Neighbors - Cover


Copyright© 2004 by Jessy19

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A brother and sister discover that their next door neighbors are in an incestous relationship.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Squirting   Pregnancy   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Ben saw her that one Saturday afternoon. She had to be the hottest girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Her long dark black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a short blue jean skirt and a white crop top that showed her gorgeous tanned skin and flat little tummy. Ben could see the shiny belly button ring she wore which reflected in the sun. He felt himself almost drooling. She was his new neighbor and quite a looker. She had to be at least 16 like his younger sister Julie.

She carried a few boxes into the house and he saw her parents as well. Her mother was pretty with a dark complexion, which she must have passed on to her daughter. She looked to be a latina and her father was white, tall, and looked like a businessman. They were all pulling out boxes and some furniture from the moving van. Two big men helped out as well as another young guy, who seemed to be the girl's brother. He was tall with a tan complexion like his sister. His hair was dark black and he looked about 18 years old, just like Ben.

"Why don't you go introduce yourself to them?" Ben heard his mother say. He jumped up almost startled.

"Mom! You scared me!"

"Ben you need to stop being so paranoid. They look like nice people."

"I guess I should introduce myself. Their kids look like they would be going to high school with me."

"Well? Go on. I'll be there in a bit. I'm going to bring them a bottle of wine as a house warming gift."

Ben knew his mother would do that. His father was an owner of a liquor store and often got plenty of free wine to bring home. "Maybe I should wait. I mean they look busy."

"Oh go on. I'm sure they'll take five minutes to let you introduce yourself."

Ben knew his mother was right and he was dying to go out there and talk to the cute girl. He put on my shoes and walked out slowly walking towards their house. He noticed the other neighbors also paying close attention to the new folks but they didn't dare introduce themselves. The women in the neighborhood were probably gawking at the young man and his father and them men were most certainly checking out the mother and daughter.

As Ben got closer, the girl had walked inside the house and he stood there not knowing how to say the first word.

"Can we help you?" He heard a male voice.

He turned and saw the young man smiling at me as he carried a big box.

"Uh... no actually I'm just here to introduce myself. I'm Ben Malone from next door."

He put the box down and extended his hand out for a handshake. "Hey nice to meet you. I'm Abel Logan."

They shook hands and stood silent for a moment. "So you like the new neighborhood?" Ben asked nervously.

He looked very at ease. "Yeah sure do. It's quiet, not like where we used to live."

"Where you originally from?" Ben asked now feeling more at ease.

"Chicago. My father is now running his law firm business here in Texas though. I like Texas. The people seem to be more friendly."

Ben nodded. "Well we try to be."

He scoffed and picked up the box. He looked over and the pretty young girl came out of the house. Her face looked so beautiful.

"Is that the last of it?" She asked Abel.

"Yup. Now all we need to do is unpack"

"Ah yes that's the fun part," she whined.

"Hey this is Ben Malone, our new next door neighbor," Abel said as the pretty girl stood in front of Ben. Her dark brown eyes glared at him.

"Hi Ben. I'm Yvette."

Ben shook her hand. Her skin felt so soft. "Hi," he could barely say.

"She's my sister," Abel added moving closer to her.

"Oh? I figured that. Are you both going to Lincoln High School?"

"Yeah. I'm a senior and Yvette's a junior," Abel responded.

Yvette. That was her name. God she was even more gorgeous up close. She eyelashes were long and her skin was flawless with that soft bronze glow. "Are you a senior too?" She asked me.

"Y-yeah," Ben stammered. "My sister Julie is a junior too. She's at cheerleader practice right now though."

"Hey that's great! I love making new friends," Yvette said sweetly.

"Yeah I like to make new friends too," Abel added with a wicked tone.

"Did you want to come in? The house is a mess, but you're more than welcomed to come in," Yvette said sincerely.

Ben felt himself blushing at her invitation. "Well I don't know-"

"Ben, there you are," I heard my mother squeal.

She walked up to the gate with her bottle of red wine and a red bow tied to it. "I'm sorry for intruding like this, I'm Sylvia Malone. Ben's mom."

Able and Yvette shook her hand and then Mr. and Mrs. Logan came out to introduce themselves. Abel and Yvette's parents seemed like very nice folks. Ben was surprised his father looked like a guy you could easily get along with since he was a lawyer. Their mother was quiet but very polite.

"I brought you a bottle of red wine as a house warming gift," Ben's mother went on.

Ben couldn't take my eyes off Yvette. She kept smiling at him and he knew Abel noticed the attraction he had for his sister. After a brief conversation with the new neighbors, Ben and his mother headed back home.

"They are very nice people, don't you think?" She asked.

"Yeah they are."

"I bet you think Yvette was especially nice." She laughed.


"I noticed you looking at her and she had her eyes on you too."

"So what? Maybe I do feel a bit of attraction to her. She's really pretty."

"I knew it," his mother yelped.

"Just don't go telling everyone," he said sarcastically.

Later on that night as we sat to eat dinner, Julie came to join them. She had slipped out of her cheerleading uniform and into a comfortable pair of dark blue sweat pants with a white t-shirt. Her long brown hair was pinned up and she sat her little body down fast ready to eat. Her green eyes searched the table to see what was for dinner. Both Ben and Julie had the same light brown hair and the emerald green eyes. Ben was a lot taller though standing at 5'11".

"How was practice today Julie?" Mrs. Malone asked.

Julie took a long sip of her water before answering. "It was tiring. The new cheerleaders can't get their act together."

