Monkey on Her Back - Cover

Monkey on Her Back

Copyright© 2004 by davedax

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Son helps his drug-addicted mother

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Fisting   Sex Toys   Water Sports   Exhibitionism  

I awoke the next morning alone in bed and wondered about a repeat performance, but she wasn't even downstairs, then propped up on the kitchen table, I saw a note,

Darling, I've nipped out on an errand, ring me on my mobile when you get up, love mum xxxxx.

"Hi darling" she said as soon as I rang, "I left you to sleep, I think I wore you out last night"

"I'm ready for more mum, anytime you are"

"Ooh yes please" she laughed, "Why don't you shower and drive into town, I'll meet you outside the bank in an hour, I'll be through then?"


I needed a shower as well as a coffee, but I was rolling in less than three quarters of an hour and within the hour I pulled up on double yellow lines outside the bank in the high street, I was just about to explain what I was doing to a rather fierce looking lady traffic warden when mum ran out of the pub and slid into the front passenger seat in a flurry of tousled blonde hair and legs that went on for ever.

"Where to mum?"

"Find somewhere to park" she said excitedly, "I've got something to show you"

"I can see most of it from here mum|" I laughed and looked down to where the tiny skirt had ridden right up her thighs to display a little white vee of her panties.

"Yeah well I feel good this morning, in fact I feel great"

"What's bought this on then?"

She sat back in her seat and parted her legs, running her hands up the inside of both thighs, she said with a smile,

"Oh nothing really, it's just that I've met this young guy who's the best lover I've ever had, he's every bit as kinky as I am, he told me last night that he loves me and basically I'm just very, very happy"

I laid my hand on her thigh and squeezed it gently as I pulled into a vacant parking space,

"I've got something to add to that mum" I said, "But I want your news first"

"It's your dad's insurance policy darling, they sent me a cheque for fifty five thousand pounds, plus the building society have confirmed that the house is now ours, their insurance paid the mortgage up when dad died, we owe nothing darling, absolutely bloody nothing!"

"Great news mum, but you said "our and we" what does that mean?"

She leaned over and kissed me, "It means that the bank account is now in joint names, the house is now in joint names and so is the bank account, so don't argue"

"Ok" I grinned cheerfully, "So where are we going now?"

"Camden town"

I pulled out into the traffic and asked why, but she just giggled and said we were going to see a friend of hers.

"Do I know her mum?"

"Mo, but you'll recognize her I think"


"Yep, I was chatting to her this morning, she's just split from her hubby, he buggered off with a sixteen year old from where he works"

"Is she upset?"

"Far from it" she laughed, "She's having a ball, according to her it's a big wide world out there full of pussies that she's not tasted yet"

"Sounds interesting"

"I think it might be when we get there"

"Really, why?"

"Because she said she wants to take me to bed as soon as I arrive and keep me there all day"

"Oh, so she doesn't know that I'm with you?"

"Oh yes" mum laughed, "But she doesn't know about our relationship -- yet"

"So what am I supposed to do while you two are doing each other?"

"Nothing" she grinned, "I was about to ask if she could come home with us and stay the night"

"With you?"

"No you fool, she'll know soon enough about our relationship, just trust me darling, it'll blow her socks off"

And with that she proceeded to enlighten me as to her plans for the day!

We pulled into the driveway of a smart semi-detached house and pulled up by the garage just as the front door opened and Ginny flew out like a bat out of hell!

"Julie" she cried and tried to squeeze mum to death in her ample bosom, "And you must be Johnny, her new friend"

"Hi" I said and shook her hand somewhat embarrassedly as she looked me up and down, "Well Julie, I know you said on the phone that he was a bit fit, but you didn't say he was gorgeous"

I cringed with embarrassment at her choice of words, but kept up the pretence of being mum's toy boy as I traipsed behind them into the house, where, once inside the door, she took mum into her arms and kissed her deeply, there were no holds barred as they attacked each other's mouth, hands went everywhere, over clothing, under clothing and it was only after my penis was at full stance that they pulled apart gasping for breath!

"Wow" mum said, "I always knew you were a horny bitch, but, well just wow"

They went through to the kitchen hand in hand and we drank some coffee whilst mum suggested that she came over to us for the night,

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