Animal Partners - Cover

Animal Partners


Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Living on the farm provides interesting opportunities for experimentation with animals.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

Connie slept late. When she woke up she heard no noises in the house, so she decided she was alone.

When she put her feet on the floor the pain started but she got up anyway.

She stumbled across the floor and down to the living room, on her way to the kitchen. This life was really getting to her. She needed her morning cup of coffee.

She caught sight of her naked body in the full length mirror in the living room. Her tits were still fat and healthy, her belly voluptuous but not fat, her thighs full and shapely; but her midsection!

Black and blue marks crept out from under the curling tendrils of her cunt hair. They made their way up to her belly button, and her pink aureole of her left tit was a sadly discolored orange.

She ran her hand over her thigh. The left one had a long bruise the shape of Chile stretching down to the firm flap of flesh above her knee.

"Ahhh, shit!" she swore.

The pain was intense in her lower belly and her cunt. Her entire cunt was stiff and aching. Her first fucks had left her stiffer than a football player after his first three days of summer practice. "Dogs, swans, Swede," she muttered to herself in anger and disgust. "They're all alike, fucking me over and abusing my beautiful body!"

She left the mirror and walked into the kitchen. Mary had left the coffee on low. Connie slopped it into her earthenware mug and drank it down black.

"Wash the taste of semen out of my mouth, burn all that cum out of my intestines.

"Shit, I wish it all never happened," she said out loud in her morningafter grief.

"It did have to happen sometime... now I've got nothing left to lose," she mused.

She took a new mug of coffee and walked outside naked into the fresh morning.

"Nobody will see me here," she said, but hoped they might too, at the same time.

A chesthigh white wooden latticework affair ran out from the front wall of the house to split the side area off from the front lawn. If anyone came up to the front door they would have trouble seeing her through the gaps in the vines that covered the open wooden squares.

She sprawled out shameless on the lawn. The sun was approaching its zenith and the heat was high, up in the low nineties or so. Since it was just after eleven o'clock now, the day gave promise of becoming hot and heavy. This was the kind of atmosphere in which anything can happen, when men's passions and tempers run high and flare easily.

Connie spread her legs and stretched out her arms behind her head. She was open. Let the sun come in, she thought everyone else had. Well, not really, only animals.

She remembered sunbathing nude before, this was the way she had gotten this luscious tan all over her body, even on her tits and on the inside of her thighs right around her pussy mound.

Always before though, she had been secretive about it, shy, afraid of what the others in her little family might think. Now she didn't care; in fact, she even hoped she might be found. After all, she'd been fucked now, there was nothing left to hide, nothing to lose.

"I'm a woman now. I can give and take, and I've got a beautiful body to give."

The sun was melting away her aches. There was a burning, a rawness, still going on in her pussy, and the little droplets of sweat the sun was forming on the lips of her pussy were flowing in to exacerbate the rawness.

Her hand dropped down to ease the pain. She snuggled her generous twat into the open palm of her hand, then began rubbing them together absently.

Her hand slid down. Her palm went into the crevice of her cunt while her long fingers tickled the inside of her thighs. Then the heel of her hand slid up, plowing through the valley of her cunt with her fingers trailing afterwards, darting about playfully as if they were playing an accordion. Her palm passed over her clit. She moaned. Then her fingers got there and the fun began.

She diddled on her cunt with the light, constant touch of raindrops. Most of the drops landed on her clit.

The scratches on her body from her encounter with the dog were beginning to burn now too. Her mind wandered back to the dog while she lay there jerking off. Her hips began to light, regular rising and falling. The dog had been good, she might let him have her again if the opportunity arose, she decided now that she was beginning to get aroused again.

He hadn't meant to scratch her, it had been Swede's fault. She had enjoyed blowing her brotherinlaw behind the barn that afternoon, but yesterday his uptight anxious grabbing had just made her want to get away.

Spence, though... Spence was truly gentle, not because he was inhibited but because he had found his manhood. As a man, he was also closer to animals with their pure uninhibited nobility. He was like the stallion fucking the mare in the pasture that day, he was... what was that Greek word? A satyr. Half man, half horse. Always a hardon, if that telltale bulge in his pants told the truth.

