Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 68

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 68 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Phineas took his arms from around me and looked at me in that sexy moonlight reaching below my chin he untied the top of my cover-up.

"Take this off, I want to see your body." He said as he undid the tie and pulled at the zipper.

He took my cover and rolled it into his towel. He took the long thin waist bungee from his trunks pocket and rolled the towel on it and stretched it around his waist wearing the towel in the back as he did the night before. Then he hugged me close, his hands running down my back and to my ass as he kissed me. It was a long deep kiss and he pulled my ass hard to his middle and squeezed the balls of my ass. God, it felt so good. Our tongues were playing feverishly when he suddenly broke our embrace.

"Let's get to the stand, I can't wait to touch you like last night." He said as he took my hand and we jogged up the beach.

The lifeguard stand wasn't as far as I thought and I was glad it seemed protected from the many houses I thought might be in eyeshot. At the stand we replayed the night before on the towel laid out on the floor. He ended up on top of me again and when he put his hand to my breast I let him continue and soon he was massaging my nipple through my top. He shifted his body and his other hand crept up to repeat the same exercise on my other nipple through my top. He was pressed against my pussy and I wanted to get off right there. As we were, he couldn't quite get where I could get that total magic feeling. He must have sensed my frustration because he knelt up and then lay beside me face to face. He began to roll onto me and when I was flat he moved back to his side and put his hand on my belly. He slid it over my abdomen and over my bikini bottom until his hand was on my pussy, his finger tracing the furrow between my lips. If my body could scream out it would have. I needed to get off. His kisses were electric as his tongue danced in my mouth. I was puffing a bit from a close orgasm and I did something that even surprised me. I put my hand over his on my pussy and began to slide it away. As soon as it was off my bikini bottom I pushed it down again, this time under the fabric. When his bare fingers touched my bare pussy I nearly came instantly. I shuddered hard and tried to suck his tongue harder as I bucked under his hand. Suddenly his mouth left mine and his hand came out of my bikini, He knelt up and took the sides of my bikini bottom and started to pull it down. I lifted my ass to accommodate him and let them come off as my mind reeled. My feet just came down to the towel-covered floor when I felt his finger enter me up my canal and over and over my clit. I was so wet that the sound of him squishing seemed as loud as the distant surf. My head spun as I realized that I was being finger-fucked by this boy I had just met; I wanted naughty, I got naughty. I moved my hips with him and I came again and again. My own hand reached to the middle of my top and pulled it over my breasts and I pinched and pulled my nipples. I never really fingered myself, or put any other objects inside myself besides a tampon. God YES, I've played hard with myself, but usually it was my clit I was working if my fingers did go inside. If he asked me to reconsider and let him "do it" I would have agreed, although that would have ended our relationship when I woke in the morning. I would have really hated him as well as myself.

I was about to the point where touching my clit was getting electric as I turned over sensitive. He was sawing two fingers into me and they were the largest things ever inside me and I loved it. After my third long hard cum I had to cover his hand and pull it from me as I turned my face to the side and felt a bit of embarrassment being basically nude in front of him.

"Oh God Phineas I'm so sorry for being so,... so... "

"Wild, wonderful and absolutely beautiful? Come on Lucille, you were totally awesome and you have nothing to be ashamed of. Our bodies are beautiful things, yours especially. I'm glad I could make you so happy." He said as he stroked my belly and ran his hands over my breasts.

I had tears in my eyes, tears of joy for the pleasure he had brought me and the excitement of being so naughty and it all "just happened". I knew then how a girl could be coerced into sex and I was so glad he was true to his word to me. Then it occurred to me that he was going to expect me to help him off. I had never seen a real penis before and certainly never touched one. I didn't really know what his orgasm would be like; just that white stuff would come out.

I composed myself a bit and turned to him as he knelt beside me. I looked him in the eye and nonchalantly ran the back of my hand over the bulge in his trunks.

"Take them off." I said as my throat cracked from being so dry from nerves.

"No, you do it. You've never seen it before have you?"

I just shook my head and went to my knees facing him as he knelt before me. I reached out and pushed his trunks down a bit until it was obvious it would not go over him without help.

"Help me." I said quietly.

"No, you'll have to do it."

I looked at the situation and reached to the waist of his trunks and pulled them out and down. When it got to the point when it wouldn't go over it I reached with my other hand and put my hand around it and bent it so the waistband would go over it.

There it was, and I liked the way it looked, magnificent and hard. I pushed his trunks down further and saw his balls. He had very little pubic hair that he obviously shaved off. I was pretty close shaved for my small bikini, but he had even less.

"It's a Speedo cut." He said of the moustache over his genitals.

