A Rose By Any Other Name - Cover

A Rose By Any Other Name

Copyright© 2004 by Jeremy Spencer

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - He was a grad school loner, she was making ends meet by selling roses in Pablo's bar. After a bit of a rocky start, the two begin to see eye-to-eye on any number of things! Much sickly sweetness ensues, and some stuff that's NOT so sickly sweet.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Slow   School  

"What's wrong?" Heather asked the next morning as she watched me get out of bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, stretching my back out. I grimaced as I felt my muscles scream at the effort.

"I don't know... you just don't look comfortable."

"I'm not," I said. "That really hurt last night."


"Yeah! You went to town on me with that whip, dammit. That hurt. Do I have any marks from it?" I asked, craning my neck to look at my inner thighs. I didn't see anything but some redness, but each step I took seemed to put a lot of strain on my muscles. "And it didn't help things that I was tied up like that for so long."

"Sorry," Heather said quietly. "I thought you were enjoying it."

"Why?" I asked in amazement. I wasn't really angry, but I didn't quite understand the sudden change in my girlfriend. "Why would I enjoy that?"

"I don't know," Heather said miserably. "So many of the guys at the... never mind," she said, stopping suddenly.

"Tell me," I said quietly, sitting back down beside her on the bed."

"I can't," she answered, shaking her head back and forth rapidly. "I can't tell."

"Trust me, okay?" I asked. "You know I'm not going say a word. You know that."

Heather looked at me intently, apparently gauging my sincerity. Finally she sighed in resignation before answering.

"A lot of guys at the club like that kind of thing. I've watched Stacey with them and they beg for it! I've just been waiting for you to screw up," she admitted, smiling nervously. "Waiting for you to screw up so I could try it out."

"Well, do we have to do that again?" I asked. "I didn't mind the blindfold and being tied up was kind of cool, but sheesh! No pain, okay?"

"I'm sorry," she said. "I... I thought you were enjoying it too."

"Why? What could have possibly made you think that?"

"Well... you stayed hard the whole time."

"Stand up," I said suddenly.

"What? Why?"

"Just, please... stand up, okay?"

"I suppose," Heather responded, slowly rising from the bed. Sometime in the middle of the night, after our tryst, she had changed into her normal short nightgown. "What do you want?"

"Just stand there for a moment," I answered, moving my eyes slowly up and down her body. I paused as I watched the swell of her breasts moving up and down as she breathed, each breath pressing her nipples against the thin material. "Take it off," I said quietly.

Heather looked at me again, but quickly pulled the tiny garment up and over her her head. The motion again thrust her breasts out and I felt my prick swell at the sight.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Just stand there," I said again. "I want to look at you."

Once again I moved my eyes over her body. I looked at her newly-shaved pussy, the lips clean from any hair. As I stared, Heather shifted her weight nervously from foot to foot.

Finally I felt my prick reach full hardness and stood. Heather's eyes widened as she saw me - fully aroused - and let out a small gasp.

"That's what you do to me," I said. "I don't need any whips or pain to make me want you. You're all I ever wanted."

"Oh, Daniel!" Heather blurted out, reaching out a hand to stroke the crown of my penis. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay," I said. Heather suddenly dropped to her knees, pushing me back against the bed. I was forced to a sitting position, leaning my weight back on my hands as Heather quickly took my whole length in her throat.

I could hear short gasps coming from Heather's mouth as she bobbed up and down my erection, her lips and tongue playing wildly over my sensitive skin.

"This is so much better," I answered, reaching out to stroke my hands through her curly auburn hair. "So much better."

The next month flew by and before I knew it the end of the school year had arrived. Heather had pretty much moved in permanently at this point. We had brought her things out of storage and I was happy I'd had enough money to rent a two-bedroom apartment instead of the single I had planned on.

The room I had been using for my studying had been converted to a temporary storage area for the majority of Heather's belongings, and the piano had been moved into the living area. I was sitting at home one day in my... our bedroom, when Heather called from work.

"Daniel! What's happening with you this afternoon?" she asked.

"Nothing much," I answered. "Dr. Bergerud gave everyone the afternoon off, and was out of the offices by noon. I stuck around for a while to finish grading some papers, but I got out of there by two o'clock and I've just been sitting around doing a bit of studying for finals," I said. "Why? What's going on?"

"Oh, I was just wondering if you'd like to come see the club," she answered.

