Ascension of the Alpha Male - Cover

Ascension of the Alpha Male

Copyright© 2004 by GoldenMage

Chapter 26

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Dale's life had been trashed by his bitch of an Ex-wife. Things seemed to go from bad to worse. Then one day a letter comes that signals a change in Dale's luck! He gets a new chance in life. So hang on for a wild ride full of sex, intrigue, and the joys of life!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Science Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Torture   Harem   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Water Sports   Violence  

The Mazatlan vacation proved to be quite enjoyable, especially after the business with the drug cartels was over with. Now that they were once again in a more private setting, the many women in Dale's life had reverted to wearing little or no clothing unless they were in public. Dale especially looked forward to breakfast when the Tits and Ass show was in full swing. John, Rob, and Jason were also happy to see things return to normal. While the men and women of Maria's estate found the whole situation to be quite new and unexpected, they did not find it to be un-enjoyable. The mornings and afternoons were spent in a variety of recreational activities like swimming, snorkeling, horseback riding, and fishing. Every few days the women in the group went shopping in the marketplace and the open air bazaar.

After sleeping in her lover's arms through the night, Maria found herself asking what would happen after his vacation was over? She knew that there were four other women in the same bed with her and Dale. The night before there had also been seven different slave women who had also participated in the hot love making that had taken place in her bedroom and for some reason sharing the affections of her lover with others didn't bother her in the least. Dale awoke to find the Latin beauty's eyes focused on his face studying him intently. "Good morning Maria! Did you sleep well darling?"

"Si mi semental!" Maria replied with a satisfied smile.

"I've been picking up some Spanish while I've been down here; but I don't know what you just said," Lizzy interjected.

"She said 'Yes my Stallion'," Dale interpreted for Lizzy.

Maria was still looking at him intently so Dale asked, "Is there something on your mind Maria?"

"Yes Sir. After your vacation is over what then?"

"What do you mean?" Dale replied.

"What happens to us?" Maria asked with a slight quiver in her voice.

"Before I answer that question you must answer some questions for me Maria. What am I to you? And what are you to me?" Dale inquired.

"You are the Master and I am your loving servant," she replied in a soft and sincere voice.

"Well, in that case, you will always have a place in my household Maria. I will leave a mirror in each of your estates and you will be able to travel to my throne room and my other homes through the mirrors. We will spend time together each day and often at night we will sleep together."

"I'm so happy you want me with you Master!" Maria told Dale as her face lit with a beautiful smile. "I thought I would never be happy again and then you came into my life. I didn't understand it the first time I heard Lizzy call you her Angel; but I surely do now! You are my Angel to."

Dale's trust in Emilio and Enrique had grown along with the friendship he shared with them and they had become quite fond of Dale's family as well; so Dale asked them to join his family as he had the others and the two accepted quite readily.

Just as he said he would, Dale installed a mirror in each of Maria's five estate homes spread throughout Mexico. He taught Maria, Emilio, and Enrique how to use the mirror network since they would be traveling to and from the various estates quite often. Vyagar installed a small crystal in each staff member from Maria's five estates so he could keep a careful eye on them as well as offering them some added protection if the need arose.

The changes that Vyagar had initiated in Dale's physiology and genetics had gradually manifested themselves and were now largely completed. Dale found that his body required very little sleep. As the changes had taken hold in stages, Dale found himself adjusting to them quite well altering, his habits and daily routine where necessary to gain maximum advantage from the changes. He generally spent the dawn hours communicating with Vyagar, and this morning as he awoke and carefully extracted himself from the pleasurable cocoon of female flesh he found himself surrounded in, Dale was looking forward to the start of another day.

He had grown accustomed to using the special refresher facility that Vyagar had installed just off of the sleeping quarters adjacent to the throne room. He liked the clean and fresh feeling the refresher always seemed to leave him with; though showers or baths with his lovely female companions were still very enjoyable as well!

Although he had been over six feet in height to start with, Dale had grown another four inches and was now six foot six. His shoulders had broadened out a bit as well. His teeth were now flawless as was his complexion. His muscle mass and definition had also gradually increased until he was quite the Greek Adonis. His strength, agility, and overall form had slowly been formed into the ideal. With the increase in hours of activity each day, Dale needed to eat more often to maintain his desirable body weight. This morning, as was becoming his normal routine, Dale would be eating two breakfasts. The first would be a light breakfast of fruit and a rather tasty nutrient shake that Vyagar would prepare for him. The second would be prepared by the women of his household and be enjoyed along with the pleasant company of his family.

