Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 51

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 51 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Joe detested the special treatment and attention he got from the home health aide people, but there was simply no other way he could have traveled from the hotel to the train. His wheelchair had a large roll bar around the front to make sure he was safe from any collisions with doors, corners or rushing people. Once he was in place in a special wheelchair section of one of the cars he asked for his pee bottle to avoid having to use it once the train was full of people. The train to Albany hadn't officially boarded yet so Selena held up a sheet so Joe could do his thing and that worry was over.

Once the train left Penn Station and the gentle rolling of the ride became steady both Joe and Selena fell asleep, she sitting right across from Joe. It wasn't until a conductor woke Selena that she realized they were more than halfway home.

"Ma'am, the Café Car is closing in 10 minutes. If you're going to need anything for him, you better get it now." He said touching her arm to wake her.

She acknowledged his warning and looked over at Joe who was just rousing from his sleep.

"Joey, do you want something to eat or drink?"

"I could use a couple of those Vicodin. I'm through trying to be a brave little boy. I'm hurting. I hate being goofy, but it's better than being in pain."

"I'll go get you a bottle of water and something to eat with them. You can't take them on an empty stomach." She said as she got up and squat down beside his chair so she could touch his face and kiss him before she left.

"I'll keep an eye on him; make sure he doesn't get away." An older woman from across the aisle said as she chuckled.

"Oh thank you, he should be OK, but I appreciate you looking out for him." Selena said as she grabbed her purse and rushed off to the Café Car.

"Skiing accident?" She asked.

"No, skating at Rockefeller Plaza. Something I knew I wasn't supposed to do." Joe chuckled back.

"Oh hell, you only live once. You took a chance and life is all chances. My husband flew helicopter in Vietnam, over 200 missions and was killed by a car 5 years ago while he watered our lawn. Like the kids say, go figure."

"I'm very sorry to hear about your husband. That's tragic. My parents were killed in a car accident." Joe said, sadly.

"That too is tragic, but unfortunately its part of life, having to deal with great heartache and that's my point. Enjoy what you can while you can." She reiterated.

The door of the car slid open and Selena was back. She thanked the woman for keeping her attention to Joe and set up the tray from the wall beside Joe.

She got a couple ham sandwiches and 2 bottles of spring water.

"Mmmm, this looks gourmet!" Joe cracked.

"Well, you should have seen the pizza, burgers or hot dogs. Believe me, this looked the safest." Selena said as she watched Joe tear into the sandwich.

"Joe, are you that hungry?"

"Not really, I just want to get something in my stomach so I can take the pills." He smiled.

"You're not becoming a "stoner" on me are you?" She asked kiddingly.

Joe looked up with crossed eyes focusing on nothing particular saying "Nooooo Man, I'm just trying to enter the next dimension."

They both laughed as Joe devoured the sandwich and then held out his hand for the meds.

"Two please!" He asked.

"JOE, these are 10's, you know!" She exclaimed as she examined the bottle.

"Well, it DOES say one or two the first 3 days up to 3 times. Did we do two's yesterday?" Selena asked him.

"Yes, I did 2 at the hospital and then 2 later to put me away." Joe insisted.

"If you do two now you'll hardly be aware of anything until we get settled at home." Selena whined.

"Exactly, now come on I'm aching like hell." Joe insisted.

"Sure you go to la-la land while I have to deal with the home aide."

"Your Mom and Dad will be there, and I think Lucy is meeting the train too."

"Where did you get all this information from?"

"Your Dad called while you were in the shower this morning. I guess I forgot to tell you." Joe said with a chuckle as he downed his water with the pills.

Twenty minutes later he was sleeping like a rock, his head back and snoring.

"Young lady, as annoying as that sounds now, the day may come when you will be without him and wish you could hear that racket. Enjoy it while you can. He sounds like my late husband and it kind of makes me sleepy and a little lonesome myself." The lady across the aisle told her.

