Darla in Africa- Insatiable - Cover

Darla in Africa- Insatiable

Copyright© 2004 by Deckard Kincaid

Chapter 12: Monique's Workout

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12: Monique's Workout - Darla and her sidekick Monique are two young beautiful Canadian women, in the year 2033, who trek to Africa in search of erotic adventures. As Part One shows, the events that lead up to the Dark Continent completely transform the women and lead them on a wonderous journey of sexual and erotic discovery. As you will see, both women, during their travels in the wilds of the African wilderness, experience more than just the pleasures of human flesh.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Mind Control   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Light Bond   Swinging   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Enema   Doctor/Nurse  

Upon their arrival, the gym was packed with sweaty bodybuilders of every shape and color, pumping iron without effort. Darla met Isabella in the women's locker room, who knowingly asked, "how was the machine?" Darla then said, "it broke me! I'm a slave to it! Now I know what sex addiction is, and I love it!!!" Isabella then told Darla how tonight would proceed: "First the gym closes at seven, instead of eight. You and I will work out with Monique in the low impact class and then tell the paying customers, as they come in, that the water pipes in the ladies room are being repaired. Once seven comes around, and the customers have left, we can then casually take Monique in the locker room so she can shower. We will then take her into the sauna and then tell her we forgot our water and then slip out. After which three weight lifters, Tim, Al, and Todd, will then slip into the sauna, and announce to her that her initiation will now begin. I think she'll enjoy that as much as you enjoyed your first sexual encounter here at the gym."

Darla than asked "what about the videotape?" To which Isabella answered "when the guys enter the sauna Mombassa will follow them, taping their entrance and reaction by Monique. Of course before she is touched, we'll be back in so we can watch. I am getting wet just thinking about it!" Not to much after that, Monique pulled up and stepped out of her Dodge Colt looking like Olivia Newton John in the "Physical" video. Only about eight women in addition to the Isabella, Darla and Monique attended the class. After the work out the three girls waited for the others to leave. As they were waiting, Monique was spacing out by practically undressing and mind fucking the giants who were on the other side of the gym lifting weights, while at the same time thinking about the Oreo Club and how Mombassa and the other two muscular black men reduced her to a quivering mass of white flesh.

Isabella and Darla saw the glassy look in Monique's eyes and knew that her initiation would be a special thing to witness. Then as the last customer left Isabella said "time to hit the showers, and then after that it's the Swedish sauna." Darla and Monique then followed Isabella into the locker room, where they all hopped in the warm shower and rinsed the sweat off of their bodies. Monique was shocked to see that the inside of the women's locker room was in plain view of the weight room and shyly smiled when three of the guys she had been eying, watched her and the other two girls walk to the sauna. After the sat down, Isabella and Darla then told Monique that they were going to step out briefly and get some bottles of cold water, whereupon they exited the sauna and gave a thumbs up three of the weight lifters training with Mombassa.

Monique's eyes were closed in ecstasy as the men silently entered the dim lit steam room. Monique was lost in her own self pleasure, as she reveled in the memories of the Oreo Club. As she heard the door swing shut, Monique opened her eyes and saw before her the largest and most muscular naked black men she had ever laid her eyes upon or ever dared to fantasize about. Together the three of them weighed over a combined 700 pounds with physiques the size of Hercules, and with cocks the size of horses, and as if in a dream she looked up at Theodore, Jacques, and Mombozu, each of whom smiled as Monique marveled at, and then knelt and reached for Theodore's and Mombozu's cocks, and brought them both to her wanting mouth, while Jacques picked her up, and then, ever so slowly spread her pussy lips and guided his meaty member deep up into her sweat soaked box and slowly fucked her, as she savored the taste of the cocks in her hands.

As the giant black muscle men fucked and sucked the young blond, Darla and Isabella sat and watched intently, while Mombassa videotaped, the site of the steroid filled African strong men willingly raping Monique's tiny body for nearly an hour. The temperature in the steam room only got hotter as Monique's lithe body endured countless double penetrations from the three muscle men who each took turns fucking her ass. Monique was insatiable as Isabella and Darla, whose lips and fingers were soon locked onto to each others bodies, watched her beg for more, even as the last loads of cum were shot simultaneously down her throat, up her rear and into her pussy. Then, as the three men simultaneously withdrew their cocks from her body, Theodore stepped over to Mombassa, who handed him the camera so that Mombassa could take his place behind Monique, who was now on the floor on her hands and knees, and slowly rammed his cock into her wide stretched ass.

