Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 15: Sofia and the Biker Bar

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15: Sofia and the Biker Bar - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

For her night out with Sofia, Darla chose her sluttiest dress, as Sofia had suggested to her. As she peeled into the tight black spandex dress, she looked at her sexy self in the mirror, and decided against underwear. She then brushed her teeth and applied a little makeup knowing that Sofia always appreciated the natural look. Darla then put her fuck me" pumps on and headed for the door and out to the biker bar where Sofia was waiting.

When Darla arrived at the biker bar, there were at least 25 Harley Davidson's in the lot, but only one car with a license plate that simply said "Sofia." When Darla walked in, all of the men stopped and stared at her, as she spotted and then strutted toward Sofia, who was in the corner of the dark bar, near the pool table, surrounded by a large group of motorcycle leather bound men. Sofia was nursing her fourth rum and coke as she watched the men stare intently at Darla's bouncing breasts, as her young lover entered the bar. The lustful stares of the men caused Darla's pussy to twitch, as she locked eyes with everyone in the dirty and dingy bar on her way to embrace her mentor and lover.

With Darla's entrance, the sexual heat and tension in the dive bar was nearly boiling, as all the men could easily tell that both the young Darla and older Sofia were there for their benefit. When Darla finally reached where Sofia was standing, their eyes met and both of their pussies started to drip, as they embraced and kissed passionately. Sofia was wearing a leather mini skirt and black silk blouse, which barely concealed her luscious and silicon enhanced breasts. Then, after excusing themselves from the men near the pool table, Sofia took Darla's hand and led her to the bar where they ordered the strongest mixed drinks the bartender could make.

It was Sofia who made the first move, while they sat at the bar, as Darla mesmerized her with the decadent details of her sexual escapades over the last several days. Darla responded in kind and grabbed Sofia by her hips, then leaned over and drew her in, as Sofia slowly tongue fucked her willing mouth. The rest of the entire evening was spent drinking and holding hands as Darla mesmerized Sofia, and the leering bikers and their old ladies, with all the juicy details of her new found erotic lifestyle ... By midnight the two women were fondling and kissing each other while they slow danced and the men whistled and shouted for more. By this time the girls were by the empty pool table and decided "what the hell." With the music playing Sofia and Darla hop up on the pool table and began to dance slowly and make out passionately. For both Darla and Sofia, the separation had been long, as they both planned on making up for lost time during the short time that Sofia could spend with her over the next 24 hours.

As the two of them danced slowly and seductively on the pool table, they finally decided that they could not wait any longer, and slowly started to disrobe each other as the men watched and urged them on. Sofia was the one who then took charge, grabbed the hem of Darla's dress, and began to slowly free her from her tight dress. As the men and women watched, Sofia slowly revealed her young lover's body, until finally she pulled the straps of the dress down to reveal her ample bosom. Once Darla's breasts were fully exposed, Sofia began to suck, bite and pinch her breasts, as the music suddenly stopped, so that the only sounds one could hear were Darla's moans of passion and desire, as her mentor urged her off of the pool table, so that they could reposition themselves.

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