Although this ordeal seemed to be the burden of burdens for Selena, it did bring about one realization. Joe was 20 years older than she and someday she could very well be without him. Although her relationship so far and that of the future promised to enrich her life so much, she didn't want to think of that day. However it was a reality and she planned to bravely face it. If they got another 20 years of active time and love together she saw no downside. At 40 she would still be in her sexual peak and Joe would be on the downside. Both of them truly believed in the "use it or lose it" mentality and felt that with no lull in their active sexual habits they might never wane until much later than normal. But still, this setback, which she knew Joe would recover fully, showed her how vulnerable he was and that 40 isn't 20. His hospital stay and his early recovery from surgery showed her a man severely weakened by his extra 20 years alive on the planet. She had no reason to doubt he would make a full and complete recovery, but the snapshot of the future was not missed by the young woman. Everything was tempered by her deep and burning love for this man. She was quite ready to be his rock, much as he had been for her. She realized that her inner strength would be his linchpin to their long life together. The thought of nursing him back to strength, getting his reversal surgery complete, and having a family with him only steeled her resolve and determination. Although they would walk tall arm and arm in life, right now she was the loyal soldier dragging her wounded comrade through the gunfire back to their foxhole. God help whatever force that may stand in her way.

Joe was still semi "out of it" when they got to the station. Vicodin was a strange but pleasant drug for those in the throes of pain and the angst of surgery and recovery. It was easily addictive, and unless you brought yourself to mega-doses, easy to kick. People were known to take 30 - 40 tablets a day to maintain a working level in society. No doctor would ever prescribe that many so your ways of obtaining them would end up dubious and hence, the downfall. Right now Joe was happy to "go away" on the drug and would eventually just use it as a sleep agent. The first hour of its intensity makes sleep come easy and may be the best use of the codeine derivative. Vicodin is the combination of Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen. When combined, the Acetaminophen makes the effect of the Hydrocodone even more intense. Dosage ranges are usually 5/500 and 7.5 /500, taken in multiples, and the big boys 10/ 500 and 10/750. After a few days Joe would be taking the 7.5/500 version, usually called Lortab in that dosage combo. Selena had no intention of allowing him to become dependant on it over the long haul and that sort of high was just not in Joe's make-up.

As Joe was wheeled off the train he was not fully aware of everything around him, but he did know he was going home and that brightened him a bit. The Hanson's, as well as Lucy and Jeromy, greeted him along with the home health aide company, Comfort Wheels. The aide moved Joe deftly to the waiting van and before he moved him on, explained to everyone about the kid gloves Joe and his repaired knee must be treated with.

"I know you all want to help him and make him comfortable, but one slip-up can reverse this whole thing. Just think of it as vanilla and chocolate icing spread evenly on each side of a cake. Now you want to sew the vanilla to the chocolate. That's how fragile this is right now. Until it sets, the bond is tenuous. I hope you can all come to the house to see how to use his appliances if you are going to be his legs for a few weeks." The aide said to the small group that met Joe and Selena.

The Hanson's already had their run through on the appliances as they watched the company bring them in the house. Besides the hospital bed there were pull bars and other appliances to help Joe move and exercise. Knowing how to assist him was key. The home aide had already insisted that the absolute best way to get Joe in and out of the bed was for 3 or 4 people to lift him. One person could do it alone with the assist of the hydraulics in the wheel chair and the hospital bed, but the simple lift was less strenuous to all involved.

When they got to the house Selena realized why Joe wanted to be medicated heavily. He was the center of attention and everyone wanted to fawn over him. If there was any situation he detested, it was that.

