Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 69

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 69 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

The knock I waited for came and I guess I never heard it as it turned out Phineas had to call through the window. That one loud "LUCILLE" sat me up in a hurry and I pulled open the shade to see Phineas.

"Holy crap, I thought you were either sound asleep or dead. I'm sorry I'm late. A couple moved into the bungalow behind you and got here late and they took forever to unload the car and then left it sitting here with the doors and trunk open. They just moved it out front." Phineas whispered to me.

"I'm so sorry," I said as I unhooked the eyelet hooks and he swung out the screen. Just as he did car lights came up the side of the building and Phineas pushed me back and slipped under the screen. The car turned up the back block and went by, the lone town police cruiser.

"Holy shit! That was close. If I didn't see the lights before he turned I would be in deep trouble." Phineas said trembling.

I sensed his fear and wanted to comfort him by holding him. While hugging him I realized that he was in my bedroom, alone with me.

"Ohhhh, we never thought of this! You coming in instead of me going out!" I whispered in his ear.

"Oh, I thought of it. That first night when I got back home and took care of my um... problem I fantasized about you on that bed with me." He whispered close to my ear.

Right away I knew what could happen here. I would have given in to any pressure to open my legs for him and try "doing it". He was that sexy, and I was that sexed up.

"Come on, we have to get out of here before someone hears us." I said as I pulled back the shade for him to step out of the low window.

I followed him and let the shade fall to normal and then I set the cardboard shim to keep the screen shut.

"What time is it?" I wondered.

"Almost eleven. We'll only have a half hour to dance." Phineas said heading up the road to the old fire hall.

I stopped and held his arm. "We can just go down to the beach and dance to our own music."

He smiled back to me and kissed me. "You sure?"

I was never so sure of anything as I pulled his arm in the other direction.

"Lets go to the lifeguard station nearer to your house, there's more light there. I want to look at you." I told him with an evil grin.

"LOOK at me, we stared into each others eyes all through dinner."

"Only from the waist up." I said shyly.

Phineas shook his head and walked a step behind me even though I was holding his hand.

"You're so sexy Lucille, you're making my promise hard to keep, but I will. Sixteen is way to young and we both have too much to lose."

I stopped walking and turned to him. "You're only 17, how many times have you done it?"

"I would say 13 or 15 if I counted. Does that make me a pig, or a stud?"

"What do you think?" I wondered asking him directly.

"Now that I've had time to think about it, kind of a jerk. Imagine how much fun it would be to explore all of this with you." He said with honest regret.

"But your confidence with me assured me and took away my worries. Your hands have been where even I haven't gone. You knew where to go to make me happy. I'm afraid that boys I might see wouldn't quite know those tricks, plus I'm really infatuated with you. You are special to me as I hope I am with you." I admitted to him.

"OF COURSE YOU ARE. The risks we've taken could get ME in real trouble too." Phineas said as we got to a public way where we could slip onto the beach.

We quickly found a dune and he led me behind it and he looked back to be sure no one was following us.

"You get some beach voyeurs who follow late-night couples out, I just want to be careful." He whispered as he kept me down and he peered out the sides of the lone grassy dune.

After 3 or 4 minutes he was convinced we were safe and we were on our way up the beach.

"Why does sex drive us so much?" I wondered aloud knowing it was the reason we were both out here in the dark.

"It's the greatest feeling we can have as humans. Whether alone or with someone you care for, it's just an incredible feeling. I've only thought I did it for love once and I quickly found out it wasn't. Other times it was just me being a macho asshole."

"How about with the teacher?"

"I don't like to talk about that because it really was like being raped. It wasn't all like that until I realized what I did the next day. She manipulated me and used me. I was her toy. It's humiliating now, but she got caught with someone else, I just never came forward. So, let's drop it before we ruin my night." He said nervously.

"Don't worry, I'll make you forget." I said pulling him close as we walked.

It was a real clear night and the moon was as big as a balloon in the sky. It was so bright we cast long shadows as we walked. We got to the lifeguard station and we stopped before ducking under the crossbars to the platform where the guard laid out his things. He held me close and we looked at the moon. He recited a stanza from what I though was a poem, but later he told was a Moody Blues song.

