Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 52

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 52 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Sunday dinner was just being cleaned from the table as Selena prepared coffee and Betty Hanson was cutting the apple pie she had made for Joe. Joe was due for another vicodin, but he wanted to skip them until bedtime when he could take 2 and go right out. He wasn't in a lot of pain, just a dull ache when he tried to move the leg. He knew in bed, in his sleep, these movements would wake him for sure, so he wanted to be above that threshold. But he had "business" he wanted to take care of with Selena first.

Scott was wheeling Joe back into the dining room from checking the late football scores when the phone rang. Selena answered it and asked the party to hold.

"Joe, do you know a Gordon Phelan and do you need to talk to him tonight?"

"God yes, he found your apartment in Manhattan, plus he and his older brother gave my Dad a lot of re-hab business. I should talk to him."

"Hello Gordo, what makes you call during a football game?" Joe chuckled.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting, you know I wouldn't call if it weren't important. I heard you were looking to give a deserving young man a housing scholarship and I thought I might have something, but I'll have to bid tomorrow on it. Do you remember Marymount Place? It was a large building on Lex between East 72nd and East 73rd?"

"Wasn't that the former convent for Marymount College of Manhattan? My dad sub-divided it back in the 80's for the non-secular staff if my memory serves me. I remember he had me running the college President, also a nun, out to Tarrytown every night where the rest of the religious staff went."

"Yes, the provost and other high rankers at the college lived there and it was thought the next president of the school wouldn't be a nun and that would be the residence. However the same nun you drove then held on to the position until the early nineties. Anyway, the building has been vacant for about 7 years, used for storage. Now the neighborhood is after them to repair it or sell it. I know someone making a bid on it tomorrow. If he gets it, and he will because he's the only bidder registered, he wants to remodel the front apartment, posthaste, to soothe the neighborhood and give him time to fix up the rest. The address is 1, 2, and 3 Marymount. One and three have corner entrances and down stairs only number 2 faces the street. He's going to make 3 townhouses out of the rest, but he can have the front apartment done in 2 or 3 weeks. He'll need extensive work to make the rest of the 3 addresses. If they can live with the construction noise during the day, and he'll have limits set, he'll give it to you for 6 years. $2000 a month for 3 years and $2400 the last 3, and he'll include utilities. His lease where he currently has offices runs out in 6 years and he will move them there. In New York, you plan ahead Joe."

"Oh, I know that. I remember my Dad telling me about people being on waiting lists for apartments for 5 or 6 years. Listen Gordo, I'm OK with the price, it's a lot less than I planned on. Jeez God, why is he including utilities?"

"He has to make it look respectably lived in and he has to have utility there for the builders anyway, and I guess he writes the rest off after they get done. The lad you picked and his mother got a rousing endorsement from the Administrator and the CFO of Lenox Hill. Listen Joe, this guy wants to act fast to get the neighborhood association off his butt so he can take his time doing the rest of the project right. He's going to get a 100 thousand a month for the townhouses when he's done and he has potential tenants already."

"Wait a minute, how small is this "apartment" going to be?" Joe asked suspecting to hear loft type proportions.

"It's going to be 4500 square feet. Remember he's planning on moving his business offices in there." Phelan told him.

"Listen get the kid and his mother to look at the location, I don't see how they could turn it down as far as that. Get everything else in writing and get it to Culver, Culver and Brody, my legal at Johnson. This won't be a corporate deal, it's my own personal, but they still handle all of that stuff for me now. I'll call them in them morning. Listen Gordo, you probably heard I'm laid up so I'm going to have to trust some of you guys on this. I can't do the footwork I might normally do. I don't like trusting anyone on real estate deals. My Dad is looking down on you, keep that in mind." Joe warned him half joking, half serious.

Joe hung up the phone and over dessert he told The Hanson's what he and Selena were doing for the budding med student and his mother. Scott Hanson could not get over being able to afford to give away 24 to 30 grand a year to someone he barely knew.

"Scott, you might think it's a lot, but we figured it would be 50 to 60 grand. Here's a kid with all the talent and determination in the world, and he would be stuck without outside help. I got all the breaks in the world and so has Selena, as far as her education goes and she's made that pay off nicely already. There is such a thing as money you will never spend and Jacob is well worth the risk. If just 1 other kid from his neighborhood, or from anywhere for that matter, sees what he did with effort and turns his life around, it's all worth it. That whole inner city life style has to change and the representatives at the local, state and federal levels want to do little about it because if they keep them down and in need, they have their votes. It sounds crazy but local officials are trying to stop the 3 for 1 program he's in because it doesn't offer the same opportunity to the student who doesn't try." Joe explained.

"So why is this guy renting it so, as you say, cheap?" Scott asked.