As she jerked off she dreamt of opening his fly and finding that ten-inch prick Mary had told her he had. She was delighted to have it to play with as her toy.

She licked it.

She explored his balls and jiggled them between her cupped fingers.

She put the whole thing in her mouth until she could feel it in the back of her throat. Spence's meat was real, basic meat, she thought, going on what she knew of him it wouldn't be like that limp excuse, that slender little needle of Swede's.

Spence himself at that time was crossing over the dirt path that led to the front door. He had worked long and hard the last few mornings, ever since the day he'd let Swede fuck him up his asshole, and now he was ready for a rest.

He was on his way to the barn to catch forty winks.

As he passed the latticework he happened to peek through.

"Connie!" he exclaimed.

She lay five or so feet from him, on the other side of the vines, sprawled out in a heap of glorious tan flesh and flowing blonde hair.

Her hips were moving up and down. She was jerking off, he realized.

Now! The chance he'd been waiting for.

His ten inches had leapt to attention. He was ready to prong her.

Was she thinking of him even now as she masturbated?

He turned the corner of the latticework and paused, taking in the beautiful piece of ass before he had her.

She was mumbling something. He came a step closer to catch the words.

"Swede!" Spence heard.

He stopped, stricken, desolate, alone, hopeless.

Sadly he turned and left.

What he didn't hear was, "Swede, stay away. I've wanted Spence all this time, don't you know, you blind fool?"

Spence stumbled blindly back to the front yard. He hadn't been thrown off stride like this since third grade in a little red schoolhouse.

"I always thought she wanted me. None of my animals ever crossed me up this way."

Just then an escaped hen came scampering through the yard, zigzagging to the right, then to the left.

Spence watched the hen blankly.

His cock was still pressing up against his fly, still begging for release.

He kicked some rocks.

The hen came scampering over, looking for corn or other tidbits.

Spence let his cock free. It still drooped a bit from his feeling of rejection from Connie, but there was energy in it, he was once again ready to go.

"Come here, little hen."

He scooped her up by the neck and held her gently at arm's length.

She squirmed in his hand. He could feel his cock jerking up, wanting her.

"You hens are one of the few breeds around here I never got to know personally. I'll be having sex with a stranger if I fuck you. Daisy's like an old friend, but when I screw you it'll be a bit anonymous. What are you chicken, some tramp off the street?"

Now she began to wriggle violently and to squawk.

Spence felt his eyes fill with the burning water that marks the beginning of tears.

"I want you, chicken. I don't want to rape you. I could hurt you badly if you struggle. I could even kill you without wanting to.

"If I fuck you, chicken, and I break your eggs, you are dead. They break in you, they flow around, dam you up, break the shells, you die. I don't want to kill you, chicken. I may be only a hired man, but I'm a farmer too, I value your life and your eggs."

He held her to his chest. He petted her back and talked soothingly to her.

She calmed somewhat from her frenzy, but she had not yet begun to relax.

Spence took her feathery body and brought her down into contact with his cock. He rubbed her up and down all over his cock and balls.

"Oh! My gosh, you feel crazy. Your feathers are rubbing on my hardon and my veins and my tip of my cock. You're driving me up the fucking wall!"

He was hopping and skipping all over the place.

"I've jerked off with a bunch of things before: harsh blankets, silk slips, fur coats, raw hamburger. But your live squirming chicken body takes the cake! And I can fuck you too!"

He held her against his belly for a moment. She continued struggling but he was still.

"Yes, I'm going to do it. She's jerking off, let's you and me go join her, Henrietta Hen."

He stomped over to the latticework, turned the corner, and walked up to Connie with his ten-inch cock sticking out of his jeans. He carried the hen by her neck like a wine bottle or a small sack, casually.

Her eyes were closed. Her feet were dug into the dirt, her cunt arched way up in the air, her tits flying up and down with the motion of her body.

She moaned and whimpered like a child.

She was so lost in her passion she was unaware of his presence.

The hen squawked in a high, irritating voice. Connie made noises back and kept on going.

Spence lay down beside Connie. He stripped quickly, holding on to Henrietta as he did so.

Spence felt the earth beating beside him as Connie's bare ass began to thump down onto the earth in her reckless abandon.

He didn't want to lose her. At least, he wanted her to masturbate with.

