Animal Partners - Cover

Animal Partners


Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Living on the farm provides interesting opportunities for experimentation with animals.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

It took most of a week for Connie's cunt to heal.

Most of that time she walked slightly bowlegged and had trouble sitting. Nobody seemed to take notice of it, or if they did they said nothing about it. They all had their own complex and troublesome fish to fry.

For Connie, it was an exceedingly difficult week.

It wasn't just the pain. It was where the pain was. She still had her urge. She still needed to come. Her cunt itched, it begged for release. She needed it.

She couldn't have it.

She couldn't touch her cunt. It felt like fire was searing the sensitive bruised flesh each time she tried it.

She even took to wearing those skirts instead of her short shorts. The rubbing and the pressure of the cloth in her crotch was too irritating.

But all things pass, and flesh, in time, heals.

And when it healed, Connie found that there was no injury to her spirit of lust. She did have an aversion to swans now that was almost as great as her desire for them had been. But her desire for new erotic experiences were unchanged.

She was ready for something new.

Ready to find a new way to lose her troublesome cherry.

But not with Spence, yet. Spence was too big. She had seen that monster cock many times, gazing at it in awe as he plunged it into one of the sheep or the cows. And it was almost too big for their huge cunts. It would simply destroy hers.

There had to be a smaller cock around to lose it to.

Swede. She could fuck Swede.

She even wanted to fuck Swede.

Fuck him yes. Give him her cherry, no.

Thinking about it got her hot. Her cunt got creamy and it began to beg, again, for some release.

"Do you want me to pet you, or give you some fingerfucking?" she said to the blonde bush.

She knew the answer. It wanted finger fucking. The skirt came off even more easily than her shorts had. It dropped to the ground. She laid her lush young ass down on the pile of cloth and spread her legs so her finger would have room to work.

Mary liked Bing's tongue better than she liked Spence's cock.

Spence's cock filled her and pounded her brutally taking a violent toll from her tender pussy hole. It was wild, but it was painful.

Bing's tongue sent her floating on a cloud of thick sensuality. The slow rough tongue lapping eased her higher and higher into the greatest orgasms she had ever had. And Bing had developed a taste for it that made him start licking the moment she spread her legs.

That left Bing free a lot of the time.

Connie had seen the look on Mary's face and the writhing of her lust filled body when Bing's cock had worked her cunt.

Connie was lying out in the fields. Letting the hot sun brown her naked flesh. Her large ripe breasts stood out firmly reaching up to the sun. The nipples, responding to the warmth, were half-erect.

She had her legs spread so that some of the heat and light could reach her pussy. It was sufficiently protected by hair to keep it from burning, that didn't worry her.

She felt so good, lazing in the lush warmth of the day. Her body felt mellow and sensual. She just had to touch herself.

Her right hand slid slowly to the inward curve of her waist. On her side she touched herself lightly. Stroking. Her left hand moved to match her right hand. One hand on each side of her waist. As if a man were holding her.

Lightly, she drew one hand along the line of her rib cage, curving upward, bypassing her belly, up to the cleavage between her large breasts.

She sighed and moved sensuously to her own touch.

Her pussy began to cream.

Whether it was coincidence or the whiff of that cherished odor as it was carried by the wind that brought Bing to the spot where she was lying is impossible to say.

Certainly, when he got close he did catch the odor of ripe creaming salty pussy. And he loved the flavor.

When he reached her, his nose brought him directly to the wet spot between her legs.

The cool wetness of his nose against the warm wet of her sex box felt great. Flesh is sensitive to two things, pressure and temperature. Even cold, applied in the right degree at the right time can be an erotic stimulus.

His cold nose turned her on.

She knew immediately that she wanted this particular pleasure. She knew that she would dig it as much as Mary. She wanted his long tongue to start licking.

It didn't take long.

It was warm. Soft overall it had a nice rough texture. Her cunt had healed enough so that the roughness was an extra stimulus rather than pain.

She doubted if a man could do it nearly as well.

