Neighbors - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by Jessy19

Chapter 6

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A brother and sister discover that their next door neighbors are in an incestous relationship.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Ben moved behind Julie kissing on her neck and shoulders. His hands went up and down her beautiful body grabbing on to her breasts and playing with her hard nipples. Julie laid her head back on his chest enjoying her brother's touch.

"You are so beautiful sis. I think I'm really falling in love with you. I love you, not just in a brotherly way either."

"I feel the same Ben. Oh god your touch! It really turns me on!"

Ben slid his hand down to her buttocks. He ran his hands on her firm globes rubbing on them.

"You sure you ready for this baby?" He asked his sister.

"Yes," Julie purred.

Ben shifted back a bit and spread Julie's ass slowly admiring her tiny puckered pink hole. He put one finger inside and Julie immediately squirmed. He held his finger in for a few seconds getting a feel of her warmth and tautness.

"Try to hold still baby so I can put it in you," he whispered in her ear.

Julie closed here eyes as she felt her brother slide a second finger in her forbidden hole. "Owww mmmm," she cooed.

Ben moved his fingers around slowly being very careful not to hurt her. He then knelt down and slid his fingers out. Julie opened her eyes and gasped as she felt her brother's tongue on her behind. It was such a different and erotic feeling.

"Oh Ben! That feels g-good!" She moaned.

Ben moved his tongue up and down his sister's ass feeling the heat on his mouth. He aimed his tongue to her puckered hole and gently eased the tip in. Julie squirmed more and her moans got louder. He was trying to fuck her with his tongue as he had done the same thing on her pussy. It was hard to get more tongue in since this hole was a lot tighter. He lifted her butt up slightly and ran his tongue from between her globes down to her pussy.

Julie held on to the wall biting on her lower lip. Her body was shaking from excitement and pleasure. Ben wiggled his tongue on her swollen clit. Julie tossed her head back enjoying the wonderful pleasure of her brother's mouth once again.

"Yes! Lick my pussy! Taste me!" she cried out.

Ben licked her pussy for a few minutes and then slowly dragged his tongue back to her behind. He formed small circles on her puckered hole getting her ready for his cock. He made his way back up by trailing kisses up her body. Kissing her neck slowly he whispered in her ear, "you ready baby?"

"I am. I'm so ready!" Julie muttered.

Ben grabbed his hard cock and with one hand spread her ass open. "Bend over more so I can have better access," Ben ordered.

Julie bent over with her ass riding up in the air. Ben's cock searched for her tiny hole. He felt her tightness and began to slide the head of his cock in. Julie moaned in agony bending her head forward.

"Shhh, it's ok baby just relax, it's going to feel good soon." Ben comforted her kissing her back.

Julie fought hard to avoid the pain. She could feel her asshole being stretched open but she knew it was something special she and Ben could enjoy. She still had visions of when Ben had fucked Yvette up the ass and that made her hot.

Ben reached down and put his hand on Julie's pussy. He rubbed her pussy slowly hoping to ease her pain and make her relax more. The tip of his cock went in but soon popped out. Ben tried again. This time, his cock slid in more and he stopped for a moment before continuing to enter his sister deeper.

"I-it hurts," Julie mumbled.

"I know baby, it's going to hurt. You want me to stop? Tell me now Julie before it's too late."

"Don't stop Ben. Just go slowly."

Ben kissed his sister's shoulders and began digging his cock slowly and gently. His fingers played with her swollen clit until finally he'd made his way all the way up in her ass. Julie moaned loudly and closed her eyes. She bit on her lower lip.

"Ahhh oooh fuck!" Ben groaned as he began to slide in and out of his sister's ass. "Julie, oh my god! You f-feel so g-good!"

Julie held on to the shower wall. She couldn't help but shriek in pain. Ben was moving very slowly letting her get used to his cock. She knew he told her not to clench but she couldn't help it. She discovered though, each time she clenched, Ben moaned louder.