"Today? Are you serious? Will they let me in?" I asked. "You do realize, oh Mistress mine, that I'm neither rich nor powerful... not quite the clientele you're used to serving."

"Not today," Heather answered. "Two weeks from now. There's some special reception. The college actually rented out the club."

"Wait a minute... my college?" I asked.

"Yeah... I think for a faculty night or something," Heather answered. "I'm not really sure, but for some reason I got invited, even though I'm not working that night. I can invite a guest... you want to come?"

"I'd love to!" I practically shouted. "Ever since you started working there... before that really, ever since I started going to school here, I've wanted to get in, but never could. Is this a casual event? Or should I dress up?" I asked.

"Definitely dress up," Heather replied. "I think you better rent a tux for the night."

"What are you wearing?" I asked.

"You know that little black dress you like so much?"

"You mean the one I like removing from your body?" I teased.

"That's the one," Heather laughed. "I'll be wearing that."

"Wow," I said, whistling my approval. "This must be some kind of swank shindig... you sure you won't get in trouble for inviting me?" I asked.

"Sure I'm sure. Who's going to complain? I was invited and you're my guest."

"Good point," I said. "When do you get off work?" I asked. "Six o'clock like usual?"

"Yeah, you fixing dinner?"

"Just like always," I answered. "Chinese takeout or delivery pizza?"

"Chinese sounds good," she laughed. "See you then?"

"I'll be waiting with bells on," I answered.

"Mmm... I like the sound of that," she giggled. "Anything besides the bells?"

"Not if you ask nicely," I laughed. "See you then."


True to my word, I prepared the world's greatest meal of Chinese takeout and had it ready by the time Heather returned from work.

I was not however wearing bells. In fact, I wasn't wearing anything at all when she arrived home. Heather didn't seem to mind though, and truth be told she had a really good time. She said she particularly liked my egg roll, and who am I to disagree?

"What are your plans for summer?" Dr. Bergerud asked me a couple weeks later. There were only two more days of finals and I was looking forward to the break.

"I'm thinking I'll get a part time job somewhere and just enjoy the nice weather," I answered. "Maybe catch some of the college World Series games next month. Why? You have something better?" I asked.

"Maybe," he answered. "How would you feel about going to Europe?"

"Europe? What's in Europe?"

"Every year there is a large international choral symposium and this July it's in Stockholm."

"Sweden?" I asked, my mouth agape.

"Is there another?" he grinned.

"Why are you going?" I asked. I hadn't heard him mention this before and the opportunity was coming as quite a shock, although I was a bit unsure as to what my responsibility would be on the trip.

"I try to go every year. It's very often in an exotic locale, although a couple years ago it was in Minneapolis... not very exciting."

"What would we do?" I asked. "Why do you need me?"

"I don't need you, but I think it would be a good experience for you to come along. You'd meet some important people, experience a different culture and hear a lot of wonderful music," he answered.

"Sheesh, you sound like a recruiter," I laughed.

"Is it working?" he wanted to know.

"Kind of," I admitted. "It sounds great, but I don't have a lot of money, and I'm sure it costs quite a bit."

"Actually, it wouldn't cost anything at all," he answered. "And if you wanted, Heather could come along too, although she would need to pay for her plane ticket."

"Are you serious?" I asked. Dr. Bergerud of course knew about Heather and I, and in fact had been tickled that we were together, but to invite her along? It sounded too good to be true.

"Sure," he laughed. "I don't think it would be fair for you to leave her all alone for the summer, do you?"

"Well, it wasn't something I'd planned on doing," I said. "Are you sure this is okay? Who's paying for this?"

"The school is paying my way and would pay all of your expenses," he answered. "And the fees for admittance to the symposium are fairly negligible, which only leaves the transportation over there."

"That wouldn't be a problem," I said, writing myself a mental note to check my bank statement when I got home, hoping what I'd just said was true. "But what about hotels?"

"I had assumed the two of you would want to share a room," he grinned slyly. "Was I mistaken?"

"That would be okay?" I asked hesitantly. "I'd assumed you and I would be sharing a room, to save money."

"Absolutely not," he laughed. "I'm taking my family along with me. You aren't invited to share our rooms!"

"I suppose not," I said, smiling at the idea. "I'm sure I'd just be in the way."

"You'll think about it?" he asked, looking at me seriously. "I really think it would be a good experience for you."

