Neighbors - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by Jessy19

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A brother and sister discover that their next door neighbors are in an incestous relationship.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Julie stretched her naked body slowly waking up. She felt the warm and strong body of her brother next to her. Turning her head she stared at him as he slept peacefully. She smiled and snuggled up next to him. Ben woke up and groaned as his sister pressed her lovely body close to his.

"Morning," Julie said cheerfully.

"Good morning love."

"Sleep good?"

"Oh yeah!"

Julie giggled and kissed her brother's lips. Ben let his tongue wander into his sister's mouth once again for a long wet kiss.

"Ooh! Hey you're already hard!" Julie chuckled.

Ben looked down and saw his throbbing hard on. He always had morning wood and that morning would be no exception, especially with his sexy sister by his side.

"Well can you blame me?"

Julie slid her hand down and wrapped it around her brother's cock. Ben moaned and kissed her hard. She moved her hand slowly stroking Ben's hard member. Just then the door swung open and Yvette stood there smiling at the siblings. Julie quickly took her hand off Ben's cock and threw the covers over their naked bodies.

"Ah no need to be shy Julie. It's just me," Yvette said teasingly.

"H-hi," Julie stammered.

"Morning. Listen Abel and I are making some breakfast right now. Are you both hungry? You must be after you worked up an appetite I'm sure."

Ben laughed. "Yeah I'm starved.

"Me too," Julie agreed.

"Ok then meet us downstairs in a bit for some breakfast. " Yvette stared and then slowly walked away.

"Oh god I don't know why I continue to act like I'm so shy. I know that Yvette and Abel know about us."

"Well this is all new to us. I mean they've been doing each other for while now and you and I have just started."

"Yes true. Well we better get downstairs. I'm so hungry!"

After putting on the clothes they had originally wore that previous day, Julie and Ben headed downstairs for some breakfast. Yvette was setting the plates while Abel finished making the pancakes.

"Have a good night?" Abel asked sarcastically.

Julie rubbed her eyes. "Yes."

"Oh yeah," Ben agreed.

"Well get ready to eat some eggs, bacon and pancakes. My specialty."

Julie and Ben sat down and Yvette served the siblings. Ben found himself staring at her as she swayed her hips while wearing only a t-shirt that barely covered her ass. Julie noticed her brother's gaze was focused on the brunette. She couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of jealousy.

"You all want milk or orange juice?" Yvette asked the siblings.

"Orange juice," Julie and Ben answered simultaneously.

The foursome sat and ate their breakfast as if nothing had happened last night. Abel was still in his boxer shorts and Julie couldn't help but look. His dark skin was covered with muscles.

"Mmm these are good. God I was hungry!" Ben blurted out.

"We figured you'd be hungry. Listen now we spoke with our parents this morning and they said they wouldn't be home until Tuesday. So it does get lonely here you know. We could use more of your company," Abel said eyeing Julie.

Julie looked over at Ben. Ben put his fork down and took a quick sip of his orange juice. "You mean you want us to spend the night again?"

Abel nodded and Yvette smiled wickedly.

"Oh I don't know," Julie began, "I mean what do we tell our folks."

Yvette sighed. "Just tell them that you want to spend the night again. Let them know we have a pool here, a satellite dish, a pool table and lots of good food. Believe me they'll understand why you want to stay over."

"I guess we can ask," Julie said quietly.

"We can't say yes for sure. We'll let you know later on today," Ben responded.

After breakfast, Ben and Julie headed back home. It was so different being at home. Not only could they not be all over each other, but it was almost impossible not to want to touch one another.

"I hate this," Julie said frustrated. They sat in the living room watching some TV while their parents were in the kitchen discussing money issues.

"Me too. It feels like everything's changed. I know it shouldn't but it has."

"Ben, we need to go over to Abel and Yvette's tonight. I liked being there."

Ben looked surprised. "Really? You enjoyed that too huh?"

Julie blushed. "Yes. Very much. I want you again."

Ben moved his hand and placed it on Julie's. Julie took a quick glance to the kitchen and saw her parents were concentrated on their financial issues. Julie moved quickly towards her brother and gave him a soft wet kiss. Ben kissed his sister back and then pulled away just in case their parents ever looked up.

Julie giggled. Ben smiled never taking his eyes off his sister.

"What's so funny?" Mrs. Malone asked peering over to the teens.