"Because if this guys bid gets dropped without having an immediate tenant, the building will be sold to the city for taxes and then it becomes rent control property. The neighborhood doesn't want that. Our situation fills his bill to a T. The college will have to sell it at the minimum bid and this will put it back on the tax rolls as well."

"We should invite Jacob and his mother up here for dinner so we can talk and work out details." Selena interjected.

"That's not a bad idea. Let's see if we can arrange it." Joe said as he clearly began to fade a bit.

Selena saw him tiring and began to rush her parents exit a bit.

"Dad, the four of us should be able to get Joe into our bed. He and I can get him into the hospital bed from the chair, and then it's a pretty easy transfer. They said we shouldn't try it from the chair to the regular bed, it's too low." Selena said as she took charge.

Twenty minutes later, Joe was in his own bed, waiting for Selena to join him. Lucy and Jeromy had left for a movie and they were alone. She was leaving a note for Lucy and Jeromy telling them that Joe was going down early, and she as well. They didn't want to be disturbed.

Selena came back in the room wearing her silk pajamas that she knew Joe liked. The button up top accented the tips of her breasts and the rest of the pajama hung from there. The bottoms were very loose fitting and didn't show her figure, but to the touch, the silk did the trick. Joe liked to touch her naked skin, but the silk made her that much more sensuous. Plus, undressing her or putting his hands beneath her clothes held a bit of sexual mystery that made the whole act more erotic.

In the light of the bathroom he saw her brush out her hair and fix herself for him. When she came out she had a glass of water and two pills for him. She left them on his side of the bed to take later.

"Joe, I had a very frank talk with Dr. Payne about sex and he doesn't want you to get very athletic for a while. It wasn't easy to ask him questions about this, you know. But anyway, once the splint comes off, if I elevate your leg, I can get on top of you and do all the work. He's afraid of what might happen in a moment of... well, you know." She said standing by the bed in the ambient light from the bath and the reflection of the moon off the snow outside.

She crawled onto the bed on her hands and knees and kissed Joe deeply on the lips before his hands went to the sides of her face underneath her tresses and held her face to his.

She broke the kiss and knelt up straight and unbuttoned her top and fell forward to Joe.

"My titties need some attention Joey. They've ached since I had you in my mouth before and now seeing what you're growing in your pajamas, they're jealous again." She said as she dangled one firm breast near his mouth and he took the nipple in his mouth.

He suckled like a hungry baby, chewing the distended bud to make her swoon in pleasure and pain. She pulled the breast back to squeeze it herself as she put the other to his loving mouth.

"Ohhh, God Joe, Joey, Joey, you make me feel so good, so wet, so horny all over. I would cum if you touched my belly button right now. Oh, I love you so much!" She growled as she had to pull the other breast away to squeeze herself.

Her mouth assaulted Joe's in a long tonguey passionate kiss as she held his face. It was a kiss made for the movies as she couldn't get enough of his mouth into hers. Her passions were overflowing finally having her Joe alone in their bed to hold and squeeze, love and kiss.

Joe raised a hand to touch her belly button and swirl it like it was her clit but then he slid his hand down under her bottoms to her wet slit. His middle finger parted her lips and he pushed his drenched finger up into her as she groaned and swooned into his mouth. He fingered her pussy while his thumb wiggled at her clit. His gentle in an out motion turned to a passion filled plugging of her slit as she slowly rose her face from his with eyes closed and mouth open as a guttural rattle came from her throat. She was in divine ecstasy as she literally dripped from her pussy. He brought his plunging middle finger and his diddling thumb almost in a pinch together on her clit as her vocalizations came to a peak. Her body froze hard in place as her orgasm swept and she steeled herself to every shudder, every spasm.

The rattle from her throat turned to a shrill pitch as he let up on her clit and began to pound his middle finger deep into her again, his thumb diddling her clit.

"My god, my God, my God, my clits going to b... b... BURST!" She said as she wiggled her pussy from his hand.

Joe was persistent though and pushed the thumb up her slit as his wet middle finger sought her asshole. He sunk in into her ass to the second knuckle with his had stretched out to fill both little holes.

"Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh," she crooned at the double hold his hand had. "Fuck my holes, oh I want that cock so bad. In my pussy, in my ass. MY PUSSY! MY ASS WHERE YOUR FINGER IS!" She shouted as she had to pull from his grip.

She fell to her side and rolled to her back, holding her pussy much as she did with her breasts, hardly able to believe how good it felt. Once the feeling passed she scurried to her knees and kissed his mouth once again, spitting out words in between kisses.