At the house they showed exactly how to properly lift him from the bed to the chair and back before they left him to sleep in the hospital bed. Lucy and Jeromy gave Selena a schedule of people they had to come in and move Joe each day for her. Both of the them were involved with PolyTech sports teams and had arranged for some of the Track, Football and Hockey players to come by in the morning and evening. The two had coordinated class schedules to have at least 3 athletes available and they would provide the ride from campus. Jeromy was the Student Sports Information Director for the individual athletes so he had some clout and they were glad to help him out. Lucy managed outside funding of sports teams, running 50-50 and other fund raisers at events. The hockey, track and football teams used Sheridan Avenues long hill as the end of a strength and conditioning run and one of them was on it many mornings with the PolyTech van waiting at the top to bring them back to campus. Making a side stop at Joe's was no problem.

"Wow, I can't believe you've went to so much trouble for us." Selena said to Lucy, ready to cry.

"Selena, you are my sister, I feel that close to you and Joe has been my savior, and in a way like a father to me when I had problems and got in trouble. He's done so much for me, having a chance to re-pay him is great. Plus, you know I would do anything for you." Lucy told her while they hugged.

"My Mom or Dad is going to stay with him once classes start, but why don't you and Jeromy stay in the guest room until we have to move into the dorms." Selena asked.

"I'll check with Jer and see. I don't see a problem. You remember we have to be moved in by Sunday, right?"

"Yes, I'll be all moved in, but I'll be coming back up here every night until Joe is ready to be alone again. His doctor says three weeks on no weight, and then 2 weeks of Physical Therapy with managed weight bearing and he should be good as, ummm... not quite new." Selena said with a sad chuckle.

"How are you going to be able to study and take care of him?"

"Good Lord, don't let my Dad hear that. I'm going to be up until midnight every night, I guess. I'm screwed." Selena admitted.

Joe was asleep in the hospital bed in their bedroom and the home health aide was just leaving all the final instructions and emergency numbers if they should need to call. Selena wanted everyone to leave so she could gather her wits and think about everything she would need to do to make sure their investments, their lives and their well-being didn't stagnate, all the while getting ready to start her last semester.

Scott and Betty Hanson approached their daughter as the last ones to leave and Betty took Selena's arm.

"Selena honey, here is the plan. Once you start school your father and I are going to move into the guest room and take care of Joe. You come after class for a time, but we think you should get right back into your old study habits and make sure you get the top of your class and walk into your career with the brightest shine you can come up with."

Selena's face began to turn red and she wanted to lash out, but held her temper.

"SELENA! Don't fight us on this. I'm sure if you talk to Joe later when he's lucid he would agree. Showing any dip in your marks after you're all but assured of the whole partnership at WSG would be foolish, foolish, foolish. We know how much you love him and your father and I have learned to love and respect him too. Daddy and Joe talked before he went into surgery and they came up with this idea and apparently Joe hadn't had the opportunity to speak with you about it. You come after classes or when you get a break and we will give you your alone time. But to allow this to break up your whole portfolio of grades and work at this stage is something we cannot allow to happen. You may be independent and more or less on your own, but we're still your parents and we would think that our words meant something to you. Before you get all red faced and throw a temper tantrum, remember that you insist you're an adult. Talk to Joe. He may explain it differently than us, but it's what he wants too. Well, not what he wants, of course he wants you here to nurse him back, but he's willing to sacrifice that for your future. He doesn't need the stress of thinking he might be holding you back because you got so involved in his recovery. Now calm down and act like the professional business woman the whole city and college has seen splashed over the TV." Betty Hanson chided her sternly.

Selena stood there and took in her words with her fists clenched at her sides. She was steamed to the hilt, but what made her the maddest was that she knew they were right. But, she wanted to prove to Joe that she could do this and would do this as his wife. Her Mom eased some of the wrinkles out of her frustration but she still wanted to have it out with Joe about not knowing about his talk with them.

Soon Selena had gotten everyone out of the house for a while so she could unpack and get her thoughts together. Lucy and Jeromy, as well as her parents planned on being back around six o'clock with dinner and the first move of Joe into his own bed for the night. Selena tried to calm herself over her mother's words and the agreement she had no part of between Joe and her father. While putting things back into her closet she heard Joe start to stir and held still for a moment. If it was the noise she was making she wanted to let him continue to rest and she would move out of the room. If he was simply waking, she wanted to sit with him and talk. She saw him wet his lips and open his eyes and look around, trying to get his bearings.