"Nothing mom, just something funny on TV," Julie replied turning beet red.

"Keep it down a bit you two. We got to figure out all these bills," Mr. Malone said sternly.

"Sorry dad," Ben apologized.

Later on that night the Malone's sat around eating dinner. Julie mostly picked at her food anxiously waiting for Ben to ask permission to stay over at the Logan's that night. Ben was waiting for the right moment to bring up the sleep over.

Mr. and Mrs. Malone chatted, as the sibling remained quiet. "Ok what's going on you two?" Mr. Malone asked.

Ben shifted in his chair. "Well we wanted to ask you for your permission to stay over at the Logan's again tonight."

Mrs. Malone raised a brow. "Again? I hope you are not drinking or anything like that over there."

"No way mom. Believe me it's not like that," Ben said.

"Yeah mom, it's really cool. They got a swimming pool and satellite dish," Julie interfered.

"Yeah and a pool table too," Ben added.

Mrs. Malone laughed. "Oh so you're saying your own home is boring?"

"No, mom. It's just that they are so much fun to hang out with. They've quickly become our best friends," Julie explained.

"Fine you can spend the night, just try not to make it a habit. We like to have you guys around here to you know."

Julie put on a pair of blue jean shorts and a white button up top. Her hair was in a ponytail and she dabbed on a bit of strawberry tasting lip gloss. She'd put some clothes in her backpack in case something came up.

Ben too packed a few of his clothes in a backpack and hurried downstairs to wait for Julie. He wore his khaki cargo shorts and a black t-shirt. After a few minutes of waiting, Julie walked downstairs with a glow to her pretty face. Ben stared, mesmerized by his sister's beauty.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Oh yeah!"

A few minutes later, the siblings arrived at the Logan's home once again. It was past eight that night and Yvette was the one to answer the door. She wore a gorgeous baby blue bikini top and a short white skirt.

"Glad you could make it! Come on in," she said sweetly stepping aside.

The siblings walked in. Able was on the couch wearing only a pair of gray and black swimming trunks.

"Do you go swimming without us?" Julie teased.

"No. We were actually waiting for you," Abel replied with a wicked grin.

"I didn't bring my swimsuit again, I'm sorry," Julie apologized.

"You don't need a suit. We're going swimming naked," Yvette said.

Ben and Julie had no problem with that. Yvette reached around and pulled her bikini top off letting her big breasts fall out. Ben felt his mouth watering just looking at her big breasts. Julie followed the girls' lead. She unbuttoned her top and took off her white bra. Julie's breasts came to full view and Ben felt trapped as if he didn't know whose chest to look at.

"Mmm what a pair of beauties," Abel murmured. Ben could only nod in agreement.

Yvette eyed Julie and began to take off her white skirt letting it drop to the floor. She stood wearing only a pair of white lacey thong panties. Ben gulped taking in her beauty. She put her hands on her hips waiting for Julie to remove her clothes. Julie slipped out of her sandals and removed her blue jean shorts and remained in her teal colored silky/lace panties.

Abel whistled at the girls. Ben just stared feeling his cock beginning to harden underneath his shorts. Yvette turned to the boys. "Ok now your turn. Get naked for us."

"Not yet. You two still have your panties off. Take them off," Abel ordered.

Yvette shrugged and quickly removed her thong panties. Julie followed her lead once again. The girls were completely naked now and their brothers soon began to remove their own clothes. Finally, the four teens were naked. They headed out to the pool, diving in the cool water. They splashed and played. Ben kissed Julie deeply every now while Abel and Yvette fondled each other.

"Ahh this water feels so good!" Yvette exclaimed.

Abel put his arms around his sister kissing her neck. "No, you feel good."

She giggled. Julie and Ben laughed. "Thanks for having us over again," Julie said.

"Hey no problem. It's good to find friends like you. So open minded and fun."

Ben moved towards Julie gently kissing her neck. Abel released Yvette from his hold and got out of the pool. "I'm thirsty, I'm gonna go get some drinks." He eyed Ben to go with him. Ben nodded and excused himself. The boys went to get the drinks leaving the girls in the water.

Julie was quiet at first. Yvette stared at her. "I'm glad you and Ben are really getting along," Yvette blurted out.

Julie shrugged. "Yeah we are, better than ever before. You know we used to fight a lot and make fun of each other now we can't get our hands off one another!"

