Being a Thief Sucks - Cover

Being a Thief Sucks

by Emeraldas

Copyright© 2004 by Emeraldas

Erotica Sex Story: Tied to a tree on the side of a deserted road, will Emeraldas the thief be able to convince someone to help her?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Reluctant   Fiction   Light Bond   Oral Sex   .

"Oh come now, Mina," Emeraldas pleaded, "You can't leave me here like this."

From atop her horse, the tall blonde cast a disgusted look down at her. "You shouldn't have tried to steal from me, Em."

"I wasn't stealing, I swear," the smaller woman quickly said, "I was just... um... looking for something in your backpack."

Mina laughed. "Save it for someone who cares, Em. I've had it with you and your stupid plans. Good bye, Emeraldas." Spurring her mount forward, she quickly started down the road.

"Mina!" Em screamed, pulling at rope that tied her to the tree. "Mina! At least untie me! Mina! Damn it!" It was useless. The warrior-woman she had been traveling with was more stubborn than a mule. She wouldn't be coming back. It wouldn't be too bad, except that she had tied Emeraldas on the side of a rarely used road and it could be days before someone passed by.

The reddish-blonde thief tried her bonds again. There was no chance of her twisting out. Mina made her sit with her back against the trunk, tied her hands together behind it and then she wrapped fifty feet of rope around her torso and the tree. The only way she was getting out was if someone untied her. Or she starved to death. And considering the road she was tied next to, either scenario were just as likely.

Not surprisingly, no one passed by that day, and to add to Em's bad luck, which is the only kind she ever had, it rained all night. At the end of the next day, hunger had twisted her stomach into a knot.

That's when she heard the sound of hooves. Getting louder. Someone was coming her way! Sure enough, Em saw two horsemen coming over the hill to her left.

"Ho! Hey! Over here!" she yelled, moving her legs frantically.

The riders, who seemed to be in a hurry, nevertheless slowed their mounts and stopped before the bound woman. The were young men in their late teens, and by the way they were dressed Emeraldas guessed they were messengers or couriers for merchants. It would explain why they were travelling on the rarely used shortcut.

"Well, well," the first one, a dark-haired lad with a large scar on his cheek, looked amused as glanced at Em, "What do we have here?"

"Looks like a damsel in distress," his younger red-haired companion chuckled, "Too bad we aren't knights."

"Ha, ha, very funny guys," Emeraldas said, "How about untying me?"

The scarred rider shrugged, "Why should we? Someone obviously tied you there for a reason. You probably deserve it."

"I do not!" Em answered indignantly, even though it was true, "It's a sick joke a friend played on me, but she hasn't returned to untie me. She's been gone almost two days and I'm really hungry. Help me out, guys. Please?"

"Okay, we'll help," the redhead messenger said, "If you give us each a nice blowjob first." His companion laughed and nodded his agreement.

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