Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 6: The Big Bad World Cums Calling

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6: The Big Bad World Cums Calling - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

By the time she returned home at midnight, Darla was both emotionally and physically spent after having had to work extra late, because of a car accident, for nearly six hours without so much as a 15 minute break. Darla was even more saddened by the fact that all the sex she now craved, and which she believed Pierre could giver her, would now have to wait weeks, possibly even months. Maybe, she thought, she make another doctor's appoint, as checked her messages and found only two from Pierre, one of which said that he had made it to Newfoundland, and the other to say good night, but nothing erotic or dirty. Outside of the bedroom Pierre was a perfect gentleman, but in the bedroom he appeared to her to be the perfect master to serve. She then decided, after stripping out of her nurses uniform, to check her e-mail.

When she signed in she found three new messages. The first was from the mysterious messenger who sent a picture of a woman tied up naked in a hospital bed with two black cocks in her face with a caption underneath that said "say ah?" To which she replied with a very short answer "Who are you!" The next message was from some fat weirdo who sent a picture of him and too much personal information, which she quickly deleted. The third one said:

"Darla, allow me to introduce myself I am 48 year old massage therapist and personal trainer who would love to help you fulfill your desires. I am the owner of the Powerhouse Gym on Center Ave. Please feel free to come in and check us out. If you like what you see and are agreeable send me a message. If you want to join or try a free trial membership, with no strings attached, please call Bridgette and she will sign you up over the phone. Yours Louis. P.S. I hope you enjoy the video."

As Darla read, the message her pussy became wet; however, what really got her pussy wet was the video that he had sent. The video was a promotional shoot for the gym; however this one was obviously not meant for public viewing, but was done for her benefit only. The video opened with the thong bikini clad, grey haired, muscled bodied Louis explaining to Darla the location of the gym and of the rates of normal membership. However, at least for Darla, Louis was going to offer to her an after hours membership, but only if she responded within the next 48 hours and asked to schedule a one on one session with Bruno at 9:00 p.m., which was one hour before the scheduled closing of the gym to regular customers. He then signed off by looking directly into the camera and saying, "The staff here at the gym would love to have the opportunity to give you the workout of a lifetime, and I promise you a very special massage afterward. Call Bridgette soon, and remember ask for the 9:00 p.m. session with Bruno."

Darla's mind raced and her sexual urges awoke as she wondered what to do. Should she call this stranger and take him up on his offer, or should she decline and remain true to Pierre. As she thought about it and weighed her decision, she decided that only an erotic movie would help her make her decision, as she grabbed her keys and ran to the video store. She asked the pimply and fat cashier where the adult tapes were and he smiled and then pointed out the way. Inside the adult section there were three older men browsing and watching her. She saw hundreds of titles, but they all looked the same. Finally she found the one she was looking for, it was titled "Pumping Irene." She checked it out and headed for home. Once inside she checked her e-mail again and found the stranger had sent another message this time with a picture of a woman wearing a tight t-shirt and jeans being held by two construction workers, with a caption that read, "Which holes do you want drilled?"

Darla then smiled with desire at the thought of being double penetrated, but not before demanding the sender tell her who he was, and then went into her bedroom and opened the curtain. She could see nothing, but black night, though she knew that somewhere out in the blackness the stranger was watching. She then seductively stripped out of her hospital scrubs, much to the delight of her stalker, and then turned away from the window closed it and stepped into the shower. In the shower, Darla's mind drifted as she thought about Louis' message as her hand slipped to her cunt, while her free hand caressed and pinched her nipples, the sensation of which sent herself into a deep erotic trance as she pictured herself being fucked by two powerful men, as she came again and again. However, just before she could cum for a sixth time, Darla was woken out of her dreamy state suddenly as the hot water turned ice cold. She then quickly jumped out from under the freezing water, and to the realization that she had been in the shower over an hour. Despite the cold water, the bathroom was still very warm as she dried; however, as she opened the door she stepped naked into the cold air conditioning, which forced her nipples to hardened and stiffen, as the small apartment window air compressor fought to stave off the oppressive nighttime August humidity.

Darla then went into her bedroom without a towel on and started rummaging through her closet looking for her spandex sports bra and shorts. As she was looking the computer chimed "you have mail." She went over to her computer and found that her secret admirer had sent a picture of Kim Bassinger, in a shear slip from the 20th Century erotic movie 9 1/2 Weeks with a caption that said "Please dance for me Princess!" She quickly replied, sensing the sender was watching, "Only when you supply the music and men. But first you have to give me a hint of who you are. PLEASE." To which a reply quickly came, "I will reveal my existence to you in due time, and by appointment only."

Darla wondered about the cryptic response, and then strutted to the bedroom window and waved goodnight to her secret admirer and closed the curtain. She then walked over to the closet and pulled out her old aerobic suit, turned the light off, put the suit on and then oiled herself up with baby oil. Darla then set up her digital camera and raised her sports bra to massage the oil into her breasts. She then pulled out an old dumbbell and posed, and then put the disk into the drive and sent it to her stalker with a caption that said, "Are you man enough for me?" and then signed off before he could reply.