"You couldn't get your act together either last year remember?" Ben teased.

Julie stuck her tongue out at him. "Whatever!"

They ate dinner comfortably as they always did talking about their day. Mrs. Logan brought up the new neighbors in the dinner conversation.

"Honey? We got new neighbors. The Logan's."

Mr. Malone raised a brow. "Oh really. Do they seem like nice folks?"

"Yes they do. They got two children about the same ages as Ben and Julie."

Julie looked interested. "Hmmm is one of them a male?"

Ben laughed. "Yes as a matter of fact one is a male. But he's a senior like me. He's got a sister who's a junior like you."

Julie's eyes widened. "Is he cute?"

Ben made sighed. "How should I know?"

"He is cute honey, but I think Ben thinks the boy's sister is cuter." Mrs. Malone answered and winked at her son.


Julie narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh? You're already flirting with the new neighbor? Shame on you bro."

"I'm not! Mom is just exaggerating."

Mr. Malone sneered. "Sure son, sure."

Ben's face was bright red. He knew it was true. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Yvette since he saw her.

The next day Ben turned on his truck and waited for Julie to come out as he always did. He'd gotten that truck for his eighteenth birthday and now gave Julie rides to school and sometimes from school, when she wasn't at cheerleader practice.

He stared out the window to his neighbor's house. He saw Abel walking out. Ben honked the horn to get his attention and waved to Abel. Abel nodded and walked the few steps over to Ben's driveway.

"Hey it's good I saw you. I was wondering if Yvette and I could follow you since I'm not really sure how to get to the school yet."

"Yeah no problem. I'm just waiting for my sister and then we'll leave."

Abel laughed. "Yeah I'm waiting for my sister too. Girls, they take so damn long."

Both guys laughed and then Julie stepped out wearing her dark black hip hugging pants with a low cut dark red top that enhanced her small breasts. Julie felt her heart race as soon as she saw Abel. He was so hot! Their eyes met and she knew it there was definite attraction.

"H-hi," Julie stammered.

"Hey there. I'm Abel. You're new neighbor," Abel said coolly.

"I'm Julie. Ben's sister."

Abel smiled wickedly at Ben and then turned to his sister. "So you're Ben's sister? I see. Nice to meet you." He said as he shook her hand.

Julie could feel his nice strong grip on her hand. He was gorgeous! So tall, muscular and he had a very sexy smile.

"Nice to meet you too."

Ben knew his sister liked Abel. He could usually tell when she liked a guy. "Ok let's get going. Julie Abel and his sister are going to follow us."

Julie blushed. "Oh Ok." She passed Abel up sashaying her little body. She noticed his dark brown eyes focused only on her.

"Thanks Ben. Ah there's Yvette," Abel said turning to look at his sister.

Ben stretched his neck to get a glimpse of the sexy girl. He felt his mouth almost water when he saw what she was wearing. It was a white short skirt and a dark blue low cut top. She seemed to have nice large breasts. At least a c-cup. Yvette smiled and got into her brother's car. Ben waited a bit and then drove off with Abel and Yvette trailing behind him.

"God he's cute!" Julie wailed.

Ben rolled his eyes. "You think every guy is cute."

Julie playfully hit his arm. "That's not true. I don't think you're cute.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Ben laughed sarcastically.

"I knew you'd like his sister. She looks like your type."

"And what is my type?" Ben asked curiously.

"You know the pretty, slutty kind."

"How do you know she's slutty?"

"Look at the way she dresses!"

"You dress similar to her sis, does that mean you're a slut too?"

Julie sighed. "No! Nevermind!"

Ben laughed and continued to drive.

Once at school, Ben and Julie got off the truck and met up with Abel and Yvette. Abel and Ben seemed to already be friends. Julie found it somewhat uncomfortable to talk to Yvette. She looked like the kind of girl that all girls hate. She was too pretty. Abel and Ben took off together so Ben could show him his classes and Julie was stuck with Yvette.

"So, are there a lot of cute guys at this school?" Yvette asked smiling at Julie as they walked down the hall.

Julie shrugged. "Yeah I guess."

"Well you're brother sure is a looker," Yvette whispered.

Julie giggled. "Well I don't know about that."

"Sure he is. You're so lucky to live with him."

Julie felt the girl was strange. "Well here we are. This is the main office. You need to let them know you need a schedule since you didn't get one."

Yvette nodded. "Thanks Julie. I appreciate you helping me out."

"No problem." Julie responded and walked away from the girl. She seemed nice but something just didn't seem right. Like she was hiding some secret.

"I'm glad we have a class together," Abel said as he stepped into the literature class that Ben took.

"Yeah me too. You know I don't know why but you seem really easy to talk to."

"I'm just that kind of guy I guess," Abel teased.

They took their seats in the last row. "So is Julie... I mean does she got a boyfriend?"

Ben nodded. "No. Why?"

"Well because she's really sexy. I'd love to take her out one day."

"You think she's sexy?"

"Hell yeah! Don't you?"

Ben felt almost shocked when Abel asked him that. "I don't know. I mean she is pretty but-"

"But what?"

Ben shifted in his seat and then class began before he could even try to find a way to explain that he didn't see his sister as "sexy."

After school, the four youths headed out by the courtyard. Ben and Abel had made a plan for the four to hang out since each young man found each other's sister to be attractive. Yvette and Julie were already at the courtyard waiting for their brothers. Julie sat on the grass pretending to read a book. She noticed Yvette staring at her.

"You know you got a really nice body," Yvette blurted out.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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