Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 8: The Art of Sensual Meditation

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8: The Art of Sensual Meditation - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

As Darla lay nude on the bed next to all of her new sex toys, the alarm clock awoke her out of a strange erotic dream. Despite the eight-hour nap, which she took after having arrived home after a long and exhaustive double-shift at the hospital, she suddenly awoke and had a sudden sensation that her session at the gym yesterday had been all a dream. She had been so tired after arriving home from the hospital that she had forgot to check her messages. As she awoke, as she looked at all the sex toys that laid around her, she smiled wickedly as she remembered what it was that had she had been dreaming about.

As her stalker, Pierre, and others on the Internet watched, Darla slept on top of her bed fully nude as she began to experience the first of numerous destiny fulfilling dreams. In this dream, the first of such ones that she would begin having after her orgy at the gym, Darla was Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider, and she was in the heart of Africa on an expedition to find the Lost Mines of King Solomon. During her incredible journey, Lara, meaning Darla, was only able to find the lost treasure after having been subjected to numerous gang bangs and rapes at the hands of the African bushmen who protected the mines.

In her final battle to wrest control of the mines to her Darla, as Lara, was forced to fight a large eight foot humanoid monster, whom intended to impregnate the tomb raider with his seed. It was only after enduring the hardest fucking that she had ever experienced, and after the monster had cum in her, that Darla was able to kill the beast who was weakest when he began spewing his seed into her. Then after having stabbed the beast with her dagger, Darla got off of the wet and glistening cock of the monster and savored the taste of his sweet and salty cum, and then, finally feeling sated, she mounted the monster cock again and rode it to an earth crushing orgasm, at just the same exact moment that the alarm clock signaled to Darla that it was time to awake.

At around 9 p.m., the phone rang at Darla's, however, Darla was preoccupied with her shower and impending orgasm that she had to let the machine answer for her. Once out of the shower, Darla listened to the message. The message from Isabella said, "Bruno and I live at 515 Lafayette St. Be here in one hour. Remember to wear the outfit we gave you, as well as the sacred objects. See you soon! (Click)."

The message from Isabella got Darla's juices flowing again, for she now knew that her time at the gym had not been a dream. She then went over to the gym bag and pulled out what looked to be a toga miniskirt, with a golden head band, matching white thong, and sandals that tied up around her calves. Then after seeing herself in the daring Isis type outfit Darla remembered about the metal butt plug and Ben Wa balls that she had been instructed to insert into her. Going back into the apartment, she reached into the gym bag and took the semi-heavy metallic objects to the bathroom, rinsed them off, peeled down her thong, and then proceeded to lube the butt plug up.

As Darla stared at the gleaming tapered metallic invader, smiled, drew a deep breath, and then ever so slowly, she inserted it into her ass. The coldness of the gel and metal on her anus forced out a low moan as she inched the plug up her tight bottom until about midway, when the widest point passed her sphincter and her rectal muscles pulled it in deep, until finally the four inch metal dagger was firmly anchored in. After that, Darla had to force herself to concentrate on inserting the Ben Wa balls into her already wet and now bald pussy. Once the large metal balls were in, she put back on her thong panties. lowered her toga skirt, grabbed her keys and license, and then headed for the car.

As Darla walked to the car she could hear the metal clinking sound of the balls, and she could feel the objects moving up against the thin membrane that separated her love canals. Yet even though it felt wonderfully strange and erotic to walk with the pieces of metal bouncing up inside of her, that was nothing compared to the feeling she experienced when she sat down in the car seat as the butt plug seemed to expand as she moaned loudly in pleasure as the plug and balls used the force of gravity to bury themselves into her to the hilt.

After several minutes of getting adjusted and calming her already turned on and nearly naked body down, she mentally focused herself to the task at hand, driving to Isabella and Bruno's house. After about 15 minutes of searching, Darla found their house. Once out of the car she entered the open door, after having gotten no response from knocking, and noticed that the lights in the basement were on and the stereo playing smooth jazz. As she made her way into the candle lit basement, she found Bruno slowly eating Isabella's pussy, who was outstretched on a wooden alter underneath a Star of David begging for him to make her cum. However, since both of them were so lost in their own pleasure, neither one noticed that Darla had entered the room.