He lapped in long slow strokes, the rough pinkness of his tongue starting at the bottom of her cunt, down near her asshole then sliding leisurely upwards. It passed over her tight virgin hole, going in part way as he lapped for the liquid he liked to drink. It kept going past her hole and up to her glory button, her hard little clit with its thousands of sensitive nerve endings. The soft thickness, with its rough exterior surrounded it and warmed it in a lush way, while each rough little protrusion of the tongue seemed to work on a separate nerve.

Her hand reached down to pat him on the head, ruffling the soft fur.

"Good boy, good boy, Bing, you're a good cunt eater," she told him.

He might not have understood the words, but he understood the tone. He wagged his longfurred tail in reply. She was glad to see that he was happy also. That it was a shared experience.

She moaned as she rubbed his ear.

"Lick it, lick my clit," she told him.

But she didn't have to. He was doing it. Doing it. Doing it!

It made her come.

Her hips started moving up and down at the same time but in the opposite direction of his deliberate lapping. It doubled the speed of the stimulation.

She grabbed her own tits. Her nipples were caught between her fingers. Tight. She twisted, turned, and mauled them.

"Spence, Spence," she called out, "You'll get it all. My big titties. My twat. Get it all. Take it all. I want your big cock... and I'll take it. Ohhhhhh! Spence."

Bing didn't mind that she was using someone else's name. He didn't have a jealous bone in his muscular body.

Thrusting her ass high in the air, straining her cunt upwards, she came. Bing didn't cease his licking. His tongue lapped her all the way through the churning, mind-bending climax.

A long moan escaped her lips as she finished.

Bing moved clear as her hips fell.

It was all over.

She was glowing with satisfaction. Her body was suffused with blood that had come to the surface through the hard pumping of her heart and her flesh was rosy with the light brown tan. Her breasts were still swollen and her nipples still stood out firm. The huge mounds, bigger even than usual, shook gently from her heavy breathing.

"I want to hold someone, I feel so good. I want to hold someone in my arms," she murmured to no one in particular.

Bing seemed to understand. Walking delicately he moved up toward her head so that the length of his body was even with her torso instead of down between her legs.

He was someone to hold.

Her arms went around his body. Her hands tangled in the long soft fur. It felt good so she pulled him close. The warmth of him covered her chest and stomach, holding in the glow of the orgasm. She patted, petted, and stroked him lovingly, gratefully.

He licked at her face.

She giggled as his drying saliva tingled on her face.

Then she realized another reason that it had been so good... Dog saliva contains a fairly strong antiseptic. Like any antiseptic it leaves a tingling sensation on the skin it touches. So it had been his saliva working subtly on her in addition to his tongue that had made his cuntlicking so great.

She nuzzled him back.

It was inevitable.

Bing was lying on her stomach. His stomach was pressed against hers. At the base of his stomach was his cock.

She felt its presence.

The awareness of it came over her gradually. Once it did, it became more and more compelling. A cock. A cock was lying on her belly and she wanted a cock. She wanted a cock.

It was still in its fur sheath.

She reached down for it. It was difficult to get to because his body was so close to hers. Sensing what she wanted he got off of her, freeing his cock, moved his hips closer toward her head.

Her hand immediately went to the fur sheath holding his cock in waiting. She squeezed it gently feeling what was inside. Then, exploratively, she moved her hand down to his balls.

They were smaller than a man's and she wondered how his cock, once she got it up, would compare.

She was eager to find out.

Actually, she hoped it would be smaller. It would make her cherry popping easier and she was ready to lose her cherry.

The wetly pink tip of Bing's cock slid out from its furry hiding place.

She felt a flood of lust washing through her belly at the sight of it. It was staring at her. It was telling her that her time had come. Her wanting was there and now a cock was there and between the two there was no escape.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Fear. Eager anticipation. Quivering desire.

It looked luscious. It gleamed with its moisture. She was pleased that it was lubricated, it would grease its way into her.

She was sure now that it would go into her.

She pumped at it some more. It responded to her hand growing larger and larger. It tapered to a point, not like a man's cock with its big knob on the end. That would make it easier too. It was streamlined for entrance.

She began to get more comfortable with the thought of fucking Bing. The more she saw of his cock the more it looked like it was going to fit her needs.

"It's a perfect cherrypopper, Bing, you should be proud of it," she told him as she stroked it. "Absolutely perfect, pointed and greased. You'll get in with no trouble at all. I'm sure of it Bing. You're not going to have any trouble fucking me. It's going to slide right into my tight little cunny and pop goes the cherry. Pop!"

