Animal Partners - Cover

Animal Partners


Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Living on the farm provides interesting opportunities for experimentation with animals.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Bestiality   Novel-Pocketbook  

A few days had passed since Connie had surprised Mary in her bedroom before dinner, but both of the girls had been doing a lot of thinking since that afternoon.

Connie had been surprised at how ripe a body her sister had, and had even jerked off to it once. She had tried to see her naked again, but now when Mary took her afternoon nap, the door got locked.

That had disappointed Connie but she figured sometime she would get a chance to explore Mary sexually.

Mary in her own way had some of the same feelings toward Connie, but she was fighting them within herself.

She had felt a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure at being seen by Connie and she didn't know how to handle feelings like that toward her own sister.

Or toward any woman for that matter.

Connie was growing up and it wouldn't be long before she'd be fucking and stuff like that. Mary felt a half-assed responsibility to tell her the facts of life, as she understood them.

Mary sat mulling over her morning coffee waiting for Connie to come downstairs.

Today was the day she had planned to do some of the weeding in one of the far pastures. She wanted to show Connie how it was done, and she also wanted some help with the job.

Finally around nine, Connie came down. She was wearing a pair of cutoff dungarees and that skimpy halter of hers.

Her blonde hair was tousled and her eyes were sleepy.

"Good morning," Mary greeted her.

Connie nodded to her and then made straight for the coffeepot.

The two of them sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"I'm going to go out weeding this morning, do you feel like coming with me?"

Connie gave her a quizzical look.

"Weeding?" she asked lazily.

"Yes, I'll show you how it's done if you'd like to come with me."

Connie thought for a moment.

"Yeah, I guess that sounds okay."

"Okay, I'll be ready to go out in about an hour."

Connie nodded again and then Mary went upstairs to do some of the housework.

Mary got up into her room and changed her clothes. From the morning dress she slipped into a pair of pants and a short sleeved blouse.

She was glad that Connie was going with her, it might give her the chance to discuss the facts of life with her.

An hour later, they were all set, they had packed a lunch and had all the tools they needed. They started off walking toward the far pastures.

The morning sun beat down on them and their skin became moist with sweat.

They walked beyond the barn and into the fields.

The scent of honeysuckle pervaded the air and made the girls dizzy with the heat of the sun.

They walked for a long time and finally came to rest in the shade of some trees.

"Whew! This is a long walk," exclaimed Connie.

Mary nodded wiping her brow.

"How much further is it?"

"See that fence over there," said Mary pointing to an old fence about one hundred yards away, "it's just beyond that."

Connie followed her hand and then nodded.

"Can you explain what weeding is?"

"No dear, I can only show you, it isn't very difficult."

Connie looked at Mary and smiled. She had so much to tell her and she was afraid to.

She wanted to share the thrill of sucking Swede's cock but she thought it would hurt Mary too much to know about it, so she kept quiet.

Mary cleared her throat.

"There are some things I've been wanting to talk to you about."

Mary didn't know where to go from there.

"What? Have I done something wrong?"

Mary smiled, "No it's just that you're growing up and I think there are some things that you should be aware of that's all."

Connie nodded.

Mary wanted to go on while Connie was open to listening to her but she couldn't find the words. So she stalled for a moment and then stood up and started walking.

"Come on we can talk while we're weeding."

Connie got up and the two of them started out again.

The sun seemed even hotter and brighter than it had before and the sweat was just rolling off their faces.

When they got to the field, Mary proceeded to show Connie how to weed.

It was a simple process and soon they were busy at it.

By one o'clock they were finished and sat down to rest.

The afternoon was a soft, hot, peaceful one, full of animal noises and a full beautiful blue sky.

They sat there in silence for a long time.

A group of horses appeared on one of the nearby hills and both of the girls watched.

They were beautifully bred animals, and looked proud of their heritage and they all stood high and proud. The mares as well as the stallions.

There were two stallions and about five mares and a few colts. Mary was glad that Swede had enough room to let them wander freely like that.

"Aren't they beautiful?" breathed Connie.

Mary nodded silently.

The mares were surrounding the stallions and the colts had started to graze.

Both of the girls were excited by their awareness that it was the mating season for the horses, and they both were hoping that they might see a little action.

Since Mary had turned on with Bing, she had various other fantasies concerning other animals on the farm and horses had been one of the best she could think of.

As for Connie, she always thought of being fucked by a horse and now right in front of her was the stallion that she so often dreamt about. Connie felt her cunt twitch.

She hoped that he would fuck one of the mares that was playing around him, she could really get off on seeing that. And she could just lie there in that glorious field and jerk off.

Then she suddenly remembered that Mary was with her. Well that put an end to her thoughts of jerking off, but it did bring to mind one of her other fantasies.

Mary was aware of Connie's warm body a few inches from hers and that made her somehow feel sexy. Also having the horses right there in front of her made her cunt twitch.

Mary stretched out on the grass and Connie looked at her form. For a moment, Connie wanted to reach over and touch her but she couldn't. Not only would it have been going queer but it also would have been incestuous, so Connie just felt the vibrations and didn't do anything about it.

They watched the horses and kept their silence, each of them was afraid to break it and also afraid to keep it.

