Neighbors - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by Jessy19

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A brother and sister discover that their next door neighbors are in an incestous relationship.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

"Glad you two could make it," Abel said opening up the door for Ben and Julie.

Abel wore some khaki cargo shorts and a white t-shirt with no shoes. Behind him stood Yvette. She wore a green and white tube top and short white shorts. She was also barefoot.

"Hey guys," Yvette said with a big smile on her face.

Ben and Julie walked in slowly. The Logan's had a beautiful home. Expensive art hung on the white creamy walls and fine furniture surrounded the place.

"Wow your folks have a really lovely home!" Julie exclaimed in awe.

"Thanks," Abel replied.

"So are you having a big party or something? Is that why you invited us here?" Ben asked curiously.

Abel and Yvette looked at one another. "No. We wanted to maybe start over with you guys. I mean I know Yvette and I confessed our secret with you so we want to start fresh. We don't want you ignoring us at school anymore."

Ben gulped and looked over at Julie who looked so embarrassed. So they both knew about the Logan's incestuous love and yet they didn't tell each other. "Well... uh it's nothing to worry about. We'll forget about it." Ben uttered.

"Well I'm sure it won't be that easy but we'll have to take your word for it," Yvette said.

"Do you guys want something to drink? You can have liquor if you want. The folks got a really nice bar," Abel offered.

"No just a coke for me," Ben replied.

"Me too," said Julie.

"We were going to go swimming tonight, Abel and I were since it's such a beautiful night. Did you guys want to swim with us?" Yvette asked eyeing both siblings.

"I didn't bring my suit," Julie said.

"Yeah me either," Ben agreed.

"That's OK. Julie I've got a few suits that I have never wore with the price tag and all up in my room. And Ben? Abel's got some swim trunks you could borrow as well."

Julie looked uneasy. "I don't know..."

"Come on now please! It'll be fun. We can swim and then sit around and talk about whatever under the stars," Yvette implored.

Julie did want to go swimming and so did Ben. They wanted to spend more time with their new neighbors. They found them so intriguing.

"Alright I guess," Ben gave in.

Julie was glad he had decided to swim with them. Yvette yelped and Abel walked in the living room with the drinks. "Why are you so happy now?" He asked his sister.

"They decided to swim with us," Yvette answered.

Abel raised a brow. "Oh yeah? Hey that's even better. I'll take the drinks outside for now."

"I need to borrow your some swim trunks," Ben said quietly.

"No problem. Come with me and I'll get you some."

Yvette looked over at Julie. "And you come with me. You can have your pick of any of my suits."

The swimsuits Yvette had were so gorgeous. They looked expensive too. One in particular caught Julie's eye. It was a sky blue color and didn't look too slutty. "I would like to borrow this one," Julie said shyly.

Yvette looked puzzled. "This one? Well, it's more conservative I guess but Ok. I figured you'd want to show more of the sexy body of yours."

Julie blushed. "No this one will do."

"Ok then you can change in here or if you want to go change in my bathroom that's fine too. I've gotta put mine on too."

"I'll change in the bathroom," Julie replied.

Julie headed off to Yvette's bathroom and slipped out of her jeans and t-shirt and into her bikini. She had a tough time tying the knots but eventually succeeded. She walked out the bathroom and her jaw nearly dropped when she saw the bikini Yvette had on. It was white and barely covered her big breasts and the bottom was so small that it almost looked like a thong.

"It's about time you come out. Are you OK?" Yvette asked.

Julie nodded. "Y-yes. I just had a hard time tying my bikini."

"You could have asked me for help you know. Don't worry about me trying to check you out because I told you I'm straight."

Julie chuckled nervously. "I know that."

"Well let's get going. The boys are probably already in the water."

The girls headed on out to the patio and sure enough Abel and Ben were already splashing in the water. Ben's eyes went directly to Yvette. Her little white bikini looked so stunning on her. Her body was just so unbelievable. Then he didn't want to but he found himself staring at Julie. Her bikini wasn't as revealing but still; she looked very sexy. He finally got a glimpse of her sexy flat tummy and smooth legs.

"Wow!" Abel blurted.

The girls both giggled and slowly slipped into the pool. They swam around for a while talking about school and the Logan's told wacky stories about when they lived in Chicago. The night was young and the weather was so nice.

"I'm glad we came over," Ben said as he floated in the water.

"Yeah me too," Julie added.

