Selena and Joe - Cover

Selena and Joe

Copyright© 2004 by Pettybox

Chapter 31

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 31 - Selena and Joe is the story of a young innocent who meets an older man with a reputation who together find the true love of their lives. Joe teaches Selena the ways of love and she teaches him that all things are not as you might assume, despite your years of experience.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   ft/ft   Romantic   BiSexual   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Squirting  

The final days of Selena's 3-week internship were bittersweet for her. While the internship turned out to be little more than an audition for both parties involved, she truly did not want to leave and felt she was ready step right in. However in the last few days there were situations that cropped up where she, for the first time in her stay, felt clueless. Ross Curran pointed out privately where he felt she needed work and polishing, and at the final meeting and evaluation with the entire group, they all pointed out the same things in their own separate reviews of her performance. They were all asked to give her a grade overall and each gave her an A. They truly looked forward to her joining the Group and thought that her final year at PolyTech and then the continued on the job training, analysis, and experience would finish her induction process.

"Ms. Hanson," J Trace Fountain began the groups total evaluation, "To say I,

... err, WE won't miss you once you leave would be a falsehood. Your fresh ideas and keen intellect alone have given us new vistas for our own experience to be viewed. I think your last year at Poly will fine tune and supply a lot of the last puzzle pieces to complete your metamorphosis into what we have seen glimpses of here. We could have not picked a better student for this project. The reports from your teachers and professors who dealt with you on the college level while you were still in high school assured us of your maturity as a person and subsequently as a woman; a woman who could carry herself confidently and professionally. I could not change one thing about your stay here. If you had told any of us that you would make solid contributions in the form of subscriber alerts we would have been shocked. You jumped right on the horse and rode. Bravo! You will have your own office next August." He said as he clapped his hands at the finish and the others stood, doing the same.

Selena flushed deeply and tearfully thanked them. She never expected such a ringing endorsement across the board, as well as a hard assurance of her own office from the start next year. She quickly regained her composure and went to each man and hugged him, thanking each of them for their faith in her.

She couldn't wait to tell Joe and her parents about their endorsement, which Deneigh had typed on letterhead for her, with copies being mailed to all of her professors at PolyTech as well as the dean. It was not her nature to be full of herself, and even this she took humbly in stride.

She had arranged for car service that final afternoon knowing she would have things to clean out and bring home. Joe had been visiting a broker in town and wasn't sure if he would meet her with the car or not. So, Selena wasn't surprised when he wasn't with the car when she came out to summon the driver to help her with the boxes.

As the Towne Car pulled into the Four Seasons Joseph was there with a handcart to meet her. They had just finished getting her things out when a cab arrived with Joe. Excitedly she leapt into his arms and began to tell him the details of her review as they made their way to the elevators and to the room. Joseph was waiting for them as they came up the hallway and as soon as they got inside the room he congratulated her as well. It was a definite mood of celebration as Joe suggested a night on the town.

As soon as they were alone Selena came up to Joe and shyly asked him if he could do her a favor.

"Why, of course! Anything! What?" He answered her.

"Could we just stay here alone tonight? Maybe have a nice dinner sent in? I know you want to celebrate for me, but I'd really like to just drink this in, just you and me. You know,... The A team! This is all part of our big plan for the future and it's my contribution to the big step. It's like we're safe on first base and I want to just be with you, like we'll be together forever, before we make the run for second." She asked quietly.

"If that's what you want, we can do that. You know being with you is everything I need to be happy." Joe said hugging her head to his chest while kissing the top of her golden hair.

As he kissed her he saw the light on the phone blinking for a voice message.

"We have a voice mail. Should we get it?"

"We should, as much as I'd like to skip it, but it would drive me crazy tonight." She mused.

Joe pushed the button to hear the message.

"Hey you guys! Sorry we didn't call ahead, but this was a last minute thing."

("It's Lucy!" She whispered to Joe.)

