the alien equivalent of a psychiatrist, making sure Zeke wasn't a nutcase before handing him the controls of a spaceship. So what now, Zeke wondered. How should he act? Realistically, Zeke had only a vague idea of what they were looking for. Probably, the best approach was to be honest.

"Attention Zeke," said the computer, "your morning training class will begin in thirty minutes."

"I do not wish to delay your arrival at your training class," said Maeoglaiere. "However, I would like to continue our discussion. Would you be agreeable to meet in my office at nine this evening?"

"Yes," said Zeke, "I'll be there."

A few minutes later, Zeke entered the training room. A few aliens were present and already experimenting with the flight simulators. The backs of the hovering holographic displays were not blank, but showed moving views of the solar system Zeke had practiced in. None of the aliens acted like an instructor, so Zeke decided to experiment with the simulator for a while until Yzran arrived.

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