"I can't have you..." (kiss-kiss)

"I can't have you the way I want you." (kiss-kiss)

"But I WANT you. I want you so bad." (kiss-kiss)

"Slide your fingers in my ass while I suck out your cum." (kiss-kiss)

"Fuck my ass with your hands while I make you shoot in my mouth." (kiss-kiss)

"My pussy is so happy now. Make me cum again in my ass." (kiss-kiss)

"Make me cum, make me cum." (kiss-kiss)

She quickly spun around and faced away from Joe on her knees and pulled down her pajama bottoms over the sweet curve of her ass. She turned her upper torso toward Joe's crotch and held onto his cock and balls with her hands, stroking him lightly while she felt the load he had in his balls. Joe saw the ass he craved and admired so often now exposed in front of him. He wet his finger heavily and transferred the spittle to her rear dimple. He repeated the transfer again before sinking his finger up her slit once more to gather more wetness. He then centered his finger on her wrinkled little rose and slid into her as she blew out a ball of air and fell to her elbows, still holding his genitals.

As Joe began to gently fuck her ass with his long middle finger she began to suckle at his cock like it was the giver of all life. She knew someday it would spew the seed for her egg and she couldn't wait to taste that. To feel him swell in her mouth and push out his orgasm was what she wanted as she enjoyed the pleasant fingering in her rear hole. She felt tingles deep inside of herself as the barrel of her vagina began to fill with blood and get sensitive to the friction in the wall behind it. She felt the orgasm deeply and subtly, never breaking the rhythm of her mouth, determined to taste him, make him happy. Her pussy oozed the watery ejaculate from her g-spot sponge as she came close to that kind of an orgasm. She was totally atingle with sexual satisfaction trying not to force herself violently over an edge she wanted to avoid so she could devote her attention to him now. She felt his balls tighten in her hand and knew he was at the precipice.

Only a deep breath from him told her he was past the brink as he sprayed into her mouth. She rolled her tongue around his cock, the sperm dancing throughout before she swallowed. His finger was buried as deep as he could push it in her as he came and that triggered her spot to spasm once more as she swooned over him as a short spray came from her slit on to the bed.

It may have been the quietest rousing orgasm for both of them, subconsciously fearing there could be someone on the other side of the door. She let his cock from her mouth and fell forward, her feet at his head, her head at his feet, her pajamas pulled below her bottom cheeks. They both lay quietly enjoying the sexual hangover of post orgasm.

"OOOOOoooofff! That felt soooooo good. I can't move!" Selena groaned.

"How would you like your parents to find us like this?" Joe said facetiously.

"That's not even funny." Selena said as she got to her knees and began to button up her top.

She pulled up her bottoms and went to the bathroom and came back with 2 wash clothes for Joe. She used one to wash his fingers that had been inside of her and then rinsed his hand with the other. She got his pee bottle and held it for him to empty his bladder after sex as she herself would, not needing the risk of an infection for either of them, especially Joe, with surgery coming up. She went and emptied his bottle and took care of her own needs and hand washing. When she came out she gave Joe his 2 pills with water and in moments they were laying together holding hands, drifting off to sleep. It was an especially long day for Joe and the pills helped him go to sleep fast. Neither of them heard a thing until after 9 o'clock on Monday morning when they smelled coffee brewing.

Selena looked over and saw Joe's bottle had moved so she knew he had been awake at least once. When she tried to get up he opened his eyes and looked around, confused.

"You're still home Joe and you can bet I'm glad. Last night was something I REALLY needed." She said as she leaned up and kissed him.

"Let me fix your pajamas and I'll get those two to come in and move you to the other bed so we can get you into the chair." She said as she got up and came around to his side.

In no time the girls had his legs and Jeromy helped lift him onto the hospital bed.

Almost as a floor exercise Joe got his leg in the metal sling and swung out to meet the elevator chair and rested his leg in the trough. She fit the bar from the sling around the front of the chair to protect his leg and soon the 4 were having breakfast together.

Lucy blushed and apologized saying, "I hope we didn't wake you guys up last night, we didn't mean to be so loud."

"That's OK, we were both in comas from our own noise we made. We never heard a thing." Joe chuckled as Selena blushed.

Once breakfast was done Selena and Lucy left for the bookstore and then dorm shopping while Jeromy waited for Betty Hanson to arrive. Once she did arrive Jeromy left and was about his business while Joe worked on the computer and the phone.

"Joe, if you're going to be in here I'm going to exercise. If you need me call out." Betty told him after she picked up the kitchen.

Joe continued to work on the computer until his back got tight and he wanted to stretch out. He managed to move the chair away from the computer and planned on wheeling up the hallway to one of the pull up bars where Betty could help him. When he got to the doorway the sight up the hall in the living room almost floored him.

Betty Hanson was in a white leotard type body suit doing her reps and the suit left little to the imagination. You could see through the entire thing as Joe gave her the once over.

"Wow, what a spectacular body!" He thought to himself as he froze in the doorway.