For nearly 20 minutes Monique was fucked in the ass by Mombassa, who moved in and out of her with deep slow strokes, until finally Monique's sweat covered body finally and slowly gave out as she collapsed on the pine floor and begged for Mombassa to stop as she convulsed in her first orgasm. Then, even before Monique could catch her breath, Mombassa pulled out of her ass, turned her over, and proceeded to fuck her pussy until she passed out completely from both her orgasm, and the sleepiness that the steam in the sauna helped to induce. Once Mombassa saw that Monique was completely unconscious, he then withdrew from her, got up, picked her up and then took her out into the colder locker room air. The cold air on the outside of the steam room forced Monique to wake up and slowly kiss her ebony stallion, after which she asked, "tthat was my initiation?" Mombassa smiled and nodded yes before laying her on the massage table so that Darla and Isabella could dry her off and rub her down.

Isabella softly and very gently dried her new friend as Darla massaged her weak muscles. As they rubbed and brought Monique's weak muscles back to life, Darla and Isabella who by this time were so incredibly horny after witnessing the rape of their friend, that they began describing to Monique in vivid detail what it looked like from their end as a spectator. Isabella said, "It was so erotic seeing you sandwiched between those sweaty muscle bound pieces of dark meat. Your pussy and ass were reamed good! I know your holes will be aching in the morning I bet." Darla then said, "I'll bet you'll be shitting out cum for weeks. They must have pumped a gallon into you!"

As the two women kept up the sensual stimulation on Monique's worn out body. Then, after an about 15 minutes, Monique, with the help of the two girls, sat wobbly up on the table as she felt her holes and loins returned to normal, and then followed Mombassa to the showers where he was waiting to shower her with even more pleasure. Meanwhile, the hulking black men who had so proudly done their duty in initiating Monique, were now waiting out in the weight room for round two of their planned fun.

After Isabella and Darla turned Monique over to Mombassa for more sexual pleasure, they headed out to the main gym, walked over to the three men, and said, "quite a job you three did in there! Now it's our turn to work out!" And with that, Theodore, as planned, violently picked Darla up like a child (for he was four times her size) and placed her struggling body over to a leg curler on the other side of the gym, and then bent her over and pressed his knee into her back so that he could handcuff her to the machine, so that she would be completely helpless for what was about to come next.

Darla was completely caught off guard by the violent way she was picked up and manhandled, but as she realized at Mombassa's, being treated roughly was for her a very new and exciting turn on. As she whimpered for release, she could feel Theodore's hot breath on her upturned bottom, as he proceeded to violently part her freckled white ass cheeks and began to lick her wet pussy and bunghole. Darla struggled to try to stay in some form of control, but the muscle bound African, who was now her master, was not going to let that happen.

After he orally worked her pussy into boiling cauldron of dripping lust, he then proceeded to mount her from behind and burrowed his inhuman snake in her helpless and dripping cunt, and began pumping her violently, even as she begged for mercy. Theodore loved the sound of Darla's pleas, and responded by smacking her upturned bottom harder and harder, until finally, the two of them came at the same time and screamed so loud that Monique could hear her cries over the sound of the falling water in the shower were she was now being gang fucked by Mombassa and several other men.

As Theodore came, he pulled out and proceeded to deposit his load in Darla's bunghole, which soon spilled over onto her ass crack and then proceeded tp massage the left over and dripping cum into the skin of her ass, which he still was not done assaulting. After letting Darla recover for just a few moments, Theodore reached over and grabbed a leather strap and began smacking her ass until small welts formed. With each smack on her ass, Darla felt feelings of both pleasure and pain that she had never known before, as she quickly came to realize that she would do whatever she could in the future to again experience the feeling of being dominated so completely. Yet despite her love of being the victim, Darla knew that she had to beg, only so that she could make her captor pleasure her more. Darla, as the blows of the leather landed on her behind, begged and screamed to be released, which prompted Theodore to growl, "keep your mouth shut bitch, you'll get up when my dick is no longer able to. Now excuse me while I ream your pretty little ass!"

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