Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 9: Exit Pierre, Enter Monique

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9: Exit Pierre, Enter Monique - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

The next morning Darla awoke in her own bed to a strange dream of being taken from behind by a strange looking four legged animal in the jungle. The dream began with her running from some type of danger, however, the danger she remembered was actually quite pleasurable. Then she recalled the tongue of this animal beast pleasuring her beyond any human limitation until finally, just as she was about to cum, her alarm went off and brought her crashing back down to reality. As Darla awoke and realized that she had been dreaming, she realized that she was lying nude and in her own bed. The last she remembered of Bruno and Isabella was that the three of them were embraced in a modified 69 with Darla in the center licking Bruno's own asshole while he and Isabella licked hers until finally they all collapsed in exhaustion from the passion.

Darla then began to think that the whole episode had been a dream, until she got up and walked over to her kitchen table and found a note on the table from Isabella which said,

"Bruno & I decided to bring you home before sunrise, since you need to get some rest and we have a lot of running to do. I am expecting you to 'cum' to aerobics at 12 today. Also, I took your laundry to the cleaners; you can pick it up after the session. Also, I have been invited to to a place called the Oreo Club with some male Raelian friends from Africa tomorrow night. I want you to come, I can't handle six strong black men by myself. It is a private club, but the owners prefer that the females wear as little as possible. BRING A FRIEND! Maybe that blonde Monique you are co-workers with. As for what to wear, the tight fitting little black dress I saw on your dresser will be perfect! None of us will be at the gym today since it is our regular day off, but if you need to reach me, ask the clerk for my pager number. Also I have a certain friend who is going to be at the Oreo Club that just started working at your hospital, his name is Mombassa Wemba and he is this gorgeous doctor from the Congo (very sexy). Like I said, he will be at the party too, but during the week he needs someone to take him to buy furniture and other things for his new place, and, since I can't be everywhere I would owe you big if you spent sometime with him and got to know him. I've e-mailed his picture to you!! Isabella."

Darla, after reading Isabella's note, quickly hoped in the shower, got dressed, threw on her old shorts and t-shirt, and then logged on. Over 20 messages were waiting for her! Most of them were pictures of overweight men offering their services and more porn shots from her stalker. She then opened Sofia's message that read like a n adult novel. For 10 minutes Darla read Sofia's letter that described what had happened to her at an English biker pub. Darla then replied with a quick note asking her god mother to call her immediately once she returned from Europe so they could catch up on old times and also to let Sofia meet her new friends from the gym.

Next she downloaded the pictures Isabella sent of Mombasa. It took nearly five minutes for all the pictures of Isabella and Bruno's African friend to arrive. According to the dates on the file the pictures were only months old. The first was of him in his uniform. He was definitely a large and trim man, but the second picture made Darla gasp in amazement. The picture showed Isabella on all fours attempting to get her lips around what must have been a three to four inch thick cock as another black man fucked her from behind. The third picture was of Mombasa lying on the weight bench and lowering Isabella on his raging hard on. The finally the last picture showed Isabella with a ruler measuring his cock. Mombasa was truly "hung" at 12 inches!!

Darla's pussy got moist and at the same time cringed at the thought of being ripped apart by such a meaty cock. She then e-mailed a reply to Isabella. "I will e-mail you tomorrow to confirm for the party, and yes I can take Mombassa shopping!! Did it hurt?"

Darla then went to aerobics for her 12 p.m. class, where a very muscular and flat chested red head named Kathy was the leader of the four person work out group, which consisted only of house wives. Darla then decided to skip the shower and headed over to pick her laundry up. By the time she arrived home it was 3 p.m., and since now she really wanted to go to the party the next night, she decided to tell Pierre of her intentions and all that had transpired to her sexually during the week, even it meant losing him. After a great deal of thought, she decided that maybe a long distance relationship with Pierre was not a good thing, especially with her having met his friends and discovering her own insatiable sexual needs. As Darla thought about it, maybe she could introduce Sofia to Pierre, and if they were lucky maybe she could, even during a mutual threesome at the gym, get him to realize that Sofia was more his type and closer in age than she would ever be.

Later that day, at around 5 p.m., as Darla tried to get her mind off of sex by cleaning up her messy apartment, the phone rang, it was Pierre and he sounded like he was on a ship somewhere at sea. "Darla, it's about time your home! I've been trying to reach you all night and day!" She then saw that somehow the answering machine was turned off. "I'm not coming back to Quebec City. The hospital is sending me to Africa. Since the civil war broke out in Cameroon last month, the French-Canadian Medical Corps has finally decided to send as many qualified doctors to help with the suffering" Darla couldn't believe it, but the news about the civil wars in Cameroon were true. "Will you be all right?" she cried. "Yes, but I am guessing I won't see you for another six months since I will be on the front lines in a tent. Listen I have to go now, but I want you to promise me that you won't wait for me. You are much to special and sexy to wait for an old man like me. I will write as soon as I can! Bye!! (Click)."

It was a decision that he knew that he would someday regret, but he knew that it was best for him to watch Darla from the shadows, for he knew that her insatiable sexuality, which he saw unleashed on the videodisc that Louis had sent him, as well as on the Internet, would only lead him down the path to his eventual destruction. Many years before his sexual addiction brought him to the brink of utter destruction as he lost nearly all that he loved when he found himself a wanted man. The other reason for his decision to let Darla go was that she wanted to see the world, and being with him, who had already seen and done all that there was, would only hold her back.

However, per his agreement with his Congolese friend Mombassa, Pierre was promised that his now ex-girlfriend, Darla, would eventually be offered her own opportunity to go to travel and see the world, particularly Africa. However, little did Pierre know what eventually awaited Darla in Africa. Yet, even though Pierre had decided to let his lover go, he still had a bit of unfinished business with her that, through several friends, particularly Darla's stalker, he intended to see through, as his way of providing her the sexual excitement she so desperately desired.

Meanwhile, back in Quebec City, Darla just stared at the telephone, for she could not believe what she had just heard, that her new boyfriend was leaving her, and going off to war a zone. She had barely begun to love him, and now he was gone, As Darla put the telephone back on the receiver, she began crying like she had not done in many years, and didn't begin to stop until the phone rang. It was her friend Monique wanting to know where she had been the last two days. Darla, who was still crying hard, apologized to Monique, telling her truthfully that she had been spending a lot of time at the health club where she met some new friends. However Monique, who was just a few years older than Darla, could tell that her friend had just received the news that she had heard the day before, and told her that she was coming right over.

By the time Monique arrived Darla had returned to her normal perky self, but she was still very blue about Pierre. Monique and Darla watched a chick flick and finished the pizza, then decided afterward to go swimming since the outside air was nearly 87 degrees in the hot summer night. Darla decided to wear another thong and sports bra while Monique stripped down to her fresh blue cotton bikini briefs and put on one of Darla's t-shirts. Monique was caught off guard by Darla's fashion choice, but she complemented her on pool side fashion choice, grabbed some towels and headed over to the pool. Monique, who was nearly 25, had blonde hair, and possessed a slim figure with firm breasts that gently bobbed and swayed under her loose t-shirt. On the way out to the pool Monique then tied her hair up into a ponytail and followed Darla outside to the pool with her own pitcher of purple passion. Darla carried the towels and the glasses to the complex's pool. During the hot summer the pool had normally been very busy, but tonight for some reason it was strangely quiet.

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