"Cold hearted orb that rules the night
Removes the colors from our sight
Red is gray and yellow is white
But we decide which is right
And which is the illusion
Pinprick holes in a colorless sky
Let insipid figures of light pass by
The mighty light of ten thousand suns
Challenges infinity and is soon gone
Night time, to some a brief interlude
To others the fear of solitude"

Poem or rock song, it sounded beautiful and I looked for meaning in it.

"For us it's both, a brief interlude and a fear of solitude." I said.

"Do you fear solitude, going through life alone?" He wondered, his eyes still fixed on the moon.

"Somewhat. I wonder if I'll find the right guy, if I'll second guess my choice, if I'll be happy. My Mom and Dad seem happy, but my Dad is away more than he's home. He's in sales and I always hope I meet a guy with a more stable job than my Dad's" I answered.

"Maybe I'm the right guy."

"But how would I know if I didn't go through a slice of life where I met others."

"You're wise for 16, not that I'm an old sage. I know I could say you were the perfect match for me right now, but there are so many things I don't know about you and it takes so long to find all those things out." He said softly pulling me close.

"Like what?" I wondered.

"Do you pick your nose, chew your toenails and save your belly button lint?" He said with a joking chuckle that I reacted to by poking my finger in his side, which drove him to sit on the platform.

"Oww, that smarts." He said trying to get away, but I was on him in a second.

"No, no, let me up I'm laying on my towel roll, let me spread it out!" He said surrendering as I moved off of him.

As he spread the towel out on the platform I took off my cover-up and untied my top. When he turned to sit on the towel I caught his eye right away.

"God Lucille, your breasts are perfect. I can't believe how perfect you are."

I straddled him and laid my torso onto his and put my finger to his mouth, which he sucked on right away.

"Maybe I pick my nose... WITH THAT FINGER!" I said as he shrieked in a low tone and rolled over on top on me, both of us laughing like hell.

I felt his cock pressing out from his trunks and right up against me. Being totally shaved now between my legs made the sensation that much greater. I couldn't wait to show him, but for now his tongue was down my throat as we kissed passionately and deeply while one hand moved to my right breast and squeezed and massaged my nipple. After a time, like the other night he shifted his weight and did the same to the other, all the while rocking his cock through the furrow of my pussy lips.

Finally I could take no more. "Phineas, strip me and finger fuck me. Show me how your cock would feel, then I'll jerk you off." I demanded in my sexiest voice.

He sprung off of me and put his fingers on the sides of my bikini bottom and slid it down. Once my whole sex was revealed he stopped.

"Jesus God, you're beautiful. Your little pussy is swollen, pouty, smooth and pure."

He pulled the bottoms off my feet and I raised my knees and spread myself. He planted his mouth on mine and plunged his fingers into my wet inviting pocket. God, he slid into so easily with his index and middle fingers as he knelt beside me. He knew how to please a woman using the tip of his thumb on my clit as he thrust into me. I was in heaven as he diddled. I went to move my hand to my nipples to squeeze them like when I do myself and I touched his leg in his trunks as I raised my arm. I kept my hand there and searched out his cock. It was very hard and straining against the fabric. I broke our deep kiss.

"Slide your trunks off so I can touch you." I whispered shyly, not knowing what to expect.

He sat up, still fingering me, and smiled. He pulled his fingers from me and quickly pushed his trunks down and pulled them out over his protrusion and down and off. He bent over me and gently kissed each nipple and then planted his mouth to mine again as his fingers filled my vagina once more.

I raised my hand again to hold his cock but instead filled my hand with his balls. I was glad to touch and feel them, squishy all around, but firm and round in their sack. I knew this was where his sperm was stored and that they were tender to touch, so I was gentle. The moans in my mouth told me he was enjoying my play. Suddenly I felt my own orgasm coming on and I slid my hand up to hold him while I came. I know if his mouth wasn't over mine I would have screamed out loud but I instead swooned in his mouth. It was fast and I knew I still had a big one in me that he would let out.