As Bruno made passionate oral love to his young wife, Darla could not help but become flushed with desire at the site of Isabella's spread eagle legs bent all the way back toward her knees, as Bruno's muscular body hunched over and drank from her essence. Suddenly, not to soon, after she silently entered the basement, Darla watched intently as Isabella climaxed with a loud shriek and matching convulsions, as she pushed Bruno's head deeper into her crotch. Then, after a few moments' Isabella, with perspiration on her forehead looked up at Darla and reached for her hand, while at the same time Bruno came over to her and gave his guest a deep wet and pussy flavored kiss.

As Isabella pushed herself upright, she held Darla's hand tight and said, "That was so incredible! Tonight you'll find out how good of a pussy eater my husband and me are. I am sure your pussy is incredibly sore and sensitive from yesterday still, but we need to have your cunt ready for Pierre tomorrow night. He has a special surprise for you." Bruno then reached for Darla's hand and told her to follow him to the backroom where he ordered her to take over her top and to lay face down on the massage table so he could give her a simple no sex massage to help relax and prepare her for her sensual spiritual awakening. As Darla lay face down in the cold and unfurnished concrete massage room, she asked what it was that Pierre had planned for her tomorrow night. To which Bruno simply replied, "I can't tell. Remember, its a surprise."

After about 20 minutes, Bruno had Darla sit upright and then told her to put her white dress back on. By now the pleasure of the Ben Wa balls and the butt plug were becoming unbearable as Darla felt the mini orgasmic jolts of the metallic devices beginning to go toward the base of her spine. Soon they both went back upstairs to find Isabella swimming in the pool nude, and without the need for any encouragement, Darla stripped down to her white thong and jumped in. As Darla treaded water, Isabella swam over and wrapped her arms and legs around her, and then asked "Darla do you want to experience what true sensual awareness is all about? If you let us we can introduce you tonight, for the sake of your relationship with Pierre, to a whole new world of both mental and physical erotic stimuli." To which Darla simply nodded her head "yes," and then lowered her lips to Isabella's ample bosom at the same time she reached for and began fingering her tutor's shaved pussy.

Soon Isabella's ass was on the edge of the pool as her new student held her tight to her face and eagerly lapped away at her own shaved pussy, as Isabella reached out to her husband and motioned for him to take his Speedo's off and join them. Then, as Darla slowly mouth-fucked Isabella's pussy, Bruno knelt next to his wife, poured suntan oil on his cock and proceeded to fuck her tits as he pressed them together, and then after several minutes of licking and fucking, Bruno timed his climax perfectly with that of Isabella's as she screamed out in an explosion of desire, while at the same time she grabbed her husband's exploding cock and aimed his wad at her face as she sucked in every salty drop.

After watching from below, Darla, who by now was feeling a bit left out, jumped out of the pool and got on top of Isabella and French kissed her hard, as their cum and pussy juice filled tongues met and danced erotically while they humped each others mound. The sight was so erotic, and the Ben Wa balls and butt plug were adding so much pleasure friction that Darla soon began to cum until she finally collapsed teary eyed on top of her buxom new lover.

After a minute or two of watching the girls attempt to recover and regain their senses, Bruno told Darla "now it's your turn! I want you to dry off and follow me in the house after you help Isabella get her footing." Darla then helped Isabella up, but Isabella was so weak from her last two orgasms that she was barely able to stand or walk. However, with Darla's help they slowly followed Bruno into the house and down into the basement where Isabella said, "first the three of us will take a shower together then we'll start your session."

The two women then followed Bruno into the back of the large basement where the weight machines were, and then entered a separate room that looked like a cross between a medieval torture chamber and a church. In the back was a large industrial type shower stall that was big enough for about 15 people. However, the stall had no curtain and contained several plastic stools and removable showerheads. Bruno then instructed Darla to remove her wet thong, which Darla did, and then she was told by Isabella to bend over. Darla then grabbed her ankles and felt Isabella slowly remove the butt plug and Ben Wa balls at the same time. The intense sensation of both objects being removed caused Darla's knees to shake as she moaned in both ecstacy and sadness, for she was sad to now be so empty.

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