"Can I run it by Heather first?" I asked.

"Of course," Dr. Bergerud laughed. "A good husband does exactly that."

"We're not married," I stammered weakly. "I just meant..."

"It's okay. I was just teasing. By all means, run it by her."

"I'll do that," I answered.

"Good. Now get out of here, go enjoy the sunshine," Dr. Bergerud commanded. "That's an order."

"Yes sir!"

"Yes! Oh God, yes!" was Heather's reply when I posed the Europe question to her.

"Tell me how you really feel about it," I laughed. In response Heather launched herself at me, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, propelling us both back onto the couch.

"How's this for starters?" she asked, and began peppering my face and neck with tiny little kisses, each one closer to my mouth until at last she pressed herself firmly against me. I could feel her breasts crushing against my chest as our crotches seemed ready to meld together, even through our clothing.

"I think I get the idea," I panted when I was finally able to pull away. "I think you like it!"

"Oh, that will be so wonderful!" she gushed. "I've never been to Europe. Hell, the longest vacation I've ever taken was to Colorado when I was a little girl. Europe! How cool is that?"

"Pretty damn cool," I agreed.

"Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite?" Heather grinned, beginning to squirm around in my lap. Even though my jeans and her shorts I could feel the heat of her pussy bathing my groin and my cock responded appropriately, threatening to burst through the blue denim.

"I'm your favorite what?" I asked innocently, reaching around to cup the firm flesh of her buttocks.

"My favorite everything," she grinned. My hands were reaching for the buttons of her blouse when suddenly Heather leaped off my lap and spun to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I asked. "You can't leave me like this," I said, looking pointedly at the obvious bulge protruding from my lap.

"Come on," she replied. "We have to get ready!" Heather reached out a hand, grabbing me by the wrist and forcefully pulled me up from the couch. "The reception starts in an hour and a half."

"That's plenty of time," I replied, trying to pull her back down on top of me.

"Maybe for you," she sniffed. "We girls like to take our time getting all pretty."

"You don't need it, you're perfect just the way you are," I answered honestly.

"Be that as it may, I have to get ready. Don't worry though," she said with a twinkle in her eye. "I'm sure I'll think of some way to make it up to you afterwards."

"I can think of a couple ways myself," I laughed, swatting her on the butt as she walked away.

As I had suspected, it only took me a few minutes to get myself to what I felt was a more than presentable state, but as Heather had predicted, it appeared to be taking her much longer.

I was looking at my watch for what seemed like the thousandth time, wondering if we would make it to the party on time, when suddenly I heard a loud noise from the bedroom.

I rushed to the bedroom, surprised and worried to hear Heather cursing angrily.

"What's the problem?" I asked, my laughter quickly dying when I saw the frustrated look on her face.

"It's this damn dress," she hissed and I realized her hands were behind her back, fumbling with the tab of the zipper. "It's stuck!" she said unnecessarily. I could see the frustration in her eyes as her fingers tugged in vain at the offending zipper.

"Can I help?" I offered, relieved the problem wasn't serious.

I walked up behind Heather, sweeping her auburn hair away from the dress. I could feel the silky fabric of the dress, smooth and soft under my fingers as I caressed her back with my fingers. My hand slid around her body, pressing lightly again her hip.

"The zipper's not on the side," she giggled, playfully swatting at my hand.

"So?" I asked as I bend down. I brushed my lips over the now exposed nape of her neck, feeling a shiver run through Heather's body as my breath blew hot over her skin.

"Oh yes," she moaned as I kissed down as far as I could, stopping only when my lips met the fabric of her dress. Heather pushed herself back against me, the soft swell of her ass pressing against the front of my slacks. I felt myself swell at the contact, the gentle rhythm of her hips against mine signaling she too was aware of my sudden protrusion.

"Now, where is that damn zipper?" I asked. "Is it down here?" I teased as I ran my fingers up under the short hem of the dress. Heather's legs spread slightly and I could feel her heat and wetness. "Naughty girl," I chided lightly. "You're not wearing any panties."

Heather's skin was slick with her juices as my fingers explored deeper, gently sliding over the hot, slippery flesh of her labia. I could feel her breath becoming ragged, slow and heavy now as I continued my search for the elusive zipper.

"It's not down there," Heather moaned, but it was obvious she didn't want my search to end. The motion of her hips as she rocked against my hand gave her away, and I continued.