The girls laughed. Yvette arched her back letting her big breasts show. Julie tried not to look but she had to admit Yvette had really lovely breasts. "So you enjoy sex with your brother?" Yvette asked staring up at the starry sky.

"Yes. Very much."

"Yeah I figured you would. Ben looks like he'd be a great lover."

Julie blushed. "He is. Believe me he is."

"Do you think you'd ever let me find out?"

Julie stayed quiet. Yvette looked over at Julie. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that. It's ok if you don't want to share your sexy brother."

Julie nodded. "I-I don't know if I would let you have Ben. I mean you kissed him already and I didn't really mind. But having sex with him... that's something different."

Yvette understood. "That's fine Julie. We don't have to swap brothers. But believe me Abel keeps talking about you."

Julie smiled. "He does?"

"Oh yeah."

"What... what does he say?"

"He says how sexy you are and how he'd love to run his hands all over your little body."

Julie got hot. Just imagining a gorgeous guy like Abel wanting her in that way, got her horny as hell.

"Has Ben had to chance to show you anal sex?"

Julie gulped. "No."

"Hmm... you should really try it. It's really hot."

"I don't know. I mean it looks like it might hurt a lot."

"It does at first, I'm not going to lie, but once you get used to it... ooh my god! It feels so nasty and hot. I'd cum harder through anal sex more than oral or vaginal sex."

Julie raised a brow. "Really?"

"Hmm yes. It takes some getting used to but as long as your lover is patient, like Abel was with me, you'll love it."

That left Julie in her own thoughts. She had often wondered what anal sex would be like. She seen it in videos and magazines but it looked painful yet so erotic. The guys came back with drinks interrupting Julie from her thoughts.

"Come on out girls. Let's enjoy!" Abel called out.

The girls drank rum and coke while the guys drank beer. They sat outside by the pool drinking and talking. Julie winced taking her first sip of alcohol. She drank it very slowly.

"You don't have to drink if you don't want to Julie," Yvette said.

"I do want to, it's just that I'm not used to drinking."

"Sis, you can give me your drink if you want," Ben said to Julie.

Julie handed him the drink and Ben gulped it down. The foursome stayed outside for a while until Yvette suggested the go back in. After drying off the couples went upstairs to the Logan's parent's bedroom. Yvette sighed throwing herself on her parents' bed. She rolled around the bed giggling.

"Looks like someone was ready to get right to bed," Abel teased.

She looked up at three. "Mmm yes. I'm feeling kinda hot since Julie and I talked about anal sex."

Ben's eyes widened looking at his sister. He saw her turn beet red. "Julie? Is that true?"

She nodded and looked away.

"Nothing to be ashamed of Julie. Yvette loves anal sex, and I'm sure you will too," Abel said.

"Well she's scared to do it. She thinks it will hurt too much," Yvette replied eyeing Julie and then Ben.

Ben held his sisters hand and pulled her towards him. He cupped her pretty face and stared into her eyes. "We don't have to do anal if you don't want sis."

"But I do want... I'm just... scared."

He kissed her forehead. "I'd really love to know what anal sex feels like."

She smiled sweetly. "Me too."

"Ooh why not try it then? Tonight?" Yvette purred.

Ben's cock hardened. He looked at his sister for approval. He didn't want to do anything to her that she wasn't willing to do. Julie felt the entire group concentrating on her.

"Tonight then. I want to try it tonight," she finally said.

Abel smiled wickedly and winked at his sister. Yvette yelped and jumped off the bed. She ran to her brother putting her arms around him and kissing him. Ben put his arms around Julie and they too began to kiss, long sensual kiss. He ran his hands up and down his sister's body enjoying the feel of her soft skin. Ben's hands grabbed her buttocks and gently squeezed them. His cock was throbbing knowing he'd soon be inside of his sister's beautiful ass.

"You have to lube her up first, let me get you some kY-jelly," Abel said grabbing the tube of KY from his parents' nightstand. He handed Ben the KY.

Ben laid Julie on the bed kissing her chest and moving down to her flat tummy. He ran his tongue down slowly savoring the taste of her skin. Julie moaned softly, spreading her legs desperately wanting her brother's tongue between them. Ben moved his head down and placed it between his sister's creamy thighs. Her feminine scent was so intoxicating. He closed his eyes taking in the beautiful smell.

"Taste me Ben," he heard Julie whisper.

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