"Jeromy had to come to the city to meet a friend he's buying a car from. We'll be busy tonight getting the car and stuff, but we're staying tomorrow night too. We're at the Lenox. Wow, what a fancy place. Real cool. If you would like to get together on Saturday night, call me. Well, even if you can't, call me. I know we start school in 9 freakin' days, but we don't get much chance to party once classes start. Call me OK? We're in room 3809 at the Lenox."

Selena whooped at the end of the message.

"This is great! I haven't heard from her in a month and I hoped she and Jeromy were still together. Can we go out with them tomorrow Joe, please, please please?" She begged like a schoolgirl.

"Of course! You've told me over and over that you wanted to get together with them and they came here and took the time to call. We have no definite plans for tomorrow. Call her." Joe agreed.

Joe opened the phone book and got the number for the Lenox and dialed and before she knew it, Joe was handing her the phone as it rang.

"LUCY! I'm so glad you called!" Selena exclaimed as soon as she heard her voice.

"Hi Selena, I've missed you so much, so much to talk about. We were just on our way out to go to Jersey and arrange to get the car so I have to be quick. What's a good time to call you in the morning?" Lucy said, a little rushed.

"We should be up by 9 o'clock so call anytime after that. We are going to be able to make plans for tomorrow night. Let me and Joe plan for us and don't worry about a thing, we can take care of it all. We'll show you a nice time in the city. You have some dressy clothes with you, don't you?" Selena asked her hopefully.

"Would I come to Manhattan in jeans and a t-shirt? I even made Jeromy pack a sport coat and dress pants. Oh, I can't wait to see you, but I have so much to tell you in the morning. Sorry I have to rush now. I'll call you in the morning." Lucy said as she hung up.

"Oh this is great Joe! Let's show them a real good night out in New York. I don't think they can afford the kind of night we would like, and I do owe her a lot. We can do that, can't we?" She begged.

"Well," he said rubbing his chin facetiously, "As long as you don't do any more shopping we can swing it." He said with a dirty grin.

"What? Do you mean to say... WAIT! You're busting my butt. Oh, I love you!" She said as Joe burst into a grin and hugged her.

"We can spring for a nice night out for all of us. How many times have I told you that we don't have to worry about money like that? You and I have done real well in the market in the time we've been together. Your contribution to the relationship has been fantastic, and with us getting married and the money you'll be making here starting next year there's no reason to ask permission like that. I'm not your sugar daddy. I love you and I'll be your husband." Joe chided her.

"Oh, I know, but I just can't get used to not having any money worries." She said hugging him back closely.

"We aren't independently wealthy, but we don't spend even close to our means. Your shopping this month is the first time you've ever splurged like I'd like you to make yourself look and feel nice. Even with that and staying here, we end up breaking even or making a little with your stipends and allowance. Plus, all of your clothes you bought for work are tax deductible. Now don't talk or worry about money. That almost tore my parents apart and I vowed to never let it be a problem." Joe said with a choke in his throat.

Joe spoke little of his parents, having lost them both before they were 60. Joe's Dad died of a heart attack while driving on vacation and the resulting accident took his Mom. Joe always envisioned they were arguing at the time, and if they were it was about money. It was then Joe vowed that he would strive to make himself as comfortable as possible, as quickly as possible to enjoy life. He wasn't mad about his parents; just sad he was cheated out of them seeing him really become successful. They had just retired and his Dad worried what Johnson Construction might be with Joe at the helm. He had hoped it could flourish under his son and Joe could eventually turn it over to the employees after Joe had taken his retirement out of it. He was doing that, but accelerated it by about 20 years, by his father's schedule.

Selena knew that he bringing his parents into the subject of money and spending meant she had crossed that invisible line. She just couldn't get used to never ever worrying about money or a limit. She quickly sought to comfort him.

"Joey, I wasn't really worried about money. I guess I just felt like I should be accountable to you. I know we've done pretty well, the two of us, and aren't hurting. Now with this taste of my job and the compensation package they gave me I've felt free about spending. Just understand it's all so new to me, to just be able to get something that I like.