Her hips started twitching as it got its full growth. It was skinny and pointed, but it was also a nice long cock. Long enough to fill the space that wanted filling.

She reached down and touched herself, to see how moist she was.

She wanted to be moist, because she wanted the dog's cock in her now. Right away.

"Come here, Bing, get over me."

Awkwardly, the dog let himself be led over her widespread hips. He had to spread his legs wide to span her.

Connie realized it wouldn't work.

It was just not the way dogs were built to fuck, having that right angle from their bellies to their legs. They were rear entry mounting fuckers.

If that was the way it had to be that's the way she would take it. Just as long as she got it.

"We'll fuck your way Bing."

She flipped over and got up on her hands and knees. The full lush globes of her proud young ass thrust out into the air, eager to be passed for penetration.

She spread her knees to open herself wider.

Her golden fringed pussy lips parted, gleaming wetly in the sun, as she shoved herself backwards for Bing.

Bing shoved his nose into her cunt, sniffing. His language was the language of smells.

It didn't mean anything to him or matter to him that she was saying, "Get your cock into it, Bing. Shove it in my pussy, Bing. Shove it up!"

What mattered to him was that her cunt said with its smell that she was in heat. Her cunt aroma told him that this was a bitch in heat and he knew by instinct what to do when a bitch got her cunt smelling like that.

He put his forepaws up on her back and thrust his hips forward at her gaping cunt. Then he started humping. Not having hands to aim with he missed the hole. It was actually slightly the wrong height for him. He jerked his hips back and forth but he wasn't hitting the mark.

Both Bing and Connie let out a whimper of frustration at the same moment.

But Connie was the one who did something about it.

She reached backward between her legs and found Bing's cock. Grasping the slimy wet hardness she guided it to her hole. She placed it between her lips and against the hole it was to enter.

"Now Bing. That's the place. Shove it in!"

And he did.

Greased with his juices and hers, it started its slide in easily. Her unfledged cunny gripped it tightly, fighting the intrusion and wanting it at the same time.

On the first thrust, he got it part way in.

The second thrust he got deeper and hit her barrier.

Bing was in full heat now and Connie was eager to be busted. He thrust violently into her cunt and she pushed back. Together they broke it.

It was a sharp tear.

It brought a tear to her eye and she gasped with the sudden pain.

But Bing didn't stop for a moment. He was in now and all he wanted to do was to hump. Nothing could have stopped him and his long skinny prick was jamming in and out of her cunt past the torn flesh not giving it a moment to rest.

That was fine with Connie.

It was what she had been wanting for a long time. A real live cock fucking her cunt. It felt goddamn good.

Despite the nagging pain it felt smooth.

Bing was fucking fast. Rapid in and out thrusts from his lean hips and strong haunches. Like a machine gun patter. Then he shot.

It sprayed into her. A fine hot rain.

It sloshed around as he continued his pumping.

She hadn't come but she didn't care. It felt so good anyway. And she would eventually she was sure. If not this time then the next. There would be a next and another one after that and another and another. Plenty of cock for her creamy, hungry cunt. There was Spence.

Spence always had it up and she would give him a place to always put it. Once she got stretched enough. He had such a monstrous thing.

And maybe there was Swede. She didn't know if she would let Swede have some of her pussy, though most likely she would. But not too often. Just to vary things between Spence and Bing.

Shit. If she could get one of the horse's cocks in her...

She waited two days to fuck Bing again.

His cock had been just right to break her in. Still, despite its leanness, its lubrication, and its tapered point, the popping had left her sore.

By the time two days had passed, she was more than ready for it. She was a flaming heat for it.

She found Bing and led him to a secluded spot.

Swede was still hot for his ripe young sisterinlaw.

Ever since she had sucked his cock he had wanted more from her. He wanted her to drink it again. And he wanted to put it in her other hole.

The tight one between her lush thighs.

Seeing her wander off alone, he followed her.

He didn't realize that Bing was company.

She proceeded to a clearing inside a grove of trees. It was a pretty spot. Secluded. Hidden from sight. Yet open enough so that the sun could shine through.

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