Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 35

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 35 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Betty Hanson was putting together a bag of clothes and essentials just in case the power didn't come back on tonight. The local substation was shorted out by an animal that ate its way in to a transformer and the local power company could not guarantee everyone getting back on today. As she thought about staying there tonight she had the same thought as her daughter. Would THEY make love with her Mom and Dad in the house? Would she seduce her husband Scott just to let their daughter and her boyfriend hear them?

She thought back to the day when she took Joe to the Surgery Center for his procedural tests. That afternoon she was so horny she would have screwed him right there and then. The thought of kneeling in front on him as he slept and trying to get his dick out before he woke had even crossed her mind. That's how bad things had gotten at the time. Thankfully her husband woke up to her needs shortly thereafter and they were screwing like newlyweds again. Being alone in the house made them drop all their inhibitions and they were experimenting once again. They depended on oral sex a lot when they were in college and early in their marriage, but in the last 10-15 years it had been a once or twice a year thing, usually when she had drank too much and wanted to show Scott a good time.

As Selena had grown older Scott stopped overt sexual advances with Betty in Selena's presence. He was afraid of giving her ideas, but still wanted to express that he loved her mother. Little by little he influenced Betty's manner of dress almost making her afraid to wear clothes he might think of as risqué. What he didn't realize was that inside Betty a sexual inferno still burned. She felt guilty masturbating alone during the day thinking she was cheating on her husband. However it seemed that he had lost interest. When she looked in the mirror after her shower she still saw a tight slim body. She was more hippy than in her younger years, but childbirth and years made that impossible to avoid. When she felt safe going out alone during the day she began to wear the type of clothes she thought showed her figure off and the fact that she drew a lot of leering looks was not lost on her. She liked feeling sexy again and the fact she felt guilty after masturbating was getting easier to accept. So easy, in fact that the thought of an extra-marital affair was beginning to be easy to fantasize about. Her home self and her sexy self were beginning to be two different people.

The day she spent with Selena's fiancé she intended to show Joe her sexy side to see if she could detect interest. She wasn't trying to seduce him, but she knew he was a former player and if she could draw his eyes, she knew she had the right stuff. However, by the early afternoon with Joe still in a medication induced sleep, she had almost talked herself into seducing Joe by waking him with a blowjob. When she came to her senses she went to the bathroom to sulk and masturbate once again, wondering just where she was going to find the real release she needed. Luckily for her, Joe saw the need in her eyes and her actions and put the gears in motion for Selena to have an unlikely daughter-father talk.

Selena's father became so upset over his daughters phone call and it's warnings he called his wife early in the day and told her he realized he hadn't said "I Love You" in a long while. He went on to ask her if she remembered the special lunch breaks they had when they were first married (She would meet him at the door naked and send him away 30-45 minutes later with a sandwich to eat on the way back.). When she nervously answered yes and Scott told her he really missed those sandwiches and would be home for one that afternoon.

Betty didn't know what had gotten into Scott, made him realize that he might lose her through neglect, but she was happy he did. That morning while still cautiously nervous she showered and made herself feel, look and smell as pretty as possible and met Scott at the door in a silk dressing gown. They made love on the stairs and the living room sofa while each of them, Scott especially, cried while telling the other how much they missed and loved the other. The following day Scott never even made it to work. Their love affair had been renewed after an almost 3 year hiatus.

Sex was, once again, a driving force in her life. It was THE driving force in her life when they were first married. It was such a force she went to her clergyman and told him of her guilt over enjoying it so much, calling it "the marriage bed". She remembered his words telling her that God gave man sex as its greatest pleasure and she should not feel guilty. He showed her how it had toppled leaders, started wars and even brought down governments. Enjoying bodily pleasures with your marriage partner was among the healthiest and most pleasurable things a person could do.

When Scott had seemingly become uninterested in sex in his effort to keep his daughter chaste by not planting idea seeds she thought she had become unappealing. Scott only reinforced that by asking her to wear unflattering clothes, what her daughter called the "June Cleaver" look. Eventually those inner fires burned through and she began to dress more provocative when Scott wasn't around until everything reached its nadir that day with Joe.