Now, as far as your parents go, do you know how proud your mother and father would be with what you've done with Johnson in just the past 6 months? What you've lined up for the next year alone will double their earnings for the past 5 years. If your Dad had them as solvent as you he wouldn't have had a heart condition. We all come into this world the same route, but leaving is another story. It was just your parent's time and what happened was unavoidable. I'm sure they are proud of how you've done everything. Let's not spoil what's a happy day in our lives with bitter speculation. They're with God now and understand."

Joe bucked up and wiped a tear as he hugged her even tighter.

"What would I do without you? You're so smart and know how to make me feel better, put things in perspective. I have news for you and was going to save it so you could have this celebration for yourself." Joe said, now about to burst.


"YOU CAN MAKE BABIES?" She shouted out as she jumped back into his arms.

She began to cry tears of happiness and held him tightly as Joe whispered in her ear.

"He says he can't guarantee anything but conditions are better that he expected for a reversal and we have every reason to be optimistic."

Selena's tears of happiness were more than she could handle. The weight she had carried for the past 3 weeks waiting for results had been lifted. Her lifetime wish for motherhood was shining once again.

Her grip on Joe was tight as the emotional elation was flooding her senses. He picked her up and turned and sat on the love seat with her in his arms. He cradled her like a baby and began to dry her tears. She looked at him through her flooded eyes and tried to talk.

"I love you!" Were the words she was trying to say and had a hard time with, but she was calming down.

"See? See how everything is falling into place for us? God meant us to be together!" Selena said to Joe, looking into his eyes for affirmation.

"I guess I've always believed that, but was afraid to really say it out loud like you." Joe said with emotion in his voice as well.

Selena rolled off his lap and stood up. She took his hand and yanked on it to get him up and she pulled him toward the bedroom. Once inside she sat him on the bed and stood back in front of him. She unbuttoned the light blazer top that matched her skirt and dropped it on the floor. Then she unfastened the stays on the side of her skirt and unzipped it in the back and let it fall to the floor, stepping out of it. She undid the attached ascot of her blouse and unbuttoned it and the cuffs, and let it fall back off her shoulders. She stood in her taupe underwear and smiled at him reaching behind herself to unsnap her bra. She let that fall as well, as her beautiful breasts bobbed into view. She was still fully tanned from Jamaica and the tan maintenance she kept up to keep herself golden.

She hooked her fingers in her panties and slid them down and off her legs.

She smiled at Joe and said, "Now you," as she crawled up onto the bed.

Joe stood; never taking her eyes from her, and just as unceremoniously took off each piece of his clothing for her. The biggest difference was the underwear she picked out for him. He had to peel that off around his erection.

When he finished she spread her legs and pulled a pillow under her head, crooking a finger to beckon him. He went to the bed and crawled on, laying right onto her mashing his lips to hers. With no effort or adjustment his cock slid right into her pussy as their bodies met. They were already that excited. It was just another sign to them that they were meant to be together.

Without hesitation he began to gently pump in and out of her while their tongues danced in each other's mouths. Their arms now hugged each other's backs as they held close save for the undulating connection at their sex. This was the kind of sex that made babies, raw passionate sex. Sexually, they always played hard and enjoyed each other's talents and charms. But, this was pure passion, bringing each other to a searing climax to join egg and seed. When he was fixed, this is how they would make the product of their tremendous love.

She began to purr into his mouth as an orgasm neared. She wrapped her legs around his pumping ass and rode hard until she felt pleasured rapture run through her. She eased her grip for a moment, but another spasm took her breath away as she cried in Joe's ear for more. He was beyond any command, as his body desired the same relief. He began to slap at her mound with the churns of his hips as he felt orgasm creeping from his loins. He rose up and searched out her mouth again, wanting to be tasting her mouth as he filled her with his semen. She dug her fingers into his back as she matched him stroke for stroke getting ready once again for her pleasure. Her clitoris tingled wildly as she felt her warm juices wash over them. She didn't know how they excited her g-spot, but she was very, very wet like a sponge had been wrung over their genitals. It was different from any other orgasm she had with him. Her breath caught and she hung onto him as if for dear life. As their mouths sucked hard at each other he grunted from deep in his throat as he shot his cum deep within her. After breathless moments she inhaled deeply through her nose, not wanting to give up her oral hold on his mouth, however the need for a deep cleansing breath broke their mouth holds as they dug their chins into each others shoulders, puffing deeply through their mouths.