As he sat upon his throne in seeming silence eating his first meal of the day, Dale was actually engaged in a very active mental conversation and planning session with Vyagar regarding how best to use the new influx of individuals now comprising the facilities population. Quite a few things were becoming apparent to Dale. First, even though he hadn't initially planned on doing so, it was now obvious to him that he would in fact be getting involved with world politics and other large global issues. Second, those who were now a part of House Manix due to one of Vyagar's rehabilitation projects would not be able to successfully interact with the public without some sort of altered identity although there were some exceptions. In particular, those who were known participants with the drug trade would never be trusted if their former identities were known. Third, with over a million people ready to do his bidding he should be able to accomplish quite a bit.

Probably the most interesting fact turned out to be that by eliminating the drug cartels and the corrupt politicians and judges along with them, large portions of the governments of Columbia and the seven Central American countries were severely affected. With Vyagar's help, Dale began to enact a strategy that would eventually give him control over Columbia, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, and Belize. The project would not have been possible if it hadn't been for an insightful decision on Vyagar's part. The night that he had transported all of the corrupt politicians and judges involved in the drug trade to the facility Dale had him create, Vyagar had seen to it that these individuals were dealt with first. Once their crystals were in place they had been transported back to their beds. With the careful advance planning that Vyagar and his teams of AIs had completed prior to beginning the operation, most of the officials who ended up receiving one of the crystal implants were only gone from their homes for a few minutes at a time. Just about the entire government of Columbia and several of the Central American nations were now in service to House Manix.

Since the time of Columbus, the Central American region has gone through countless periods of turmoil. Invaders, dictators, genocidal practices, and military takeovers had been repeating elements of the history in each of the seven countries and Columbia's history was more of the same. While most of these countries were currently attempting some form of democratic government, the problems of the past still haunted them in the form of political unrest, riots, poor economic performance, and poverty. It was easy to understand why the "easy money" that drugs could bring would be somewhat alluring to those who lived in such places.

Dale intended to control the region and bring stability; but he also intended to invest in the economies of these eight countries and provide jobs to as many citizens as wanted them. He would establish high tech factories and introduce advancements in almost all areas of manufacturing and technology. These advances would be introduced in small stages that would draw less scrutiny than large leaps forward might bring.

Using carefully controlled agricultural techniques Dale intended to improve the quality and quantity of food available to the average citizen while keeping the cost reasonable. Another area he intended to improve upon was health care. Dale theorized that any direct use of Hyranthi technology would draw too much attention; instead he wanted to be certain that anyone who needed medical care and was willing to work for their keep would receive it.

Over the next few days and weeks a new corporation was formed that Dale dubbed "Mayan Tech". To the rest of the world it appeared that Mayan Tech's CEO Miguel Sanchez was just a highly energetic and motivated individual with a substantial network of contacts throughout the region and around the globe; in fact Sanchez was one of the human based OAIs. From an outside point of view, Mayan Tech seemed to emerge on the scene almost overnight. The many new jobs and the infusion of capital it was bringing to the regions lagging economies made it quite easy to get government approval for the construction of many new factories and other related projects. In addition to the eight hundred thousand crystal connected individuals Dale recruited from the facility as employees, Mayan Tech hired an additional two million employees from the local populace making it one of the largest employers on the planet.

Mayan Tech provided its employees with complete medical coverage, an aggressive education re-imbursement program, and a full service credit union. With fourteen out of every one hundred people in the region working for Mayan Tech the company had considerable sway with the government and local police agencies. People soon learned that Mayan Tech took care of its employees. The bottom line, if you work hard for Mayan Tech, Mayan Tech would work hard for you. Even the criminal elements learned this lesson quickly since any action they took involving a Mayan Tech employee or Mayan Tech property was met with quick and decisive retribution.

Dale believed that the massive infusion of capital in the region along with the creation of many new jobs would provide economic stability, and that combined with the sway of a large and powerful corporation, should bring an end to the otherwise endless cycles of turmoil and improve the lives of the average citizen substantially. Time would tell.

As usual Dale awoke just before dawn, well before the others of his growing family did. He went to the outside shower next to the hot tub and washed off the pussy juice and sweat from the night's activities. He chose the outside shower since it wouldn't wake the others up and since it would allow him to see the sky turn from star filled black to the light of day. Once he had toweled off, he went back inside and quietly pulled on his socks and running shoes. As naked as the day he was born, except for his feet, Dale left the house and began his morning run as he continued to enjoy the birthing of the new day. This was his time for thinking and conversing with his friend Vyagar. The AI always waited for Dale to initiate discussions unless something urgent needed to be brought to his chosen master's attention; this allowed Dale to set the pace of the conversation and stop to ponder things as he needed to.

