The Great Adventure Girl's Academy - Cover

The Great Adventure Girl's Academy

Copyright© 2004 by Rod O'Steele

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Adventures of a man with the run of a girl's Academy

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Spanking   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

At dinner that night I watched Nancy Gonzalez, the English instructor. She was quite a package. It's funny. You'd think getting laid with my recent frequency would have satiated me. Instead it had energized me. I was hornier than I'd ever been. Shit, I wanted to fuck all of the girls and women in the school - except for Halliday. That thought was revolting.

Maybe I should use the cigarette thing on her. A little innuendo and a hint of threat might work wonders. Or maybe not. It might just piss her off. I'd rather have a willing fuck than an unwilling one. Unwilling fucks just aren't as much fun. Playtime is okay like I did with Brandy and Cynthia. But those girls wanted it just as much as I did and it showed. Jesus, hard to believe girls that young can fuck like that.

You never know how good a woman is going to be until you get her into bed. They can surprise you - even the mousey ones. Once I even got Bobbi McGregor into the sack.

Bobbi is the Big Dyke's right hand man. Bobbi runs everything at the Academy outside of the academics. She assigns the rooms and the dorms. She keeps the duty roster and assigns the girls to their duties. Get on her bad side and you're cleaning toilets. Get on her good side and you get one of the office jobs. Generally, the new girls start with the lousy jobs. If they keep their noses clean and do their school work they can move up to the nice jobs. It's all part of the game.

She is also the discipline dean. Screw up and you have to go see Miss McGregor. Being of Scottish extraction she has a strong Calvinist streak. Bobbi believes in sin and perdition and knows that stern discipline is the only way to save these girls from the clutches of the Devil. If she wasn't so damn serious about it, it would be funny. But she is serious and that isn't funny. Bobbi runs a tight ship and the girls tread in fear of her.

Bobbi is one of those women who wear plaid skirts, long out of fashion, and starched white blouses with comfortable shoes. You would never think of her as a sexual being. I figured her for a lesbian like the Big Dyke.

Then one night, we were the last two in the staff game room. We had been playing a rousing game of cribbage. Like I said, there's not much to do here. Bobbi leaned back and asked me, "Marc. Have you ever played strip poker?"

I was flummoxed. It was the last thing I expected to hear from Bobbi McGregor. "Well, of course. I think the last time I was in ninth grade. There was about eight of us. Four and four as I remember. It was embarrassing as hell and as exciting at the same time."

She laughed. "I know. I was in seventh grade. I still remember those little stiff pricks. I'd never seen one before. I had only sisters and my Dad was quite careful to be decent at all times. I wanted to touch one but I couldn't with everyone looking. I made up for it later," she said winking.

"How much later?" I asked.

"Marc. I'm shocked. A lady doesn't talk about such things."

I laughed. "A gentleman doesn't give names or identifying information. But in bed he talks. That can be quite exciting."

She looked at me and asked, "So I have to get you in bed to hear the good stories?"

I couldn't believe the way this whole conversation had gone but I was suddenly very interested in where it was going. "Absolutely."

"Come along then," she said standing. I followed her to her room. It was just as I imagined. There was a Scottish coat of arms on the wall, doilies on the sofa and chairs and the smell of eau de toilet suffused the place. She closed the door behind us and I heard the bolt snick. Then she turned out the lights. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," I said. My eyes quickly adjusted to the darkened room. There was a light outside her room that lit the courtyard below. It streamed in through the window and splashed a large rectangle of light over her bed. The rest of the room was darkened but there was plenty of light to see on the bed.

Bobbi came over and stood in front of me. "Tell me a good story."

"It starts like this; Once upon a time a man kissed a woman." I leaned forward and our lips met. The kiss quickly progressed to tongue dueling, moaning, lip mashing passion. I reached up and started to unbutton her starched blouse. She helped. Her skirt followed then bra and oh so sensible panties and shoes. Another kiss and then I was tearing my clothes off.

Bobbi lay back on her bed and looked up at me. Damn, she was one fine looking lady. Her Celtic ancestry showed in the pale skin. She also sported a fine rack. I had stopped undressing, mesmerized by her naked body. "Aren't you going to get undressed?" she asked.

"Sorry. Yes, Ma'am. Yes I am." I quickly shucked the rest of my clothes and climbed onto the bed with her. She lay back and stretched like a cat in heat. My cock rose to iron bar strength. I had never expected to feel such heat from staid Bobbi.

I covered her and we kissed again. She rubbed her tits against my chest; her whole body seemed afire with lust the way she was writhing. I grabbed one of those magnificent tits making her moan.

"Suck it," she commanded. I did, licking and sucking her hard nipple. "Bite it," she told me. I started softly, nipping, running my teeth over her nipple. "The other," she said. I grabbed her other tit and bit, licked and sucked. Her hips were bucking so I put my leg between hers. She hunched her pussy on my leg and I felt her arousal. Her pussy was already wet and juicy.

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