Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 4: The Exam

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Exam - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Weeks later, after she and Sofia moved her belongings into her furnished apartment, Darla received a letter informing her of her starting date, as well as the details of her large salary, the medical and dental plans, the profit-sharing program, as well as a myriad of other benefits. The only catch was, despite the fact that her health was certified by the French-Canadian Medical Corps, she would, for insurance purposes, have to have a complete physical exam by one of the physicians registered with the companies health care provider.

After reading the letter, Darla called the hospital and asked the human resource director (who was a woman) if she could see a female doctor for the exam. However, the woman at human resources said that Darla could request a female but it would cause a lengthily delay in scheduling the exam, because there was only one female doctor in the program and of course she was booked for weeks in advance, but she said that if Darla wanted to schedule an appointment right away, she could take her chances and she might get lucky and get one of the female nurse practitioners, that were also in the program.

Darla decided that she would take her chances, even though the thought of a male doing the exam completely horrified her. Despite the erotic remembrances of her exam at the hands of Dr. Redding, she was still very uncomfortable at the thought of a man examining her. However, Darla didn't want anything to delay or get in the way of her new career, so she said O.K. The woman then said "I can get you an appointment for tomorrow morning; how will that be?"

To which Darla said "O.K., that's fine," and right away started mentally preparing herself for the compromising position she might soon find herself in should she be unfortunate enough to get a male doctor. The following morning Darla got up and got dressed knowing that she would probably have to expose herself at least somewhat during the soon approaching and dreaded exam; so she chose a very attractive matching panty and bra set, laid it on the bed and proceeded to shower and bathe extra thoroughly, as she always had prior to a visit to the doctor.

Darla was a petit woman, just under 5' 5" and scarcely over a hundred pounds; her French, Irish, English ancestry gave here extremely fair skin with the faintest of freckles still remaining over most of her body; which had been much more pronounced in her youth, she had rich auburn hair which was thick and slightly curly and her hair "down there" was the same; thick and bushy, unshaved, completely natural, as it had been during her entire nurses training. After drying off, she chose some perfume and dabbed it here and there, over her body, she slipped the lacy silk panties on, pulling them up tightly, symbolic of covering her most private female parts, as she thought to herself, "I hope that I won't be letting any man see down there today; not if I can help it, especially since I haven't shaven in months!" She then put the matching bra on, which fitted on her ample and firm breasts perfectly, then put on her blouse and headed out the door.

Darla showed up a little early to the doctors office and signed in, whereupon she told the nurse at the desk that she was there for an insurance physical and then asked if she could have a female to do the exam. The nurse then made a telephone call, and related to the voice on the other end her desire to be seen by a female examiner. However, after the nurse hung the telephone up, she apologized to Darla and said that all the female practitioners were booked for at least three weeks and if she wanted to wait that long she would be guaranteed a woman doctor or nurse practitioner.

Now Darla had the dilemma of protecting her pride, modesty and vanity or delaying her start date with her new employer. However, since she didn't want to jeopardize her yet un-established rapport with the hospital, she told the nurse that she would go ahead with her appointment for today; figuring that it couldn't be that bad going to a male doctor, especially since she didn't have any female problems "down there" and therefore wouldn't likely be taking off her panties.

The nurse then said; "fine, you'll be with Doctor Anderson," handed her a clipboard and said; "fill out these forms on both sides, sign and date them and we'll call you shortly." Whereupon, Darla sat down in the waiting room and began filling out the extensive questionnaire about her health history.

Not to long after Darla completed the health history questionnaire, the door to the waiting room swung open, jarring her out of the trance she was in; as the nurse said "you can come back now Darla. Right in here please?" The nurse said, directing her into the exam room. "Now you'll need to take everything off, you can go behind the curtain and put this on, but leave it open in the back;" as the nurse pointed to an exam gown sitting on the exam table, "you can set your clothes on the chair, I'll be right back to take your blood pressure and get your temperature," and then the nurse left and closed the door behind her.

The nurse's words "you'll need to take everything off" reverberated in her head, but she decided that she would nullify the nurses instructions and keep her panties on, and if they questioned it, she would say "Oh I thought that's what you meant by everything." So Darla undressed down to her lacy and well fitting panties, and then put the exam gown on, leaving it open in the back as the nurse had instructed. Once it was on she then tried to tie the two ties in the back, but she could only reach the lower one. However her arms, unlike her limber legs just were not flexible enough to tie the gown, so she decided to leave it open, despite how awkward and queasy she felt about her level of exposure. She then went over and sat on the exam table and crossed her legs and arms tightly, in a gesture of defiance...

As Darla started to look around the exam room a little and the sterile-ness of everything as well as the sight of certain medical supplies; in particular the box of latex exam gloves sitting on the counter; she thought back to her exam by Dr. Redding. Despite the eroticism of that past experience, where she was now made her very uncomfortable and she was becoming intimidated by her environment, for reasons that she herself could not understand.

Just then the door opened and the nurse returned and quickly began taking Darla's blood pressure, temperature and a small blood sample. Darla of course had to uncross her arms for this, but her legs remained crossed, as the nurse sensed her level of modesty and the fact that she was a little nervous. Sensing her nervousness the nurse smiled at Darla and said, "just relax now honey, the doctor will be right in to do your exam." However, despite that fact that Darla herself was a trained nurse, the kind words the nurse said to her in trying to comfort her were not working, and as the nurse left Darla resumed her crossed arm position.