Either her relieving orgasm, or his, loosed the hard grip her pussy had on him. He was still sliding in and out of her, but the feeling was more like her mouth to him now. The tip of his cock tingled from shooting what seemed an endless volley of cum into her and he fell onto her, their bodies spent and limp.

They listened to each other breath as if it were a concert for the ages; hearing the actual process that kept them both alive, assimilating oxygen to their blood and organs. It was sweet music. After his corrective surgery a third breath would be heard someday and today was the first rehearsal for the genesis of the process of bringing life of love into the world.

"That's how you'll give us our baby isn't it? That's the way you'll make love to me and me to you when your seed finds my egg. That was awesome, almost not of this plane. It's like we left here to go to a special place. All of the times I've desired you in so many ways were different from this." She whispered crying in his ear.

"Beautiful is the only word I can think of. More beautiful than you and you are the most beautiful thing I know of." He said in wonderment of his feelings.

"We have to come back to earth now. I am so full of you and my bladder is about to burst." She said helplessly.

"Here, I'll roll over and you stay with me, then back off me. If you leave a mess, I'm going to shower anyway." He suggested.

"OK, but hurry, I'm leaking from everywhere." She giggled.

Joe made one move to swing his frame over and fall to his back on the king size bed. She hung on and was peeled from the wet sheet under her and on to him. She quickly scooted back off of him unthreading what was left of his erection from her pussy, leaving a trail of cum on his leg. As her feet hit the floor she scooted as fast as she could to the bath boudoir but not without cum running down her leg and dribbles of pee coming from her. Puffs of gas from her bottom further embarrassed her as she was losing all control trying to make the toilet. Her orgasm had totally turned her system inside out, as well as the thrashing Joe's thrusts had given her.

When Joe knocked for the shower she begged for more privacy and made him wait His semen, spilled from her vagina, was still puddled and streaked on his legs.

When they finally showered together they washed each other with the care and wonder of their first time. They touched and washed every inch of each other leaving them both randy once again, but this time for a naughtier, more physically recreational romp.

"I'll be right out, just let me dry my hair." Selena said as she turned on the noisy appliance provided at the hotel.

"Do you want dinner?" Joe shouted above the noise.

She turned off the dryer and thought.

"How about some champagne and YOU?" She asked wickedly.

"I'll check the room service sheet, but I don't think ALL of that is on it." Joe laughed. "Are you sure we can handle that order?"

"Ummmm, Joseph, unless I misread you, someone I know was awfully disappointed when his hard little pee-pee didn't go into my mouth when I knelt in front of him and washed his privates." She said, teasing him even more.

"Well, I sort of anticipated... " He started.

"I KNOW you did, but I thought we should save him for later. Our love making on the bed was pretty fantastic and a little wait would be good for both of us. It is early." She said wickedly with naughty intentions obvious.

"Hey, did you get the feeling that what happened on the bed was spiritual, like different?" He asked.

"... like we were making a baby? Like we were on a different level? Weird, huh?" She said dropping her sexy front for a moment. "I was like... umm burning between my legs when you told me it was possible to reverse. I wanted you then and there. I tried to be sexy when I stripped, but I was dripping by the time I got on the bed."

"I saw that, and felt that the same way. We have some sort of connection, huh?" Joe agreed. "When the time comes, we'll have plenty of practice."

"No making babies tonight, though. Just sex me up, make me crazy!" She said, slipping back to her naughty voice.

"Don't get dressed; this is a no clothes night. I'll meet you on the sofa." He laughed as he went out the door.

As she finished drying her hair Joe called the kitchen steward, Jaime, and asked for a bottle of Dom Perignon '83. Joe hesitated on the phone for a moment and asked a crazy question.

"Is there a wedding on the agenda for tonight in the ballroom?"

"In all three ballrooms, why?" The kitchen steward asked.

"Are there hot hors d'oeuvres being served?" Joe wondered.

"Yes, at two of them. I'm just pulling the next run from the oven." He said obviously getting annoyed at his questions when he was obviously busy.

