Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 56

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 56 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

As the last months and weeks of Selena Hanson's college education wore down life's horizons seemed to get brighter each day. Her beloved Joseph was now a full functioning male who could father the children they so much wanted, and his "bad" knee was now his good knee and much of the aches and pains he felt in the past were gone. He managed the pain in his left knee and back much easier without the constant undercurrent of grinding pain in his right. Dr. Payne's procedure seemed to fix much of his old ache and much of life came easier for him. Bill Payne had warned him that it was only a matter of time before arthritis would flare in the repaired knee, and he should try to enjoy his easy mobility until it did. He could masterfully repair destroyed joints, but he was no match for arthritis.

Selena had a tendency to baby Joe once the restrictions came off, a situation Joe took great pain to put an end to. He hated being fawned over and begged her to let him be his own keeper and tender of his pains. It may have been his gymnastics in the bedroom that finally proved to her that he was "back". At the Mall she could tell him to take the elevator, not the stairs, or to use his handicap tag in a parking lot to park closer for less walking, but as she was in the throes of orgasm and he was twisting him or her into some position she was not about to be THAT mothering. Making love and relieving the pressures of life through sexual satisfaction was still very much on the front burner of their lives. They had gone through long periods of not being able to sexually satisfy themselves yet still their relationship flourished. They were convinced that a life together was destiny. Life was good and going by the plan they set for each other.

They had enriched the lives of others too. Ceil Ridley and her son Jacob were out of squalor and living in a fashionable Lexington Avenue apartment on MaryMount Place near their school and work. Jacob, who had been doing so well in school and his internships in the first place, was flourishing without the constant worry of taking care of his mother, looking after her safety and keeping the bills paid. Lenox Hill Hospital had made it very clear to Jacob that he was in their plans if he sought to seek his practice at "home" in New York. The COO of Lenox Hill was calling Joe and Selena every few weeks with updates on Jacob and asking Joe to head a program in which they could seek out other young men and women in the same situation. Joe was reluctant to get involved at that level, even though he had vowed to be involved at every other level if such a program were started. He wasn't interested in becoming the "hood ornament", as he called it, of anything like that. Getting involved was important to him but he wanted to be sure no one ever accused him of doing it for the pats on the back. He was modest that way and would remain so.

Their friend and business confidant, Chielm Beupour, phonetically known as Slim Beepo, had moved back to the States and had just finished settling his affairs with his former fiancé in Boston and had been to WSGG for his final interviews to "apprentice" there until the end of the year. At that time he would either leave or become the 7th partner. Financially he was in position to do that and it was his goal. However, since he would not be officially a partner until the next January, as WSGG was chartered for just one partner per year, he was always keeping he eyes and ears open for opportunities. While working the foreign exchanges he made his name and a good deal of money by doing just that. Slim was always open for a new opportunity. Joe and Selena had invited him to stay with them to get settled back in the states until something happened with WSGG. He didn't expect to get the call from them until Selena was officially seated as the 6th partner at mid-year.

He was going to stay with Joe for the last week or so of April before he moved into a furnished student apartment near the PolyTech campus. He had assumed a 2 month lease there that would hold him until he moved to New York City. Joe, true to his word, had arranged for Slim to meet Shelley at a weekend dinner thrown by Joe and Selena at their house.

"Joe, I really appreciate your efforts trying to hook me up with this woman but I don't know if I'm ready for any kind of relationship yet." Slim told Joe over coffee on the day before the planned Friday night dinner.

"Listen, when Selena finishes class today and comes home here for the weekend you'll see how happy I am and you'll wish you knew somebody around here to ask out. Who knows? Maybe you won't even get along with her, but I think you both have a lot in common and you're both smart. I think you'll have a lot to talk about. This isn't a date and if you don't ask for her number or set up another get together there won't be any hard feelings from either side. She just got an official separation from her husband and he's all the way across the country. It sounds like you're at that "I don't trust any woman stage". " Joe surmised.

"Well, not totally. It's just that I've realized I won't be seeing any "fresh women" anymore. I mean that I won't be their first long term or serious boyfriend, unless I meet a Selena, like you." Slim mused.

"God Slim, even if she and I broke up and you ended up with her, even she wouldn't be "fresh" by your standard. Don't be silly; whatever happened before you meet any woman is inconsequential. Suppose the female looks at your situation the same way. Take things at face value. You know I turned Selena out because she was too young and I basically ended up with a finger in my chest telling me I had no right to deny fate and to give our relationship a try. She didn't want someone fresh, she wanted someone right." Joe insisted.

"OK, OK. I get your point. I guess I just WANT to feel sorry for myself." Slim realized.

"You know if this woman we want you to meet, Shelley, hadn't done the same thing, I'll bet I would have married her a long time ago." Joe admitted. "But she let her emotions get the best of her when crisis hit and she threw a pity party and ran away. I only ran into her by chance in New York and we struck up a friendship again."

