Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 16: The Pool Party

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16: The Pool Party - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

When morning came the two women awoke at sunrise, and then slowly and passionately made love once again. After eating breakfast, Darla took Sofia back into the bedroom and hand cuffed her to the bed. Sofia then watched intently as Darla strapped on a harness around her waist and attached the longest and thickest rubber cock she had ever seen. Darla then held up another rubber shaft and told Sofia, in a menacing voice, "now it is my turn to be the teacher. Now turn over and get on all fours."

Sofia was too horny to resist the orders of her young mistress, and proceeded to get in a doggie style position for what she sensed more than just the usual double penetration. Darla easily slid into to Sofia's pussy and stretched her walls wide with the textured 13 inch rubber. Sofia was screaming with lust and was begging for more as she fucked back and tried to take in all 14 inches into her pussy. As Darla listened to Sofia's screams she picked up the other dildo, a 12 inch monster, that she had hidden under the pillow, and slowly pressed it against her rear passage way.

Darla then stuffed a pillow into Sofia's mouth, so as to muffle her screams of pleasure and pain, as she split Sofia's ass with the monster invader. Darla eased it in very slowly as she held the other cock still and deep in Sofia's pussy, all the while enjoying listening to Sofia's moans and whimpers, which made her sound like a wounded animal, as Sofia felt the greased up cock slowly penetrate deep into her bowels. Sofia had never, in all her ass fucking, ever been penetrated by such a huge monster.

Soon Darla hit bottom and let Sofia's muscles adjust to the strange, but wonderful feeling. Darla then announced that it was time for Sofia to know the true meaning of pleasure and repositioned herself under Sofia, so that she could more easily work both cocks in and out, until finally, after several thrusts, Sofia began to shake and then came, as she begged for release, after which Darla slowly pulled out of her and unchained Sofia from the bed so that they could lay in each other's arms and bask in the afterglow.

Even after and hour, Sofia's body was still limp from the reaming she had just received and laid on the bed like a wet rag, as Darla caressed her now sore but well fucked pussy and ass, as Darla told her all about her new erotic lifestyle. As her young protege caressed her, Sofia whispered to Darla "thank you! Last night was incredible. Please tell me more about your new friends. I wish I could be fucked by two men, like you were at the gym, but last night at the bar is probably the closest I'll ever come, at least for the foreseeable future!"

Darla, realizing that the Raelian pool party was only a few hours away, looked up at Sofia, and then smiled with the knowledge that in just a few short hours, her mentor would soon learn just how sexually satisfied and fulfilled a woman could be.

Later that evening, Louis and Lola greeted Darla and Sofia, who were dressed only in a pair of matching black bikini's, black high heels, and white sarongs, at the entrance of the back gate at Isabella's house. After they entered, Louis took Darla aside and to her for not spending any time with her since she last saw him at the gym. Louis explained that he had been called away to Northern Quebec to meet with Lord Rael concerning her and Monique's desire to learn more about the faith, and how their skills as nurses would be welcome as the sect continued to grow and branch out, particularly in Africa and Asia.

Everyone was wearing only the skimpiest of swim wear, with the guys confined to Speedo and the women to bikinis. Sofia's pussy was on fire as she imagined having sex with everyone here. Prior to her arrival, Darla had told her all about her and Monique's desire to join the Raelian's. After Darla had stepped aside to talk to Louis, Lola introduced Sofia to Isabella. Isabella's tight, toned; dark and buxom body especially intrigued Sofia, especially after hearing from Darla all of the decadent things Isabella had done and introduced to her. For about the next hour, everyone mingled about laughing and making small talk as they all enjoyed the constant flow of alcohol. Finally, about an hour after arriving and being served five very strong mixed drinks, Isabella looked over to Darla and Monique, and then, with a wink to them, signaled that she had just invited Sofia for a tour of the house, starting with the basement!

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