Neighbors - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by Jessy19

Chapter 8

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A brother and sister discover that their next door neighbors are in an incestous relationship.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Ben and Julie continued to be secret lovers, while they pretended to be lovers with their neighbors. Ben and Abel decided to stay in town and go to community college while the girls finished high school. Once Julie and Yvette were ready to go to college, the foursome got an apartment and lived together.

They fucked and experimented more with each other as the college years went by. It wasn't until after college, when Ben and Abel decided that they needed to settle down. It would be a hard decision for them both. Ben knew he couldn't legally marry Julie so the only thing to do was marry Yvette. Abel would marry Julie but once in the privacy of their home they would each go to their true lover.

"You really think this is a good idea?" Julie asked Ben when he told her the plan.

"Well, I think it's the best idea for now. I mean how else are we going to get away with being lovers? I think mom and dad will suspect when they see neither of us marry."

Julie shrugged. "True."

"Now I need to know if you're willing to marry Abel. I'm going to ask Yvette to marry me."

Julie felt a slight twinge of jealous. "You are?"

"Yes. I mean that is our plan. Please don't look upset Julie. You're going to marry Abel."

"I know I guess I'm starting to feel selfish now. I love you so much and I want to be with you."

"You will be. The marriage will only be an image. Deep down both us will know that we belong to each other.

"I guess you're right. I will marry Abel under one condition."

"Yes? What?"

"If you and I will have a private wedding ceremony to prove our love?"

Ben smiled and kissed his sister's lips. "You got it my love."

"Whoa!" Mrs. Malone exclaimed, "You have both decided to get married on the same day?"

"Yes mom! I mean it'll cut down on the cost of the wedding and you won't have to buy two dresses to wear for each wedding." Julie assured her mother.

Mrs. Malone laughed. "Well it's not so much the cost, I'm just shocked you both have grown so close. I recall you both used to fight so much and now here you are sharing a wedding day."

Ben put his arm around his sister. "We get along fine now mom. Our fighting days are over, they've been over a long time ago."

Mrs. Malone looked over at Mr. Malone who had a huge grin on his face. "I hate to lose you both on the same day, but you both made up your mind that you want a double wedding so I'm all for it."

Julie was happy, happier than she'd ever been. Finally she would be getting married, to a special friend and then to her true love. Everything was perfect.

The wedding day arrived and Julie and Yvette waited in the dressing room in the back of the church. Both girls looked stunning in their long white gowns. Julie paced the room feeling knots in her stomach.

"Julie calm down sweetie. It'll be ok," Yvette promised.

"I'm just so nervous! I mean I know I shouldn't be, but I am."

"It's ok, I'm nervous too but just wait until this day is over and we get to leave for our honeymoon. Now that'll be fun huh?" Yvette put her arms around Julie and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh yes it will be. It'll be sort of like that weekend we all shared."

"Mmm now that was a weekend to remember."

"Girls! Are you ready? It's almost time!" Mrs. Malone said poking her head in the door.

"We are ready," Yvette announced holding on to Julie's hand and giving it a squeeze.

After the wedding and beautiful ceremony, the foursome stayed overnight in a hotel before heading for their honeymoon the next night. They had decided not to have sex that night until after their private ceremony down by the beach. They had planned a trip to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Not only was it a beautiful place but it was far away from everyone they knew.

The next day they arrived in Brazil close to sundown. The checked into their hotel rooms and the girls went to get dressed for the ceremony to marry their brothers. Ben and Abel waited for them in the lobby, not wearing anything special but cargo shorts and t-shirts.

Yvette and Julie were in the hotel room getting dressed. They had both bought stunning white bikinis for the ceremony.

"I think the guys will really like us in these." Yvette giggled.

The bikinis were identical. Both bikini tops were small and bottoms were not thongs but almost as revealing. Both girls wrapped a sheer cloth around their waist and headed out to meet their husbands.

Ben spotted Julie first and his jaw dropped. She looked so gorgeous in her white bikini. Her hair was pinned up with beautiful curls around her face. Yvette looked just as gorgeous with her big breasts bouncing everywhere as she walked. Abel whistled at the girls.

"Wow! Jesus Christ! You both already gave me a hard on!" Abel laughed.

"Yeah tell me about it," Ben agreed not being able to take his eyes off his sister.

"Well I'm glad you both liked. Yvette and I had spent hours searching for the perfect outfit for this special occasion," Julie said throwing her arms around Ben.

"Looks like the sun's gone down. Let's get going out to the beach and celebrate our love," Yvette grabbed Abel's hand and the foursome headed out.

The night was absolutely wonderful. The breeze was nice and cool and the sound of the water was so pleasant. The couples stood in front of each other holding hands and staring into each other's eyes. They took turns saying their own vows out loud. Yvette and Abel went first. Julie and Ben watched as the brother and sister spoke words of love to each other. Then it was Julie and Ben's turn. Ben held his sister's hand in his.

"My darling sister, my friend, my lover," Ben began, "Finally we get to be together after years of stolen glances and kisses. I'm here with you today to share my love and life with you. You are the world to me and I could never love another woman the way I love you. You'll always have my heart, my soul, my everything. I stand here before you today to make you my secret wife for society but my real wife in my heart. I promise to love and cherish you until the day I die. I will take care of you as long as I live. Julie, my sister, my lover, my wife."

Julie's heart fluttered. It was now her turn. "After so many years of living with you, I would have never thought we'd end up like this. I love you in so many ways, my brother, my lover, and now my husband. I promise to be good to you everyday for the rest of my life. You are the man I fell in love with and will always love. I am proud to be your wife. We'll grow old together and our love will grow stronger as the years go by. We have that special bond of brother and sister that carries a beautiful unconditional love. Ben, my husband, I love you with all of my heart, always."

They siblings kissed, a long wet kiss, as they had now become husband and wife. Yvette and Abel moved close to them and all four held hands and came close together to share a sweet four-way kiss. The four would be sharing their lives together forever.

The couples split up, Yvette and Abel went to their own room and Ben and Julie were alone in their room. Julie kissed her brother passionately as her heart raced. She couldn't believe that he was now her husband. She loved him so much. This was the happiest day of her life.

"Julie, oh baby, I want you so bad!" Ben groaned as Julie pressed her body against his.

"Take me. I'm all yours," Julie cooed.

"You looks so sexy in this swimsuit," Ben growled lifting up the sheer material and squeezing Julie's buttocks.

"Well just think of it as my sort of wedding dress," she giggled.

"Mmm this is some wedding dress," Ben moaned.

"Make love to me Ben. Just take me!" Julie purred.

Ben pulled on the sheer material and it quickly fell to the floor. He lifted his wife up in his arms and went to lay her on the bed. Julie stared up at her brother as he took his shirt off. Just then at that moment, they could hear the bed next door to them pounding against the wall.

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