"Delicious," I murmured as I brought my fingers, coated with pussy juice, to my lips. I began to lick the slippery, pungent juice from my fingers but was interrupted as Heather's head turned and instead our lips met in a frantic kiss. Her tongue lashed against mine and a small tremor rushed through her body as she tasted her own juices, but the realization only caused her kisses to become all the more frantic.

"The zipper's in the back," Heather finally gasped. I smiled as her hands once more reached behind her body, against struggling with the offending zipper.

I turned Heather's body and immediately the problem became obvious.

"Here goes," I said, seeing the tiny fold of cloth caught in the teeth of the zipper. I grabbed hold firmly, pulling steadily outward. I heard a sharp tear as the cloth pulled free and suddenly the mechanism cleared.

"You went the wrong direction," Heather laughed, turning again to face me. "You were supposed to help me get dressed, not undress me!" Her nipples were hard bullets, poking out through the fabric of the black dress. She stood there, looking sultry and not at all upset when with a flick of my wrist I slid the straps from her shoulders, causing the dress to fall to the ground and I could see that wet trails of Heather's slick juices have leaked from her heated pussy.

"I think I'm a little overdressed," I quipped as I reached for my slacks. "Don't you?"

"What about the reception?" Heather asked, but her argument seemed weak to me as her hands played over my body. She quickly brushed my hands away from my belt, sliding her fingers over the lump in my slacks. I sucked in a breath as she reached for my zipper. Suddenly she began giggling and nearly collapsed to the floor in a fit of hysterics.

"What?" I asked as I began to become annoyed.

"Your zipper is stuck too," she giggled.

"Damn," I cursed. Deciding quickly that this was no time for dallying I reached down and pulled roughly at the zipper, which quickly popped loose along with a good deal of stitching.

"Much better," Heather laughed as she reached for my slacks. My belt was quickly unbuckled and before I realized what was happening my slacks pooled around my ankles, and I stood in front of her, wearing only my tux shirt and boxers.

"Oh shit, Heather! That's so good," I moaned as her warm hand reached through the opening in my underwear. Heather's fingers wrapped around my shaft, which was already very hard and very ready. Heather quickly freed my cock and I hissed as her tongue snaked out to lick at the swollen head as she knelt in front of me.

"You like that?" she teased as I grabbed her shoulders to steady myself. I nodded frantically, willing her to continue and sighing with pleasure as finally Heather managed to take my shaft completely in her mouth.

Her head began bobbing rapidly on my shaft, back and forth again and again as her lips and tongue played along the sensitive skin of my prick.

As Heather's head moved back and forth along my cock I was reminded of a circus seal and despite my best efforts to hold back, found myself giggling with laughter, My knees jerked uncontrollably and I nearly forced my cock down Heather's throat in the process.

"God dammit!" she yelled and I had to fight back a scream as her teeth raked over the thin skin of my cock as she pulled away. "What are you doing? What's so funny?" she asked.

"Nothing," I groaned as I ran my fingers over my wilting prick, checking for signs of blood. Thankfully my hand came away clean.

"Didn't sound like nothing," she muttered, shaking her head as I slowly jerked my cock back to full erection. "No," she hissed. "You almost choked me with that thing."

"I'm sorry," I said, reaching down to pull Heather to her feet. "Why don't you lay down on the bed and I promise to make it up to you."

"How?" she asked suspiciously.

"Oh, you know."

"No, I don't," she answered.

"Just trust me, okay? I promise you'll enjoy it."

"I better," Heather sulked momentarily, before turning to head to the bedroom. I watched, entranced as the smooth cheeks of her ass slid rhythmically against one another as she walked away.

Shaking my head to get myself moving, I quickly moved to the kitchen. A can of whipped cream and a bottle of chocolate sauce were obvious choices for what I had in mind. While the chocolate warmed in the microwave I completed my collection with a jar of honey, and hastily returned to the bedroom.

"Close your eyes," I said, holding the objects behind my back.

"Okay," Heather answered, although I could see her trying to peer around me, but the items remained hidden for the moment.

"Lay on your back and close your eyes," I said. When she had done so I placed the items on the bed beside her and reached under her bed, where the scarves from a month ago were still bunched together. I pulled out a heavy black scarf and quickly wrapped it around her eyes.

"I can't see," Heather complained.

"I know," I said. Turnabout is fair play, don't you think?"

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