"If you deliver one of those trays to my room I'll put a $100 bill in your pocket." Joe asked, bribing him.

"Sir, I couldn't... " He started.

"Jaime this is Joe Johnson, Josephs friend. We've played cards right there on that table you're pulling the trays on to. Remember? If you jumped on the service elevator right now with one of those trays you would be at my room and back into the kitchen in less than 5 minutes." Joe tried to coerce him.

There was silence on line for a moment. "Mr. Johnson when these come out, one will go up to you. Not a word sir, OK?"

"You're the best Jaime." Joe said as he hung up and readied his robe.

In less than 5 minutes there was a knock on the door and Joe slipped on his robe to answer it.

Jaime quickly passed in the tray of hot snacks and handed Joe a piece of paper.

"That's the bill, just in case we're on security camera." Jaime said nervously.

Joe looked at the blank sheet and slipped a $100 into Jaime's breast pocket.

"Thank you Mr. Johnson. Your Dom '83 will be up shortly. I HAVE to go. Pleasure doing business." He said with an easy money smile as he disappeared into the service elevator around the corner.

The hors d'oeuvre caper was something Joseph had shown him a few years ago when there was an impromptu meeting of clients in his room. There were generally weddings, or big parties on Friday and Saturdays, both day and night. Hors d'oeuvre trays were prepared in the service kitchen to keep the main food prep area clear for the main meal. A tray would rarely be missed.

Selena came out of the bathroom in a silk robe and saw Joe in the hotel Turkish robe sitting nibbling from the hot tray.

"Wow, you're a fast worker. How did we get these?" She asked as she sat down and picked one from the tray.

Joe just smiled and winked his eye. She knew the look when he used his influence and she shook her head. A knock came to the door and Joe answered it. A cart with an ice bucket came in.

"Would you like me to prepare the wine sir?" The server asked.

"No, I can take it from here. Thank you for being so prompt." Joe said as he slipped him a folded bill.

"It took you 10 minutes to get all of this? I don't think I want to know how."

Selena said as she dug into the hot food again.

"Grease, Essy, grease." He said as he rubbed his thumb and 2 forefingers together. A guy in the kitchen preparing room service drops what he's doing for a couple minutes to get a bottle, because he knows he can get a fat tip. My name means fat tip to most of the staff here. Only Joseph doesn't kiss my butt like that. He's my friend, and he's on payroll. He runs errands for Johnson and my own business. He provides me safe quick access parking in Manhattan, which is next to impossible. But, as you've seen, he's a great friend. You don't think just any bellman or concierge here would just jump in a van to ride you to work in the rain, do you?"

"I am in awe of your powers." She said as she curtsied.

"Use them, but never abuse them." He said as he popped the cork on the bubbly.

"This is 150 dollar champagne, so enjoy it. I plan to drink some from your belly button, the test of a true Dom '83." Joe said as he peeled her robe off her shoulders and let it fall.

He took his own off as well and took her hand as he pulled out a stool at the bar where they would share their repast. Joe poured the pricey wine for each of them and slid it back into the ice. With a toast they dug into the hors d'oeuvres, much hungrier than either thought. Small talk and sexy tease talk filled their makeshift dinnertime. When they were finished Joe took the ice bucket, and put it back on the cart. He wheeled it over to the love seat and motioned her over. She laid on the love seat and he knelt beside it. He took a mouthful of champagne and bent to take her nipple into his mouth to play and suck around the bubbles.

"JOSEPH! My poor nipples! Oooooo you make them feel so good!" She yelped as he took more of the bubbly in his mouth and repeated what he'd done on the other nipple.

Still with the champagne flute in his hand he set it on her belly and then tipped it until some poured onto her and pooled in her belly button as she held her stomach in, trying to escape the cold.

"Joey, you're giving me shivers! Oooooowummmmmm!" She moaned as he bent to drink the wine from her navel and tongue her little inny.

After bathing her tight belly with his tongue he began to follow a line toward her smooth mound.

"Would you like to sit up and turn? I want to eat your pretty pussy, all smooth and flushed." He whispered.