He knew he was looking at a preview of what Selena might look like in 20-25 years, but he wasn't prepared to be bowled over like this. She hadn't seen him gawk at her so he backed into the computer room to the desk and called out to Betty to give her a chance to cover up.

"Betty, do you think you could give me a hand?" He called out.

She called out that she would be there in a moment as Joe gave her time to put on clothes. But, when she came into get him, she had just added a men's type shirt and even that was unbuttoned.

"What can I do for you?" She asked as the shirt was a little askew and a big dark nipple showed through the top.

If the crotch weren't double paneled, he would have seen her pussy. However, she acted like nothing was happening.

"Ummm, I need to go out and stretch and someone needs to make sure I don't fall." Joe said nervously.

Betty wheeled him to the bar that was specifically for exercising and locked the wheels. She stood in front of the chair while he reached up to pull himself up. He looked forward as he reached up to lift himself and was almost to a chin level when he let it go.

"God-damn it Betty, where is the rest of that outfit! For Christ's sake put some clothes on. You're putting your tits in my face like you're trying to prove something to me and it's not amusing at all!" Joe said as he lost his cool.

"What are you talking about? I'm covered!" She said innocently.

"Let's see what Scott thinks, I just saw him come up the walk in the window."

Betty's face turned ashen and she ran to the guest room and came out moments later with a pullover vest and shorts over the Lycra second skin she had on.

"Scott, what are you doing here?" She shouted from the hall.

"Scott's NOT here Betty, but I wanted to see your real reaction to it. What's the idea of flashing your ass and tits around here in front of me? Are you testing me, teasing me or what?" Joe demanded.

"Don't use that coarse language around me Joe. Scott and I don't talk that way."

"Scott also doesn't know you like to flash your future son-in-law either. If you want to know if I think you have a nice body, the answer is yes and I look forward to the day when Selena is your age and looks as good as you. But, with that body you should be getting lots of attention at home."

Betty turned red and sat down. Joe thought she was going to cry, but she toughened up and looked Joe right in the eye.

"I'm sorry, and I do get enough attention at home, if I think I know what you mean by attention. But I see you and my daughter playing grab-ass and exchanging kisses outside the bedroom and I get jealous. I guess I wanted to know if I still had the goods." Betty explained a bit plaintively.

"For God's sake Betty, you MORE than have the goods. Scott just has to stop being such a tight-ass. I thought Selena had a talk with him about being more affectionate and things got better." Joe wondered.

"They did for a while, and everything is still fine, you know in private. But when I want to dress sexy or be forward at home, he just curls up. We used to be like the two of you and I know we got careful when Selena was younger, not to be too overt. But, he took it too far and we dried up, sexually. Things got back to our newlywed sex life, but he's different again, outside of the bedroom." She confided.

"I don't understand. You two have the house all to yourselves. You're a hot woman and he should be screwing your brains out whenever you want. Wait a minute! I caught you topless out by my pool last summer and he was OK with that. What happened?" Joe asked.

"You saw us? I loved coming up here to sun without my top. It's the first time he let me wear a bikini in years. I may as well just tell you, you've heard everything else. We still have sex 4 or 5 nights a week, like when we were first married. It's good and it's hot, but it's only in the bedroom. Outside that room he's just not sexy, and barely pays attention to me. I like to dress sexy and have men look at me just to be appreciated for keeping myself in shape. He tells me to stop dressing like a whore. It's like he doesn't think I'm pretty and I should just save it for the bedroom." She said sadly.

"You may not want to hear this, but before I met your daughter, if I saw you out somewhere I would make every effort to try and make you, and fuck you until you begged me to stop." Joe said boldly.

"JOE! Don't talk to me that way."

"Why not, wouldn't you like it if Scott did? I was just telling you in my own words what I thought of your body, and how pretty you are. Your daughter and I are always affectionate and loving... and most of all, OPEN. Betty you have to stand up to Scott when he tells you not to wear this and not to do that. What happens if you don't do what he says?" Joe wondered.

"He hollers and sulks, but I don't mean to make you think he would get violent."

"I see what he's doing. He needs to have a way to control you, or not quite that, he wants to have the upper hand in the relationship. He may have thought he was losing it before and his ego may have suffered." Joe said thinking aloud.

"You might have something there. When it came to a lot of things, Selena and I used to walk on eggshells around him; usually with anything to do with sex, or looking sexy. But after Selena intervened with him he realized he might be losing me, and then he lost the hold on me. I got independent. For Christ's sake is there anything wrong with wanting to feel sexy when I go out? I like it when I look at a cute guy and he looks back at me and gives me the once over look, that's hot. Not that I would do anything about it, I love Scott for all his faults as well as all his plusses." Betty railed on.

"You just want to get laid in the kitchen, or the living room or the back of the car whenever the urge strikes you. You're a hot woman and I know your type." Joe said trying to make a point.

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