Now the waiting was driving her nuts and she just wanted to get all this over with so she could get dressed and go home. Finally after what seemed like forever, the door opened and in came the doctor. The doctor was an average looking man in all regards; average height, weight, middle aged and somewhat balding, but he seemed pleasant enough; he was wearing a typical white doctors coat and had a stethoscope around his neck and was carrying a clipboard. He then said, "Hello Darla, I'm doctor Anderson and I'll be doing your exam today, how are you doing today?" To which she answered in a subdued voice; "I'm fine thank you."

"It looks like you're here for a complete physical then? why don't you uncross your arms and legs and relax and we'll go ahead and get started. Looks like your BP and temp is normal, I'm going to go ahead and listen to your heart and lungs now." As he came up close to her and placed the cold stethoscope on her chest, and then moved it a couple different places on her chest before moving it around to her back, by her kidneys, when he said; "take a couple deep breaths please," and moved to the other side, "again please?" as she continued to breathe "in deeply..." and out, "exhale ... thank you!"

The doctor then took the stethoscope out of his ears and said; "everything seems fine," as he walked over to the counter, opened a little drawer and picked up a little light scope. Again he came close up to her and said; "open wide and say ahhh!," she was feeling more relaxed at the moment, being that the focus was not presently on the more personal and vulnerable parts of her anatomy.

Darla complied enthusiastically, opening her mouth wide and saying a pronounced "ahhh!", "very good! now tilt your head back a little," and looked in her nasal passages with the light and proceeded to do the same with her ears. The doctor then asked her to look at his finger as he moved it slowly from side to side and focused the light into her eye, he then set the instrument down and with his fingers pressed lightly up under her jaw line, and asked; "feel any pain there?" To which she replied "No."

"All right then, I'm going to need you to drop your gown down in front so we can do the breast exam."

Darla then slipped the gown over shoulders and let it fall down about her waist, as the doctor came in front of her matter-of-factly and looked at her fully exposed breasts.

The doctor then said, "O.K. why don't you lay back and we'll get started;" and as she did, the doctor loomed over her.

The doctor then took Darla's left arm and gently placed it above her head. He then produced a little cushion from somewhere under the table and shoved it underneath her shoulder, and then said "O.K. just relax!" as he began to feel her lymph nodes under her arm, working his way down towards her breast. The sensation tickled though and she pulled her arm down in a natural reflex, as he said "sorry! I know it tickles" and then placed her arm again above her head, while he began to fully examine her breast.

As the doctor examined her, Darla felt her heart start to race with desire as he moved the pads his four fingers in a sweeping motion from the outside in, towards her nipple, while he palpated each quarter of her breast in a clockwise fashion. The doctor then moved to Darla's areola, depressing into her with two fingers. By now Darla was having a hot flash of desire as well as embarrassment, fully aware of his "maleness" examining her "femininity." It was at that moment that Darla realized just how long it had been since she had been touched in the most intimate of places, by a pair of strong male hands.

The doctor then finished examining her areola and briefly squeezed her nipple between his thumb and forefinger; but not before he noticed a very surprised look on her face and said; "sorry I have to check your lacteal duct for any discharge," and then proceeded to give her nipple another little squeeze and then brought her arm down. The doctor then removed the cushion and repeated the procedure on her right breast. As embarrassed as she was, Darla was by now very stimulated by the sensation of a man touching her, and her nipples were now protruding outward, poised and tense; however despite her concentration, she couldn't control her level of arousal and this made her that much more embarrassed.

The doctor then completed the breast exam and began palpating her abdominal area, as he lowered the gown down to her waste. He then noticed that Darla was still wearing her panties, he gave her a wry and knowing grin. The doctor knew Darla from her classes at the college, but it was obvious that she had not recognized him. Like the other male doctor who first had the pleasure of seeing her nude and in such a vulnerable position, he to was going to take his time and enjoy examining his new patient, despite the fact that he was doing nothing more than the standard routine for a complete physical and pelvic exam. However, as a gynecologist he had learned a thing or two about how to pleasure his patients without ever having one complain or report him to the medical board, a reputation which had earned him a great deal of money doing after-hours exams for certain foreign clients.

The doctor then completed the abdominal exam and said to Darla; "you can sit up!"

As Darla sat up and, out of natural habit, pulled the exam gown up over her breasts; the doctor said to her; "I'll be right back." At that moment Darla felt relieved and, at that point, thought that the exam was pretty much over, and figured that the doctor was just filling out paper work for her file.

Soon the door opened and in came the doctor followed by a nurse who very much reminded her of Sofia. The doctor then said to Darla; "even though you didn't request that a nurse be present during your pelvic exam, the rules require that a nurse to be present and assist."

To which Darla said, as she had fore-planned; "Oh! doctor that won't be necessary, everything is fine down there; really it is."

To which the doctor replied; "I understand how you feel, a lot of women don't like the pelvic exam, but your chart indicates that you're here for a comprehensive insurance physical, which does require a complete vaginal and rectal exam as well as a pap smear, so I'm afraid you'll need to remove your underpants so we can continue."

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