"Connie!" he spoke sharply in his deep, firm voice.

Her movements slowed. She turned and peered at him out of dreamy, sensuous, far away eyes.

"Spence. It's you. I was just about to come thinking about you holding me in your arms and fucking me."

"I thought you were jerking off to Swede."

"No, I was telling him to get lost. Hey, how long have you been lying here?"

"I just laid down now. I was in the front of the house before."

"What are you doing lying there naked with that crazy chicken between your legs?"

"I'm going to fuck it."

"Oh yeah? I want to watch. I want to jerk off with you while you do it."

"Beautiful, baby."

Spence had the chicken in his crotch just then. Its feathers were flapping, its beak pecking, and its claws scratching.

"Go to it, Henrietta Hen. You're turning me on all the more!"

Spence brought the hen up to his cock. He raised her tail feathers and fooled around with his middle finger, his fuck finger, until he located her fowl cunt.

She let out a loud squawk and began to beat her feathers frantically, trying to rise up in the air.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet, babes."

Spence spit on his finger and lubricated her twathole. Now he was ready.

He looked over at Connie to see how she was taking it.

Her eyes were still glazed over with lust. She was propped up on one elbow, watching with interest. Her fine, firm tits were pointed down to the ground but their bulk was still as upstanding as a president of the local chamber of commerce. She let her hand run lightly and provocatively over her nipple, her belly, and finally her whole fine pussy mound.

"I let a swan fuck me the other day, Spence. I came all over his head when it was in my pussy. So don't go thinking you're so evil!"

She tossed her beautiful head proudly and her long blonde tresses snapped about with class.

Spence nodded at her appreciatively and then went back to taking care of business.

He was on his back, his ten inches of red-blooded Amerimeat sticking up in the air as proudly as if it were the Empire State Building.

Henrietta was centered and all ready to go. He began to pull her down over his massive meat.

Her tight little twat was pressing down hard on his burning cock. She was hurting him, and it was a good hurt, a satisfying hurt after half an hour of arousal.

His broad hands with their fingers laced over her back applied pressure. She jumped downwards, and suddenly her pussy had fit like a glove many sizes too small over the knob of his throbbing cock.

Now her struggles intensified so heavily that he was close to an immediate orgasm. When he'd fucked Daisy Cow even his huge cock was lost in her cavelike cunt; now the hen's tiny bird's fuckhole was so tight about him as to drive him to almost instantaneous ecstasy.

He rolled over on his side, facing Connie, and began drilling into the bird in earnest. As he drove into her, he pulled her round feathery little body into his belly, as he withdrew he let her frantic struggles push her off from his torso.

He was so caught up in fucking the hen that he was unaware of the gathering storm on Connie's features.

The hen began pecking away at his belly, drawing blood in two places. He put his hand over her chest so that her beak could no longer reach his tender underside.

His eyes were closed.

"You're some lay, Henrietta baby. You fuck just like a bunny. Ahhh, baby!"

Connie was getting angrier and angrier. Her finger had given up on her clit; instead, she was digging her nails into the dirt, her fingers tensed into gigantic tense claws similar to the hen's.

Connie had been wanting to get fucked by Spence almost before she knew how sex worked. Now, he had suddenly appeared beside her with a fucking hen! Bird or not, she was another being, another female, and Spence was putting his fuck energy into the bird instead of herself.

Connie tried to put aside her anger and share in the sexual pleasure Spence was having, the way she thought a good woman should.

She leaned over and caressed his lean ribs, his wiry arms, and even his neck and shoulders. She ran her fingers over his belly as sensually as she was able to. She reached between his legs and grabbed his balls and cradled them.

All to no avail. As far as she could tell, he was oblivious to her touch, he could only keep fucking her rival, that featherbrained bird.

"Spence!" she wanted to cry out, "look at me! Here I am, a fullblooded woman, waiting to receive your love, your true big cock, you... You're wasting yourself in that bird, that animal who can't give you a fraction of what I can. Try me, try me! I'm crying for you!"

But her hurt turned to fury, the kind of which hell hath none similar to.

She knelt by an unsuspecting Spence.

Connie grabbed Henrietta, the hen, by the top of her body, her neck and shoulders.

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