I smiled at him and wanted to make a move before he had to ask me again. I knew men's balls were sensitive, but I wanted to touch them. I put my hands under them and felt the weight of them in my hands. I saw his penis surge at my touch.

"Rub it, squeeze the head." He said as he showed some desperation.

I was face to face with him and I wrapped one hand around him and put the other over the head and squeezed. He closed his eyes and exhaled.

"Show me how to do it." I asked bravely.

He smiled at me and sat back on his haunches.

"Take your top off the rest of the way and kneel behind me." He said as he pulled his trunks fully off.

I stood up and went behind him and knelt. I knew he wanted me to hug my breasts to his back; I wasn't THAT naïve.

"Rest you chin on my shoulder and reach your hand onto me. Yes, that's good, now stroke me." He coached me.

He felt so warm and powerful in my hand and I felt him surge to get even bigger. I put my other arm over his chest and held him tight to me.

"Am I doing it right, does it feel good. Too loose, too tight?"

"Too much talk." He said quietly as he tipped his head up and closed his eyes to enjoy the feelings I was transferring for him.

Stroking a penis was very sexy and I was getting happier and happier to do it. I felt so powerful. I closed my eyes and kissed his neck using my tongue to run it up his neck to his ear.

He reached out quickly away from me and pulled the towel away from in front of him.

"I'm gonna cum, keep going. Don't stop till I tell you." He said frantically.

I felt him back against me and then straighten up as his penis jumped in my hand.

As he yelped out a long spray came from the tip followed by 2 or 3 spurts of sperm that was not the milk white I expected in this ambient light, but it looked like mucus in water. As the spurts stopped a few drops flew back onto my hand and I acted like it was molten lava, ripping my hand off and shaking it hard and wiping it on his side.

"Easy Lucille, it's only cum, not poison."

"I don't want that ooky stuff on me."

"If we had sex I would have pulled out of you and sprayed on your boobs and belly."

"That's yucky!" I said still wiping my hand on him.

"You'll find it sexy someday with someone."

"Why not you?"

"If it is we'll both be 18, so it'll be a while.

I re-hugged him tight and reached down to feel his penis again. It was getting softer already.

'Oooo, don't touch the head. It's sensitive just like you got." He said as he gasped.

It was my male biology lesson really seeing and touching a penis for the first time. I only wished it were more light out as everything I saw had a gray hue to it in the ambient light of the moon and the lights from homes and the street. I knew I was a kid at 16, but my body looked and felt older. Doting parents protected me and now with this chance at freedom for a few days I felt more complete as a person and a woman for the first time in my life, all by my own will and decision. I knew a lot of my friends and others would think I was a slut, but the situation presented itself to accelerate to this level, and I did it without being used and with a guy I considered really, really special. I had no regrets as I knelt draped over Phineas as we both caught our breaths. I knew I was good at being the whore behind closed doors.

"We should get going and not press our luck anymore. Let's get dressed." Phineas said as he began to move to his feet. "Not to get too familiar, but from experience, but we ought to pee right after sex. You'll avoid bladder infections."

"Where can I go?" I asked showing my naiveté.

"Just squat in the sand. I won't look." He said with a smile.

I took his advice and already had questions about just how experienced he was. There was no time like the present.

"Phineas, you know a little too much. Honestly now, how many times?"

"Ummm, quite a few girls, and a woman; I was seduced by a teacher. She was pretty hot, all the guys had fantasies about her, and she had one about me. Let's drop it, OK? I wasn't innocent, just stupid." He said hanging his head.

I slipped into my bottoms and put my top on and took his hand.

"Come on Phin, let's go. Everything's alright." I said wanting to comfort him.

Phineas made me feel real special and grown up in more ways than sexual. I knew I had comforted him after his admission of something he may not have admitted to anyone else. I'm glad he let me in; it let me know that he trusted me.

By the time we got halfway back we were joking and laughing again. I had less trepidation about returning than the night before, but we went through the same drill making sure all was clear. As I stepped into the low tall window as he held up the screen I pecked him on the cheek and said, "Don't listen by the window tonight, I'm going right to sleep."

He laughed and stuck his head inside under the swing of the screen and kissed me once more saying, "I'll find you on the beach. I work 7 to 3 later unloading the weekly truck. Seven is going to come early."

I rehooked the screen and checked the door and the courtyard to be sure I was safe.

I flopped on the bed and glanced at the lighted dial on clock, 1:55. The next thing I knew was Carrie knocking on my door.

"Daddy is making breakfast and he's waiting on you!" She called out.

I woke suddenly and established my bearings and called back, "Be there in 5 minutes."