Ben put on hand on her lower back and continued to play with her pussy with his other hand. He could feel her juices sliding down his fingers. He pinched her clit gently and soon enough, he began to hear moans of pleasure coming from his sister.

"Keep touching my pussy," Julie said with a shaky voice.

"Yes baby. You like this? Are you enjoying this sis?"

"Uh huh... mmm Ben! You can move a little faster now."

Ben didn't hesitate, and began to fuck Julie faster. Her ass was so tight, he knew it wouldn't take too long before he would cum.

Julie felt more at ease. She was actually enjoying the feel of her brother inside her forbidden hole. It felt so nasty, impure. His hand kept fondling her aching pussy. Julie squirmed and Ben flicked her clit faster with his fingers.

"Yessss! Oh Ben! Keep rubbing my pussy! Fuck my ass!" Julie moaned.

Ben was now pumping his sister's ass furiously. His balls were on fire, full of hot cum ready to spurt into her tiny pink hole. He held her clit between his fingers and gently pinched it feeling it pulse. He kissed her back softly as he groaned loudly.

Julie's bottom lip trembled as well as her entire little body. "I'm gonna cum! Keep touching my clit! Oh Ben! I'm c-cumming!"

Ben rubbed her clit faster between his fingers and felt the blood pumping. Her body tightened, making her clench her asshole. Ben felt his cock being squeezed hard. He couldn't hold back his own pleasure.

"Julie! Oh fuck! You're squeezing my dick! Oh baby ahhhhhhhhh!" Ben began shooting hot spurts of cum into his sister's ass. He could feel his balls draining every drop of sperm he had to offer his beautiful sister.

Julie felt drained. Her body was weak and her ass hurt from the wonderful pounding of her brother's cock. She slowly caught her breath and leaned back. Ben put his arms around her and held her.

"I love you."

Julie giggled. "I love you too. Love hurts sometimes," she joked.

Ben laughed quietly and kissed her neck. His cock slowly softened and slipped out of Julie's ass. He looked to make sure she wasn't bleeding, luckily she wasn't. They finished showering up before heading back out to the bedroom.

Julie and Ben held hands as they walked out of the shower with robes on that they borrowed from Yvette and Abel. Julie froze in her tracks when she saw herself on TV. Abel and Yvette were naked watching as Ben and Julie had anal sex.

They both turned to look at Julie and Ben, with wicked smiles. "You two look really hot you know," Abel said.

Ben was stunned. He had to admit he did like the way he and Julie looked on TV. Julie gasped and let go of Ben's hand. "That's wrong! Please tell me you'll give me that tape."

Yvette stood up and nodded. "No way. This is hot stuff. We plan to keep it. It'll be like our own porno."

Julie's eyes watered. "You bitch! Give me the tape!"

Ben held her back. "Julie, calm down baby, it's ok."

"OK? I don't think so! Ben what if they sell it on the Internet or something? Our lives will be ruined!"

Ben looked at the siblings. Abel put his shirt and pants back on. "Look guys, trust us, we are not going to put this on the Internet. This is for our own private viewing. Now I'm going to head on off to the store to buy some drinks. When I get back, I hope you all have calmed down."

He left, and Julie eyed Yvette with an evil look. "I don't believe you guys. I want to go home now!" Julie stormed out of the room.

Ben was about to follow but Yvette put her hand on his arm. "No don't. Let me. She's pissed off at me, so let me try to talk to her."

Ben shrugged and watched Yvette's sexy naked body sashay out of the room. He sat back and watched the video of him taking Julie's virginity. He couldn't believe how hot they looked being with each other. His cock was beginning to grow hard once again.

Julie sat on Yvette's bed crying her eyes out. She feared that tape would get out and her parents, or someone who knows her parents would see it, then she and Ben would be ruined.

"Julie, I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

Julie looked up and saw Yvette standing in front of her. "If you're really sorry, then you'll give me the tape, or better yet erase it."

"Are you ashamed of your body Julie?" Yvette asked sitting next to her.

"No, it's not that, it's just that I don't want our parents to somehow find this tape. I know they would be heartbroken."