"Hi baby, you're home, you know." She lilted from across the room.

"Oh yeah, home. Have all the people left?"

"For a while, but we're alone now."

"We have to talk about a few things if I can clear the cobwebs." Joe said batting his eyes trying to focus... "And boy do I have to pee."

Selena went over and got his comfort bottle from the side of his wheelchair and pulled down the covers for him. She held the bottle while he tried to arrange his pajamas.

"Here, let me help you before you wet the bed." She chuckled as she took his penis and let it lay in the bottle as she rested the bottle between his legs.

As Joe let fly he looked at her lovingly.

"You're the best looking nurse I had all week and none of them put my pee-pee in the bottle for me." He said with a smile.

"Apparently you don't think I'm THAT good of a nurse." She said brusquely as she took the bottle back and dabbed the end of his manhood with a tissue before putting him away.

"Selena, I..."

"STOP RIGHT THERE, JOE! Here I am about to finish a $400,000 education and take a job that can make me independently wealthy helping make decisions for investors around the world, but you don't think I can nurse you back to health in my free time after class. Instead you send me to my room, like my father would have!" She said with damp eyes that only steeled her determination not to cry like a girl might.

"Nothing could be further from the truth. Selena, I guess you don't remember the promise we made to your parents from the very start. Once classes start you will always be back in the dorm every night to concentrate on your studies. BEFORE you jump in and tell me my accident makes a precedent to that agreement, let me tell you that your marks always took precedent over everything and still do. We've known when we could play and be together and live life as the lovers we are. Do you honestly think I want to spend one second away from you? Keep your eyes on the final prize."

"I can DO this Joe I... "

"Selena, one of the things I love you most for is your passion. Right now you're passionate that you can do both and I don't doubt that for one second. BUT, we made that agreement and don't let your passion get in the way. I will be fine here with your parents for those few weeks. Of course you will see me more than you normally do during class, but I do not want to take away from that passionate focus you get with your studies. Do you honestly think I choose your parents over you for quality of care? Do you?"

"Of course not, it's just..." She said stamping her feet knowing Joe was right.

"FUCK, do they ALWAYS have to be right? Shit Joe, I HATE you when you use logic to beat me up when I'm fighting a battle I KNOW I can't win." She said pissed off to the hilt.

"That's the passion I'm talking about. You're so passionate you just said you hate me." Joe said with a smile.

"You know I didn't mean hate when I said it." She said as she started to cry and went to Joe's side, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She hugged her face beside his on the pillow hiding her tears as best she could.

"There's that passion again. I know you love me so much that you can't do enough for me, and I love you and trust you more than anyone in the world for it. This is all for the best and you still get to see me everyday, more than you would have if I wasn't laid up like this. Please feel good about this, I love you so much and I don't want you to be upset with me."

"I'm not, I'm OK, I promise." She said as she reasoned everything out for herself.

"OK nurse, why don't you get my magical wheelchair and that chin up bar and see if we can do this alone. I want to get in the chair. My back is getting tight."

Selena was off to the living room to get the chair when the phone rang and she took the call. Joe heard her saying "yes, I understand", "OK", "that's great", and "just perfect", over and over again before she finally hung up and she came in the room with the chair.

"You'll never guess who that was, Dr. Nikko's service! Apparently Dr. Payne called him and explained your predicament and encouraged him to get you in as soon as possible. How would you like to spend maybe 3 days of this recovery in the hospital getting your tubes reattached?" She said excitedly.

"Really? Bill said he was aware of my surgery because they traded anesthesiologists' notes on me for a history. That would make things go a lot better than I thought. I won't exactly be wearing you out making love before I can stand on my own anyway, this would be a good thing." Joe said knowing he was actually hearing good news for the first time in days from a doctor.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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