The vibrations were flowing between them and just the nearness to each other was making them hot.

Suddenly the gentle, calm afternoon was interrupted by some commotion coming from the horses.

Mary sat up suddenly.

Connie looked over to the herd and a look of pure delight crossed her face.

One of the stallions was chasing a pale chestnut mare around in a circle. The other one had disappeared over the hill and taken the rest of the herd with him.

The hilltop was now dominated by the black stallion and the chestnut mare.

The scent of sex was in the air and both of the girls were aware of it.

The sun was still high and hot and shedding an almost unreal light over the whole scene. Highlights of the horses hair shone and glimmered.

Round and round they went. Tails flying out behind them.

Connie hugged her knees to her chest and rocked on the padded cheeks of her ass.

Mary watched her as she rocked back and forth. She tried to picture what Connie would look like sitting naked there. She felt ashamed of her lust for her younger sister.

Mary gazed back to the hillside.

The stallion was closing in on the mare. He was closing the circle. The girls continued to watch, both spellbound.

He reared up and exposed to their hungry eyes the full roughness and rawness of his cock. Both girls marveled at the hugeness of it. It was a long, thick red shaft that had dark blue veins running down it. It stuck out at least two or three feet from his belly. And it must have been more than seven inches around.

At the sight of it, both of the girls' cunts began to heat up.

Then the mare began her dance of fire. She swayed and turned and danced in front of the stallion, switching her tail and carrying on in general.

"Do you think he'll fuck her?" asked Connie breathlessly.

Mary turned and looked at the other girl.

"I think so, this is usually how they begin."

"I've never seen horses fuck before, have you?"

"Several times when I was a little girl, I don't remember much about it."

"I've dreamed about fucking a horse, have you ever done that?"

"Fucked a horse?"

"No, dreamt about it," Connie explained.

Mary was embarrassed about how direct Connie was with her sexual desires.

She had been planning to tell Connie the facts of life and now Connie was telling her about all of her fantasies.

Mary didn't know what to say or to do.

She had been totally unprepared for Connie's attitude.

She didn't know whether to be pleased or shocked.

"Have you fucked at all, Connie?"

"No, not yet, but I've sucked a cock."

Mary fell silent for a moment thinking that it was probably Spence.

"Did you like it?"

"Very much. I want to try my luck at fucking too."

Their eyes went back to the hillside.

The stallion was rearing again and his giant cock thrust outward toward the mare.

Connie gasped when she watched the stallion move toward the mare and this time the mare held still and raised her tail.

With a great rush, the stallion went at the mare and he dug his hoofs into the flesh of her buttocks.

"Ooo!" squealed Connie, "they're going to fuck! They're going to fuck!"

Mary felt her excitement too, but she was too shy to express it.

The stallion mounted the mare, her tail flicked high in the air and for a moment, there was a perfect stillness.

Then from where the girls were sitting, they could see the stallion's monstrous prick begin its journey into the long and heated cavern of the mare's cunt.

Both of the girls gasped simultaneously, as they saw the wild cock sink into the large gaping hole of the exposed cunt.

"Oh Mary, look!" Connie shrieked.

Connie's hand landed on Mary's arm and she squeezed Mary's soft skin.

Mary tingled at the contact with the younger girl.

The stallion fully mounted the mare and began stroking his giant rod into her.

Mary felt her cunt opening and her juices beginning to flow as she watched the spectacle of the horses fucking. She wished she were alone so that she could jerkoff and maybe even get to feel the horse's prick.

Connie, on the other hand, was wishing that she and Mary could be naked and lying there together exploring each other. That was what she wanted. Seeing the horses together was really turning her on and she wanted to do something with the feelings she was having.

She turned and looked at Mary. Her eyes were glazed over with a veil and Connie could tell that her nipples were hard too.

Connie could feel her own tits swelling and pointing skyward, she reached down and touched one of the extended tips.

Sensations raced through her body and her cunt felt like it was on fire.

She moved a little closer to Mary.

"Oh it's so exciting!" squealed Connie, and she threw herself into Mary's arms.

It happened so quickly that Mary was knocked off balance and fell back into the long grass. Connie landed on top of her and they lay like that for a moment. Neither of them saying anything, each of them breathing hard and almost panting.

Connie's lips nuzzled into Mary's neck.

The contact was electric. Goosebumps began to form on Mary's skin.

Connie's lips were soft and smooth. They were setting Mary on fire.

She could feel Connie's boobs pressing into her own and Connie's slim golden thighs inching their way between hers.

Mary kept her eyes closed and tried not to think about what was happening to her. She liked the feel of Connie's body next to hers, and the feel of her lips along the tender skin of her neck, but it was incest and it was queer and no matter how good it felt it was still wrong.

"Oh Mary, it's so nice to be next to you this way."

Mary gulped and stiffened in her embrace.

Connie reached up and began to unbutton Mary's blouse. She felt Mary go rigid in her arms.

"Don't be afraid, it's all right, there's nothing wrong with our being together."

"But Connie," Mary began, "we're sisters, we can't do this," she sighed.

"Trust me, aren't you hot, don't you want to do it?"

Mary started to shake. She was hot, she did want it, but she was so afraid.

Connie leaned down and kissed her on the lips.

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