His cock felt huge and alive in my hand as I pulled on it stroking it. It was the first one I ever felt and probably very average, but I was convinced it was as big as my forearm at the time. I was sort of stroking him backwards with my circled thumb and forefinger closest to him pulling back and forth on him. It felt so wonderful in my hand as his fingers matched my stroking and we both moved together. Then it seemed like my clit just exploded. With little warning it got hot and I was off to the races. My breath caught and I felt myself peak as I raised my hips as he continued to jam me. My hand held him loosely as I was breathless like a freight train was about to pass over me. I almost bit his tongue as I peaked and wailed into his mouth. He jerked his head up and cheered me.

"Cum Lucille, cum! Ride my fingers like the day when I'll fuck you. Promise me I'll fuck you!" He growled as he pounded my pussy accentuating each thrust with a cheer of "fuck".

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He yelled at me as I struggled to catch my breath and return to reality and wanting to answer his wish for a promise.

Finally I exhaled hard and sighed for the relief of oxygen and relaxing every muscle in my body. I realized I still had his cock in my hand and I stroked it harder than ever.

"Yes, yes, yes! Fuck me now, fuck me now!" I growled to him with my pussy still reeling and wringing wet.

"Don't do this Lucille, I want you so bad, just make me cum, make me cum!"

I pushed his hand away from my pussy and just worked my hand on him as he got even harder than before. I already couldn't believe I asked him to fuck me, so glad he kept his senses. He was kneeling up and I could see his cock so plainly in the bright moonlight. It was so big and beautiful and obviously straining, the head shiny from being so full of blood. It crossed my mind to kiss it and I was amazed the thought even came to me. I squashed it right away but it seemed so appropriate. When the urge hit me again I leaned up on one elbow and kissed the tip twice.

"Your cock is so beautiful and strong." I said as I laid back and kept stroking, pulling on him.

"Oh Lucille, I'm gonna cum, gonna cum... the thought of your lips on me... OHHHH".

He moaned as he stiffened up and he shot 3 big spurts, one way over my head and the other two onto my beasts.

I wasn't afraid of his cum tonight, as it felt so warm as it landed on me. I wasn't in a rush to wipe it off either. I wanted to wear it for a moment, and then I realized what he said, "the thought of your lips on me". Had I made him so excited by kissing him that he had his orgasm? It wasn't like I put him IN my mouth; I made sure my lips were pursed tight shut. What would he think if I actually did that blowjob thing, oral sex; he would think I was a real whore.

I could barely make eye contact with him, thinking he was disgusted that I kissed the tip of his cock. He was on his knees still puffing from his cumming.

"Oh God Lucille, that was awesome. You got me just right, and the sight of your cute little mouth kissing me, whoa! That sent me over." He said still catching his breath.

"That,... that sent you over? I was afraid you would be mad." I said quietly.

"Mad? Why would I be mad? I love oral sex, but just thought you were too innocent to try. It's a big step,... I was a little speechless." He stammered.

"IT WASN'T ORAL SEX, it was only a kiss. Don't tell anyone I gave you oral sex!"

"I don't tell anyone ANYTHING about us. Besides, oral is beautiful with someone you care about." He said as he reached down and pulled me to a sitting position and then stroked my hair, touching my cheek in effective telling me he cared for me like that.

"Help me clean off." I said almost in tears.

He scooted to the edge on the stand and stood up offering me a hand. "Come on lets go rinse off in the water."

"I'm nude!" I shouted over the surf.

"So am I, who cares? No one can see, except me." He said insisting as he pulled my hand.

We both ran the short distance into the waves of the incoming tide. The water was cold, but invigorating as we stopped just as it hit our knees. Water splashed up and he wiped his hand over my breasts to help wash away his cum on me. After 3 or 4 waves and help from his hands he pulled me close and kissed me with more passion than ever.

"You are so beautiful and your breasts are perfect once again." He whispered as he held me.

Then he put his hands to my shoulders and held me away from him and bent to kiss each of my breasts, bringing each nipple into his mouth, the first time he had fully done that. It was heavenly. He stood straight again and held me close, standing as tall as he could, my head just under his chin. One hand was on my back and the other held one side of my butt. He said nothing but I knew what he was thinking; why couldn't this moment last forever?

When we broke the hug we both had wet eyes and I was turning into a big goose bump.

"Are you cleaned off? I'm freezing." I said as I splashed water up to his cock and balls.

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