Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 5: Darla's Erotic Adventure Begins

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5: Darla's Erotic Adventure Begins - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Shortly after having started her new job at the hospital, which recently had been acquired by the Raelians, the powerful religious sect whose teachings Darla had been required to become as part of her new job at the Raelian owned hospital, she met Pierre, a recently divorced general practitioner whom had recently been recruited by the Raelians to train new interns. Pierre was a very kind, shy and gentle man, who truly was enchanted with Darla after having met her at their orientation session at the hospital, despite their large age difference, with he being 43 and she only 20. However, after several weeks of meeting for lunch, and despite his shyness and apparent lingering pain as a result of his recent divorce, Pierre finally gathered the nerve to ask Darla out to dinner.

For the next several weeks Darla and Pierre continued to see one another; however, Darla was becoming frustrated that he would not so much as kiss her. It also bothered her that he had never spoken about why his two marriages ended in divorce. After the fourth date, Darla called her god mother Sofia and asked her for some advice. The advice Sofia gave her god daughter was simple- "seduce him." Sofia then went on to tell Darla that she would need to be the one to make the first move, and not be afraid of being more than a little slutty, but not before playing hard to get. Lastly, Sofia told Darla to start reading the advice columns and stories at a sex stories site so that she could broaden her mind and learn what it was that really excited men. According to Sofia, the stories there would definitely inspire her to reach for the heights of erotic fulfillment

The Friday night that she and Pierre finally consummated their relationship was a special one indeed, and it would also be a night that would signal the beginning of Darla's incredible erotic journey to the deepest reaches of the Dark Continent.

As Pierre and Darla strolled hand in hand into Old Quebec City down the Grand Allie through the Port Saint Louis into the old walled city, Pierre told Darla that he loved this city more than any other place on earth. As they walked around the romantic cobble stoned streets, he commented that in all his 48 years, both as a child and as an adult, including all of the years he had spent away at medical school, no place was so much like home for him as Quebec City, and it was at home where he truly believed that he belonged. As she laid her head on Pierre's shoulder, after they stopped to gaze at the Chateau Fronteac, Darla noted that, unlike Montreal, Quebec City had an open friendliness, a slower pace of life, and there was always time for "bonjour ca va" (hi how are you) even to the stranger as they entered the shops, or walked by others on the streets. The French charm of the city, Pierre remarked to her, was uniquely its own, not Canadian not Parisian, but Quebecois, and that despite the province's latest threat of succession, he loved it all.

Later that evening after a romantic candlelight dinner and dancing to the smooth sounds of jazz at the outdoor festival, Darla and Pierre took a taxi back to her apartment. After the two of them entered her small three room flat. She casually slipped off her blazer, scarf, and undid the top button of her blouse.

"Pierre, I'll make the coffee."

"Would you make a fire?"


"Every thing you need is right by the fireplace," she said as she disappeared into the Kitchen.

Pierre then built the fire. The sounds of coffee being made floated to him from the kitchen.

Darla returned with two steaming cups of coffee. She had kicked off her shoes and had taken off her stockings.

It had taken Pierre sometime to find every thing for the fire and open the flew. He had just laid the match to the fire when she came in with the coffee. He almost burnt himself. Frozen for a moment by this picture of loveliness silently padding in on bare feet.

Darla set the coffee down and sat on the small love seat and patted the place beside her. It was here where she would make her move.

He took the seat feeling comfortable at her nearness, but he never got the chance to get comfortable, as Darla, who was by now more than ready to make love, gently kissed him, and before he could say anything or react, she softly placed a finger on his lips to silence any possible protests. Then, with the seductive movements of a cat she straddled his legs undoing his tie and opening his shirt to the waist. She lowered her head to his hairy chest slowly pulling at the hair with her teeth. Darla tongue flicked across his left nipple sending a shock through him that caused a very noticeable bulge in his crotch, as a low moan escaped his lips.

Darla then ground her crotch into that bulge and thrust her tongue deep into his mouth. Pierre fought to breath as their tongues entwined. Passion coursed through him as she stood up and motioned for him to follow her. Once in the bedroom, Darla raised his hands to her breasts, while she ran her hands down to his ass. As they stood in front of the open window, Pierre, with trembling fingers, undid the buttons of her blouse as he pulled it from her skirt, while she slipped his shirt from his shoulders, as they slowly stripped each other until he stood in his boxer's and she in her sheer lace bra and panties.

Darla broke their kiss and slowly stepped back so they where an arms distance apart, but not before Pierre momentarily plummeted form the towers of passion back to reality. What had he been thinking of, she was not of the faith and he was nearly twice her age. Most importantly, his years of sexual addiction, as well as his love of the Raelian art of group sensual meditation, had nearly destroyed his medical practice, and thus forced him into rehabilitation. However, here he was, just a month out of rehab, in the arms of the most beautiful woman that he had ever had the pleasure of being with, who was now seducing him. As he gazed at her lovely semi-innocent eyes, which he knew, because of his addiction, would eventually shed tears once his sexual addiction consumed him like heroin, his mind wrestled with the decision as to whether he should stay, or should flee like a frightened bird.