Now the thought of sleeping in a strange bed that evening had her excited already. Scott would at first shun her advances, worried about being heard, but she knew how to draw him in. Once little whisper about having his cock in her mouth or a whisper of hoping he might lick her pussy and he would be sold. Oral sex was still a weakness for both of them and each of them preformed it well. When they were using Joe's pool at the end of the summer they each trimmed and creatively shaved each others pubic patch to each others liking. It made them feel wild, young and free to be so open with each other about sex again.

She heard Scotts car pull into the drive and she waited for the garage door opener to churn so she could go to the mud room door to wait for him. As the front door opened she realized that the power was indeed out and the opener would not work.

"Betty, I'm home. Should I go out and get candles and batteries?" He said instantly worried about any extended outage.

"No, we shouldn't have to. We'll stay with Joe and Selena if the power stays out for any period. There's a PowerGrid trailer at the firehouse to answer questions and update us. They and the firehouse will supply emergency generators to those who need them, but I hardly think we qualify." She said as she ran up from the mud room and hugged and kissed him.

"Should I just go down and get an update now?" He asked.

"You may as well. I walked down around 2 o'clock and they thought it would be 50-50 we got back online by midnight. Basically they were caught short of rarely needed parts. Our substation has been due for upgrade for a while and it's on a schedule for next month. PowerGrid is very embarrassed over it." Betty explained as Scott was turning towards the door already.

Betty went back to their room and finished packing the few things they might need for a night away. With a sly grin on her face she took a skimpy red sleep bra and panty set out of a drawer to pack away. When it came out of the drawer a tube of flavored lube gel fell to the floor and she picked it up smiling, putting it in the bag. As she did she heard a truck on the street with uniformed PowerGrid men going door to door knocking. They were passing out dry ice for those with deep freeze units. It was apparent that the outage would last a bit longer.

She met the man at the door and told him that they did indeed have a deep freeze and he came back with a tub of the steamy frozen gas. It was all protected by plastic bags, but he still wanted to handle it, putting it in the freezer himself. He added a piece to the freezer in the refrigerator and was on his way.

Scott pulled in the drive with a scowl on his face so Betty knew the score already.

"The earliest we will be back up is tomorrow after 6 o'clock so I guess we're stuck at Joe's. Most of the area will be up, all the subdivisions, just the two old blocks, about 80 houses, will be out over night." He said.

"Come on, it will be fun. We'll have a strange bed to play in!" She promised with a grab to his butt as she hugged him.

"With them in the next room?" He said waving his hand.

"Their room is two rooms away and who cares? We're married and in love. Besides, it might be a little kinky and you know how I get when I'm extra excited." She said patting his groin.

Scott smiled. "I know you'll find a way to make it all special." He said as he pulled at her hips and rubbed his groin to the balls of her ass.

Betty giggled and rubbed back, knowing her shapely ass turned him on, and also caught a lot of glances when she dressed right going out.

"You like that ass, don't you?" She said as she zipped close the overnight bag.

"A man would have to be dead not to. For 22 years I've thought it was the nicest I ever laid my eyes, or hands on." Scott said as he adjusted his package noting it was firming up in reaction to the subject.

"We better get going. Our future son in law is making us dinner. I know we don't approve of him 100 percent, but they adore each other and I have to admit, he is quite a catch on all fronts. I just worry about when she's our age now and he's 60." Betty said with a whimsical smile.

"Quite a catch on all fronts, huh; if he were available YOU would be interested?" Scott asked suspiciously.

"Well, I would have to be available as well. I LOVE you Scott and you know that. However, when you neglected me for so long I did have some awful thoughts, thoughts I regret now. But look at Joe; he's very good looking, in great physical shape, very smart, a great businessman, quite wealthy, and with the reputation he had around town and the smile on your daughters face- obviously quite a lover." Betty said as she flushed in embarrassment.

"God, let's go before you decide to go by yourself." Scott said in mock disgust.