"I'll try not to prejudge or anything, I'm just a bit wary or ALL women right now."

"... and rightfully so, Slim. But you and Shelley are two fragile people wary of getting hurt, so keep that in mind. I can vouch for her; she won't play a mind game. You will know where you stand. I expect you to treat her the way you would want to be treated at such a fragile time."

"Joe, your eyes and voice soften when you speak about Shelley. You still love her don't you?" Slim thought he realized.

"Yes, I do in many ways. But, not in the way Selena and I have. I certainly would have married her if she hadn't run from her problems and fears. She was the kindest and most gentle person while still maintaining strong sexuality behind closed doors that's different from the persona she offers to those who don't know her. She's tough, yet timid, sexual and innocent all at the same time. She knows her sexiness breaks down walls and she uses that to open doors to people. Just wait until you meet her and let things happen. If you don't hit it off, no harm, no foul but know this. You can trust her. You WILL know where you stand and as long as you wear your heart on your sleeve as well, no one gets hurt."

When Selena did get home she was anxious to get dinner prep going although Joe made a last minute effort to have dinner brought in. Selena was sure she wanted to be domestic and show both Shelley and Slim her cooking skills. Being in finer restaurants with Joe had shown her ideas for being creative and she had tested many on Joe and her parents. Tonight she would serve "Seashells, Prawns and Sugar Peas", a recipe she had tested once on Joe. Since the weather had turned warm she wanted to serve a cold dinner that would look and taste elegant. Shell pasta with large prawns and sugar snap peas tossed with julienne strips multi-colored pepper, jicama, scallions and shallots all tossed in a dressing homemade in the food processor. She combined extra prawns, mayo, tomato paste, hard cooked eggs, vermouth and spices to make a smooth mild binder for all the delicate tastes.

As she prepared their feast they all sipped wine and talked watching Selena work. She was determined to make light of Slims situation hoping he would relax a bit and be comfortable with Shelley.

"So let's put your package together for Shelley, Slim. Uh, I have no job, I have no place to live, and I haven't gotten laid in 6 months so I'm quite a catch!" She teased with a mischievous giggle.

"Well, Ummmm, that about sums me up, doesn't it?" Slim said with a self deprecating chuckle.

Selena stopped her prep in the middle of striping jicama strips with black balsamic glaze to go over and give Slim a sympathy hug and pat him on the back saying "poor baby".

Slim smiled and took it all in good fun while beginning to hope his meeting with Shelley would work out to some kind of relationship, at least friendly, if not romantic. He finished his wine and went to the cutting board where Selena was working to pick up the vermouth bottle and pour a short splash in his glass.

"What on earth is that and what are you doing to it!" He exclaimed, looking at the board.

"It's jicama, kind of a cross between a potato and a melon, I'd say. Here try it, it's crispy. I'm putting stripes of balsamic glaze on them for eye appeal. Don't tell me you're a fussy eater. With your family roots, being brought up in the states and living in Europe and Asia you should have developed tastes for everything." Selena said.

"No, I'm not fussy, but truly never heard of it and it is good." He said snapping off another piece.

Joe just shook his head as he watched Selena set Slim at total ease after he had worried he might be a clumsy oaf in front of Shelley.

The evening went as well, if not better than expected. The 90 or so minutes Slim spent watching Selena, listening to Selena as she prepared for dinner and guests eased Slim into a dome of self-confidence. Joe chuckled to himself as he watched her work her smooth delivery and self assuredness into a reflective light that enriched Slim. He was no longer nervous about the "fix-up" with Shelley, he looked forward to her arrival knowing nothing could go wrong, except if their personalities didn't click and no one could fix that, but he didn't fear that possibility.

A clash of ego's or personalities was not something the new "couple" had to worry about though. Even before dinner was served they were cajoling and laughing together talking about anything and everything as if brought up and schooled in the same circumstance and environment.

By the time they sat in the living room for chat and aperitif Joe saw the new friends mutually reach for each others hands in a clasp that brought their eyes together with mutual smiles. Knowing all was going well Joe and Selena suggested Shelley join them the following day on a picnic at nearby Treachers Park and then take in a local minor league baseball game. Only Shelley and Selena knew that Selena had prepared Shelley for the suggestion if things were going well. Shelley was more than happy to have another day to spend getting to know Slim, especially if it included baseball.

By one a.m. it was apparent that Shelley shouldn't drive home and Joe called a service for her.

"Please Joe a cab would be fine or I could sleep on the sofa." She pleaded at first but neither Joe nor Selena would hear of it.

Selena had the chance to take her aside to speak with her.

"You know you shouldn't drive and the idea of staying here is great except Slim is in the guest room and he would never let you sleep on the sofa while he had the bed. It's all just too awkward. Joe can get the service to pick you up and bring you home so none of us have to worry about a cab. Joe doesn't trust those all-night drivers. With the service he, that is WE, will all feel better. We'll pick you up around 11 tomorrow."

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