With no apprehension she sat up quickly and lay back with her feet going spread onto the floor on either side of him. He lifted her legs and showed her he wanted her to hook her arms behind her knees. She was spread wide open for him. She trembled in anticipation. He bent and teased her clit for a moment with his tongue to give her a preview, but quickly bent under her ass that hung over the edge and placed his tongue almost at the base of her spine and followed a line through her crease, across her little hole and through her lips. He drove his tongue as deep as he could inside of her causing her to tighten and push toward him. He licked, teased and sucked every millimeter of her smooth sex except for her clit, leaving it for the final tease. Then just as she thought he was about to devour her electric little nub, he sat up and pulled his robe over on the floor and reached into the pocket. He pulled out her red vibrator and tube of lube.

"Oh God Joe, what are you going to do, you tease!" She said wanting to cum more than anything at this moment.

He smiled and bent to begin to tongue her asshole that her legs held open for him.

Through her moans and groans he teased and dilated the little hole causing her to clench repeatedly on his tongue. Then he sat back on his knees and began to drizzle lube onto the little vibe. When the tip was coated he brought it to her little notch and twisted and teased the tip around while she squirmed in place with her eyes shut tight, her breath catching over and over again in anticipation. Finally he worked the slender tip into her a bit up to where it really began to broaden and do its work of opening her up. When it was about a third of the way in she started to breathe deep breaths of anticipation and looked at his eyes.

"Are you going... going to fuck me in my hiney, Joey? Is that what you want?" She gasped.

"No baby, only with this. That would wear us out. I've already made love to you. I'm gonna make you cum like crazy, then I want your mouth. That's what I want. I love your little hiney, but I don't want to hurt you." Joe said as he watched her face intently.

"I forget about the hurt once you're fucking me there. You make me so full." She sighed.

"Another time baby." Joe said as he attacked her pussy with his mouth.

He concentrated on her clit, trying to get behind her clit, as he slid the vibe deeper and deeper into her bottom, hoping to get the g-spot reaction to drive her over. He craned his neck to look at her contorting her face as he licked her as she squeezed her nipples in concert with the licking and rear fucking she was getting when she suddenly slammed her open hands down on the sofa beside her, her breath catching with a blurt from her throat. He tipped the vibe as if trying to touch his tongue through her back passage as she reacted to the shift in angle.

"Ohhh a Ohhhhhhh,... Mmmmmmmm Hnt Hnt Hnt." She wailed as she lost control of her breathing and pushed her middle to his mouth and busy hand.

He saw her stomach hollow and then she pounded pussy into his face as she gripped the edge of the sofa. A warm, milky sweet discharge of fluid went over his tongue as he tried to catch it before it ran from his mouth.

A guttural suck of air followed her spasm as her nubbin turned super sensitive and she relished the electric charge going through before she could take no more.

With a loud shriek she shot her hands, one down her belly over her pussy to push him away, and the other under her to commandeer the vibrator in her hiney as she dropped her legs and rolled to her side and on to her knees off the sofa. Joe knelt back and watched her as she took control. She slowly slid the vibe from her butt and crossed both her arms under her as she knelt and hugged her body to the love seat.

A long hum flowed from her, accented by spasms and jolts from her oversensitive sex, as Joe caressed her back and kissed her along her spine.

"Oh baby," He whispered. "Essy my sweet. Selena my love. My sweet sugar. I love you so. I love to make you happy. Make you crazy. I love to worship you."

Selena pushed herself up and kissed him hard sucking on his mouth as she pulled his face tight to hers and then tipping both of them over to the floor, their tongues inter- twining. She broke the kiss and smacked her lips, tasting herself. She then licked at his chin and tasted again.

"Is that me? Are my gushes sweet?" She asked giggling.

Joe smiled. "The taste of sex is pungent, so I guess it makes it seem sweeter than it is. But, it's definitely not salty like you might expect. It's not urine."

"I know it's not, but the first time it feels like you're going to pee and you can't control it. I've done it enough to know the difference. I always get it, that G spasm, when you do my hiney, er... my bottom."

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