"Oh Scottie!" She hollered as he picked up the bag and walked toward the front door. "Before you start getting jealous, just remember whose cock I'm going to suck tonight and the only man to ever be inside me."

"For Gods sake I was kidding Betty! Look at us carrying on like a couple horny teenagers with a chance to sneak away and screw." He said from the door looking back at her.

Betty laughed and picked up her last few things to go and meet him at the car. She checked all the doors to be sure they were locked up. In the back of her mind the "only man to ever be inside me" comment hung like a neon sign. Although it was before she was married to Scott, she did stray once just a week before her wedding. Although she was ashamed of it now, turning back time would probably change nothing. She was sure she would have done it again.

In the quiet minute on the ride up the block to Joe's Betty thought about her pre-marital affair. She justified it now and then as her one and only chance to be with another man and be sure she was doing the right thing. She had only known sex with Scott at that point and she wanted to be sure it was all she could hope for.

The man she sought out had propositioned her many times and had a reputation as quite the lover and ladies man. Although he was more assertive and rough than she was used to, her own pleasures were just as intense as ever. In the morning she woke with a man for the first time, something she hadn't intended on doing. She also hadn't intended on swallowing his semen that morning, but she was given little choice in the long run. The only positive she drew from it was that it wasn't as bad as she thought it might be and was something Scott had begged for before instead of masturbating his climax on her breasts. Now she had something to surprise him with on their wedding night. She learned to appreciate giving him that pleasure and it intensified the oral pleasure he gave her.

"Betty? BETTY? Are you day dreaming, or just zoning out? We're here!" Scott said rousing her from her reverie.

"Ohh! I'm sorry, I was um... just making sure there was nothing else I had to bring for the night." She lied.

The erotic thoughts that passed through her mind made her sure that seduction and sex would be part of their stay that night. Being over 40 and having such an active sex life was making her feel younger and loving her man even more. Where a few months ago she thought her married sex life was over, she knew now it was just beginning all over again.

The Hanson's made their selves at home at Joe's with their daughter after telling them that they would have no power until morning. Joe and Selena impressed them with the gourmet dinner and presentation they made of it. Selena had picked a 20 year old Forrester red to go with the beef Joe had prepared and after finishing the bottle at the table they began a long table conversation that began to bond them more as 2 couples who could enjoy each others company, as well as parents and in-laws. Selena excused herself collecting the plates and clearing the table, shunning any offered help. She returned with a pot of coffee and cups on a tray and set them in front of Joe who poured. She returned to the candle lit room with a flaming Banana's Foster that she would serve as Joe passed out the coffee. Her parents were impressed by everything and proud that their little girl had grown up and matured so. It was not lost on either of them that Joe Johnson had played a big part of the maturation. He and Selena truly adored each other and the bump in the road of age difference was making little difference in their opinion now.

Just after 10 o'clock Scott caught himself dozing in front of the early news and said it was time for him to get to bed as he had to be at work at 7:30.

"On a Saturday?" Selena asked.

"Yes, we're switching to a new mainframe and I fear losing the back-up, so before losing the system for the switchover time I'm backing up the system on another server. I'll be done by noon hopefully." Scott said getting up and stretching.

"There's an alarm in that room. If you have a hard time setting it let me know, but you should be OK." Selena said.

After washing up in the half bath in their room Scott and Betty settled in for the night. The wine, the fact Scott had dozed, and knowing he had to be up early turned the heat off Betty's ardor as they both settled in the queen size bed for sleep.

Betty turned to Scott and cuddled into his armpit as his arm went around her.

"Sorry I pooped out, but I think the wine and the meal got to you too." He said smiling and giving her a contented hug.

Betty closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep but after a few minutes it was apparent that she needed something else before falling off. Maybe it was the fact she dressed so skimpy was having a Pavlovian effect on her. She usually didn't wear this without having sex.