Darla saw the confusion and hesitation in Pierre's eyes. She had never seen him as a frighten little bird ready to take flight, but always as a soaring hawk. Darla knew she must act quickly so that the hawk would soar and before the little bird took flight. She undid the clasp in the front of her bra letting it slip from her. Hooking her thumbs into the waistband of her panties she slid them down her silken legs playfully tossing them away with her foot. Quickly she stepped into him brushing his lips with a kiss. She trailed kisses down his body pausing briefly to run her tongue around his navel. Slowly she went to her knees trailing her kisses lower still. As she pulled down his boxers and pooled them around his ankles, she noticed the strange looking tattoo of six pointed star tattoo on his left buttock, which, when she asked later, Pierre said that he would explain its meaning in "due time." She then cupped his cock and balls in her hands, kissed them, licked them, tongued them, and then slowly drew his cock into her mouth.

Pierre could feel his cock growing, pulsating as she ran her tongue up and down his cock, sucking teasing, and encouraging him. The pressure building in his balls for release and fulfillment was the greatest joy and pain he had ever experienced. It took a power and self-control he never knew he had not to cum in her mouth but to slowly withdraw his cock from her warm succulent mouth, as he sank to his knees. His legs had turned to butter as he guided her to the carpet to lay beside this sensual creature he hardly knew. He brushed her lips with a tender kiss. His hands played over her body light as a butterfly tickling teasing, searching for ways to bring her pleasure.

His kisses floated over Darla's body, teasing her nipples, brushing across her belly. To the velvet softness of her inner thighs, down her legs to her calves, to her feet, then back up again to just behind her knee. Higher still they went till they reached her soft bush. There was no need to spread her legs. She lay there with them open, inviting. An invitation he could no longer refuse. He parted her soft and inviting lips moist with her passion, licking, sucking, tonguing, his tongue flicking across her hard little clit, then nipping it teasing it.

As Pierre orally pleasured her, Darla thrust her hips forward to meet Pierre's probing tongue. Her body stiffened. Her back arched. She pulled his face into her with her hands as she came, moans and screams of passion escaping from her parched lips. However, Pierre could wait no longer, for as he inhaled the sweet smell of Darla's musk, he immediately relapsed and his addiction took him over full throttle. As he slid up her body, he kissed Darla again deeply with all the addictive passion he now felt. Darla's hand soon guided his cock to her waiting pussy, as Pierre entered her slowly at first with deep long penetrating strokes, slowly picking up speed, with each stroke deeper harder than the last. She wrapped her arms and legs around him. Pulling him into her, meeting each stroke with a passion to match his. They quickly came together with such a joy and passion as his body and her's had not recently known.

On that first night of making love to her new boyfriend Darla came with such a force that she cried and her hands and arms went numb. They fucked for nearly 40 minutes and afterward they took a nice hot shower together. And then, for the next hour they fucked and sucked again like wild animals, until finally, as sweat dripped off their bodies, they collapsed together in each other's arms, as the firelight was reflected off their naked bodies.

Holding each other close unwilling to let this moment pass Darla and Pierre drifted off to sleep. The following night Darla decided to wear a tight black teddy that she had been saving shortly after she and Pierre had first met. While her boyfriend awaited her to come out of the bedroom she stood naked in front of the full-length mirror and admired her red haired pussy and firm tits. Her mind raced with kinky images since, ever since she had taken Sofia's advice and logged on to a sex stories site, all Darla could do was think of kinky sex, especially when she was working at the hospital, which always reminded her of her first erotic experience. However, the stories on the web site were the ultimate aphrodisiac, since it only took one story to get her hands in motion, exploring first her tits and then her dripping pussy. The stories she read had often aroused her so much that she had to cover her mouth as her right hand fingered her clit and forced her to cum. Now here she was, on the verge of revealing her dark sexual side, reading the latest kinky tale, while Pierre impatiently waited outside her bedroom door.

After sitting at her computer and reading a story of a submissive woman being introduced to the world of exhibitionism and sexual slavery, Darla was ready to fuck, as sweat covered her breasts as she forced her self to recover and slipped into her teddy. As Darla slipped on the silk teddy over her breasts, the g-string dug deep into her cunt, which caused her to bite on her knuckle to stifle a low moan. When she looked in the mirror her fiery red hair accented perfectly the black tight lace teddy and the black stiletto heels.

Darla then walked out of the bedroom and walked up to her sex addicted boyfriend and kissed him deeply. She then looked at him and begged please fuck me and make me your slut." She then led him into the bedroom, laid him down on the bed and pulled his hard cock out. She sucked on him for 30 minutes until he grabbed her hair forcefully and ordered her to swallow, as he streamed his cum down her throat. Darla then took charge as she sucked him dry, until Pierre was weak in the knees, and then kissed got on top of him and kissed him full on the lips with her semen coated tongue. For her it had been way to long since she had savored the taste of a man's cum, and she vowed to herself then that she would never go hungry for it again. She then got off of Perrier and pulled out a bottle of baby oil and proceeded to pump his cock back to life. While she pumped, Darla began taking dirty and explaining what her sex stories site inspired fantasies were.

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