Not to soon after Darla's stalker received the taunting message and picture, his telephone rang. On the other end was Pierre, who related to him his plan to introduce Darla to his Raelian friends. The stalker was enthralled at the plan that Pierre had hatched to convert Darla into a Raelian; however, at least for the stalker, his role in Darla's life, was to be Pierre's eyes and ears, and for him to report back to him any problems. The only caveat was that the stalker was not to interfere in anyway with Darla at the gym, nor to any other situations that she might find herself in as a result of her associations with those she would likely meet at the gym. In return, Pierre had mailed to the stalker a copy of the key to Darla's apartment so that he could plant as many hidden cameras and listening devices as was necessary to monitor all of her activities.

Meanwhile, after Darla turned off the computer, she placed the X-rated video into the machine and watched. The first scene was of a woman lifting weights and Irene instructing her on the proper form. Eventually it led to a lesbian lick-fest, as Darla stood mesmerized in front of the TV rubbing her oily tits. All during the movie she played with herself as every new scene unfolded, the best being the scene where Irene was gang banged on the massage table, as hot oil was constantly poured all over her. Irene's final act was to be double fucked by the two largest cocks that Darla had ever seen and then let them cum all over her.

As Darla watched the erotic site on the screen, she fingered the rim of her ass and wondered how good a cock would actually feel up her rear pathway. The only time she had ever been penetrated, was during her last two previous medical exams, the sensation of which were both very erotic. As she watched the movie she made her tired self cum several more times before the credits rolled, after which she turned the TV off, went to bed, and then masturbated some more before she fell sound asleep to the erotic thoughts of being the star of her own adult exercise video.

The day itself had been a very long one for young Darla, and as she slept soundly, across the way at the next apartment, her stalker was busying himself with his own private investigation into her past, just in case he needed to take matters into his own hands...

The next day was Darla's regularly scheduled off day, and when she awoke and turned her computer on, she was again surprised to find several new messages. The first one was from a guy nicknamed Biff who left only his measurements and phone number (deleted); the next one was from Tom and Kari who also sent pictures. Kari and Tom looked to be a little to overweight and ugly to be swinging (deleted). Her stalker then sent a picture of a blindfolded and hogtied woman being anally penetrated by a leather clad masked man, with a taunting question underneath, "Do you dare?"

The last message was from her Aunt Sofia, who said that she would be in town in Quebec City on Monday and wanted to meet her at a local biker bar the following Tuesday so she could share with Darla her new hobby, motorcycles. Along with her god mother's message was a photo of her, nude, on her new Harley. As Darla looked at Sofia's nakedness, she marveled at the sexy 38 year old woman, who was always in incredible shape and thought back to how her pussy tasted the last time the two of them had made love. She had such an emotional and physical bond with Sofia that it pained Darla every time her mentor left to travel.

Darla replied to Sofia, "I will definitely meet you. I have so much to tell you. Unfortunately Pierre has been sent to another hospital in Newfoundland as an emergency replacement for at least the next several weeks. I can't wait to see you and lay in your arms again. Love, Darla"

It wasn't even 9 am and now, especially after seeing the nude picture of Sofia on the Harley Davidson, Darla's mind could think of nothing else but sex. She then went back to Louis' offer and then thought about the videotape from last night. She then picked up the receiver and called the gym, and soon Bridgette answered. Darla then nervously told her that Louis had instructed her to call and sign up for an introductory session with a personal trainer. Bridgette, who obviously had either no clue about the purpose of her call, told Darla that she should be there at 8:45 p.m. since Bruno would not tolerate lateness. As for Louis, Bridgette said, he had been called away to Montreal for business, but that he left a message for her to relax and have fun with Bruno.

The thought of meeting Bruno, who in her mind was just a faceless and muscled stranger, got her pussy extremely wet, especially when she began to diddle her pussy and began thinking what he might look like naked, oiled up, and firmly embedded in her ass. Finally, after an hour of nearly constant masturbating, Darla regained her senses, got dressed and headed toward the mall to shop. She had a feeling that it would not be a bad idea to add some clothes to her wardrobe and buy some new sexy dresses and exercise outfits. By the time Darla returned home it was after 8 p.m., and Darla marveled at all that she had bought.

Among the clothes that Darla purchased were three halter dresses that fit very tightly and accented her body already firm figure, four workout thong backed outfits, two one piece thong backed swimsuits that zipped up from the front, ten different styles of thongs and g-strings, four new pairs of black stilettos and five tight Lycra micro mini dresses that left little, if anything to the imagination. She also bought a black leather choker collar and several black garters and stockings. She then grabbed a drink from the refrigerator, and checked her e-mail, only to find more porn pictures from the stalker across the way, as well as an online greeting card from Pierre that said "I can't wait until I see you and make love to you again! By the way, I am sending you a special dress that I want you to wear on the night I return. However, do not open the package until I give you permission and explain what it is that I want you to do after you put it on."

Darla got wet just thinking what Pierre might command her to do sexually after he returned, but right now her mind was focused on her workout. She then quickly stripped and wiggled into her new thong backed blue spandex aerobics outfit, and then put a pair of tight shorts over her bottom, so as not to draw any undue attention, filled her gym bag with a towel, water and her wallet, and then got in her car and drive to the gym.

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