Scott was mostly asleep, dozing lightly and she contemplated a silent masturbation. She had put the lube tube under her pillow and she struggled to get at it without disturbing her husband. Once she found the tube she got a small dollop on her finger and slid it into her bikini bottoms to find her itchy clit. She silently sighed as she began to massage her clit. As soon as she began she thought back to her tawdry night of love with another man almost 22 years ago. Once the man got her past where he knew he was going to fuck her, he became rough, almost tearing her clothes off. He forced her to her knees and held her down by the back of her neck while he entered her and slammed her hard. He didn't come for almost an hour while he tossed her into different positions screwing her to orgasm after orgasm. Once he finally pulled out and came over her belly, tits and neck she was exhausted and fell asleep with the intention of getting up in the middle of the night. Instead she slept until morning and woke up next to him. He was stroking his cock saying he was waiting for her to wake and suck him hard again. She had only had Scott's penis in her mouth before that and intended to keep it that way. But the beautiful organ in front of her and his coaxing made her want to do it. Once she had him fully ready, she expected to get screwed one more time.

However he had other plans. As she became more intent on sucking him he began to meet her mouth with gentle thrusts. She knew he must be getting close and would probably stop her so he could complete his ravishing of her. But she heard him grunt and felt a hand on the back of her head as he shot his semen into her mouth. She tried to fight him off but her mouth was so full of spittle already she had to swallow or gag and possibly bite him. She dutifully finished swallowing him thinking she might be sick, but she found the taste not to be as repulsive as she might expect. It wasn't as bitter as the smell might tell the senses and it had a certain animal attraction to it, feral almost. Although she knew she had just been orally raped, she got up and quietly got dressed and left him. She felt shame at first, but as the day progressed she began to feel it was a lesson of life, and a lesson in the art of oral love. Scott had always wanted her to finish him in her mouth, rather than stroke himself onto her breasts, and now she could do it without fear.

She ground her pussy into her fingers as the thoughts from long ago went through her mind. Looking down in the dimly lit room she saw the waistband of Scott's pajama's and wanted what loomed just below. As she rubbed at her clit she slid her head down and lifted the waist up to see his cock lying there, as asleep as he was. She leaned up and took the head into her mouth reveling in the soft velvet feel and the real man taste and smell she remembered from years before. The slippery fingers over her clit and the velvet knob in her mouth electrified her whole body as Scott began to wake from his sleep.

"Oh Betty, what are you doing to me? Do you want me that bad? Oh God, Oh God!" He moaned as he began to chub up in her mouth.

He threw back the covers and saw her fingers in her panties as the back of her head went up and down on his hardening cock.

"Sit on me and let me fill that pussy." He whispered loudly.

No, come in my mouth, let me taste you and feel you come. I've already come on my fingers twice. I love you Scott and want you to be happy as I feel right now." She said lifting her mouth from him for a moment.

Scott groaned again as she filled her mouth with his cock again. The smell, taste and feel of him tweaked her senses in a wave of erotic memories and new feelings. She hadn't thought of her pre-marital affair in quite some time and tonight it was like it was happening again.

"Am I going fast enough? Is it too fast, show me?" She panted as she took his hand and put it on the back of her head as she engulfed him again. She wanted to feel the hand forcing her head on him as he came. He occasionally held her head while she sucked him but never like this. He hoped he would take the cue.

He gently held her head and pushed gently to the rhythm he liked as he got ready to come from her talented mouth. As she tasted a bit of pre-come she felt his push on the back of her head increase. He was close and she hoped he held her to him tightly as he shot. Her own orgasm was beginning to shoot through her loins now as his hand became firmer and then to a grip as he pushed hard as he began to shoot his seed into her wet mouth. He growled loudly as she squealed deep in her throat from her own orgasm. He held her head down with his cock deep in her mouth, almost to the opening of her throat. As his hand went limp she brought her head up and swallowed hard and then took a deep breath as he hugged her face to his belly.

"Ohhhh!" she shivered, "I came just as you did and it was awesome. I love you Scott and you make my life so exciting. We may have fucked up for a while, but I couldn't love you anymore. We have each other and it's so good to see how well our daughter has done at life and love."

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