I bounced up and stripped out of my bikini and ran to the shower taking the quickest shower ever. I was at the breakfast table in a t-shirt and sweats in a flash. I looked around the table and wanted to yell to all the girls, "A handsome guy stripped me, abused my nipples, finger fucked the shit out of me last night just before I stroked his penis and made him shoot 6 feet across the sand." But of course I didn't. However, it didn't take away from my giddiness at willfully being a naughty, naughty girl with a dreamy guy who seemed to care for me.

We had another great day at the beach but there was a pop-up storm late in the day and we were back at the house about the time I thought Phineas would look for me. While the rest of them wanted to watch the afternoon soaps, I sat on the porch reading and hoping Phineas would be by. As the afternoon soaps turned into the afternoon pity-party talk shows I was sure I was being stood up by Phineas who thought I was a whore who had out lived her usefulness. Jess had come out to join me and the others were sure to follow. She was paging through a magazine when I heard her clear her throat twice and got my attention.

"Lucy, I think someone is looking for you." Jess said as she nodded towards the corner.

Phineas was walking up the street in his work clothes, looking disheveled, but he still had that beautiful smile. I stood and turned to him and he came right up to me as I bent over and kissed him, not caring if Jess saw me.

"Sorry I never got to the beach today. My Mom couldn't pick me up, there was a problem with my brothers day camp bus, so I got a ride as far as Beach Mile Road. I'm dead tired. I need a soda bad, can you walk to Bens with me?"

I said "sure" as it was just across the way and down a half-block, the only store on the beach. We all hit Bens during the day.

"I've got to get some sleep, I'm beat to crap. Working like a dog on 4 hours sleep is not good. If I could see you tonight it would be great, but I won't be able to be here until after 10. I was hoping we could do the beach in twilight or hang out without sneaking, but I really need to sleep.

I agreed to meet him at my window sometime after 10. I was feeling a bit used, but the way he made my pussy feel eased my guilt and suspicions. Tonight, however, I swore that we would go as far as the night before. I wasn't letting him use me like that, if that was his intention.

That night was nearly a repeat of our first night with a long walk up the beach except I didn't wear my bikini. I missed my turn at the washer so I had to wear cut-offs, sports bra and a t-shirt. I was sort of happy I wasn't in my bikini, it made me think that I was closing the store a bit. My body wasn't as accessible as nights before but that night I laid on top of HIM, eventually straddling him and riding myself over his stiffness. I was getting frustrated and wanted to get off for him. However just as with wearing even the thin bikini bottoms, there was not enough friction to get an orgasm. His one effort to unsnap my pants was thwarted by my push away and again he respected that. I wanted to get naughty, but it would be on my terms not his. Unfortunately my bra was already pushed up over my boobs when I decided that.

Our mouths were actually tired from kissing and we cuddled, and he was sure he was being "cut-off" a little.

"I never heard you get it tonight. Why don't you show me how you do it?" He asked in a low whisper.

"Will you do it while I do myself?" I asked to make sure his hands were already busy before I unsnapped my pants.

"How could I not? You drive me crazy."

My breasts were out of my bra, but my shirt was still on, but pushed up, when I unbuttoned my cut-offs and lowered the zipper and sat down beside one of the 4 posts of the lifeguard station. I slid down to where I was reclined a bit and slid my hand into my pants. As I felt the tuft of pubic hair I had left I decided then and there to shave it off altogether for him. I was betting he would like my pussy shaved altogether. My fingers found my clit and began a three-finger rubdown. He sat just across from me and lowered his trunks down and off completely.

"Your penis is cute."

"Call it my cock or dick. Penis sounds like I'm at the doctor." He said as he wrapped his hand around it.

I wished the light here were as good as it had been the night before in the other lifeguard post, but I could still see a good show. The memory of how he felt in my hand and the surge of cum weighed heavy in my diddling. He was propped against the opposite post as me with his knees drawn up. As his stroking got more physical I could make out his balls swinging to and fro.

"Your balls look big, do they hurt when they bounce like that?" I asked naively.

"Their big because they're full of the cum you made. You really had me going. I need relief." He answered with a grin to my naiveté.

Now it had never occurred to me that each time you began to get aroused you make more sperm, but it all came together in my head as making perfect sense. It did occur to me that if I didn't realize that, maybe I shouldn't be here doing this right now, but that thought passed quickly.

So here I was, "jackin' off" as my friends called it, in front of my first real sexual boyfriend. I had learned to do it about a year ago and was making myself cum almost daily since then. There in full view of me was Phineas, watching me intently as he stroked himself in hopes of reaching his own climax. I was watching him with great interest as I had only seen him shoot off the one time. My mind raced as my climax built.

Was 16 too young to go as far as I had?

Was I too naïve with this boy?

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