Yvette and Abel were splashing one another. "Well you two are very nice people. We didn't want to lose you as friends," Abel said.

"Quit splashing me or I'll really get you!" Yvette cried out.

Abel kept splashing his sister and Julie and Ben just swam across from one another watching the siblings be playful. Julie noticed Ben was staring at her and she tried hard to avoid her brother. He knew about Abel and Yvette's incestuous love and that only made Julie more nervous. What if Ben started feeling that way towards her? Would she mind?

She was lost in her own thoughts when suddenly she realized that everything got silent. She looked at Ben who's mouth looked open from shock. Then she turned to look and gasped. There was Abel and Yvette kissing. Not just any little kiss but a deep long wet kiss that only lovers share. Abel had his arms wrapped tightly around his sister and they kissed with their tongues sliding into each other's mouths.

Ben could feel his cock growing slowly and noticed Julie was staring at Abel and Yvette. Everything fell silent and the kiss seemed to last an eternity. Yvette pulled away from her brother when she noticed her neighbors staring at them. Her face was red, but Abel looked calm.

"Sorry... I'm really sorry," Yvette said softly.

Julie didn't know how to respond. She just looked away and began to swim. Ben cleared his throat and laughed nervously. "It's Ok. I'm sorry we stared. We'll go home now."

"No! Don't go. Look it was my mistake. I guess we just got carried away," Abel apologized.

Julie was at the end of the pull with her back towards them. She was debating whether or not to just get the hell out of there. She placed her hands on the cement above the pool and put her head down waiting for someone to say something. She heard water splashing behind her and heard Yvette's voice.

"Hey Julie? Are you OK?"

Julie nodded but avoided looking at her. "Yeah I'm fine. I have to go home."

Yvette lightly touched her arm but Julie quickly moved away. She climbed out of the pool wrapping a towel around her. She quickly walked into the house and Ben followed. Yvette and Abel stayed in the pool to let the siblings talk in private.

Ben went after his sister. "Julie! Wait please!" He grabbed her arm stopping her. She looked up at him and her eyes showed fear and excitement.

"Are you OK sis?" Ben asked concerned.

Julie didn't respond. Instead she remained quiet for what seemed to be forever and suddenly tip toed and reached up to plant a hard kiss on Ben's lips. Ben was in shock. He didn't move at first. His lips remained pursed and Julie's hungry mouth parted wanting so desperately to get a French kiss from her brother. Ben could feel her skinny arms wrapped around his neck and she fought hard to reach up and kiss him. It was all so confusing and yet so hot. Ben then found himself letting go. He parted his lips and kissed his little sister back. He placed his hands on her tiny waist and began to enjoy the forbidden kiss. His tongue slipped out of his mouth and into his sisters. He searched her mouth wanting to touch her tongue with his but he could tell Julie didn't know how to kiss. Was he her first kiss?

Julie felt her brother's tongue in her mouth and she let her tongue relax and meet with his. Their tongues glided against one another making the kiss even more erotic and so illicit. She couldn't believe how turned on she was getting kissing her own brother. She'd gotten turned on by some of the boys in school, but nothing compared to this. Just the fact that it was her own brother, her own flesh in blood she was doing something so sexy with, was what turned her on.

"Whoa! I didn't expect this!"

The siblings broke their intense kiss as soon as they heard Abel's voice. Julie looked embarrassed as so did Ben. "Uh... I-I... we were just..." Julie didn't know how to explain the fact that she'd been so turned on watching Abel and Yvette kiss that she wanted to try a bit of incest herself.

"It's Ok Julie no need to explain," Yvette said coolly.

"So do you two want to try being intimate with each other?" Abel asked excitedly.

Ben looked at his sister, who was blushing. "Yeah. I mean I do at least."

Abel looked at Julie. "How about you Julie? You want to be intimate with your brother?"

Julie didn't know what to say. She'd never acted upon something so wrong. "I-I don't know."

Yvette smiled and winked at Abel. "I think she's just scared. She's a virgin after all."

Ben raised a brow. He found it hard to believe that a beautiful young girl like Julie could still a virgin. Yet the thought of her being untouched got him hot. Julie turned redder now and turned away from the three of them. Ben walked to his sister and put his hands on her shoulders.

"You don't have to Julie. It's Ok."

Julie was shaking. Deep down she did want to be with Ben. She turned to face her brother and looked up at him with frightened eyes. "I'm s-scared."

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