"Look, I promise you that this tape does not leave this house. And if it makes you feel better I will personally let you trash the tape."

Julie's tears faded and a small smile formed on her pretty face. "Really? Do you promise?"

"I do," Yvette said with a flirty grin.

"Thank you. Thank you so much."

Yvette reached towards Julie and pushed her hair back and wiped her tears. "No need to cry Julie. This is the weekend of fun. Let's have as much fun as we can with our brothers, because who knows when we can have another weekend like this."

Julie laughed softly. "Yeah I guess so. I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you a bitch."

Yvette giggled. "That's ok, I've been called worse. I just don't want to lose your friendship Julie."

Julie felt relieved now. She was ready to have more fun.

"Oh girl your hair is tangled! You haven't brushed it have you?" Yvette teased.

Julie blushed. "No. I was too caught up on the tape situation that I almost forgot about my hair."

"Well, here let me brush it for you." Yvette got up and grabbed her brush from her dresser. "Turn around so I can get all those tangles out of your pretty hair."

Julie did as she said. Pretty soon Yvette began brushing her hair, slowly removing each tangle until Julie's hair was almost dried and silky smooth. Julie felt Yvette running her finger through her hair so gently, it was all so relaxing.

"Mmm that feels good," Julie blurted out.

"Well I was just checking to make sure your hair was untangled. Looks like it is."

"Wish you could keep running your fingers through my hair. It's so relaxing."

Yvette laughed. "Ok, I'll do it for a little while longer. Abel loves me to run my fingers through his hair. That's how he goes to sleep sometimes."

"Well you got a good hand," Julie said and almost didn't realize what she'd said until after the words slipped out of her mouth.

She noticed that Yvette stopped caressing her hair. Julie turned to look at the pretty brunette. Yvette touched Julie's face and slowly leaned towards her, planting a soft kiss on her lips.

Julie felt her face turning beet red. "I-I thought you said you were totally straight."

Yvette shrugged. "I guess I lied. I think you are very sexy Julie. You got such a beautiful body." Yvette began tugging at Julie's robe until it came undone.

Julie wanted to protest. She'd never been into girls or hadn't even thought about it, until that moment. Yvette's touch was exciting her. She wanted to feel Yvette's big breasts and play with her nipples, maybe even suck on them.

Yvette went for yet another kiss, this time it turned out to be a long wet kiss. The girls' tongues met one another. Their kiss was deep as only a lover's kiss would be. They both moaned into each other's kiss. Yvette's hands reached for Julie's breasts cupping them, and then squeezing them gently. Julie shrieked in pleasure. Yvette's soft hands rubbed on her nipples getting them hard. She gently pinched on them and then dove her head down to put one in her mouth.

Julie watched the pretty brunette begin to take turns sucking on her tits. Her red lips clung tightly to each nipple as she sucked on it. Their eyes met. Yvette let Julie's nipple slip out between her lips and went back up to kiss her. They began to make out passionately.

Yvette gently pushed Julie down on the bed and climbed on top of her. She straddled her and knelt over her. She began trailing kisses down Julie's body making sure not to miss a spot. Julie was mesmerized. She never thought of being with another girl. The thought of it was gross but now she was enjoying Yvette's kisses and touch.

Yvette made her way down to Julie's tummy and licked her way back up. She stared into Julie's innocent eyes. "You are so beautiful Julie. I have to admit I had a crush on you when I first saw you. I couldn't help myself. You have a really nice body."

Julie blushed. No girl had ever talked to her like that. She ran her fingers through Yvette's hair and stared into her eyes. "I am slowly developing a crush on you."

Yvette laughed softly and moaned. "Oh really? Hmm now what would Ben say about that? I think he'd be jealous."

Julie smiled. "Yeah he would."

Yvette stared at Julie's breast and pressed her body down on Julie. Their breasts touched each other's and once again the girls kissed as they squirmed on the bed. Yvette broke their long wet kiss and gasped for air. "Damn Julie, you're really turning me on! I wasn't into girls but fuck you might turn me into a lesbian."

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