Dale was running along at quite a good clip enjoying the scenery along the worn path his Uncle had made over the course of so many years. He began to think about all of the choices he now had. With all of the locations now open to him, Dale began asking himself why he was spending any time fiddling with the estate his uncle Ezra had left to him. Did he really need the new buildings, the pool, and the other changes he was planning on? He had the facility that Vyagar had created, the estates Maria had in Mexico, endless new possible locations in Central America, as well as countless other properties that he was in effect lord and master of although most of the titles were held in other names. Vyagar informed him that there were over eight thousand pieces of real estate he currently had control over spread around the globe. So why was he so set on making sure that he had adequate space for everyone he considered a part of his family in Winnemucca?

The answer came to Dale as the path turned to follow along the edge of the lake. More than any other place on the planet this felt like home. His childhood memories were here. His mother was raised here as well. Uncle Ezra's mark was on so many of the buildings and other things in the area like the very path he was running on now. Vyagar, the cave complex, the facility, and the spaceship were all nearby as well. All in all it just felt right to think of this as home.

In any case the transporter functions of the satellite network Vyagar had placed in orbit meant that Dale could enjoy visiting as many places as he might like within a single day; with the greatest risk being that some government's intelligence agencies might began to wonder how the same person appeared in several places around the globe with no record of the travel in between. When he mentioned this concern to Vyagar, the AI provided him with an alternative Dale would have never thought of by himself.

Vyagar suggested placing another larger and more powerful crystal in Dale's body along with the one that was already there. This crystal would allow Dale to connect with an OAI and share all of the physical perceptions and experiences the OIA was taking part in. When Dale thought about it, the possibilities were almost endless. Dale had OAIs of myriad forms covering the spectrum of physiologies from animal to human all devoted to his service. The idea was just a bit staggering when Dale thought about it; but definitely worth pursuing. He would now be able to see what things looked like from a bird's perspective, to feel the wind rushing over its wings as it soared high up on the air currents, or maybe to feel the sheer power of a lion or run with the speed of a cheetah. And he would also be able to 'hop' from place to place using the physical bodies of the OAIs as if they were his own.

As he finished his circuit around the lake, he remembered the day when Fang had passed him by on the very same path. Fang had been just a blur of speed and now Dale found himself laughing at the thought that he might finally be able to give the great wolf a challenge!

After he had completed his run, Dale went into the den and transported to the refresher station onboard the Hyranthi spaceship. He still had a few hours before his family would be eating their breakfast and he wanted Vyagar to implant the larger crystal. After he had finished with the refresher, he transported to the main laboratory. Even though by now he had used the transporter quite frequently and knew what was awaiting him at the other end, the novelty of the experience had not worn off. The shimmering blue light enveloped his body and carried him away to another place. As the sparkles vanished from his vision Dale saw the golden hued Vyagar waiting for him.

"Good morning Dale."

"Good morning Vyagar. Are you ready for me yet?"

"Yes," Vyagar replied as his holographic representation led Dale to a nearby medical suite.

"How long will this take?" Dale asked.

"It will take just a few minutes to place the crystal; however it may take several hours before you get used to using it," Vyagar told him.

"Will you be able to help me with that?"

"Not very much; however I'm sure you'll do just fine and we do have many OAIs at the facility for you to work with," Vyagar told him as he motioned for Dale to lie down.

Dale was still naked from using the refresher and looked with some concern at the table. Its surface appeared to be some kind of bare metal and he expected it to be cold and uncomfortable; however, when he actually did lie down, he was pleasantly surprised! What he had been thinking of as a 'table' turned into a somewhat fluid state and morphed to fit his body quite comfortably; not only that, but it was pleasantly warm against his skin. "Cool, a bed that tucks you in!" Dale thought.

"Are you ready Dale?" Vyagar asked.

"Yes, as ready as I'll ever be? Will I feel much of anything while you're doing this?"

"No you won't," Vyagar replied just as the lights went out for Dale.

Dale's mind had been growing in capability ever since the AI orchestrated and introduced changes into Dale's physiology. Without the previous changes, Vyagar wasn't certain that the human mind could have adapted well to the introduction of a crystal of this size and power. Even with the changes Dale had undergone, the AI felt it would be better to have Dale unconscious while the procedure was being completed. The crystal was being placed just underneath Dale's brain, and while it was somewhat larger than the communications crystal he had already been using, it was still smaller than a marble.

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